mono Monks sinnncon Ontario liydros Barrie Area istall last week marked more thnn three quarters at mil lionmanhours without lost time iniury Area Manager lProwlers Claim They Only Wanted To Call Taxi Two Base Borden soldiers pleaded guilty in Barriemag istrntes court yesterday to charge of prowling and were each fined $73 and costs Pie Jean Luc Bernicr 20 and Pie Allain Daunnis 19 both ad mitted they had been drinking Bernier was seen entering home on Eccles St by Wayne MacDonald at Park St Daunnis remained outside the house and bothlied when woman screamed MacDonald followed them and got police assistance Capt Donald Arthur iiacker end Corporal Kenneth OBrien hoth ot Base Borden were cali ed as character witnesses tor the defendants Berniers and Dnllnais service records were tinhlcmished and both were an plying themselves in their tech hicinns courses Delcnce counsel claimed that iiie two had been drinking nnd having missed the last bus back to the base they went into the Eccles St house to phone ior Town Don hinges t2nd lelt is shown accepting the award on behnlI at his area irom Curl in gimundson Manager Georg ian Bay Region Also shown are Iielli Don ireland formerly of Barrie and now Ontaria llydros Executive Manager Regions and for right Warren Cliiton Dir ector oi Accident Prevention for Ontario llydro CITY NEWS THE BARBIE EXAhlINER THURSDAY NOV 1968 Charged Willi HavingStolenTV Tells Court He Bought It The case againt iierbert Allan Bellanger or Penciang charged with possession oi stolen goods was adiournedycsterday in Sim eoe County court alter the crown had outlined itscase and pre scnied one witness Bellanger was arrested July in Penetang and charged with Possession oi television set stolen from Eugene Kuchma irom Toronto summer resi dent in the area Ho pleaded not guilty in court yesterday ltlr Kuchma told the court he visited his summer cottage in the Highland Point area of Pene tang Bay and discovered that his television set which re vnlv ued at approximately 569 was missing lie telephoned police and ties cride the telcvi it set and its TONIGHT LOUNGES Continental innKay Cooke BaysharoThe hiark Hellman show queensThc Changes and Darlene Dean WellingtonFreddy hicKenna imperi Row Odd Couple nxvuiln=lrnww arenaum In James Beaten son oi Dr Beaton hd Mrs Benton 91 NE sad LI OBlTUliRY FRANCES nr ARNOLD In Funeral services were held at Jennett Funeral Home on 21 ior Jamarold Feances Margaret Arnold at Thornton Mrs Arnold daughter at vllam Henry Davis and Rebecca lLennox VDavis was hornet on Oct 20 1379 She lived on her parents iarm until her marrlageiolili Fred Arnold oi lvy on Sept 17 1502iierhus Iband died on0ct l960 The couple had two daughters Marion of Toronto and Margai et Mrs Murray McVnneli oi lsiington son Boyd lives in London Mrs Arnolds brothers all dead were John Boyd and Fred Her sister also deceased was Lilliati tMrs morst Grandchiidron are Don and Sharon Arnold andhrian and Susan Mchuei Mrs Arnold sullered her iirs stroke 12 years ago and ha Vaeverasmce an Lover plus lttondo Can No distinguishing features nick on the tail front side and wa ter mark on the top he said In court yesterday he discov cred another nick on the tele vision set presented as an ex hibit uhich he said was not there earlier but he said it was the same set Mr Kuehma said he purchnsl ed the television used about seven years ago irom the Trader Hancock Store in Toronto but he was unable to locate the hill at sale Under cross examination he ad mitted that in the preliminary hearing he said he believed he had bought the set at the Bad Boys Store at Daniorlh and Donlsnds Ave in Toronto Yesterday he said lt is not possible that boughtvthe set from Bad Boys POPULATION INCREASE ST CATHARlNES iCPi This citys population has topped the 10100omark up three per cent over 1961 it was announced Wednesday b1961 aitcr St Catharines amalgama ted withIort Dalhousie Merit ton and Grantham townships the population was H735 RECEIVES prize for PROFICIENCY congratulated by Johnson Principal of Upper Canada College on ning Blake Streel Barrie is general proï¬ciency prize inr Franco Canadian trade exchanges have picked up markedly in the last six years in terms of vot ersity of goods the FrenchCanadian Chamber 01 Cameron was told Wednesday The Canadian embassys corn merciai counsellor lions seau snidthegil of goods from Frianee to at had risen to 562000000 francs about $22400000 irom 106000000 francs about $23750000 between 1961 and 1957 The flow from Canada to France had about doubled to 511000000 francs about 5510 210000 from 200000000 francs about $50920000 But he stressed that the 1967 figures only represonted around one per centol global trade by either country Nevertheless it was notewor thy that therange oi items in both directionstrose to 510ln 1966 Irom 3min lBï¬l outstanding academic work Grade James who received his prizeirom thehight lion Lester Pearson at there cent Annual PrizeDay iormg erly attended Barrie North Col legisla Photoby Doris Spremol Manpower cen with etirst tilts gtA pioneering program in tour nnlism and ndvertisiu is in In in year ol narration at Brnmptons Sheridan College PeriCapita Grant for