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personal Inter view cell Rose Rodgers 72 mum Promotion ru M96 any hint Blrril litre ï¬wmgv Hm In Mouton Box and 91 BRDGE PLAYERS mutationI um one duh Io mm ande now or manhemlo time some uvuu room map lute rhesterfleld uni two mm Imps complete McFadden mum or IV ll 11 NE IlnLIl mm mm CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMASTREES 1500 Pine me Spruce cumm treat LA suntanum Examiiefnnunw Telephone anArsAquOTons BOAI aromas lulllhle rtemn unis Televhlml 7180915 or rorttm Normlilon BOAT SPORAGE also tent innu mm for ml it or ft am Silent Li 753500 ARTlilLES WANTED wemmnmtmer mil mm nutter unuuuss RollI see onl Kind Show 4534510 clothing when me um For 135 lbtlrriflf three II RB humus winsezu HONI COII better liki 530 17m jeweury chin on them Munster mm DOGS 8r PETS com rar an menu and llé mn old main horses Tele phone on Amos liter Inm min 11 hr oxi Kindams up delivery mm ONLY ONE IEFT ADORABLE Lhul Ann num Tetephnne moron UPS for ll Gunman Shepherd gateddlom WEI mo mes my pm ATTENTION ALL HUNTERS the bed While they 15h the In redtlck ho Only movies Ing =5 lull nimonlyï¬ï¬‚ each 41+ PGODLES dunnoI hllck minttune puma gummedrotder for Gunman etannane moss roman chilies mIe trl Ind ml iltfl humid Iiicnsnuuma xmntns mineral 40 Telephone moo mums stande and snare nIuund In or red rum ma service or above we hlnuk brown and silver poodles Beaten punch norm gt PPMPm Splnlel Ind 932 hndor Good pets or watch doll eionhene mm beanie Sh exd plumes ion £333 smegma old block Ideas Ages Gilgord Teleprhonl nuns VEGEIABIES Mom or ale Koole mien Dru Telephone Plenubrlnx own containers Eundl nle our co Mm Sno my 5ame koyrkmlldg no ammo memo in No FARMERS MRKT 5er 2mm ouso no cannon lthounnday tdwraweek no roman means Lich No M004 lrrdGood $600 lllON TUES WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON is Dunlop St West mm LOST FOUND ms old red ricer lost new ruflmh It ems gigs rinnlerI 171 lien 5t oerrm I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELEWANTED l3 wlaï¬dwm Box 1754 am Dom be nixed bleneflu mxggedlum Write wee Box as Barrie Em mitt tidy flu ldld for retail store stun be able to meet the WMIA muster hm working conditions no no Burle Exuniner WAITRESS llIled Immediate Experienced musterm £33 cnnmmo help wanted lor mm llnx homo geolï¬gisterxldï¬mm wee nun minus meson We are Skilled in our Service and willigiveyyouf Prompt Attention TlIEBARRIE 40 mean us In 255an mum GENERAL ACCOUNTANT required by medium size com panylocated in Barrie Must be cwahle ot supervising entlre costing And mounting depxt ments including preparationol monith linnnninl statements Send reanne of yourexperi ence and salary expected to Box Em Bonie Examiner YOUNGlMAN Wanted ar apprentice to learn all pha se of the printing trade at The Bsrrie Examiner Some know ledge of typing prelerred This position offers secure Iuture ï¬nd all employee benefits Applyrln personto MR SHEPHERD Millpondnny AB mmm Demand Good snowmen Icusr WANTED 31 mmï¬gï¬um Heidi Dun Hmhweteltyouwoddllke to get into we wont mummywmirs mm In II we mm Dixiesynle quk Gould CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE FURNACES mAm Imlflld GIVENTull Ill Ind dunekï¬mrth or Inna gumtel Clll 1hornlon mass SIGNS Elwflrtl mm am an iéLuixmam mum INSULATION nnowruo mot mutton Fm nitrates innursed wort Teleplfm Scott MEIr