yiofcoooituium Psena lieliei For Painful nag Feet ay Jones is Home my Dear Dr Moter My deugtr tar bu the bailout teat you ever an what her elmoet eon atintly is there oythlnl that can be done to in hot rolled vEJlM viii youd mentioned your daueletera and methtoe tltoreabout the condition at her tattle lllllltl ol the flatness Therea dillerlnce between morer Ital tool and palalul tilt foot Seine people with very hot tut not around eomtnrtebly Ind oulte epryly and mm is little any point in trying to do anything about their leet lhey are serviceable palnlul ttat loot is another Jory Sontetblux usually can end should be done about it 1h human foot consists at as bones artlulty arranletl by na ture to bear persons weight evenly Each loot her two arches one lengthpise and In other arch behind the toes and positioned aidewise Either or both maybe ï¬lt tenod damage to one ardi may obviously exert strain on the other the melee baleucp the ar chitecture ol the loot can be dis hirbed by disorders in the boner by weakening ol muscles or tendon in the loot by injury overweltht arthritisor acme nomination of them Or your daughter may blve been born with mugenital detect From the above it must be ob ï¬lms that trying to hit upon nmeslmple home remedy for palnlul flat leet is raping lo the dark You can waste years trying this end that action and have no succen at all The poiniul feet should be ex amined by Walls In loot problems In otthopediet or In podiatrist after which you Will at last be able to learn whit will help and what cant TELEVISION BUFFALO Mom TORONTO ll HAMILTON THURSDAY NOVEMBER EVENING 00 arv flrIMn Weller Sex dRnun Part hove but ll5uprr Heron wuthu iTrlnl world ram GGllllxana titans 1TInteonll Iunvle Francis nau 14 Welt Polnll llHuck and You emul IHems oTnun or tNui HI ire tlGomlr mo Izeo Ilinbln mot rrv mm 14 um l1Perry Muoa ellonal sue 2wmtu Ltael ecnmtn Say moo ltelesowe Hr am 53 II lNlllll 555 llNawn Weather Sport one oNewl Welthu Sparta News Weather lporll loewiuhed llFirm Blrlnn mo VMovle Flesh Till FRIDAY RDVEMBER MO 1Windou on The warm Hunnee sanetor 114m Golnl 7Beverlv Employment Fill mo aTooev Doctura noun Call 74mm sale 105 NIWI 13 LNl IM 1Clntlllt Klnleroa uflnimaw or upoam run aNm wuuier Bunrtl uooh 1100 7Aa may 125 41 ms sMr orem 55 Hooprow 7Diallnl for peltu Im an Iron 21mm coon 4Contac1 DRmnner mm Lwa 11313 iris Lamont iii IE $01 It uwro 9111 In gt ml 41Nne tun tutlu Dru consequences PHI USMC lha wanna kDorla my 7Ualm Girl in Tm uJr Hockey eHawali Fivero 7ttylns Nnn 1Bawllclled eDuu Martin 1lblt Glrl ICvucl Intion llPr lndly Gllnt 7Dltk Clvltt ell Both Hermielit oazvm tiEo Aliu Time Fall hinder elura Neon 1nawlteheo conservative treatment to reotly chosen one le attoetiu arrloo ol nutty ntflul hlita lreeueotly lt lilflll ll exeeellve lltl weight to loin to hdp 1h arious undue tor strennbenlnl loot munlae ride on the tou reï¬ne ea theloet wrllnl tool ovoere ed ola telephone book or walklnl on tiptoe walking toela lo and other that the phynden may recommend Use at Thornu but on eboes ceu mm the balance and make the lee more com lortahle meietaual bar on the oboe my be recommoded But note that did not Iumst the cmnmonlyuud ercll lup port While it may help it may not do anything to correct the baric uouble and will leave the patient dependent on continued me But before you try any hi my msoinr Iulgutloni Kat professional advice as to what is wrong and what can be done to help Dear Dr Mllaor mini year old live Icet inches and weigh about 135 pounds am desperate to lose weight but have weak willpower My moth er wont let me go to doaor because she doesnt think PM that lat How do you suggest lose weight without min to the doctorTT By putting out eating between meals by eating only hell dessert or none at all by avoid in lots and tried foods and gravtea and cream sauces by geninl lot more exercise than you do Might well Italt de veloping willpower now Youll need It or the next 50 or 70 yufl dont have to tell you do to avoid all candy and go easy on All stardust PROGRAMS BUFFALO IUFFALO me znmnet 14mm to the Unknown OMeunlx Iozoo enun Martin I4noe llJluv Grmln th 1Nwlm iOtll war 1m llemel Gm Hohnnv Clue How elmou vMevu Bye Bye uhdtel mu neaolv Decal um llbe Milne shrink Men to llLMovle mm the mount llzll IMovll The Inn Doll om euinl the Game be Htvl ana RNING AND AFTERNOON mo Xanll slim nomai Fillet Iltl Mtllul 1virztm Graham int v1 may 31le scoutmaslerl ll FA Till WEI iunu 1Funoy You Ask Rhianna Hellnl mm mm Haul