auroiiorive rI worsens rm no AUTO REPAIRS n3 tirijyiANrrii 7r AL sSeats layiiaa WTTI Applications from experienced Service Personnel tanioinn ARTS FOR sALe Quantum TiansmiSSion Ltd Automatic Specialists as Mary at PERSONALS PATiERNs VBAXVFIELD APARTMENTS kirhrr ol Beyiitld and Grove THE ULTIMATE quiet elegant living and bedroom suite OEIectric healing 31 rig REERiGERATORerEEZER fLQR SPECIALS Parirlnn and Chill hydro service IMr oondilieninu OElcetrie car beaten 04pieee luxurious bathroom Old cubic it rdrixeretor Q30 stove in modern kitchen at 1000 hi it each suite OSome overlooth ball RENT 165 UP Adult building only For appointment call 7288046 rmlxxnlooli aarruslrnt the mm iirrrizr ume carry 11 Bin sL Trit Adltlll only Phone humus rig is to aroma tuity contusion si urza raleannna moot eve him our bedroom anrrtrncni atone rt trtxcraicr water and heat anon co more aminr an end let an hlenhom mam NEW apartment lor one bed room Ito tnd mlflltfllun All tiUrIflIu nlld lncludinx uhle TV And tmvunl telephone Ptrklnl Icllilks Queen 5L Telephon mloli LARGE bedroom Imam will lavenmminimv awn minute llvrn Burill Autuuunly also onihiv au uuuuer paid retrahislsc mom tuoont carrtracut lo rent ariuir cnrrnnca garcc centrally lacs rrlgnnans 7mm aw bedroom heated apartment kitchen itlelnmom Ind hails Priv atc entrance Availtalc November is ltltpllanu 1mm TWO bedroom uniumlihrd dulfl rnent to rent yeuumalnca riote na rruuentor supplier gm monthly Auilahlc December rrleanonc mom atter pnz module bemoan aaartmcni with riiï¬ahlsonyt in untilinmmfm rid rnranr rum nd narlriar llrllltin Adult only Tellphone nunnooyi apartment or rent mint and retrtreraior supplied laundry luelitiex newly neranted initiate and hai cony Telephone mum Burrs WANTED TO RENT rmurisrmn one hearaorn apart merit rouulred llmmï¬llelby bl ISM bank extcll re its coma ned rlrasc mention mlm nuriaa ominous hours ROOMS to LET nennoonr ln nrtyate hontrier ro IIAIII Wu gnticruini Manila to mic ar cianisst xialcnhnnc FURNIBIIE room M5 linen sunalico iguanaa only away so ltllry st IIVIO lliiliuréilslwd mumIWlfnn oar an over to frucioisitone mom or mourn LuiGa bright furnished bedroom an exceptional room at sio weekly steadily in gentleman pleaet T¢i€phnnu moire IIEDISlhKflNf rooï¬nmiritehfnhlculnt ntd Bin 11 rlflm tr mutt monthly minutest0 nusinosu sectinn halts LARGE hounkeevlmrnnuuior rent ncwiy dewnted have con xe mgentor moaned pawniown loch Sta around naor Telephone no ROOM AND some noon and roam incruhhir youril renuelnan in non kentnome with home canning manly til sonata street Wextn norm ind board Ivlllnhle in quiet home bushes person east and or bus stop zt door May week Tgioahono7Mlst Room ana hoard nnaliahic im mediately Central location lunchrr aaekco narahnr iacilitics Genur nran only Telephone mmlo ROOM AND BOARD WANTED man cannot teacher requires ladns inns In nulet name Please write on 1131 barrio mamlncr SPACE 0R COMMERCIAL PROPERTY coluiremmt ricrane mace avail irhle immedlltely located at so 113 Road Tdthqnfl nasal communal and lnauatrial arlvr in ahon Anne Street tor rent nnprnx 1000 square teet cmnent lodr with nienty at aarirtur peace naillo 14 ARTS FOR SALE SKATE EXCHANGE NEWAND EECONDIIIONED Buy sell Exchange hepair Skates MARTHI RENTALL CENTRE vmnunwr sr WBAR1L1E Open