WW SHARPENING BARBIE Sh min Contre llwl twirliikl Mullins nitmentor 1mm Owen HEATING DIVERSIFIED HEIAIING CONSTRUCTION We specialize in oil furnaces ventilating systems rat rooms flied ceilings andfloars and foundations Cali 641956 Stand SEAMLESS FLOORING Durahiefioors for lieavy trafï¬c frees Also table and counter ope ms muss Ion mums no Warniua l1d ALTERATIONS Altaralto us Itemn Pinsrsame rtIu Ind mun now 513m miter orig gt RUG CLEANING SINICOE CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and uphol stery cleaning lN YOUR HOME or in ourMODEltN PLANT 252 HURONIA RD PHONE 7284751 STONE BRICK WORK stream mchflxed All um Ant nrlck work In yun experien Wnlk lolllute Atom 065 HANDYMAN 1431 Us do you Ill elunm unlit Items In man LtND SURVEY WW ALUMINUM ERVICE Sellstoring doors and indows sldlngrtoretrontex commr rusrnunrrou Direct lscthry prison RWATIS SHINGLINGI ammo we win on Irnmmnom mmstr5ud tnrlo+l£3 PRESSURE PUMPS PUMPS IWashlnquchlnee OSmollEnsiney nos PUMPSERYILE Phone CooketownWd BICYCLES Hill mute and Mn hunt or Io WANTED THE iNDUSlRlALzFARM CORRECTIONALO STARTING W33 3255 P31101329 90 Holt Week FFICERS PROVINCIAL JAlL BARRIE ONTARIO will gt Popuompmas maria Apply In person or telephone Rubber odyear Tire Com péiny Mountain Road SALES HELPER AGENT$ NEW SALESCAIIEER Barrie end District This is an opportunity offering one of the highest annual in comes In the sales ï¬eld We are wdl hown organization speclohingrln they retelling of one ol Canadas fastest mov ing products Excellent corn pensatinn plan plus innsonce sodrid beneï¬ts New car plied Write to Box EH Barrie mandates or run over to nBIrrtn um Ike hart Into II ï¬hiï¬m YRS estern Petml can re Worth rum valor MALE FEMALE fluted mallleis modern slim on 151801 MbfliI nun Itll1L Au looking rm thud have it at tenet nan expuImt We Mfer sIoo mass see It III interview an all Monmw nrlvhusch 11 to Drive 1hr Monan wot In poinan Phone 115 EAvssrnoueHINs EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates 4365432 GORD EVANS Sviroud Ontario Worirguaranteed 7260031 134 ESSA RD DOLL REPAIRS instrumented one lths and myth now rogue IRONING per smut manor room ntro Imku Ills will ï¬llets JANIron srnvrcs tantrums murmur fonconnnun moron rm fldhï¬ï¬‚h cut Iraem CALL US FIRSig special Christmas sale will WESTHRIN ONTARIO Wednesday Dec Limit ls polled and hornedzhuils 15 polled and horned females ITeIms cosh Lunch available SELL MORE Collingwood 44544101 II LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE UNDERTHE MECHANIC LIENACT TAKIE that MAURI ICE mm of two HAULING Bill No Rania Indeth to HURON M01038 Isa yearnII sneer Enrrle in the County of Slmcoe the storage made upon 1966 Ford truck 1968 licence plates No HOLIDAY HITS BJALICEHKOOKE Delightlthe family Iltolldny guests with Merry Intlitmus towels to gay colors Embroider molflrrgitlchly in Christmas colors wilhgold rli ver sparkle Clever last minute gilir Pattern 7131 our all Bit motlla Fm CENTSlcolnsl or each pattern no stomps please to Alice Brooks can of The Barrie Examiner Needle crslt Dept 60 Front St WI Toronto Ont Ontario residents ole5e odd centsIain tan Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecratt Catalog over zoo designs to choose free pet terms printed inside Send so cool now NEW 50 INSTANT GIFTS lnhulous fashions toys decora tor accessories Maire It todnv give it Itornnrrowl ideal for Christmas