Building permltsvvIued It noun minted by an rieddrlagthemdhoiOctober Tbe Invention increase ol mirrors the unneeded ye Atotaloilflbulldingpermits Vwereluuedanctoberascoim pamdtoiodurin the same per Iod last year The bulk oi the penniil were issued ior new residential dwell ings hi The Ridiln Corporation Alderman insJollliie said the decrease in permits ior nonas sesgable property should b6 ot interest to taxpayer in October 1W permits valued at 585350 were issued This October the value or permits In the non 4s Iessablc category was $1350 Building permits ior the month oi October in the Industrial cote gory were also higher than last year October 1967 permits were valued at $13000 This October PROGRAM AIDS CHILDREN ABROAD Bill Stock executive dircc tornl the Canadian Savstbe Children Fund looks over pamphlet with Wendy HicksI local chairman oi the Fund Kim Um Cho Korean admlm iiiw mohoon cmcrs Overnight Parking Deadline Approaches SGT RALPH BERRY Barrie Police Dept We realize that some laws seem at times to be unreason able and unnecessary and call ior little clariï¬cation Most oi sis are built in such way that we naturally resist change We feel uncomfortable in new situ atinns and otten enough be come angry it we do not und erstand the reason or or Intent at the law Municipal legislation although only ot local nature has us much strength in law as any other statute and should be en forced with the some degree of consistency Barrio city by law that causes all oi us some conoem Is that which prohibits the parking of vehicles onony street between the hours oi 300 am and 600 am irom Nov us to April 15 of the following year This Is commonly called overnight parking during win ter months Many car drivers iorgot this regulation tron year lo year iii Thwri and not low cars are tithcted iortho iniractlon And we his ways have problems trying to explain the situation especially to those lagged early in the winter season City council knew It must be sin on some reasonable date to regulate parking which might at any time interiera with the removal oi snow from the streets because at the poer bliity oi heavy snowialls at any time alter the 15th oi Novenr her it was decided that the by law must be enforced tram that date onward As soon as the snow covers the road it begins to pack and quickly becomes Icy on hills curves and intersections If the snow ls heavy enough it must iirst be ploughed and then sand ed or salted Ii through the night cars remain parked on roadways there is no place to plough the snow to the event of an extremelybad storm it is irnperatlvn thatstreets be open cd prickly and mlainialned throughout the nightihe whole TONIGHT LOUNGES Brookdale InnTire Coulson Brothers Wellingtoanreddy McKenna Continental InnKay Coolro hayshoroThe Mark Hellman show Queensiris Changes and Darlene Dean MOVIES imperiall Lover plus Mondo Can No RosyTho Odd Couple noes liiBarne acs vs aroma Orlllia Junior Hockey Club at the Barrie Arena Sunday at 230 am with Canadian poverty irpresssd Friday by York Simcoe MP John Roberts in his speech in the Housein ails sistant to Maurice Sauve try minister in the last oment suggested weliare had largely failed to poverty problem whole emphasis onthe MUEIEH LEEPER Figians Rainbow comes in Barrie next Sahirdoy to an and hence already conditioned to ex cell productions from the Kit Waterloo Operatic Soc Ladies Auxiliary of the U0 Ciuhllirings this com pr viding line entertain community lhey ocommended ior their un lbg ofiorts in meeting the ing costs of such pro duvrton anï¬l Igutheiir at at the pr one again filthtbgir worlhwhlle projects occasions the role oi the chaos wooidii himiu anemones Maidenspeech Implementation of welfare pro grams has not moved or very far inreradicating the dispari Lies regional devciopnient hast11d Adena century oi growth as most one quarter of our fa lies in Canada are living under the poverty level0ur past programs have treated the symptoms rather than the disease of poverty gnaw titted as Mimi eter an The romatic lead is being suns by Bryan Wiensa newcomer to the society hndrMichaelMï¬ Grath plays the part of Finlan According to reports the 1lrish accents are surprisingly good An orchestra oi about 20 music ianswnl boronducted by Arth ur hound who issssistant con ductor or the Kitchener watén loo Symphony Orchestra The0poratic Society has come an established organlz tlon in the twin citlés The com pany now own school build hrg inwhlch they re curse palnt scenery and sowreostimrestllw oidgbaseinent has been converted to vely lounge which the bow as aides opera is sot tety lsa living tat iacet the district in more our teengrmipit him well as their parents and younger bro thnrs and stars the alternoon perlormanea