Monday to Saturday750 can to 530 pamFriday night until lipm¢ NQRTHWAY RUG co LTD The house of line broadlooni hematite all sizes and prices DOMESTIC AND lMPOREED EROADLOOM Collier St nnumuu large cell ion dosh mllltury client carncr euphrilrdj rhntiaw drawer lclbineu suitable ran enln collection oci uhlu chnlga mlnvnttiur Inleiee that may rccnuioo sin cmraliirmrautic hummus now hedmzohsiiiriwfhi nieces hsri rarlnr und mattml lgzcggtes urao trunk Telephon T58 rim millil SKATE EXCHANGE Marisol Westingttotuo FREEZERS best styliil uiil HUMIDIFIERS doughnut itui it Automatic with 53 gallonltank will service up to avenge COLOUR TELEVISIONS Model mgr inchscmeh walnut rmish console SAVE 150 BLACK WHITE 13 console Viking walnut cehineL PORTABLE TELEV is inch halt victor PORTABLE STEREO RECORD PLAYER Detachable maker cabinet SAVE $10 FRUIT CAKE nan ELEVISIONS l5lQ SPECIAL Wonder Bttkerics top quality av lb slab 180 DunlovpE PIANOS NEW MASON it BISCH Guaranteed used uprights Free delivery and tuning low est prices anywhere 141 Bruce SL THORNBUEI Ont near Collingwood Dial 5196552713 Open till pm daily emuu EXCHANGE New Ind uaca lkllee Elm Sportr Cally lcr st smears demonstrator modelr Scwv ins mlnhlm and nccnuln cleaners gearbe moose religion Hung rr Irrh Milkmen mm like new on room cost 385 Telzohune liei tor rear sun will seil1nr Ora 461mm slam or 1119 Wxfl while cardbaarn to Rent Home in 5a rte Available at Barri number BUII nerr other Kohax Graphic camera 1m tiash nun manhu meter Kodak as slide alnlectnr all in Ad con ultinn phnne 72mm mow ancr hick door amt battn tub or sale my Scoi Telephone ill7m arter murordrynardnnodyinlhmie out lengths will cut 11D Illd de uyar it necessary Alsu will cell in miller inis noun mousil PM in cubic root chest vtlrinc nclnxe nsoacl 5100 auiiar with electric nicauns Tele nhnnc 7230162 SPACE nut and tank rar sale also who Johnson motor bath 11 road condition Telephon no BABY clrrIllln 01 ll DIIY Dilly sirouer hinn chair Mouton rur trunk cocktail iiies cranialrs bluesfatt in new condition atainP collection alter run nrnwulnlts Spechi rental rates lar students plled on purchase haunnt soid mute Flu estimates star Typewriter Co 23 Dunlap street West 715 SPACE is almost new tanlr also studenI ncsr phone mom or hlnnnstonr otters urn 100 llllhn nil Tele atvlut alan at home servicecarrots un hnisterlnn draperies latrsi rahrics BarrieTeni and awning 725667 QUEEN sire mattress Ind bnx springs nullt ton The two rar sled Double Header headinn sole th and Rattan niruitlun IDEAL winter protect49 roothaul requiring paint1t1uke crler ar trpde Aha snow um hora bicycle hatim charger cruisen day look car inn carrier engine and raw mandrel muse mam bedro sui chrstrrllrld suite can table violin AWLV and lnrn street Whit large and gum marlaunt watexlrhrilntnn large double windows ambush couple dawns or arm winanws wash husina toilets and bath this neatly irnncr aalr hamlister post Bly sho iuotnr uoiei Tuleplionn 71a STEREOHI F1 Phlilpx walnut In 1531 component set complete Tuner unitJIM En watt output TIP recorder large maker un small aoeairnr units Brand new oneyear auaraniee Credit term an be minted S750 Teioi phone lor appointment times DOGS PETS JOHNSTON TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES AND SUPPLIES 216 