Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1968, p. 3

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LAUNCH itCliFil MINOR HOCKEY SEASON LiPlefinérégRéqtiest Demnédenans rrorrrrw¢p1ms Royal Canadian Air Force first prick by iormer Montreal ItCAfA representative Paul Association Minor Hockey be Ian at the Barrie arena last night with the dropping oi the Canadien Paul hlogcr halt to right are Leo Koopmans Thanasse and Ray Pollard Examiner Photo TYorkSimcoe Vi Discuss YORK SIMOOEP3 York County is much more advanced on regional govern ment than we are said War den Ala lticAuley at Sim con County bulldlngin Barrie today during discuSsion of yes terdays visit of Simooo County councilland otticlals to York County council session at New Market jWarden nchuiey and collea gues alsowere gums at ban quct held at Netstriath res taurant list night This was return invitation for the York County council visit to Barrie in June We have many mutual pro blems and we believe these ex change visits were well worth nhlierald Warden nchuiey in commenting on regional changei which he suggested would boalfecting all con tics in Ontario uncommonly in York Cptmtyuibe new it ihas befipmceedihg ipremisorihnt count ment wiil overana ilocal administration This con ration of regional government am into considerable oppos ition in various sections oi Sim coe County which covers Imuch larger area with 32 mun icipalities and the city oi Bar We believe we could benefit from some amalgamationsf mlggested Warden McAuiey cit Iing Elmvale village and Fios township as possible iuture single administrative unit We havent been thinking along the lines of abolishing local councils and replacing them with county administration But that been talked about in York and it is to our advantage to study what is being done it this is going to he the trend my ManSues TORONIO OP man in string the Ontario Hospi Services Commission tain the bulk of smooe some meat awarded him in connec tion with lost canaccident that left him crippl Manuel Dig Si lined to wheelchai Tuesday at an Ontario Supreme Court hearing that the commis sion demanded all but $50000 of the antrald Diasi vavPortuguese immigrant who Waselnployed as 370 week machine operator before the accident said he is willing to pay the commission $1571 plus aosts The commission claims that it paid $27795 iortreatment to Dias up to last June 37 and that he will need future services Collection Calls mm DP iiar tossing telephone calls from c0 leciion agencies will beoutlined trader proposed amendments to the Criminal Code provincial consqu protection conierence was told Tuesda Iv Simone rcgistr collenion agencies with the oprovincial department of linen commercial atiaira old th conference that collec jtlon Inclea in placing such calls often xdony the debtor legal cit and hum rights CHAMPION RETIRES RtNGKOKThailand AP orld flyweight boxing cham ploli Chartehai rChionoi 15 ct ailand announced Tuesday he has deddedr to hang up his gloves he decision was made has Contra candidate or county school board in ward nine Warden Manley pointed out this far reaching change in school ad nanistrationhadnt been con templated in most county cir cles even year or two ago point this out to show it is advisable to be prepared for Teachers Ignore Parents Viewpoint TORONTO CPI Itn Ameri can social worker said Saturday nursery school teachers too otton target the parents view points and are uneasy when parents discuss childs school work in William Bell toimer Canadian now on the staff or the State University of lluiialb NtY told meeting of the To ronto Nursery Education Asso ha daycare coptribuqa their own relationship to teach ers when they were young havent seen too many teachers eomlortabie rhenthe parent starts to talk about the curriculum instead oi lost mitts and rubbers liirs Bell said Just how comtortable are they when the parent says think thelprogram is poor particu larly the reading liirs Bell said few nursery schools and daycare centres bother to have parents on their board of directors We ieelitre are providing for rather than working with parents neutrons Regional iGbirérhtnenit changes which may come he commented MANY CHANGES ln Simcoc CountY council it scll there bnszbcen consider able changein administrative powers during the past three yentsand more are likely to come it was suggested County takeover of local assessment powers has been sharply debatA cd as well nscounty admini tration of Welfare the countys entrance into tourist trade pro motiim and other such moves The provincial takcover oi lull control of administration of jus tice also will make considerahle future change possiblytp re gional jailsnnd courts tor larg er than county areas Centraliz ing oi vaeiSili this adminis tration also vas commentedon The wardch said he felt local adminstrnlion should be prolcc ted but perhaps on larger scale than now He said earlier he considered Simcoegcdun too large orthc count council depart owes mammary move or larger mun pali tiesto try and take control of school areas also came upat the York Simeoe discussions There were 35 county coun cillors and oiticials who made the trip from the county build ing in Barrie to Newmarket re turning last evening Oiiiclals included Gordon Watson clcrir Stan Sytnonds nssessmentpomt misslnner Peter Cnvill ro creatlonal director Ozzie Shepherd EMOV director Jerry Taylor assistant engineer and DrS McKelvey superinten dent ot simcoe Manor at Bee lilTOWliTONIGIiT Brookdal InnThe Conscientious WellingtonNeal Jackson Continental IfllIfiKfly Cooke nyshorcThe Mark llelltrian show QueensThe Troubador The odd couple on Barrie nan last night deterred Watt on two mopping pious proposed lot the Bayfleld handles Rd until theyreceivcd detailed pro posals from the developers The special meeting at plans log boardrm calledtomaho choice betweentho Warrcn Scott Asociatex shopping mail for the east side otllayfieid St At dlea Rd and another proposal for the wastslde byches Reil tty council Monday night de cided to limit the size of ml or shoppingcentre for the citys north end to 150000 square foot Tho decision cnmc aspart the diyls new official planpass cd inpriactpie by the cocoa Planners tell that moieth 150000 square