Base Borden lislredhy Essa BAXTER Staiil per capits grant in lieu of taxes hasbcen asked by Ems Town ship council ior Base Bards residents The clerk iiaroid Bell was authorised by council to write lion Darcy hidieougb min ister oi municipal slfnirs about the possibility of obtaining wall grant lilrhieieough is ex pected tortaira the matter up with federal authorities since Base Borden is under their lur lsdlrtlon copy of the letter also was sent to Donner MP of Duntroon member for Simeon Dutferin riding The motion moved by Churn ciilors lred Ross and Ken Elam chard said That whereas the residents at East Borden use some at the township services and whereas they have vote in the township elections there fore Ihc clerk be instructed to writeVHon Darcy hleKeongh nskingior per caplts grant on the residents ot Bose Bor den OXYGEN UNIT rAuthority was given the Essa police for to purchase por table oxygen unit The council also recommended Essa cases be heard in Alliston rather than Barrie due to the congestion in the Barrie court This is to be take up further with the Crown attorney by Mr Bell 1A new dog control bylaw pro viding for better controlregula tions was given iirst second and third readings William Ainleynnd Associates were asked to carry orit pre liminary report on drain at the John Marshall property lot Con run cups Remembrance Available Through Library new film that has just ar rived at the Barrie Public library and that is especially suitable for Remembrance Day is called Ftelds oi Sacriï¬ce This dominate color ï¬lm is memorable tribute to the more than one hundred thousand Canadians who gave their lives in the service of their ooun try on ioreign battlefields The iilm visits battlegrounds oi the First and Secon WorldWsrs and cemeteries where service men are buried The library hns also received another excellent iilm that could he used with msnyot the var ious organizations in the com munity called Experienced Hands This is the awry oi the Quo Vadis School of Nursing which trains housewives and n10 thers to become graduate nurses it describes the projects of the school during its ï¬rst experi mental year An excellent variety ior use at birthday parties Christmas parties or ior many other chil drens group is also available During the month of Decem ber most of the childrens ï¬lms are heavilyhooked so please order early for the best set action You may order ï¬lms by phone orreorne to thehlm department at the library and choose irom the catalogue lVo more of the drens films are Tbe Christmas Visitor Eleven hew chil Manpower Centre Reports Openings Allsgalsecretary is among job opportunities reported this weelr by the Barrier Canada She must be experienced in typing and short nd and befaxt and accurate Amoug other jobs listed are painter ior work at has LBor den twoshe metal wonders iorfiurnnce ork repairman ior oiriee business macirin nod carpenters ior arming houses and worn in host building Ploy tNarm ThisiWinter fLorgé cuftBag Loose insulation for his The come is the only onset ltslypr inwardsinlaid yarn peopleforvcareerr with smaller dly daily and larger weekly newspapers Were vooooentrotlog on the practical dds ot Journalism uldllenitore innroctor in iornnnltnn at the college whose elm toured the Barrie Extends er Wednesday We are eon rcrned not only with wriuag but with the problem report ermine into that are pecul inr totbe unit he added Vuy little theory is taught in the course Mr Ross said There are flotudents in the connde coinmunity Jmunniirmr and ad mtisioe course lids Semester The worse is two years long with two semesters per year During the second year the ad vertising People willsplit into separate course One or the students in the iwrnalism course is Dalton Gor bettot Barrio Conservation Club To Honor Past Presidents Presentation oi plenum honor ing past presidents and others is planned at the annual dinner dance of the Barrie Coma tion Club on Friday Nov 29 Special guests will include ol iicers of the Ontario department of lands and forests The club which now has to members will receive annual reports showing exteruive activ ities attire users conservation area in Vesprs and elsewhere The club also carries out hunt er safety course and conserva tion educational program We need the co operation of everyone ior maximum suc cess in protecting our natural resources said Ted Swain pre sident Specialtdisplays are planned at the annual meeting including an unusually large set at deer horns collected over the years by Frank Miles Daylilovie is minutes in color Santa Claus drives his team of reindeer cross the sky to houso where he knows he will be received with hospitality While he settles down to eat feast prepared iorhim the toys he brought breaktree imm tittir parcels and join together in is tastic sdvcnture This is his anilriatcd cartoon The Emperors oblong Pan cake Six minutes in color This is bright lively versionni the story aboutan Emperor who tried to change all the round oblt iects in his kingdom toan oblong shape After several amusing experiences he siires that some things must be round to tuncuoa white with others shapes do not affect their use This is an animated