Caliord Street ANGUS Open Evenings out9 Mo Fri zo Saturday room Trimth lrrnamlnz au hrnr delivery H793 rrcicntonsl nicirruh an GERMAN SHEPHERD has in ems To one nimvala lfldhlrlxfl rvrrrra inr aalc lllxcd hceccls Reasonable Telephone mom ewnnsqrut sensual and part Labrador Gwd nctsnr waich don Teleph M41121 nacus puns iide and mIaln tun black in tan or Also aturl servan inr above Iml bmvm ana lilver Kennett 12am influential lips corona mid uracil maia Wham Ytilk5hlre ARTICLES WANTED WANTEDMIMI Itover ancrr dishes antiques holy and lllnd Shoo SEInn nnnowoonlimher yyaatcu runs cash Form mnan Ltd 51 mom Box no am out chtnll Maxeillreumrlgtlllifl niterrch no is our 159 hunlnn mam VlerbhlnN parlour in lr wanton cullcman or and lid cs cnnaiiinn mizésrlt an Mentions no WINDOW wanted storms included Ibo gay atone wanted to buy or will trade tor electric slave Telephone mum FRUITS Br VEGETABLES POTATOES munb and lumle ior sale issue nnlth nLcPlt traclu ualm onnixhway 21 uiahursi lu nuclrmttmuee tor llky tar nler lam or preserves nunit uyccck eon lilaclevtcw Dim stream retention uoauzt FANCY cc grade him Snow Wcalihy canianns Says hclicinns Bring cohlllners so rots upbul sl Sundiard 7236310 BOATS AND MOTORS non uronnaa avlllahle Rulan thianTeiephane movie or urine information non atom tor rutubouu on traum utr tn ioioot uiahc and Gray st loclllon 32500 or sea lli licscrvn storage now FARMERS MRKT DEAD SNCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For rest servtce PHONE BARKER Collth or ask tar NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITHlHlSI NO CHARGE uhournnday 7dayenweeh RR Foxmead Ontario License No M066 Nidt Montague Plob APOULTRY 8t CHICKS WHITE cirluesc soese inc lair xi each For runner imamNon Telephone meson runaway Eerie soc econ cu anchor rmnerwater lounta hull Inz CHEFS Site rollawn nests cyxil conic mi Barrie LIVESTOCK FOR SALE allele pprlnllying Holstein era Duncans PIGS WANTED ann overNot raising to has Weekly mu Farinr RIDINGJnIxz mlned western and this years colt nusunahie price Fllnk Playinld HI ale Tel nnunr Moonstone 233 ll HORSESEOARDED Excellent carc box mus urban strand uo int calm mono calves ur aie rhann Donavon tlconstnnr in attcr too nun nroxlmatcly 700 4351621 Strand ï¬lm weeks oliahd one Vurksh raw due in furrowwithin oneweelt rolcahnnc malls FARM MACHINERY CHARLESCHURCH harrnhuppile service Caseittew Holland ens Tamaslir BiEtiius iii auhrou avé all UIPMENT WAYNE BE ilY Pro PATZ SALES 5L SERVICES Sllo uploaders Cattlejleed PBarn cleaners COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR STROUD 4363717 ROWN Delava Service QutrMnirr Complete linen Dairy Farm Equinmem Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 and hereto tell 41 llauarunh catue ior sale ar til lhs rrieahcna $129995 M9888 jim998 $5995 $24995 uo995 $5995 $i99 728762 AUTOMOTIVE CARS ngz SALE Kerv Johnston hloiora Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen DEALER Galvan at Essa Rd Barrie 72543488 list OLDHIDBILB Super he door need candltlnn radio power steering hratira and mi goodnight Priced Io hall Phone rm lrflln cylinder luldmllie nl rel complete body inb vii clean ctr Tele my tunhtr aunoutorcm nu Mth httuil tnoar udan nhane mm utter nun 196 convene Manta automatic transmission nasty and motor ucellrnt