News Zfofhlldreua min 1Lova Is Many in do ea In hfulxyém lilo mm but man 11 snag women no Hum um 7D ll Weston Gum OK msmu Ina WM am Peal gpeolarleadive ol clubs molt Ibkrutlu hands to play are tbpuwbua the out come in uncertain and the tide ol balle ewlnu back end forth between the oppoxlo sides lor IXIIIP10 coolider this dept wbereboulb start without knowing how be will eventually no lie doornot see the ad ye curd end hence cannot eootnately que the line out come it is much easier lot the read er who see all 51 cards to predict the result assuninx nest play by both sides of course there are times when even the reader has trouble predlcting what will transpire and perhaps this Is one at those cases CAN TREAT THEMSELVES aLpai ul Wvuvu EDMONMN or wcek1y classes offered by Llle diabetic instruction ccnlre at Edmonton GeneralHospital now enable pa Llenln to rent themselves at home Previounly diabetics spent low days in hospital ro ceivinlrtmilln information JULIET JONES Here to honuie play lo to three ootrump Eu the charmflth the times queen vim the ten Welt bu to dlscard when South Ill the third title with the led Ind unless he discards the Ho ol diamonds declare males the contract Lets uy We discards low heart instead which would seem to be the mornatunl thin to do South then makes the bend by initial diamond and play inu low tram dummy when Welt produce the king in fact he makes the rest of the Irish or tour notmmp ER on the discard oi the king ot diamonds by went puts an en llrely dlllereot complexion on the matter South cannot mike nine tricka without brinxinr home the dllmondn and It be attempt to do thin he finisth down two There is no load reason for West to lien on to the icing nl diamonds Thekind is at no vol no to him it South has the queen and it is on even greater lladbltily ll East bu the uttering the right play will simply not occur to West since discIdiot king is lar ram an everyday practice but he thinks of the play the king discard stands out as clearly correct FARMERS HELP OUT TiLNEY Sank UP When Yvonne Whitehends husband was drowned in July she was left with 760 acres ol ttnllurvesl ed whcmwith all approaching All was well as farmers from miles around this community near Moose Jaw left their ï¬elds to harvest her crop HUBEBT 1u Han LITTlE one WITH am PET Hat Hiatus UNDER THAT coucu SHELLMRCQBB New Ili4lltlrl PHI Yin llNlnlllln szoo aAnuttm wort llTI 7531 glonn DPlopll In can no llll ZYois Dont any lGenerll Hnlplla tlllol Amos LYintmld enomun out hat 51mm IIWYersdo on minutiae lace alangy ater may emperor zoo Lhmhwoumm dont consideromisus upward 310 ajob well dons employees DillLY coosswonn 21 Cohurfl van Sim helm apecf course it Is possible that GRANQMA DONALD DUCK sscnzr AGIlTIX9 thlKRElL WW museums 6mm momue me mums nets sou sour or seam NW4 menusrec me nunea suns auno 10mm As PLANle Just and our or the SIGHT mini no OVER NESAW ME MEET FAITH BLAIEAlntE WAIN NWIU WHEN 5mm HASNT USED BE 6E6 TD nu HIM RE snows ELIE sees Streets BLONDIE IM GOING HUNTING WITH SOMEOFTHE 2°lllicifll£éé WHArs me rTHEYREMCKING MI UPliL wAlr HERE lN THE lVE BEEN LVING HERE munugnaousoov outznwairrea coma WlLl sennus maniac WELL WIN SHOULD THATMKEWU NERD mam MERHMVANDIIIERMIWIMN 103 nounva CONFOUNDIE IT MAY GET VENNY I1ti0tl6iit ROIIGHER V0 HANDLED TtMthLt llGearch or Tomorrow YTreasun Iconnecuvs Curtuln devices issue ateedllj lacrudlrn 11 Crucea lulu 11min or Nitlltt 7Commlnder from Hllntrtones Lno lor neun luunv itHliel mun novumun EVENING perm Weather SDDYII usmno guitara Year 11 Takes Thin BUTIERFLY Bill WILL FIND HIM Hum Juoameni 41 Lucllle out IClrtoun Pllybouu oomwom rows oerammu verbtom 211mm alamrt 28Duryr orDalle alums anmtrim gem frtilt preciplloul 366hrylnlie coo 37Lyrte zMerv Grillln sxer sex 1Hoiue Party 94 Low Lucy 11suau nem has 1Nm Tlillvli at ram 7Dou RICHle 1Wlll some 20 Maacnznl nr Matherrll nation projects SLEdmund orihomnl lsiPIrlo ivxcalrcl an Look Pelr mm ESiSulllxwl non ZHllll lHawall Five0 emta or Conscouences 14m wanna SDI FCountry Music mu llPatucnlt lunetion YLEASE not new FOR ME auzz Wren Dt uvle nt nrhlddenl mm Weetbar zntrn cm arret 41wno to Went 0pentlon Entertainment DHens Lucv llflonna mm lltlfl xivmm om sssemio WING ER SHEHJNISHWUf PAnENcE Harounsonnstuu uvll esecanu But nt in world Ianle iDull to lineman 1146 ltanle Women ln mic Greggwlllylsd Dionne cointii expanses DOWN Campue 11 News the Sports Bewitched lPlerrornertnu oi the GIMI 16 iusucnzm 1Fe1any Squad Slate lttovte Muses sxéaren amount it