scouting ftlszlzl mu cute late July GUESTS ATTEND HOSPITAL TEA Mrs Cameron wile oi the hospital administrator pours tea for Mrs Jack Fore Dont Live With Tensioniv Try Working It Off Daily MONTREAL Que Dont live with your tension walk it off stated lt Hen president National Council for Walking Onc ot the most widespread complaints tacing modern soc ict tension produces head aches backhoth and sleepless nights result in inefficiency at work irritability at home and often deep doprcssinn litany sultcrcrs believe that tranquilin ers anti depressant pep up and slecpingpilis are the ans war to the problem While they do provide rclict for while they are not complete cure Due to the continuous tension caused by traltic telephones competition high pressure work crowding in streets and public transport it is among the city dwellers where the role of stress appears highest Mr Hon pointed out that in many cases short bllSkWalllt if made habitcould help to draw oti tension before the more unpleasant aspects such as extreme irritability and de pression set in People who do walk frequent ly confine their activity to when the weather is mid and pleasant Now that November is here with the chill of winter in the air many take to the in doors emergingon foot only when absolutely necessary Those who do this deprive themselves of the cncbanirnent oi mist and log the crispness or the cold air the invigorating influence of high wind They miss the stimulation and feeling of well beingwhich ottcn re sults from walk under these conditions Council claimed Christmas is but weeks away and this is not always happy THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLTIA FOR TOMORROW Maintain strictly downto earth attitude on Friday Some adverse planetary aspects indi delays and disappoint ments in putting over new plans so it would be best to stick to routine generally Avoid making hasty decisions too or you may have to reverse yourlt self latcr FORTHE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday yourr homeope indicates that within the next 12 months your occupational and financial inter ests should go very well indeed Job andor business matters should show definite uptrend beginning with the Isl of lanuv dry and stars promise further opportunities for increasing earnings during April early May andorSeptember Most pr tious periods for other ï¬s cal interests Between the lith of this month and the end of February next May and June few admonit us however Make no loansblsinessor ber sonal during the latter half ot April be out of all speculative vcntures by the end of Mandi and make it point to avoid ex travagance during next Septem her and October whenzyou may he faced with some unforeseen expenses yPersonal relationships will be governed by generous irulu prices for most or the year aheadwith omphasis on manee during the current month in February JuneflJuiy and latejswtcrnbor Most auspiv cious periods for travaiLate December early he andor child born on this day will be end do with loityambitlonn and wl have the perseverance to Workunoeasingly tosttain them coul succeed inthebust nets world factoring ter hirs Ray Tod audios Jack Stollor The nvrr Vo mens Auxiliary served tea to time for everyone It is known fact in medical circles that en sion otton starts to build up as early as November accompan ied by increasing depression as the year draws to close This is not the time to sit and brood according to the Council it rc commends that those with tendency towards Christmas Misery start regular habit of going out for walk now regardless of the weather Clothing loose enough for free dom of movement but warm enough for comfort and tool wear which proldcs for an easy gait and gives sufficient pmtecr tioh against the cold plus the will to get out into the fresh air is all that is required Walking is an antidote to tension stress and depression QUAerY NAMES siren AS the marathon 750 peopll who tohred the hospital after the otticlal rrbboncutting minnow ies Examiner Photot stated Mr lforz it stimulates an awareness at things outside of your own Eblue mood and helps you to think out your own problems and put them in proper perspective lie adris es getting oftJhe bus subway or out of the car some distance from your place of work and walking the rest of the way He also advocates walk after the evening meal Housewives he claims should moire habit of going on toot to do their shopp ing If this isnot possible he urges themto include time tor brisk wallr in their dailyrou tine Walking restores and preseh yes muscular nervous and cm otional health and produces feeling of well being and peace of mind Councildeclarod boostrum snortions VILAS Tasmansatin Airportlifts The Showplace TBS BARBIE EXAMINER nfURSDAY NOV lfl Alter Caught Cook It Right ny runner courses At this genes of the your thehomemaker is confronted with the game it huhby is hunter Bagging the game is his department Cooking and serving it is her problem Veolson and this includes any game fromtho deer tamib in cluding moose is choked much the some Bron would cook beet steaks or roasts Teodor cuts roasts rib or loin chops or steaks from the leg are cooked by dry heat broiling or roasting Many per sons prefer venison rare while lost as many like it writ done Scion roasting or brolling ven ison may be chilled ovcmlght in marinade Less tender cuts or meat fromnoimals of uncertain ago are cooked slow ly by ntoistheat usually brats ed until well done These cuts make wonderful pot roasts Rom VENEON Grouse tender to pound loin round onshouldar roast Season and place on rock in Pill ii Challenger To Canadian LaWS vhrroorivmr it city lawyer says he has learned that Swedishmade abortion pill now is on sale in Vancouver Douglas Sanders made the stotomentduring lecture Tuesday night to about 20 adult students at his nightvschool