cendllIdn phone norm or Lijawtuvirw Drive mt cunvnom Iynnaiarz dnnr hardtop v4 automatic aower ciccn lnr anti buer Under car war unty Telephone om urn ellavalLul door trad nsttnction up carom aon wde onIl tachglures we ascruent conuiiion 72d urn1m Aendhn aarlr one cylinder automatic radio white 1186007tenrdizllt Hm 1967 COUGAR m1 no cubic inch ntor Hearing and haircamndiorwmgr locum vui rut best ollcr 75th or or us liloluur iloo ranin heatrr gggmurcs llï¬whxbtaiiirs Slot on re rclcahcns 1294210 mm 1960 PORSCHE woos Silver Plntlllo Bllttpunhi in excellcni canditlon rcicrlhnnu illn ianu 5257515 alter on SNOWMOBILES SKIDOC 69 RONS Snowmobile Centre Perle Access isllitiin St Sales and Service Ethane to all makes aavsma SMALL ENGINE CENTRE 21 Toronto Sl 72mm POLARIS Snowmobiles sawsAND sanvlcn ALBERT KELLAND soN COOKSTO 4534442 Allls Chahners Equipment SNOWMOBILE trailers It tiny nlywooo box 1415 wicciii Ll lflulmd Telephone meson we 1° 155 SKIDDO sale electric start is havr Bra Warranty until bfgvtliohggwxiiï¬g was our stintave may need Murine tor better deal on Enmbardler Skiduos and thr best or service Full line at clothing and skim ransom1 any witka EIII Concesllon of DH 2151s luau RolrL Televhonou1 TRUCKS relishes 165 Dona Ion Hal in A1 can tlon noritiitirriuih fumtinnr iricnhnno own mm ton vlekunibi ulc Kidl 18 INTERNATIONAL Travelll VBy ndl Itd sent III windows 23hr will stunted Tdmnerflum ms nymNitriomty LruelrA1 tea Ly ur and tubcr hclacr do Mr one owner urt bu 7$699001w Iluvnolnr HELAIR door cylinder automatic ndlo Tries OS 7287592 her own name tor you tome Tuscarora ennui poubnttosap EQUESTRIAN SCHOOL Horace Implicit for ralinileo Lnilied rev2346 it run am have nrahiain and mi nab one any unsa muss gnu mull NM natural vita nuns mahh iaeea Heallb Iona 51m ma la main condtut urn your were Umlte Jewell irony Saran Cunn £an extra 1W if an who it Md nmuillghohe mane covruumm to WM and Toronto Monday to mam1 us to to has would Lilo to lain car pool lenlwnl mm hiltV I50 pun WOMANS COLUMN LEARN IIAlelESSlNG Government Chartered Schools Thorough training in III brine dies at beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRBSSINO SCHOOL l1 VOIISLEY ST NURSING HOME Clean cnmnetrni em tor the older at reuromhl monthly ra home is nrun rm name to HELP WANTED WAmthrt order caotr vuIla nu or nlrilt shill untrernu aun viies Uau cnmriltiy hrherth AnaLv Vayiare Restaurant illnh was as rnc too at Coulliolvn inron lZchdnInd mi SALES HELP ls AGENTS IALKMHN wanted or naminsa work in the harm area Blurb cm in nirec nulnv Apply in peron between and Km wer lair Ncrei it or try raric 5nuarraarric FEMALE HELP CASH iN ON the big Fall and Christ mus selling season theme ant AVON in your neighbor hood Vriic Mra Toni 5m inure Box us Barrie or phone 7255351 by Van nly can to lo Dunlap sheet list rrnaicnrco micaed ipniy arrran to rain vPlaee lie Dunlap street mt KITCHEN HELP eliruuluncm waitron renal tor tiny uni fluhurant uhene 7mm WAITRBS mulrrd or to corn tranche mean llI aï¬cltlsite hcauty aaion in swoon Cali casiiiiian Coiillru 17h llnrnniarin street colunrwaoo astral LIVE in with liiiht hausrlteenlnl tiiv icion are children Goad home with noni in Toronto suburb F54 Barri Examinch MEN WOMEN OPPORTUNITIES FOR nooxxmmu vtunNG Alli Rniï¬rdlnrl iutitimc anti