FEATHERED fashion An English model peeps through cascading osprey oa thers as she shows hat in the Millinery Childs Sprtnl Collection at the DorchLster Hotel in London in pain lime green the hat designed by Wilirod Pattlson consists of an organza piilhox with the leathers tailing trom the crown it is worn with matching capo The hot costs about $190 and the entire out CUSHING BANS GRAPES BOSTON Richard gtCaniinol Cashing Roman Cath olic Archbishop oi Boston says there will be no grapes on his tahle until Calilornia grape pickers achieve justice in the right to organize tit sells tor $600 AP Wire 1011on torr Heather shio ot Ontario home and sdrool associations has dropped to than 15000 this utulrom mm in out Hohhotthere group within thememu tion Will to reverse the down wonend am The ï¬xation Irvingta ri home and schooijsssocletions at their tewmy image where parents beet ntteechusond do nothing but organize bake sales and Niki to who money Lionel Orlikw reseaieher at the Quinrio institute for Stud ies ineducstionuys the home nnd schools pmzram tr tinding new role tor itselt To help this he has launched general study at community Involve ment in the schools and is loob lngclosely It the ueodetion lleiays person hecomcs tna tensted in home and school usually to help in the education at his own The solution the problem LI concentrating on number of very nil oomnrittee ch QHAS yet oil In people in the handing individuals ï¬rth I1 1112 he um on take over ammonium eetit ties giving tenchmmmore time 0thka sly apreschooi pronanr where mother spend halt hour reading to children schooldoesnt have to do some did work later onf Qatarlo preriden htr llteL Keeler ts showthet what atiects alLehil dren affects their own children and keeps increasing their knowledge heylnd their own edlt ncation To emphasise thlshthe provin clsl cities distributor three books The inn YearsFrom Birth to Seven hteet Your SchoolAge Child and The Add lescent in the Modern World All are study guides on the and psychological EXPERtEtt¢E IS NECESSARY Roy GnriepyJ XPIPIIIIII OIS PosrChnirmon of Barrie Separate school Bodrd PLEDGES the no or Education at lowest possible cost oron Information nan 7266l63 ON pic GARIEPY Ray Imnmmnmmnnmmn mo oscse no For HerIThisChristlmas PAIR No SUPER HIVZONE CENTRE osr AshAron For cleaner tanglefree Washing SUPER EFFICIENTSPINNING Simply Richly Designed For ASTER mountsens WASH pairs music no AUroMAnc WASHERPUSH BUTTON convamcaj Features push button eonvenience to select three wash temperatures along withnormai or gentle agitation and spin speeds Equipped with fabric conditioner penser Ali porcelaintop and lid 55 Baiance of cabinet drake acrylic rename auty and oorrosive pro tection 12lhcapncitypower ove lflow rinsedual hall bearingmount sloping hack panelheavy sures long ï¬nished tor lasting weighed and two rinse inter won but also all tic washers Ttrrte cycle control with Jmultipic heat control tor specialiow heat drying High air vohmie through the large drurhto instrreisate wrin lde tree drying All porcelain top Epon intshed drum over galvanized steel to prevent corrosion growth ot children tor teachers andtutento to tree in under leoerel pattern no Oriikov ws another Robtem is the time teachers must spend improvingt on education rte snys teachersore more not more considering thlmsclres professionals and ask with laymen could possi other problems are immigrants who tend to shy nwsy irons joining organizations and citye grotto who have turned in air charters because they feel out prohlenu dont needth irom provincial bad ins We have lot of communion lion lrom school to parent now we need twoway thingteed heclr trorn the community to the schoolt Va The ierierntlon is doing the best it can but the parental en ergy sligoer lntotneJocai set ting They need toil cook netted not only lo match the series automa uminationsatcty door tsetse in door giant lint to We nuinst IijyDalroitlr Spin dry any fabricas long sisyou want FASTER wAsHINc Both tubs in the new up twin an be usedat the some time Canhand 12 lbs of clothes atone rme SFAttKLING FRESH RIhtSING Cogtrnuous flow rinsing removes every traeeof so gt QCOMPACT SiZE Waitle see run now Who As 2°