commarmor fayuw Mower Neitber tide steerable note 3er Win use on Qlll ow en II OK 61 em In hi Pe lo Pe FI Opening ieed eee of hearts How would you to about try idr to make rix dubs assnmtog thet you and partner hid bid this optimistic slantiWesl be giruwithtbeaceandanother heart Obviotuly the eontrart in cold it the adverse diunonda are divided 51 in that use one of dummya spades could be dis carded on your iourfh dlarnond However this in not healthy prospect to rely on since division occurs only to per cent of the time and it would reem advisable to look for some way of euppiementing your chlncee One diatinet pouibiiity is that the player with they greater diunond length assuming the it il not divided also has theking et rpadea among htr pouehhions in thlt care the elem can be made by applying tome preseure on him gist there are no other poo hi tea to pursue you pmcee on the haeis that the diamonds are either divided or that thedefender with most ot them also has the king of spader You therefore ruff thenineof hearts cash the HM oi will CA home vtrzwpxo use Jtbdu or to Dreu 45mm lt Marat srrrvo lUtveniguth Mr from no pmrnine rm Mo Lotnu r3 enmoer 11mm onusM 1iNews ï¬fthmm £31ch tteuw Herons our Le nrrm world eGhmiutnh tailed unismooc IMovte mo ct wehl iiHuciï¬idYofl awe rnohiu nos have mm Lay Lazy 4Hiondie my na 7Ullist 1111 Loom Genet iDeln It IM me 7l7rllnet gt TELEViSiON raccoons BUFFAW TORONTO it HAMILWN ll PETERBOROUGH eee lPav cum zComnuation icmemy on im may ene tanyerty Rttlbtitiea raunsnav NOVEMBER 14 EVENING bNewanwelthu Spons Itvsuï¬lant alike uuwe Ten Million Grab Laminated estle trnnuandateet mumma By my More xraye are not mu ily gm tosoive your problem and there isnt much charm neaii tightened teen Recent viaitm with Mn it Gray were Mrs Thompson and Mn Arlington Humour oi Steyner and Mn ii Shannon of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Georle Campy hell were guests at birthday party then by Mn Lloyd Cam pbell and family in honor at tbeir hlleblndand father um Campbell Other guests were Mr and Mn iioss Campbell et DoahaVIew Mr Ind Mn Fred Cam oi islinytnmj TEACHERS Ore Teachers Professional Development Day wee held Nov in the lorenoon the teachers visited the new open wail Huronia Centennial School at Elmvale lit noon they entoyed delicious hot heel dimer at Guthrie Community Hall in the afternoon the teachers met at Guthrie School More Mira mm are who niddenly guidde in his mouth end in panic decided he must hive hummus it turned out that thrwfheteningienriditwt durum Betty Saie who is pritnary eon mitatit with the board of ed ucation in mint Ietoutige primery or on teachers of intermediate lun ior edes ntet under the lead er oi Huffman iiA from department of education where he is English consultant for Region At the conclusion or the afternoon seminars Oro teachers held brief business meeting commoner him 11mm Mrs Sinlon spent few with her brother at Dun Womena institute will meet ittesdsytevening Nov 19 at thehome oi Mrs Motto comment Hindyr miremhlltirs unohltire Elismere Pen Ilnzrridelndghip will he one eent or ea when FWDyréiii Sympathy is dressed to ma 31 family of the late Mr Read Ema ww mil an ray was av or it WM with her daughter hirsi Sin ton on Monday visitors with nghsxgiï¬bnfll Mrs gilondorthczï¬re Mr and Mrs nero water Mr and Mrs Arnold of 51mm end Mr Mrs Movdorth oi Barrie Dr Harvey Baldwinie enn MONDAY no man an it Cane us nNm ersmn go Viaitora at Oades recently were Mr and Mrs lierohfeld of Newcastle Mr and Mrs Brick nell Mr and Mrs