aarttlma camels Inln vnu II home Free Brochures CANADIAN iNSTiiUlE 0F SCIDICE icTECHNowGY 1m 2m zat ADELAIDE WEST TORONTO EMPLOYMENT ANTED not with Humid hay will huh sit lrlhglr OIohdflllll Fgï¬edéï¬y Shin Iv IXII Telephone motor with rxmlll diinxin Eta£51k tool or onto hymen are Please telephone 12mm Marlothe nsnthet will blbyslt in flillnl accuser ralaahnnc mom IIYBBSON graduate Business Administration seek employment inacrrle area year business experience Currently on name merit rrnlnlna prnmnr in market lnn with wclrlrnnwn Toronto 11m write Bar an arms Examiner MALE HELP INTERMEDIATE gDRAFTSMAN Mechanical draitsmall withJ tobyeare ctleal experience Some experience in machine shop situation in vreuulremerit The company oilers good work ing conditions and liberal employee benefit program Please reply lnm ing industrial Relations Manager YLIESINLUSTRIES LTD 256 Hughe Road QriIiiaOnt assnaeueuu IIre IIITHE 4t lou man mufï¬n Multan mum no mass iuiv nvul lhlIt lnnlruonn Nunnl nxrzuluNeao uleelIdIey rcnuirer acre wmtlxse yeoulren immediate Teev Expectant urnihcr welcome 1301 New home atunv causes OUR PERMANENT STAFF coLouRl BLACK rywuirg Ty TECHNICIAN We sultry hournook Must MAeiflrienced held his dudlngdiscotmtnnpmonelpuidluieundtlnopportunltytopar itchu proiit dudes viralamine ior interns ï¬ColiM AUTO MECHANIC Wanted ClassAfLicence Cookstovvn Area No heavy or woflr inlohtd MUSI specialize in tuneup wheel balancing brake installatle 3CITY OF BARRIE requires CITY ENGINEER Applications are invited tor the posillnn otCily Engineer for the City ol Barrle Duties Technical rupervislou of all phase oi mluiiclpal en gineering and public works op erations Qualiï¬cations applicants must be registered or eligible for reg istratlou with the Association bi Professlohal Engineer of Onta rin and have minimum of five years experience in llluni elpni Engineering Applicants should give lull in emotion as to personal hiat ory experience and date servi ces will be available Sillary commensurate with qualiiicn lions Bill employee beneï¬ts in elieet Applications will be held in strict conï¬dence and should be submitted to TAMELYN City Administrator 5W TENDERS FOR AN OIL 0R GAS FURNACE Sealed tenders Inlhe form of proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 5M pm November iii 1968 in tender envelopes provided or new gall or oil furnace completely installed to heat the Market Building Tehller envelopes may be ob vtained at the City Clerks office and arrangements can be made with theCity Hall Janitor to obtain access to the Market Building necessarily accepted 14 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL NOMINATIQN MEETING NUliCE is hereby given that Public Meeting will be held in the Strand Community Hall MONDAYNOV15 1963 at 130 pm for the purpose of nominating Simeoe who must be pubiic school summers initialed memo Should an election be necessary in the above named the same will be held on Monday Dec am to ocloclrpm at the various Polling Subdivisions DATEDat Stroud this 9th til it 1Gl101Â¥ actnr WELL HELP rd rcicahonc adhesive Me aqueduct ucarne lut 551 iterators mien buM ra Sexy er oranilyiow roid hound nicrman pnterwholesolo bread milk or borerue nlelmm iii in nurture2 no leirid munch hundablnr outing want Elia with get esultel Ex