so cents is Jilly Rugs to knit cro chet weave sew hook 60 cantsMuseuIn Quilt book ho patterns or 12 superb quilts so canto Book Quilts for To days Living 15 patterns on CHILEII In museumsmm Ind more Serial No moose mg 35471 said Huron Motors has rerneinbdgnnpald forums than months mama Sealants of the Me chnnicsfl HenActllSO 1960 Chapter shale of thejaid Vehicle will behold by no auction on WAYK woman use stithevhmtr 1030 arn atHuron Motors lSRVespta Street Barrie Solos lent to reserve hid Wreddrm purposes only my oouornm tunnels AUCTION SALE he held at Coobsmvn Sales Barn Friday night Nov 29 gt at 730pm Sell toolayduhe DRIVING$CHOOL will mum MI turn clothing eta etc All new rherdrandlse Saleheld in hent ed arena Terms cosh HEREFORD SALE 40 REGISTERED IEREFORDS monsoon ONT south onDownie St 20 hon tum cows with calves by side Ind rehredr Bred heifers Open heifers soumnunm TELL MORE ran sue onto short on time More 11 Fall Iessysewutyies in our new stzrs roman SLIMMING Arms Aroma Makeyour world newly aware of you eew th1e flattering shape In fluid crepe ottoman summing dingonal goes whiting dowri to pleat Printed Pattern 4m New Hall Sizes10 12 14 15V 15 WV Size 1455 host 31 takes syn 39inch srxrv nun cum tomtn We coins inofslamps please for aoh pattern Ontario regdontr ndd emurerun Print lainty SIZE NAME ADDRESS nutrition Send order toAnne Adams IWII you place mvghrtlele we or The Barrie Examiner soan St West Toronto winterpattern catalog Pius free pattern coupon 50c Newl In stunt sewing boolr Savehours cut it new modern expert way Overvm pictures Only IDIaw tickets Envelopes Business cards Wedding stationery which do to tilt feuuoouémturs iANNoUNCEME WNWCEMCASH ammo Birth We Delbr Ilium In THESEASON firo ADVERTISE wmnotetndrumn From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHER PAK Value to $250 Containing very useful mortmmt well known Items or mother Indhahy Your FREE when you place NI loom gt cement your babys nrrlvrl In the Birth Notice Column ol EXAMINER WANT ADS unscrew Announce ment writer will unlit you In your announce ment and mange or yon to receive your miMoth ers Psk from DRUGS PHONE 72824I4 same and District lluidenl Only moors 7mm Insults MilLING Mattel MAt the Victim Ravi Blah an and mother or Robert or Dorothel mu Wthult or 1mm Irmarotten turn cl plume mu Indï¬eorn mm or Toronto Ruling It In llmvtlhranenl InIM Vnne in Aimee Md Stevenson neurons In enrol 11 use bmm We Ireno November rtI nml at bermeIwuo ol the Into ska mun Ild wu Jimm Tï¬nityUnit Gillcll Women mea Inl Dec at pm st the home Mn Georgele Roll until he Oneyny to keep Christ in am mu meow nidettt of South Simone Region Mr Roll Churchill trill trend other visitors will he welcome Committee an rentiodedto be prepared in read reports no this In the last meeting at me Syntpathy lreglended tom and Mn Wally HarrithI the sudden parsing oLthe lormers lather Nelson Harris Harrie Novl9 interment was in Bar rla0emetxy llrl Jl knoox attended the sou universesy ot Guthrie Womens institute Nov to in Guthrie Community Centre As president at Slmcoellrmoenlelt Lstrlcx she presented tile mem certltlcetes to three at their charter members num ber tiltheir ormen members were also present lor this oc casion Mnureen Finkheiner Ir lo be oontretuleted upon recelvlng for the lhhdyear lhe Lee Bunting Essa Township Tm ohy at public roealrlnz com petition inOooirstown