Milne of flame lion Grooves of Ottawa zenith Weekend with hi ther here MrsWalt endh brother Reg Dunn of theme visited their brother recently 2039 stunts Hit tAdarn 11 iiMerv Grillin iznemuuon not 911 11 News Weather rem tern Berton swimmer Hockey Movie The mnnd nan FFICE HOURS suoyw 591mm into ilhiovie Island the eMovl nut uun lrtin 1dorvie GD uttl vim1 Girl ratio pgw ast it mmny NOVEMBER is manooN hi FWMEH lilinlo tigh 1215 normy rNm lzno IMLRG leill usem tor norms Hillststoms 5o DI ll Love ulun lunn gt Sniendore Homltton Street lDoetors at 7wewlywzg Game riauer eMeet the Millers unfunny 1AT1=m DAILY CitOSSWOliD rte zuenmw OBonnle Prudd 7Chiidrnrta poeethr ens uNwa weather Amen Jfrmeh ulnaufl river garment omelaar PM lkirtdd qioul 102mm mo znn ther won iam out IGntni He IPlohil in Igome Ion Ilives lay fltlnl It Hwflitiyit Mt 7Cmmnnder Tor NOVEMBER r5 EVENiNG ertm til uLwï¬xer Sex Lzllznlgaebilrly uey 8uver Hero ountry urrtttcoat 9Herna Lucv llEvnm My min ryhere wine 1274i izotitnnerj IJhiiadei lim° 5513 7Dony nnue l7rn poet Sleeper Mull an notion Heron 4am em an on IMov tutu sadi Thamwnt ilMovle uunm rum Iiwi TAIAtflkI he bid awisdom tooth coming eonneotionibetwee tined to the house with lumbar Moth humerbeaeauw An ded powhiii tyix the presence of blood disorder aorne fault in the clotting mech nonrurmwr necessary not just routine blood count The atudy would indude plow let count prothromhtn time and binds um Dietary feetore should be one aidered too Do you ha quate vitamin feitrusfnut tuioei and ea leium milk Dear Dr Mother Please write few words about birth control pills Will they keep woman from getting pregnant it so how long does she have to take them before they are effec tive Does one hlve tohaiin prescription tor themMn ME dont like to be rnippety but mlam where hove you been or the last tew yearst Yes birth control pills are ebout the most etlective means over de vised ior preventing pregnancy witlithe exception oiatloing en tirely away from men But they must be taken on rizid sdied ule of one day for about three weeka out or every four And to assure safety irom pregnancy it is best to take the pills for month before you can be sure they are rtsrting to do their job One pill all by itself doesnt do anything it that is what you have In mind And yes you need prescriptions Dear Dr ltiotner mouthoid ndson has cold My daughter says it is due to his cutting teethiis there any Ieeth and eoldiT or ifmrn JULIET JONB DQNALQ nucx GRANDMA gt cutting No When teething occurs there isnaturaiiyirrltation of the gums and discomfort child is likely tnbe irritable perhaps may eat poorly There may be slight rise in tunpera ture The baby may have an ex cessive flow of aaiivs from the irritation Some of these symptoms may be interpreted as cold but in malityyno cold ispreaentex cent or coincidence Colds are due to viruses course child may has pen to have cold and be teeth ing at the some time but there is no direct relationship Note toMre Johns iiop hint liospitaif is 1n ltlmo corisuityour regular physician as to being referred there for any special studiES ane Hood ZLCeHy ehnrneter antiwar flared 808mm More emotive alnuuzamunz II=IHIIIH Wfl IVAHH IIVAZHIIVAHII IEIHI neonate SECRET AGENT x9 Phl aintei higlwgul outage more V128 room unit SO THATS WDMAS NEW OLDFASHIONED HOMEMADE MOTOR Ella WHDS THIS NEW BDYYOURE seems so MUCH or our HE sue Is sound SMENJNITH wees CHARGE CARD MERE ii Isl AlL EMSED ursupmwro so 600D our DRAIN OFFALL Btrrottzntmn onuE 6A5 pawyearn 9W WW Do you swear Mrs To on rm 515