feet nould have detrimental clicct on the econ omic health of the citys central business district nndprciudice Proposed urban renewal pro gram by limitingnhe amount at pri ate funds vallabio for downtown YORKDALE STYLE lh original Chet Ecliev pro posal was for 250000 square foot Yorkdalo style shopping centre WarrenSooit suggested 120000 square foot centre Botii llrms have presented the city with artists conceptions of their plans but the planning board felt more Specific details were needed had that ench developer should be givenAa chance to present proposals with in the 150000 square foot stand ard set by cohncil Che nectarnine do has already promised to rezone their land from ligN industrial to commercial to remit their developw They have direct coed legal action it the city does not follow throughon the plotnise nhichlbey say is contained in motion of mad last March The motion read jfhateavsb hot to the approval by city counlt cil oi detailed proposal we will sponsor the necessary ac tion to reaooe the west side oi Baylieid St northof Cunclles Rd tor co merciol use totbc depthloi 6091eet BOUGHT PROPERTY They any that on bilgfllfltziil Ihlsmotlon they nent ahead and boughtihc property com monly known as the Brown farmuv Aid Jack Garner said lnst night he feels morally commit ted to support the Cbez Belle rezoning because of the mo tion ll not legaiiyl feel as an alderman did commit mysclt Ald Garner said wish that hadnt made that recom mendation to council but idid Hindsight is often better than foresight know but Ihefact remains that they bought that land because of the motion of 6mm Pldnhlng board secretary Kcn Pcekwili arrange meeting with the two developerl to dis cuss the detailed proposals when tho are prepared Kowntree Bidmesiclollapses 0n Earlier Business Boom KiiCHENEii JOIIL Cl Leslie nountree Ontario finan cial and commercial altalrs minister said Tuesday that businessme between 1939 and iota was partly responsible for some recent financial collapses Witbout discussing names lili liowntrce suggested the iailures resulted when wrong people assumed in fluence gt on consumer Mr itownlree sai Ontarios Consumer Protection Act can be strong weapon in the hands ol the consuBter ibdtv oniyii he takes Ihe lime to understand it Buyers or immuers will be able to shop around for the best deal he said The minister said the section or the law which requires discio sure of credit costs can he big bolp to the individual and at the same time not hindera legiiix mate businessman Rowntree said the div Remand barrio Police Constable in Assault Case The trial of Allan Daniel Brandt Barrie police officer charged with assault September was postponed to December 11 this morning at the request of both prmecuting and defence lawyers ImperialThe High commissioner School Drama Club THEATRE Collegiate AuditoriumFestival so presentedby the central Collegiate DramaSociety and the Bradiordliigh ImperialEastman Cor Brandtwas suspended from the Barrie police force after complaint over his behavior while on duty was registered resignation submitted by Brandt was turned down by thepolice comnusaionq eovorhinentspdna vldual must take responsibility for his own actions regardless or what ac on government takes to protect the buyer We can require the disclose the dostnlhut Minihife the jhuyer stop short oi makinga purchasethat he cannot afford evcn does not need the Ontario Municipal Board has set hearing of an appealiot Ronald iForbes against com mittee ot adjustment dcclslorr in tinnisfilfor Wednesday Deeja at the municipal hall at Strand The appeal is against dismis sal ol an app cation for consent toconvey live parcels oi landin tbetowoship Parcels one two and threeeuch had nfrontage al475 feel on the enstllmitot road allowance between iotsvlo and 21 with ladepth of 925 feet and an area 01 10025 acres Parcel hndia frontage of $50 feeton the north limit of mind alluriancefbatwéen concessions and 10 and an average depth of 813 feet and an area 01125013 aeres Parcel was irregular in shape and had frontage ot 84395 feet on the north limit of road allow ancebetvecn concessions and City Ponce urP man Firc Dent porahon of Canada Hospital td sa leading manufacturer hyd Iulic hose assem 723313 723980 inns tumor ACHIEVEMENT consort Fred Cooke oi Lulkio Ruie Junior Achievement comA Janet is member oi the Des in Barrie and an adviser for panics accepts an ndvlsw Cattle and attends Central one at tho siudentopcratcd era pin from Jonetllarris16 Collegiate Examiner Photo cannon FINDS enemas For Goo Mayor Robert Bentleys cosy compaet investigation started to months ago at the urging oi council has found no serious fault with the operations oi the city government Mayor Ecntiey who was elect ed on pledge to break what he called the fcosy compact in city hail as asked by reso ljo duct persnnhlin vestigation to the affairs or the city In prepared statement sued thisvweelr the mayor says The evcnis and happenings of this council have led meta the conclusion that by and large the jntcniionoi the alderman of hen BRAND committal COLEMAN pklNilflSSBAC snorsratrm runsrank CORNEooEr pontoon The mayor said he conducted his investigationby asking each oi the rclurning aldermcn or statements on counciland the operation oftheir oiliccs Alderman Macmillan Cole Ar chcr land Christie were not ask edas they were new council members the 121110 sai lpdidnothéiiew it vasnn the best interest to spcnd my time searching and auditing the pastfl the mayor said The statements of the alderman ovcre sufficient prooi ior me to accept their admonition What has ensued on my part or thepast litvmonths lsa con QRROASIS 3571 Intention Bgflié eerted effort to be aware and iniormedoi the operations oi council and where advisable the detailed study at post happen ings 31 believe ihnt my concern and honest intent have heart demon strated inthe case oilhe in cinerator The mayor said he hopasto complete aTtlJapplaisnl ot the committee structure of the city government by the end of Mn vembcr Council passed motion to per mit him to establish new strik ing committee and his undcr stood theinvestigation will be done before the new eommittce is selected on victor

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