he no TWIIIIIM hurry tehelp you writeyour ciaiseliiedliia ioplaee when what IdtdIlLI new direct unto the want lSS PARK 7285921 Applicant ohms ciya iuil detail at past womj 46 HOUR wnnlr $150 wanna BOX E53 BARN nerMle how snuarrhales of choice Lowest or any tender not srltauallali my Cielll School Trustees for the Board otiEduealloa the Counton ember loss from 10 oclock withht therlovvltship of lnnisiil it November19683 exhaust the battery and 13 AUCTION sates AUCTION SALE to head at Boa Cattle nay Straw Grain Farm Madrinery Lumber Poets The undersigned has received instructlone lrom 11AM mmcx Lot Con 10 Vespra1atin ship on Highway 26 one mile north of hilnesing Village Saturday November 18 at 100pm sharp to sell iheiollowlng hy public auction CATTLE Hereford Align Cowsgt to years with calves at tool hHeretord Angus Coils alto years bredto ITESII by date at sale Herdord Angus Cow years bred to freshen earLy in Decenterih Hereford Angus steers and heifers rising years old Hereiord Angus steers and hellers year told Hereford Bull year Herdord ilull years Choice stock hulls out at registered stoekh HAY GRAIN drSflMW mixedhay hell saved Quilt gt straw Well saved learn mixed grain wcylt SIZES ale SUGAR SPICE ANNE mills How dashlligly dandyJump In crisp cheois scoop Iowatn show rullleslpon ruilles beneath blind neck ScivJulnncr in Plaid or solid it you Printed Pal lemim NEW Missss Sizes 10 12 14 I6 Size IZ ihust 1N Iintiper 131 yds Seth yd inch iahric FIVE CENTS 65 cents in coins no slams picnic or each pattern Ontario resideii add Cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS AND BTYLE NUMBER Sand order to ANNE ADMAS cereal The Barrie Examiner so Front St Wlaronlo Out Short on time More que easy aeiv styles in our ittiil Illliier Pnlijtrn CNN11 Plugireu pattern coupon cents New instant sci rig boolt Sfln hours cut erithpcIIllriy L500 pip iures Oniy 51 Draw lleiteie Enrelopes Busineu cards Weddlilg stationery Uetterheads iernia stamps saved Qilenllty of Red Clover Rd 75 Ifï¬léke CHINE in good working order Allie Chalmitrs comhlneh Massey Harrlsflmovi Rubber tlred warn complete iiytti racks ltubber tired wagon Truck hot tam Cockshutt trlsctor cultiv ator with power liit Large quantity of scrap lron Set of scales Hay buncher and other smaller articles FURNITURE Aano large enamel cooldngrauge woodor coal good as Tenuscash No reserve as Mr Fraliek is going out at the cattle business and is cutting doim on hislam work ord Baler Cheques FILEE ESTIMATES 0N ALLth li EXAMINE mmértiai Nothing to heronloved truth settled for Oiiner nr management willi not be held responsibde jar ac iaillentn on his property dayof Frank Webb Clerk JERRY OOllGHLlN auctioneer an IS BEST JlNIONDAY iTuEsptvf lViIEDNESDAT iTHURSDAY iiFiiDivf Mi lisaruRpAY Adycrtiscrs irenucntiy ask this question Fortunately there is no best day Itohdvcrtue Each ï¬ï¬ï¬t color deep eat1e bmter ina id Vutrasl Easyl Cable this Area rugs are enzy dnc orative lbw weost lint in 110 time flat Pattern 1175 rug 28 inches or aslarge as you Ii Sendl FltTY CENTS chills inr each patio no slams please to Alice Brouis care at The Barrie minci Necdln crolt Depi Toranio Orit Diiturla residents pirate hi eents sales isxryi plain ramnu Niniiihart Mg tenns ehtsniiwj NEW giro NSTANI uï¬ï¬‚ipsbohsidtvy gg