otters lower rates ymm lstralor let the Rind Is tour ing the country seeking sup port for theiund Examiner Photo community vinuld suitor ii leshtnx was interrupted Every city area ls entitled to speedy tire police and medical protection able in reach employment with minimum of delay and incon venience Utilities crunrnen must have access to every street and school children and other pedestrians are in need oi protection ironr autos which might be hazard it the streets had not been adequately cleared before the dady trailic rush he gins And iurther car is much eater In drivewayany bow We have pest many hitandntn accidents at night and our chances at catching drlvcr who has struck parked car are slim when he already has an eighthour start on us but some wlll argue that it lsrunremnable to tag car parked on dry street on clear night just because it is Nov is My answer would have to be that we cannot do other wise we cannot wait until the iirst major storm or until the streets are plugged with snow and parked cars and theri at tunpt to unsnarl things Iva seen that happen too oitén and the limo and money last was tremendous incidentally night time tow call will cost the driver $10 minimum to say nothing bout the $3 parldng tag Rather expensive parking should think We dont like being arbitrary about sudr things but we will have to operate In the same ia shlon as in past year and hope the driver catches on quickly We trust you understand thosit uation and the law as it now stands Please begin again to park off the sheet and it you do not have an allurestreet parking spot it would be bestii you had made suitable arrange ments belore next Friday wont have another opportunity to warn yo Would Revise Corporation Act NEON CF The ti tutc of Chartered Accountants at Ontario says it wants more teeth in proposed revisions to gisttarios Business Corporations In brief to them aria legis lature the accountants say the proposed revisions would res quire an auditor to repor shareholders on whether feels companys Itnancral statements present true pic ture oi Its ï¬nancial position But it says therels no re quirement that would allow the auditor to outline the vreasons ior his opinion good or had The accountants ray auditors should have access to theaudlt committee of the board oidlree to tors and it necessary call for meeting or the committee The brie says this would increase the auditors role aswatchdog 9i management The hrlel also says ptlon of corn antes oitlva or less shareho ars iront independent auditing on annual approval oi all shareholderstould eitml nate expensive hillside auditing wheremanagement and share holders are the PHONE 42H SHOP AT HOME Featuring full range of carpet Workers must be permits were valued mono The overall value or building permits todate or the year show an Increase at almost $00000 over last year 1967ku deemed record year In October 1967 40 per cent of the permits issued were ior re sidential dwellings This October 91 per cent oi the permits were ior dwellings Percentages ior the year to date as compared to lost your are October 3967 409 per cent Ouober 1963 72 per cent Children Admit Creating Own Horror Treats HAMILTON CPI Polt lice revealed today the cui prits behind this years wave oi horror Halloween treats that have trlghtcired parents were children miter lengthy investlgo tions police discovered it was the children themselves who had putmor bledes and pins in apples or candy In so out our total at 21 reported cases at horror treats children admitted gist they had in tact done WorsleySt Owen Street screaming last night by young man tryins to snatch her purse The weIIimown Barrie busi ness woman was walking north on Owiin when young man ap proached her from the rear spun her around and grabbed her handbag Mrs Maclnnes raised to let go when the youth struck her to the ground She was dragged several feet along thestreet before letting 30 1Theyouih ran up Owen Street and through the lane just south Collier Arthur Terry and his wife Deidre oi Campbell Street heard Mrs liacinnes screaming and came to her vaid Mrs Terry LOCAI storms rearend collision on Duns lop Street at Anna yesterday aitcrnoon caused $175 damage to cars driven by Joseph Bruce French 59 of Shanty tiny Road and Phillip Marling 19 at Thorn on DAMAGE $25 William Ross nice of Alexander Street and Car penter II of Victoria Harbour were involvedin collisionzon Bayï¬eld near Grove Street last night Damage tovllio carswns Estimatedat $125 iics Meet Orillia In Game Sunday Tits are ac iunloi hockey club meetstho Orlllla team Sun day afternoon at the Barrie Arena The ACs have record lntha GeorgianBay league on loss to Collinlwood and win over Midland last Sun day aiternnon There will be no Senior hockey at the arena until Friday night when the Orllli Terriers nxaruman Wm ans BONE 72824 STAYNER SERVICE ONLYI InElilding Nylon 100 not firllanAcrylsn Fortrel Propylon Outdoor indoor canvas liistallcd ioronly Do it $510 ourseli shonAt HomaServleerOur home and show you iull aidanoint moneu rein communist cm Doug Mayor Robert senuey phone Transmit flfldfll held in Burlayesterdaywere vice president 7Skinner Simulated ffNucieciriif Ins HerscyBeil Telephone Bell Telephone president Rankin mddimiet man no liacinllianl tax aminerPhotoi snocri Tests Telephone Equipment Iey men tn the Ball Telephone communications network moved quietly inio Barrie early yester day as Exercise Transcan he gan The exercise simulated nu clear attack was designed to test the Canadian telephone not works capacity ior survival un der emnrgcncy condiUons The to men moved into the basement at building on Dun lop Street and prepared to take over control of the telephone network in theanrea The buildings basement is any roiniorced with stressed com note and has enough lupplies ior the men to stayInside ior more than two weeks The em ergency headquarters has its own well and power supply Senior executives train the company and oiiicerr from the deience department were on hand to observe the exercise Possible emergency situations were simulated and the tedinl clans practsed setting up alter nate ways oi routing essential telephone calls Bell Telephone ofï¬cials ex zws tracks Woman Maclnncs while binclciooking ior the youth Donald Juneau was driving east through the Inna just as the youth wasrunnlngawsy from Mrs Maclnnes Hatold polite balsaw the youth running to wardshis car and almost hit him When he learned of the purse snatching Mr fluncau drove long Collier and spotted the youth he hadaimost struck In the lane walking along Collier near Clapperton with another youth Police report that lune got out at his car to chase the youths Sgtltalph Berry said fltlr Juneau caught the smaller of the two youths and was struck in the stomach with tire iron wheh he grabhodthe suspect Mr Juneau was not able to hold on to the youth He told police he saw the two youths jump into late model car with Ohio plates iirlan Kelly at 391 Letan iound purse belonging to Mrs McInnés on Sunnldaleroad later in the evening wallet can tainlng $150 identification carrdxswas missing KWgtMUSICAL PRODUCTIONS formerly IN cirYoPsRATIC socrtir presents CENTRAL COLLEGIATE alumroith Featuring and lrnduced by Li joints who plays lire part Co the leprechaun MATINEE AbuLTs $200 EVENING STUDENTS sine Alli sEArsszso 4le1ted number of reservedseats TICKETS from members of LediasriiuxliiIry to the Lions rgcail fluorides472841652 seoivsonnn ail TEE WEBAWLMRY to nanometiorts CLUB plalned liter the exercise that in the event oi national emer gency rcsidentlat telephone lines would be cut out oiythe net work Ona switch thrown and only those lines that are essen tial got dial tone said com pany spokesmanPublIc utilities radio stations and city oiilclals are among those who have tele phones that can be used The emergency exercises were carried out across the country Bell Telephone nitillatcs trom coast to coast were involved in IE games The oblect was to give tele phone oiilcials the opportunity to practise assessing possible damage done to telephone inc Ilities in an emergchcysnd de cidewhat steps tortake in re storing vital lines of comniun icotlon In carryingcut theeXerclsa the company assumedthat 70 per cent of the employees would not be available Those taking part in the exercise wererequir ed toconslruct picture at what was happening outside the hole they were working in lroni iragmentary Information provided by maps chartsand records stored in thé various command posts eventuality Oursldo lnionn to minimum ior Just such an Marianna aaxoooéi so Co ordinators tor the national exercise were situated In Smiths it Falls For the purposes at the exercise it was assumed that is centres across thecountryhad undergone an attack The exercise wasth ot regular program thetelephona compr on developed to in sura the provision oi oontinunus telephonescrvtco In the event at an emergency Symposium On Education Is Planned symposium on education and leadership training pros gram have been planned ior Molt day night ly the Slincoo County Home and School Council The event ls slated Vinbegin ht lilo pm at Johnson Street publicschoni lttrs Agnew will moderate thepanel to be comprised of Smith principal at Steele Street public school Mrs lane member oi the Innis lil school boar Roy Macklam school superintendent and Mrs Efrain Clemtnzens hmemberrol allotm do lie so col boar Pariiis near slnpertsimnpsanl so graded sAnpuow unitsM Chill sliluo Anpuow