School Nov 19 She is Gr student in BemrsdIool and We on When Sister Learned to Drive Miss Frenges Wickium and Miss Irene Barlow were Sunday guests ol Mr nndIMre Norm IDtrrell of Weston Snme at those who attended Royal Winter Fair Iwere Mre RobertPrentlce lrr Mooney Mr pod Mrs Oswald Jones and Warren Clarence Munro Mr and Mrs flay Mal thynnd Muriel cur1 nationalhush Thornton Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs llolt Novle special Christ mas luncheon meeting was planned lor Dec ii at 12 noon In the home of life Caldwell lhe prom which discuss rt ed Canadian Industries was presented by Mrs Bone Mrs MawIand Mrs Jennett Mrs Maw commented on the motto Mrs Clark end Shannon guest speakers presented demonstration or commesvsurs Booms REVOLVER my novrmrm 9th Line Veqornis mile north olllwy so lndoprs heated no mu mmva ST vmcrm DE PAUL snore nouns Wednesday to pun Friday 75 and 79 pm Saturday 10 mm pm center street allotment of lerrynlV CLASSIFIED ADVERTBIN ITEliEPHONE 7232414 chain uu uni cu Fulï¬l ml mink celved by no dayM publication or noon on satindry hï¬x mulnï¬uwnrun I12 In no no noon exegesis no move lemlner Box Number rumor of an mm um aimed ILL neIITIIHS um um Ino euhllentinm hobby crafturing plastic Se era lamps ash trays andIorna ments were on dlqzlay Mrs married in Chur Church Nov 16 Bone held cousins Ieatur lng Cunndian industries Llfltcll wasrerved by Mrs lennox Mrs Kieinveld and Mrslt llloltby CHllllClllll runs on samurai Mr nnd Mrs Edgar Sturgeon spent NW is at Scarborough guestsIol MrandMrs Wilf Ferguson ithe former Wilma Mothewnof CherryCreekl Conashdations to Mr and Mrs PeteNngel Who were mar ried recently and warm wel comefoIthemIas they set up housekeeping in the Vlliagglioh lowing wedding trip to the John formerly at tel NY NIdNn L5 ntltlnunt For est The htneral was on Nov l7 Iron lawnFuneral Home Brndford withinterment at the Sixth IrineCaneteny lnhlsï¬L Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Dougler Calder who were chill United womans msmum Alarge turnoutof ladies at temled Womens hutllule meet ing Novarber 14 to hear ln rpector MaelrlemIspeelr on the new trend in educntlon The speaker summarized thevllrll DennIrIReport outlined how this new phase would silent and mum pupiht interests At theme lengthy question and discussion period took place Mrs Frank Kellinnd Mrs Conrtahleconvenerr o1 Cltlze ship and Education used as th motto or the meeting Th only place mess come helor mmmm WEEDOADVHTEINtlucuh te wot it and with Studio lnrutlontte our nonunion one Wm per Inllflldll Th Insertions networl Ii Ella it IIZI rrcu In our Inslrtlnn totnl soot Multiple urtlflnr mly be umxrItuoIct to inelattllna origin enlighten dlllonri cum to not use white mun em room mm All phonI ï¬rst orders muueIu cement to mu flrlt insertion in ordn in error or omlulonr Inry Dgrykdbfo lowlnl at mu on an rt Exlmlne ll IreWorth 10 only an mommy printed Inlan no III Invalidl phonemic In uvortligmegt nr nkrï¬rmï¬ierr ll min eligl wlnt no workls in the dicti Interesting roll call year old vote and why broughtsomsexceilept ideas and answers Blake Constable ac companied by his within three solos Mlllrrtmlfleriggeélh sturgeonk alga ncexw too short muse Cwilh Yerrt will lead the coursa in our communitydnearlylsnu rhrlng lng lrien White slits brought will go cheer patients at Penetanz Hospi tion at my advertisement Indthen mm or