unï¬gcoIDE ETiERJDEAL HquunsIaanrasm mmmvmamamd Inc HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENTS arm NWCFS Cass RATES Thank no Wimï¬kwfl in was seven Vmotncwlniixuflh nvm LA DEBONNAIRE new Announces ns rmoav Nov 1968 indir PioMed ll Stephen Nemaandones our new stylist manned foraillwe dwmymmwk 7282693 LA DEBONNAiRE Hair Styling Studio DEATH Carolina HaneyAt nï¬iï¬ï¬u nrantl am At mun 81ml Wt onWadnuon Nov in her marum matrlcl Mm Cam sen Resting In smiley rilqu Hflml so Word1 sum marl swine in mrmu1nternuh¢ anm Union EconInn MEMORIAMS Betty Neurons WEE Friday November Auapices ACW TheDutclIéCanadian Mon hm NOV norm BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE immav NOVEMBER Amines WA ST VDICENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 25 om Friday as and 79 pin Saturday 10 nan pm aaColiier Street Easement of lenys SINGSPIRATION SERVICE éotriliiglnlheni magma Ill OHN LEDLlE and MY of HIRED AY NOVEMBER 10 730 pm COOKSTOWN UNITED CHURCH toy an evening of Gospel Singing WY Minister EUCHRE PARTY Friday November 15 1330 pm MDIESING COMMUNITY BALL Proceeds for 151 MJDHURM was and scours JOHN MINNINGS of mmu0nt will hold Open House for flames friends and neighbors on ATUEDAY NOV 1963 from 330 tolo pan at 5T FAiRIlCKS HALL on the occasion of their GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSAR CLASSIFIED DVERTiSING TELEPHONE 72824i4 mined anvertnemenu Inn non for the Dam mull in 2H lvea no small arpnnon tlon day precedinl DI Slum Cfuailied which mun noon mound om 2a or 11 LASSIFIED mllSlNGCam AMTA ingot Ra lev ll valid with rwo mummyinurqu 1m ner wontnerrtmertton ram nomeutlve insertions nu ward per lion total in sinlla tnaertfnn on per mic BRIDE am GROOM plunge bargains REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 520 NW PAW 5E per month with tan Modern bedroom storey and mly $150 per yearFor ur halt home Frame and aims the demila rail lim liigginsan inurn riding on Am am with large barn water under Mb sure apple orchard and nail liaran bush Contact MYflv TIE Mama Barrie 4759 Beautiful bridr name close In able apartments or professional suites Home is lnemlient con dition with modern garage and lovely grounds Property has rear asters Interesting 7W7 gartease Call Wardie acre an cannu slon road overlooking lï¬gh roun mm PaoDULliON proudly present our audcmy award for the week bedroom home right down lSeparatn dining room OGould carry for la than TED Mprice Well under SMOOOI ttyouwanttobodowniowninK pleasant home should be pleased to make an appoint merit Call Hannah Pentland oo acre iotaonly aileftot these Iota Hamil miles from Barrie on good comession road Ountnrz MYRTLE Mao unon Barrie mm mud 7mm ChIncbiil tadzoo Hawkestone 4675103 Lillian Roberta 72643927 Margueritehfoore 7mm 181 EGLlNTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 OONSIBIUOFION nines bedroom bridr bungalow GIbson lbwant Iocatin wvclnse to by more groomer Business expanding or wish to relocate This aith aew building with large show room trontingon No 11 Highway iai large eonunimity win tannajto ark might be what you are looking forCall Ed Woodï¬etnm Ed Green Horde Torn Fibslmmlm admin diumbes and only few blocks from dmonpwn For further partiatlars call Dolly Mortell7280671 lidVivian calarr Mario Nonnun Lr EIs own at 770 pounds poi ment only capac efllv of good water Hall clay loam out buildings in anellent condition omn trawlarmian acres on tater ouitlzaï¬on R7 mes MML room ouse Piece batboli beating barn an sombre Vment shed 127 no ikilna and Ill 17 Tennis $750000ash balm mop interest included It 100 ABMs bedroom new hum 881W aim baih oilfura see on aw garage ï¬edlent dark loam plenty of water Addng price $3000 Terms can be arranged er area APPRDWAKELY 2200 feet river frontage ma lent opportunity for 917000 658 49095011133 masonry It Dick Hartley mom nun Rose mane Startingsahirday November at visit wimltsandenjoy pup of suitesl with leftioohoose from feahnes elevator intercom bargain for homeland new evenings swoon lull price um Synnoit mini $16500 Commercial proper Emma égérovsnuehigesmznt ark mans home bedrooms good area $3200 bedrooms garage ems £1901 eRetirementhgrne $9500v One size ua Jortehie home glam aoo Ieet frontage $1000 Buil lot so non arm with isbed home to 815 monthly Gail Harvey or Aint on there and other properties HIGHWA 27 134x350wIannaoaao anddnaai bedroom home with den nrexna Watch Classiï¬ed Ads tor terrific furniture and ap downtown ldeatvfor two proï¬t ArraaimsRMQGAGE RamAla moo ms 100 zoo Vesier Township new DOTS zoo one heavily used Vespra nwp ins 29 as Township onosm noise ms ozo ï¬ll600 WM mm at an Innisï¬l ilowndaip him on some ideal on ml fdniding yum Township Ramona hnck veneer bimgaiowAllandale area one OPEN HOUSE 27an wqonmnamo soar 7286325 yltnpm MoGrhth ElmLang mani ao no won Barn sasooonIIaenIInne downtown no Anm ml Selim mun Wants BeachMen ona Madman Imminent terrific return on your mat For furtbor dc call Joseph Dirrlcoio no tax ngu tame bedrooms Full divI ided basements plus View of the Ithat l5uxigtdlevable or Iookntybur future CHM Ed or allle Jennings 728 WOW What home nine minutes from Barrie New home with angelmne front three bed rooms on very very large lot with garage For fur the information call or contact Bob or Dee Hanson 4634505 AilENOU MG FOR FARM We have farms in the townships ot Oro Vanna Coll ingwood Nouawasaga and otin or areas We also have many EIBBS from to to 100 acres Calf Alli son Haynes or iurtber particu lars mason FOR ran roomy Large torn storey bedrooms family room ï¬replace double car garage What more can you and Let me show you this home today my Marion Newman ROWAN Chm IA two storey electrically heated four bedroom borne on millet street safe for dirti OA wdlcareddor home taste lullydeoorated 0A ï¬nished mention room with mmer fireplace OCall Wanda Edwards 773 201i SE boitseï¬vdowntï¬wn area Bill Madmen mm Russell Smith Rea 7mm marrow morn Sinner Hanan zinmJnnd all weekend Come toffee lhere are mvluxurioua One and approximately in 75 ft nbove 100 ft homage on axtraiota facing Steele st Here isa real business together Call Russell Carson Adam 000 wall bandle2 bedrooms living room kitchen and bathroom no basement Just miles on paved road AOaraoo 7366151 ï¬nancialson midi Elmynie norm outside city limits bourbon ailearn quiet canent blodflblllldlli wig busIneds orfniitstaod Vendor hold ï¬rst or old bedroom in basement An ideal tmnilyhorne an priced my system Call one and Ni arm harem 100 month mimosaTn Antwan ï¬liob SuIerE mortgages woman corms 7282511 tinBradford St PROPERTY FOR SALE vnone WWWWMWWNEMMM memialareahitdrendimngmnandlivingrmailoowand warm Morita umMunka for fluzmmoothlyinchiding cs 97 norm RANCH in the Mount thmigh entire FM Bill Me ammo EVENINGS CALL mum Frank Wainwright 17 M98 Stan flammond moon 7mm Mike hfaaua 7266682 mm Ernest Walla SHELSWELL and WILLSON Mrs neurons hormone anoxan cam la the location of tbisspiitlevel entrance bungalow eatinlng oonhination living and room with patio door Men with eating area three bed rooms and four piece bath lower level Widely ï¬nidied otters large family room with ï¬rqlaoe den or 4th bedroom piece bath and laundry room Attached garage LISTED so do not delay in calling Mn Lang M751 M15 AleNDMEAOREEEHGMRWMHDDAOKSPWFMfliï¬w place in family room Double garage and marw other features Tomeihiahmtecauï¬rudtmdaertmmsmfl noomnanvouasmvou AmWHUMEWTIHAN Nonmrnr bedrooms for your family living room dining room and family sized kitchen Separate selfcomained warniient outside entrance Garage and double driveway Very entraLCall an Brown 7317265 tor details No 12111 Iio Duhlop St East 12mm or 7291423 ROGERS CONNELLg Pbotoln it sneaker IDUNLOP 5mm mom in rive roan Phone moses avnumnanunx monsoonom cansnon mass OD EFL Es BARRIerrNZEtolIIsidw ï¬mnneamek kc Chvaoaugh Prank Nelle EluHoflrth Hie coo ElinOAD SPRING and HOMER Builders Gard Spring Doug Homer mm THWHTiEM 109 Bayfield St 7381071 Appraisals Listings invited ELVA mun mam JOHN warm mono RAWN Real Estate Broker we BAYFlELD 51 mï¬ï¬‚ SPECIALIZING RURAL PROPERTES Evenings can Larry Torpay 4260 Bill Rawn 7ZH599 Dick Draper m3375 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers semcxrmxs SEPTIC TANKSV PUMPED IILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAmED ROBERTSON ANGUS 4495595 non mo sun mm aed waennh Ind Vrenrrx as Iaoume as and and mortgaga arranged mm kmnghï¬llgï¬gflï¬gmmm on low monthly Wmentau We an mi IIaNnvMAN Felon mttnu cl asernen nor Iorma roar mall or mam PAVING GRETA mom Expert Co of Barrie Free Estimate Workguaranteed Moon 134 ESSA no 519 BRICKWDRK mines metlined All atone OWEN ST 7284465 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAlLABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUilS 7737275 SANDY OOUliS 7284283 work guaranteed Anna CARPENTRYV ml koala earnRic rune notes to mom mites BiCYCLES nanin nru tenorlea hocke lam luua aims in 5611 Elk shun 53 owlll BUILD lNG NEW HOME Contact Peter light HEEAVER LUMBER 778554 MOR RENT noon to Anna ur lilI CALL Us IFIRSTI Modern radiocontrolled trucks Mahleri Paving brick In car expert es mi work n1L common Trunk uttering SAW SHARPENING mono inn REALTOR mammal2 ammm mummies on non Street large emu living room hatinoom gu heat Commercial wmag Cali nwfllymnt to RI Cliarlie Bead Don Campbell Fred Taylm Paul Penman snith Campbell mam am Roman moon Doug Campbell 1251205 Rnn Allan men Don Marshall 7281357 7187309 Richard Dick Beer INESON MLS REALTOR Elaine inesoamtzsf Helen musicianmists mVAfl IA do lakl SHRIMP an ill blthl livan mom nlnlm mom our more arru mom 7284294 Catherine MilneW Tun Foster736w MORTGAGES mMEDlAlli 1st andend Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL nouns Malta AND COMMERCIAL Pao son or VALUATIONS If You Need Money To amolldate this IP11 fl cantIn marinai ammo income lulu tcxulm um II mm cum Bighorn NEW rein l1an 12 ninnd hum an mo louan feel no finished nua mot nemd rum attached fel ting ini5ill$ lot 75 zoo mute nae m7 name bedroom home VIIlilo Ill double Lot Low men within $1511 rrrie med or art Wham NA pronoun Erohn mention no You own Kariml lined mom WEB1 well we mum to mm lens Imam mum home commutes we will ma lend you mom or dunn wan dmmle lot rand Inn mn nnmnni mun um Immnau condition mm to fling wasom nu an owner beau meme euiv Malcolm in tho Mot for good We name Elll menu am out 30 Red mm bunker FARMS WANTED TO RENT ran with rue$2 Wall 53 mom Lv Taloahona cum Want Acls Doni CostThey Pay our nurtures com on lEumo in emlnia Any no white nauu willie or Phone iznonat Mortgage Funding SimpstaonTSears Bulginonllflo INSURANCE Dont walleyeum gt INSURANCE and If average In no STEVENSONS lib 131me 91 mun tors FOR sate armame Jon and Phone Toronto nil MBIMJD IH 96 in Bant man igmudgvn rnUnm moan We are Skilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICEREPAIR GUIDE COTTAGE REPAIR JACKiNG corrAGEs mailing and remodeling HURST Hawkestone TELEPHONE 030 my uonann nnvtnr acnooi mum on ï¬ling ANPnlntii T1 EAVESTRQUGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGHING 4872l2 PRESSURE PUMPS PUMPS Washing Maohiner Ismail Engines Ross rm soavrca Phone kastown seam ALUMINUM SERVICE ALUMINUM Sellstoring doors and window aiding store fronts COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct factory prices WATTS ER STROUD 435m JANITOR SERVICE mm math No Ints 2N9 leaks norx EAVESTROUGHING Cleaninaservtee ovama FreeEstImates 4364543 Goon EVANS fNVlSiBLE MENDING INSULA1ION Inviaihl dtnl Ill gï¬ugnwz mnm awwmn man tunan nu estimates Gnlnnfend wart TMDUM 3th IfllLi 7751391 GNS PAINTING PADJTING DECORATING DlTERlOllw EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VANgNOOETWYK 114 Rose Stroe Prompt service mlmlttnnm ésflnitpgoh lor emu rd EMAIL ï¬n mum knives union an DUPLEX ll Owen Im FURNACES gatn°ndztn Ihv mam Anataued uvurtwn IN cameos modern III bed room bungalow llxxa nun room Ind kitchen all mu attached TRY Yum Shuoenlng Centre mu MWlnl Mlle Hell calm no 5311 WWII doom EXAMINER Wm Am CALL new