WW may 14A Yes This compaet combination washerspin dryer can he used and stared right in your kitchen regardless of room sizeLComï¬ pletely portable justrroll to the sink slip on the hose its any kitchen tap and its reodyto wlash Stainless steel tub with pul into separate spin aetion fortina Washes inï¬rmdries sating action washes lbs clothes in minutes shuts off automatically lncludessud saver teol Transfer washed clothes fast some clothes come out read niMaster control switch empties wash waterin minutes Twoselpilrateactionstwo sep arate motors CompactL styling may wideand29lZ long Satety lid switch shuts off spin action when lid is raisedglf youre looking for areal improvement over your present wash days ask for live demonstrationottheHooverWasherSpin Dryer Seeing is Believing See the mung WASHER srmg DRYpr DEM eeiryeéuttuer the Hoover represents will be IourstoreFï¬dayVZandSaLun gdayfor vedemonstrations of the gt Hoover WasherSplnyDIyer titlinulésl andisp vdrying Spins so Heres How It Work Each customerwill drew tlsket froma drum at our Hoover dlsplay Each tieketwlllbonumberadflfrom $5tto $l0llu amounton thetleket drawnihy the customer wlll be the amount of their free down payment Cash sustomers wullpmve this cash dlseount and unapproved credlt customers this amount willbeshown as their down payment One tleket of not denomination from Sitele be in the drum nd all tickets will be returned to the drum that all customer equal opportan oftclothes