class at the University of Britv ish Columbia He said the pills allowing women to abort in the early months of pregnancy would not endanger the life of those taking them Mr Sanders said the avail ability of the pills would seri ourly challenge Canadian abor tion laws it abortion can be that sim ple that mere pill will do the jolt then all the difficulties in enforcing the law will be magni tied tremendously shallow roosting pin Top with bacon strips Born at 55 degrees till medium all done or omoxtmotely so to 35 minutes per pound During roasting meat may be brush ed frequently with favorite harbour sauce BROILED VENISON SPEAKS ldinch venison steaks from leg rib or loin drops from young animal salad oil ll butter or mmnrine melted 1T onion tuico Brush steaks with salad oil let stand 15 min Broil inches from heat to In mid on each side Combine butter onion juice dash ot ralt brush on steaks For pan broiled steaks marinate meat in French dress ing for so min Drain Heat heavy skillet brown meat on lxnhsidestn little butter Sprinkle with salt Wiper and finish cooking over low heat pouring off any fat Brush steaks with butter and serve MARINADE tor beef or venison gt Corrdino lr salad oil vinegar V4 chopped on inn tsp salt tsp Wnrccs tershlre sauce ROAST WILD DUCK GOOSE OB TURKEY Rub inside ahinl with salt Stutf loosely with quartered outer and applcs iruss and place breast side up on rank in shallow roastingpan Brush lightly with salad oil melted butter or margarine or place bacon strips ovcr breast It bird is of uncertain age of boiling water in pan will help tenderlze it Roast in 350 oven to to 45 minutes per pound or till bird is tender Basie frequently with pan dripping Discard slotting and serve Allow to 1V pounds per person MUST 830W COLOR label mustjshow any aded food color tCONTEMPORARY IRApIrIONAti COlONlAL rrovrucuty 0VER1 loo suurs T0CHOOSEFROM erupts ANDPLACES 54 comma res 11 opening of the new wing at Barrier Royal Vidal Hol Pllll My afternoon was followed by an infomid recur lion and tea in the ilal role Ierll hiernberx of nursing staff assisted by members of RV Auxiliary served tea to more than 750 guests during the afternoon Avgotd motlt carried thrallh with banquet of mums in Autumn tones decorated the In tables Tea honors were 969 tormeder representatives ol the hospital medical and nurse in Ind the RVH Austin Pouring to were Mn Cameron wile of the holotul sdminiurotorltrs us Cooke wife of the chairman at the board ltlrl Wlillam Little and Mrs ll Smith wives of doctors Mk Helen Shana hnn forrnn hospital administra tor and torrncr director of the Evil School 0t Nursing Mlss Hilabeth langnran hospitu purchasing agent Mrs Parsons and Mrs Roy Tod vast presidents of the Km Auxil ary Servers included Mrs George Davi Mrs Stan Cohen Mrs Jack Stellar Mrs Nraka wa lllra Alexander Mrs Gordon Patterson Mrs Ben FlookMra Jock Forster and Mrs Ross Pullers The auxiliary social home scs Mrs Hunter and Mrs Miss GLENNA roman SON the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Patterson ï¬lth Barrie has beenygraduated from the nursing school ot Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Orillia She is now on the staff ol Royal Victoria Hoe Pital Barrie Miss Patterson is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Patterson and Mrs Max Coutts now its in Stan Cohen direded the serv iirulisdmrum Trirwhs of put on the auxiliary Ihle to attend AL Ilium with the rctmhmean provided by the hospital dietitians him Molly Smith and him Crldord Among the many guests at tendhrg was lira Ross Adams past president of the corollary new residing taWellInd FROM BERMUDA Min Shirley won at Bermuda is visiting her parents ur and Mr corru this of Polanch She will holiday in the am for two month before returning to hermuda CLOWES WI An averting of cards pad crate tool has been arranged by Clowes Womens Institute touhe place in Edgar Community Hall on Nov There will be bake sole or an added nature The event begins It 830 oclock and luncheon will be served following the conclusion orgamcs WLIU MEETING Mrs Coohnne of Bayfield St was hostess the Novem ber meeting of the Womans Christian Temperance Union with Vice President Mrs Vaughan prerlding medita tion Tedd Loungesin molars presen yspecla guests av and Mrs Tunis of Hi whyPentecostal Church Barrie report from Mrs Smith provincial president stotcdthat womendn Orillla are consider Woman Completes World Flight rams Reuters French wornn aviator lirtsra Pellssier landed near here Tuesday after flying around the world in lust morethnn its hours aboard singleengined plane Mr Pollartar 31 who has an eightyeIroid son left loussur le Noble airfield near here Sept 11 on her mooomile trip Total flying tinn fdr mo 52 logtumutiou of clout branch of WCfU Follovdnl Iï¬lwm meal luncheon was Hurvod Mos Loam aovn Barrie Secretaries will hold their monthly dinner meeting at tho Continental ion on Norano her 12th with Mrs lArnohoyd speaking on Oltice Grooming hirs Budes personnel armin lrtrnlor for Atlas Alloys nl Tor onto ond is member of tho Toronto Chapter of the National Secretaries Association During May at loin Mrs Boyd was tor tunate in being one of the thirty Canadians chosen to partlclpato ln Hltlf The Duke of Edin burghs Commonwealth Study Conference which Was held In Australia All interested secre taries in Barrie and surrounding districts are invited to attend this meeting and for further tnv formation contact Mrs Alma Pope evenings 7785045 GEN HEART POST VANmUVER CF Wedge Saskatoon lawyerond alderman Wednesday was elect ed president of the Caand Heart Founatlon Mr legs of the tourney worn hours and 15 minutel succeeds Arthur Fouls couver lawyer as tour rogourgi cursrrrilrtowulttsucn saunas in Bsu OFFERED1 NoMmu WHAT few¢our¢Rr49 QNow at special Reductions suit names or routqu WE HAVE CHESTERFIELD fror iou°