cartoon socrnr MEETING Simcoe County separate school teachers are holding social meeting for present and past members of the separate soimi board on Nov 21 at the Knights of Columbus hall NEW ADDITION lheopenlng and blessing of the new addition to St John Vianaey school willtake place on Sunday Nov 24 between and pm Fubiic is cordially invited FRIDAY THE 13TH iNancy McCutcbeon will not soon target Friday the lath ing out of the and parking lot on Bayfleld St in Barrie onFtiday Sept 13 Mrs Mc Cutclieon failed to yield the right at in makings lett turn and car was hltinthe rear by mother driven by Jonathsn BUDGEIFPLAN proud HEATING martian causes mm tarnoon Pointing out the in Header olithe printing opera munityjournalism and ndver ti smog touredtlheller yderday ai liw tlon is Greg Tornflnson com podtorStudents shownfrom leit in right are Marnie Green ing Peter Donate and Evan Muncie tExninincr Photo runners Studyirtaza Proposals For Barrie The Barrie Planning Board this week made declsionon the size oi shopping plaza coun ell should accept it it is to rain imiu detrimental eiiects an the citys central business dis trial but the recommendation is considered confidential Two major shopping plazas are proposed tor the Bayficld Candles area and an urban re newal study is under way that could mean the ultimate reiuv enstion oi the citys central core The one proposal by Warren Scott and Associates for the east sidnof aniield St at Cundles ltd would mean plaza oi 120 000 square feet of commercial floor space The other larger development byChez Belle Ltd would mean 250000 square feet ior the west side oiBnytield and Candles The planning board recom mendation oi plaza developth camein consideration at the new oiiicist cityplan which re ceived planning board secep tnncevlninight tThe board didth come out in favor ofone plaza proposal over TORONTO lGP Vholesale to retail carton eggs sverage weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as oi Wednesday large 53 me dium 49 small 383 Eggs Wholesale prices to countrystems ï¬bre cases quot ed by committee otwholesste egg deals extra large large 4747 medium soui small 32 as 27 the historic sitE adetst another but did recommend the amount of commercial plaza ex pansion the city could stand if it were to leave the way open ior urban renewal The plan now goes to the city development committee for Award Winning Film To Have Tv Showing award winning Saintehiarle among the ons 16391519 will be telecast at 030 smluesday Nov 12 over CKVRFTV Channel This special soniinuteprogram scheduled for stations ointhe OBC network will be presented their consideration and is ex pected tocoma belore council on Nov iii Planners are concerned that the central care be retained as vital commercial district This means controlling the commer cial development in other areas of the city so that sulltclent pri vate lands are available ior re development of the central care when the city takes on on ur ban renewal program An urban renewal study com pleted earlier this year by Mur rayV Jonestsnd AsmiatesLtd of Toronto recommended on areas in the city for renewal Adegeneration lnthe econi omic health at the two smaller plazas in the city could mean tbatthcse areas would apply or by the EducationalTelevision Branch the Ontario Depart ment of Education The film portrays 17th century life in the proyinc ï¬rst Euro community SaintsMarie under reconstruction lay the tsrioGovernrnenton the or pmw Dora ments Teachers Guiditpoints out it can supply information and erqilanations about the sari 1y relationships of Etnopeans and the native populationtand it can motivate students to fur ther invesgate not onlthe topic deal with but the wealth of history associated with their local ar Prime purpose ofrth the orientation at the re llarnbides Mr Hamhides car received $800 damages MeCuteheon was found guilty ot failingtoyield the right of way and was ï¬ned$ilso in magistrates court yesterday ship and ended inilame more LOClii nNoEjornsnn Mrs OIL paymentsiuniiormly AUTHORIZE PURCHASE The purchase of audiovisual equipment for the Barrie separ ate school system was authoris ed last night at meeting at the CRCSS board MAYOR TO SPEAK Mayor Bentley will be guest speaker at the Simcoe CoOp Medical Services 22nd annual meeting at the Continental Inn on Thursday Nov 14 at 30 Mayor Bentley its not what it ls at the dinner meeting The election of directors and reporton the previous iiseal years business will befeatured ashram 2XMARYS not Nightsu 72 2461 tatkron creation of the Jesuit mission thatcnduredra decade of hard thanrthi centuries ago Recentlyi voted the Canadian Tourist Association Maple Leaf Award as the years best to production on travoland reerea tion 11 Canada the SainteJMsrie ï¬lm will he sh nnext year in the orientation centres owin theaihes at the site the downtown area have expressed interest in the large plaza developments Some Council mornbcrslesr that this could mean their operations would moved out at the beav ily as ssodcentral corn Net Verjofvthe proposaisv can begpmoved until tbolne ini plan is dealtwith BARRIEBRANCH l47r ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION