Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1968, p. 12

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annals nmierovmxn 18 use NOUNCEHENTS BIRTHS DEATHS COMING équNTS ETC 0N LAST CLASSIFIED PAGE Rm ESTATE proliar FOR mi CARSON more ms MNR wonsunl mar rm ULTIMATE IN uoomNIJvING Here in four bedroom all electric home wtthireplace It tadiedgaragr Asking 335w Owner will consider any reason nble otfer thla borne situated in lovely nsldenthl area on the edge of the city where the law are low Only come of blocks to rdtool call tinsel Carson motel cvenlngamlei norm one AND rwo BEDROOM Arnnrtlszrvts NR eIr to New building wt elevator stove to tiers mediate 705le Call any salesman 1266431 Norm Synnott 7252333 ltuu Carson Will Hamill 7285315 Rupert ltchntb Ellnvele man an Bill Lang 7mm FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor BAYFIELD STREET ml HARRISm MILEam acre Iarm with 10yearold shaped barn 45m IIILI 26x30 llHoom brick home New oil furnace 5x40 driving shedall buildings in excellent condltlon All level clay loam This is your opportuniw to own one of the better farms for only 320000 down OWNER llOVLNGand would like to man otter on this spacious bedroom storey home that is close to downtown and bus llrte carries for 510200 monthly imludlng Ines mud Im LNCOME PltoPEllTYprlsed right or quick sale Central locaI tlon Present monthly income $116000 Reasonable terms EVENINGS CALLwax mill Leo Cavanaunh mm Prank nwr Frank Noun moose Stan Hammond mom Joe Hogarth 7287427 ltlike Magus 7266681 Bob Suler 7284875 Ernest 3th 7287209 COUTTS 8r CO REALTORS 7282485 Highland Park Village Go south on Highway No II to my limits or CNR tracks turn leit of 3rd road alter railroad Little Ave and our model homes are on first road to the left OWEN sr BARRIE Phase Four Now ReodyFor Your Irispection l2 Houses To Choose From PRICE RANGE $19995 TO $2l500 Choice of brick where applicable Custom designed kit MANN MARTEL CANAD LARGEsr REALTORS gremlinsM lli Iforey limo house urnintrn an no Iberlroonunloeobathllvinr room dining and large htoben Gouge 310000 fllflld Dayle 7375 Aerobics IDEAL sum NR mrolllng 36113 at ur MW acres Imllea south of Barrie on paved road lhcelleot bunente Dennis Elggotl MI INNISFIL BEACH ROADCINE mmwnvtoo Cosy bedroom bungalow on deep lot full high basement mlb good well Plenty at room to garden or carry on your business Harold Davis 737515 JUSI BEYOND CITY LIMIIS 50 down tor lbia mart btnlgalow Carrier for 57 per moods Including bestaod taxes 0n paved road odool baa tfiy tmmpmmh annrlrvlglsvvgiplvlsloN GHclzbllR1QAD SPRINGand HoMslijButlders comm Doug Homerlow iROGERiufiggNNELL throw Dmnia lllggott moon HAROLD DAVIS 7297547 Read DIEM ills Realtor 33 COLLIER ST room Ibaths prestige area If you want mild ments as low as $3011 TO VIEW any the above well evenings 7256321 WILyIA Blow llAnv lIDRlLI vt rtsllsn MLS REALTOR Three bedroom bungalow enclosed breezeway and Terms Call lom Foster lutlle brick bungalow Comterclal or residential Call Catherine tlilnm Elaine lnesou7284194 Helen Hopkinsmasts HARGLD 98 Bryfleld Street Mortgage Funds Available 1499 YONGE sr rottenm relepltmomnl BIDWELL BRICK STOREY Large living room and sepalat dinllu rotsn Good rile kitchen family mom on the mainfloor gt be dwlexod Within walking dlslanca oldownttwm BEDROOMS Only years old If your present home is too small see this lovely level slde split Family rue kltchen full sulte dining anxious as they have purdlcsed smaller IItme INCOME PROPERTY Investment we have several to choose from or HAVE selcetion or new homes lrorn 321000 now pay properties call Wilma or lvanBid nsuzl IVAN nIDwzu mom NANCY tIsKerzll moon mml LLOYD lNESQNL MEDALLION ELECTRIC brondloomod living and diningrotxn attachedgaragc beautiful grounds IN QUIET AREA new homes with lowtaxes bedroom brim bungalow for $35 principal interest and taxes Please call Helen Hopkins NEW anoboon under constructlon ping and transportation Csll Elaineinason IO ACRE paved highway outskirts of Barr COMPANY PHOTO MLS REALTORS Dims bloom hem CORBY Real Estate Broker and praisers St Phone mom and Mmonc use around on low monthly payments We buy your plums In and Ind mortgages HIGH ElliEM Cbarmlng Itorey older home living room no abject den kitchen bedroom Ind bath on muln floor Spacious upstairs having rooms and haul plus latgo halls now one apartment but could be made into two apartments Excellent income to bolpwith payments NORTH PARKROAD lied brlcks bedroom bungalow Attractive walk out basement with stone fireplace in recre ntion room playroom laundry nnd storage Allvnlcely finished lbls bottle is well located on crescent ttitb beautifully land mped grounds AGNES leingdlnlng room with patio doors to sun deck beer and compact kitchen Basement beautifully panelled Large rec renllon room bedroom kitch en laundry and bathroom 0e dnr hedges atlordmunb privacy ln backyard Paveddrlve and garage MlDIIURSl Ans1A some bedroom bungalow on large lot 60 1363 feet Low taxes lovely little home for rctlred people or small army Make offer EDGE or CITY Approximately transom house and barn Busy hlghwny This acrebge lends itself to many ventures flErritic poten tial BIG BAY POINT 10 acre lots well troed Also 10 acres overlooking the Mortgage holds avaflohlo TELEPHONE 723443l This house could very easily immediate possetaion Owner motll deal am 7284294 Carries Close to schools shop calnnrlne Milnemow Torn Foster 74 Rfil 7266431 plenummm consumerism nell Contact TOM and Dono EEALNR gt 5R1 BUNGAIDW WITH BASEIIENT 810900 bedrooms tplece bath large fatnin size kitchen panelled living room lords of cupboards hlgb basement laun dry lube oil furnace large lot close to Innlsfil Park Comm T0 and DOMIHY FITZ SthflNS mulchill 45M PERMANENT LAKEFRONT 463000 owner built storey nluminum riding all wood panelled bathrooms bed rooms aluminum was electric heat at Little Cedar Point with lovely vie of lake 437500 Gillord bedrooms oll In none doublegarage open Ireplace with heatala tor Contact TO and DOR UIIIY mZSIMItIINS Outr cbill 4562620 EASILY 1WlNIEltIZED 412500 Faces lake Insulbriclt bedrooms living room kltcb2 en utility lplece bath furn lshed well drained lot good IHY FIITSIMIIIVSfChurchiII Isolde mm L111 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES El Babcock Barrio macs Colbourne Slroud action if lilacleod llama rut4759 Spencer Thornton 4589le Filzsimminx behill 4552820 Subw Slroud Ed Green Barrio Tom Filzsimmlns Churchill tsszém 4353110 Betty Nentm irnllaw Lillianllobcrls Marguerite lltoora mm 81 EGLINION AVE TORONTO 12 7254113 MORTGAGES firm aus OPPORTUNIYIES LEASE January 11969 MODERN SERVICE STATION ual volumaover 100000Igallons Paldtraining Ann Write SVHIELL cANADALld Box E69 Barrie Examiner SPARE ATIIIIE OPPORTUNITY Earn up to mmuy pouring Desert Marble llcor Company training starting work and ma tarlal or low investment of $115007 3250 down with good credit can shrt you Immedi ateb Itny floor nan be poured and walked on in 34 hours com liox ESG M0TEL AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Situated in thriving town Where two btuy provincial high way meetlarge lot mabcsdt possible to expand as the 20 motelunlts are usually filled early lntha day lhe ultra modernlounge seats 170 bon quet room 172 meeting loom 4o dlnlng room 52 and coffee shop I6 This Well built building with electric heat and air con ditioning ls only years old lteason or selling ls due to deatbot partner Less than third down will handle For completedetails on tth lucra tlve business contact CARMEN LOVE Main Street MOUNT FOREST 0nL SIS3234694 WILFRED ltlcnlTIE CO LTD Realtor lullml OPPORTUNITY Icl 123 nan ot breyAnfié ROIm Flirtin rn llfld In around Blflle wt llrllnclal backlrnuni sol Monm LICENSED DAY NURSERY balloon and me on In OrlIIIl Writgulnhnn Mufti rte bummer ENE PnlNl Huh Iltlt Cortl nle All Droplm lietea tvr and four in lmts Annrnrlm tiny to men unlelty ner dly Double um um snow Mlcblrte llnu and tackle miscellaneous lutlrmllhfithf ltvftrtitstfiw er nm naoc write Post Dmce Box 31111 MORTGAGE MQNE¥ it you have investedmoney in home it is probably the best collateral you have For exam PROPERTY FOR SALE NEW HOMES Nearing Completion Down paymnts from 640 Split level bedrooms angel stone aluminum siding gargt age Some with family room extra washroom electric heat 895 NBA Mortgage You will be pleasantly surprised to see these high quality homes with many extras and reason able prlces Good location clasp to public and high schools Buy now and save hundreds of dollars gt lfor Inspection call LENTSIUS CONSTRUCTION 7285321 1er ammo WANT Itos Cm mull ZRENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT on out oemtu all tamtel Sull two Nov 30 Telephone no Avalllble we or room mu lor mu no room mllel north Bin1e on Runway wnu Bax HI sir Fl namlner WW bedroom bunlllnl III builtIn mm excellent locrtlcn oer month Able Dnelm Televbonl 723 between not ethnicitle BEDROOM house uh om cnnvenlenter lsmlle of HllIIl fin Dllld an December liilftnrielap Mal alter nun only BEDROOM HOUSE lo Inluulls from Bu1le avalllbla edlatelv Telephone 7mm HOMES WANTED Runonslbl Ietcpltnnc norm tween not amt pan CW PAM Wf ple byusing thisequity at Sea APARTMENTS to RENT FEATURES Architecturally de signed homes Taxes approximately $180 cben cupboards Built to NHA Lot size 80 125 Specifications and larger Aluminum storms No hardwood and screens floors Your choiceofrolor 30day occupancy HousEs OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION IN THE NEW PHASE FEEL FREE To INSPECT THESE HOMES Now FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL GORDON COUIIS Office 7282485 Residence 7287275 Simll unit morn LlltillED Photo MLS REALTOR let DUNwP ST Intmo gt more HOME IN THE coumtv situated on ureegtmirtcm oi land allows much room for the growing family storey home has large bedrooms comlortable living room designed lustforf you Tastefully decorated dining roan This is truly home that will put relaxntlon into your busy life commoner zoNlNc 0n litrm Street large lot with comfortable bedroom home with oonvlenecs Let the citys youth Increase the rattle of tltls home Charlie Itcatl Don Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell 7282817 Hugh Plowman 7280243Doug Campbell 7231205 Ron Allan 4565343 7288313 Don Marshall 7282357 7287389 Richard Dickl Boer 7258597 EMORY MILLER 7261881 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST ANGIIS Brick splitlevel borne with electric heat kitchen living roomdining area bedrooms and recreation room or third bedroom Laundry facilities About$6ooo down Carries for $10475 Call Percylord HIGHWAY 27 Nonrllrnoumcs 30x30 cement block building Ideal lot business stand Vendor will hold first mortgage Telephone Jnllu Cale solelous EXECUTIVE fit Holgate 7260429 7260213 SPLIT LEVEL on well Streetlhls home has everything loner ous faintly onms With large closets living room with fireplace tchen has plenty of cupboards pisee bath with vanity gitrte $28000 Must besecn to be appreciated CallGDrd Spencer PERCY yonn SAMMY BENHA snowbalme JOHN cons Imitsz wantm fetcr Gubbel Don Merltoltll El0IlY HIDDi ll9 DUNLDP ST 261422 Emums nounNinamms with commanding of the Buy with our spacious bedroomsiireplaee inllvlng roornbrond throughout baths Double garage walkout from ly om to stone patio at rear where you geta scenic ylllanyj other extras Call Keith McMasteinmm EARLY POSSESSIONOn hislovely three bedroomihome residentlsl area Extrit large rooms tastefully decorated and In mnculale condition Lovely large landswped lot ully leitced mortgage at six andthrec quarter per cent carrles for 5140 taxes For more details call Mrs Atkinson NTIIAQR susuwrlocnea on haddstnface Ca TolvnshlpPnrk Asklng 7500 Terms available Keith xa immense No lato rlltno nus moron mono SUNNIDALE AREA 326300 for the family that likes the compact well planned bed room brick bungalow with attached garage Bmadloom in shapedtllvlng and dining roornu Nice size kitchen plusyden and recreation room boauiitully finished Many extras here on well landscaped lot among other lovelyhornes Terms First ttme offered For further details call Rita Soandcett Just litmus SOUTH or BARltlE 0N HWY 5115 $18500 for this bedroom lrgne bungalow witltbreeteway and Beautiful property IPHQNE Linntransmits mm Gnut zurranh mam MURANS milAllin suit anlloylnl gt gt gt Contact Peter ngbf lBEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St msstt mitt MENT PROPERTY Th on em close to ctmLY KUJOSITIRMAN mates GLORIA Kosslttl 129675 IRENE mlth 1156442 LURNE Ill HAY 71816 um SCANDRm 7M Co LTD MLSREALTOII ww lDW TAXES Immaculate two bedroom home large living and dining room dividedwberchwtIy ble garage Byrne 4M71 BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS lngood location in Barrie storey home bns nttachedgar tags and paved drive Broad loom and hardwood hfloors Ask lugprlce $24500 one or an appointmen nrg Wakerleld Ehone Theresa This one and ball storeyflapa Cod home Is delightfully dlfler room with fireplace bedrooms Beautllul ground located near schools and shop ping Callldla Hitd int1m wonnnnswnvmwrznsn Heres the most luxuriollsfonrv bedroom bungalow withme extr Features you yoursell ay choose This is newl home with attached garage for $1500 down payment For fur ther detalls callJim Higgin son 7268764 JNIERESTED IN ANINVEST perty has per month tulned apartments all double garage For further information and to view this property call Lou Goedclmdt EVENING CALL Angus 4495631 Shelbtlme W440 Wasagn Beach 429cm mendous return onyour in heated bungalow on 5ncres large modern kitchenunit four ind and Is right on to main blahwit rimnull so Willoughbyu IJld ours Realtor 29A Owen St stth 5roorrl solidbrick storey homuoil furnace garage paved road insto mileslrorn Camp Holden Price 59300 with lust moo down Balanoo mortgage 1504an mm FARM norm mm It Moon KLOOSIEMIAN Lou GDEDHIONVI GRANT MIEARTHUR CLIFFORD GDODHEAD lo Collier SL so mam everflowlng streams to Jer brick house large barnnew 60 foot automatic lilo Terms 25 mm CHRISIMAS FARM 1075u Scotch pine large quan tity nsplantable white bilth eve owing artésian rwoll Penetang= urea Own your own buslpess for $1 000 full price vestment letfs inspect tagge ther and give me your ev dag tinn Call Joseph Dirracolo mmfmepmkmgu lootoot repugnanttum woo 15M1mmss mm square feet Excellentcowln Three mm metrically ant Replies held vary confid ent Ask for Mr OConvonient toall schools Call Marg ttlebtfmnasc ooon mvismmr anor EMT in an Ideal location in the east endvof Barrie Tra near Lake Simcoe lnterlor to be finished to your pboice of colors Quiet country living at moderate price Phone Wanda Edwarda maull for th right purchaser This buildin will suit the most critical bust ANGIJS NEW LISIING Three bedroom brick veneer bungalow plecebath full dry basement on lot so 230 Please call Lea lovegrove Two bedroom bungalow distance from town sod shup plngildealJo amallzfamily or fFor further in ll Job or rownNsr must prunes MONEY Dirtncnlo ea or no lv weo ryrnent Loewdrnomhmn Ill view of Like Slm onIbh WINNI ma hill Lou Onemilefrom Highway ll mum to Inspection MIIS Ilenltqr llEP 109 Bayfleld 728107 Immune leEsBlchi 728 844 HENRY ELRICK 8r MICHIE Real Estate Appralsals Mortgages COLLIER arry Micbia Appraiser led Brignell PaddyMIles nlmbanx room maul nrleit hoard Finance most homeown crs can obtain lower interest rate than is possible on per sonal losn And Seaboard you can borrow up in 30 of the value of your property or in some cases evenmor See us for cash today sconce Gammonl so ouuwr SIREET wnsr n0 BOX 127 tantrum 0NIItiub PHONE mom SEAEOARD FINANCE COMPANY or CANADALIMITEDC IMIIIEDIAIL 1st and 2nd 1°75 ngliilsywhe LED SAND If Von Need Money consolldite this not from room lttmllltrd lnlrtrnenl lnr reutcentrzl location Telephon flt mum lnlolmatlo nlonan one bedroom unitmil IvlrlmenL rams ll on and III nurraute Availabl or Plel lllllI ltntn 0N3 bedroom unlumllbed meat relrlgeratnrthd stove Ind wakrnupvllrd Ono Indy Irma Apply 44 Centre SLree ltlonmN two bedroom 19mm Itove refrifientur ring nunmncl nu mottled um 51 VI 15 norm rm do Bunions apartment An Idem ltflve lemtlrllfll tony eIevator Jaundrv 17 Blake st Ielenlwnl mom AHMLHVBonc bedroo mm LIbeA lnimefiumluble Po béll nu on mm Hall um outcome maqu aplrhn Itovs an rolllearnsv batted nitking and laundry belittle eut tn led Prl ul vlznm°= only nloVNnfloor en nrlvanbatb out eluded In rent am whom mom oilsbedroom laments rent 11 mm sr mm nm unwudlmof on rat own tramr new rm wfilflablc fa viidau Illfl fit Iitlaal brick bow for at on double Mr Robert mcr lot erta to shetum RI Vuey Ontario NEW IIIEIOO bedroom omit laxHr hm015 inmates mm mo nummt lull tlnlabed om et be led lllln attached fa minnows 15x Private rug moor II zSHANIY BAY boron Invtteo 4dr wrohlu in mom trots property or totem to 16 noter mom butt Tale shone one or 711457 rollSALE smith ebullient will era27 lfl BIrrh when Lorsrun ALE 50 It In Ban Ivallnbl Hut Iver Mum up re tidbit art7m Torn to mum auroralan 3r retired House Ibrm1o ltd Genetlll Glendal lravelux Parts andServlce Cash or Terms up Ito sunroN ave mm hair for It ln good candltlon some Ilmolttww 0m arson Homes 7761651 INSURANCE lt omega not but er Mr momma Ilyonulred exh soverago of any unit SIEVENSO rutt too even lendvxnu none IIII fumlstm Awl It soltlry sheet smtcomnnrm lament all monthly Antlnble medludy retention mom no num mm to clone NW fill an salmon routu urge om to ed or ult telephone Blnil use TWO room unntrntsned IPAHe stem men icltoontilne no mo or supplied unary muluu slzs montn Decle rut ter nun bedroom 19mm with balcony In can end stove tr on Telephone mm LAltfilTwo bedrob Iflfll with bllnony dininglrrilo illlat rtov Iiu mull In phone vialoos vl Excellent condttlntrnosona rm Slit monthly adults ulnlvllcel flltfilone motto uter n11l cutout noonootvl Two young menllvlnx In fully fttnllnhl It In the obnifll rytooklng BL mm year at no to 4mm Yntlll hive your unuo to ram at boure uy lbt ALI Ill be ICDMC Iirciorr ll 1min setm to interested

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