isesipaos Twat warriorf Sunnywith few cloudy inter rials today and Sunday Low tonight 4o High Sunday so For full nlnmary in page two ass as Bill mlU NHAN press at tache of the North retna rneae government reads the air36min prior Lands Aircraft communique at press conf enee today announcing meeting willbe held in Paris ï¬tter an WIT amending Climbs AsIUSViEléctioln Nears next Wednesday on peace talks AP Wirephoto Pilot Dies in cannon omen any Wis or Second World War Canadian bomber pilot it over the com trolaofali plane over Lake helpedtlie craft to safe 17 rain at AustinStraws air miera gtRobert Place 54 trans polt department employee in Ottawa collapSed and died at thojzontrols Cecil Dick 50Manotirlt Ont whoalso works tor trans pdrtdepartment said heï¬waa in also was in the plan Dick ahd Mrs Placem Place to the rear of the plane so Dick could move to the pilots seat have private pilots ll firSt Latin Tour 0ft To Good Start iit Reciie RECIPE iAP More than 000 cheering Brazilians and 2minute power blackout greeted Queen Elizabeth here Fridays lrom In on to begin the ï¬rst American tour ever by reigning British monarch The Queen moved along the severmml route from the air the centre this fou times engulï¬ng the Queens open 1935 touring car power blackouts curse ta she nrrived by plane plungedtbe Palacio Campo das Frinccsas Palace of the Field of Princesses into darkness as the Queen moved along the presentation line of twodeep reception for distinguishedlocal citizens and members of then British colony The Queen maintained her composure despite the black out asiootmeni scurried abdut asking for matches to lights seve candied candelabra twine tnresidents of Brazill ng era WAiCPt leading warriors the continuing federal provincial battle for theCanadian tax dolla meet Mondayfor peace talks but the conference alsoprovides achanoe for Maud combat tiuto intentions ran on up collision my night near hereon 74 killed all four occupantsrof tiretwovcars Lived With Body seven Days ANiiA distal After living seven days than apartment the stabbed body of hephudband in bedroom plump housewite wasarrested and charged with Ms murder gt is ilrrestsiollow Armed Robbery 51E ADELE Que on Friday night after Stet Adele an provinual police surrounded Seven persons were arrested robin in woods near herefollowing an armed robbery earlier in the day of ahranoh ot the qua Canadienne Natlonale iv Appeals Expulsion from Party Red Square pdrede tnarkingtbe Revolution to protest ogain liable source td switch bht finallyvfaund Rpshong cence butthiaplan eéchuattBarnn was to angc to me Dick said tV imust tidve shook up in Lakeheadairport when gave tbatmayday he said All could say was 7000 feet on auto matic controls gt it was overcast and the ceih rngwasfltm feet It was raining and it was just too much to try landing there His radio call was picked up by the Minneapolis Federal Aviation Authorityeontroi which directed him to Green By Phil Krlnslry FAA tower co ordinatnr at Austinstraubel Field directed the pilot toward Greenbayaand Phil Hosbong president or GreenBay Aviation inc volunteered to be aerial es gette and guidedhim to Green av Th lane bounced once on land Andstopped saIch flts good thing yoir told in to cut that power or Iwouldr have driven the undercarriage right intotbe pianeDick told landing Brown County Coro Tim Blancy saidPla was prou onneed dead at bo tal here 31 Killed In Bombing liccident sarcorv art rhirtyonei Vietnamese civilians were and 72 wounded when Marine Corps Phantom dentally dropped sonpound bomb on village market US headquarte annourrced today The denti occurred day the announcementsaid in thein goof Tam Hos lsmrlea southwesto Da Nang Preliminary reports indicate thatfa mechanicalor electricai maliunctio the ground con trol radar equipment positioned the aircraltnlncorrte the announcementsald There were approximately forn bombs dropped off target the announcérrrentsaldl Three fell into ï¬elds and fourth plunged into the marketplace mos ice lion observer team Nigeria it hasiiound no idence oi calling contest gt ck was 60 miles norihvof waainivcron to link ert Humphrey Nixon heading into the crucial and Richard final days beloro their presiden tlal election encounterare so pingvup the rhetoric as each fight to ensure that he will emerge the victor irom lhles daya balloting fhe early presidential cam paign fcawrlng set speeches and clarify pod papers has slipde Sharply nto name In the closing weeks of the campaign Republican Nixon has stopped referring to Demo crat Humphrey as merely that designatio other fellow burden to slugging hard at omphreyl This direct approachrby Nixon has been welcomedbythe Dem ocrnta as indicating they are succeedingin getting tinder the political skin of an opponent thoyhad all but despaired oi bringing down om the high level cloud Tliey arcanswermg in kind There coir be argument over who started butHumpbreys Nixon as Rich Yard the ChickenHearted for his opponents alleged failure to graihrle with the issues set off sornevsharp responses Chï¬fiie Smallwood sold Nild Rail Passenger SGiViCéT 0mm verba sting plea for the life oi Newfoundland rail assenger vi iiiétxmmw the provinces conservativ MPs James McGrath PGSt Johns East charged that New foundlanders are belngtreat of deal between Premier Joseph Smatlwood and the feder al government He said the pmvin mier soldbutz the rail service for federal assistance in build ing the TransCanada Highway he Canadian transport co mission has decided to allow th CNR to closeout the rail serv ice in April provided trial bus service proves adequate WaiterCarter GSt cumini Deathsll Editorial4 Sports1011 inspire5 Trusting15 Weather2 womens631 rdan afar changed fire lront at the Araerican embossy today ivhen mobshorrned the buildingand tore down theUS flag was ldlledandseveral police sand demonstratolisg were wound The dcmo as secondelass citizens because as the Commons dealt with hill toranthorire tinaneing for the CNR and AirCanada for 1060 time first six months of bill piloted through the House by Herb Gray IaWind sor West parli entary secre tary to the rice minister was put throng exeoptthird res McGrath refused the unanimous consent required to give the bill final passage Fri day it wrl probablyrgo through the routinethird mdingMon Iday Ambrose its stages Peddle PG GrandxFatlsWhite BayBabra dor said the province hasfbeen stabbed in the back Méxican Students Continue Boycott MlEcho inebellinus iyc students ve Vowed to continue their ant ovemment movement and say tlieypwiil not return to class es whenunlversities and schools reopen Monday The truce that existed here during the Olymp Gamesfol lowing the bloody vro ehce that erupted in the city Oct2 ended Thursday whenthousands at students gathered here to show support their on jeirs in us NMMAN Bedouin security troops and armed demonstrators ex it was the second such strike ck and the fourth since the Ju M7 war when the Is raelis took over the city EXCHANGE FIRE Jordanian an Isr eli forces First reports said one person Nocasualtleswerereported in Amrrran repbrta said the mob attacked the Enioassy after speech by Palestinl nation Routers Nixon accused Humphrey of adult delinquency and oi sib ling on his hands and watching the United States become na tion where so per cent of the women are frightened to walk withln mile otthcir homes at night He said Humphrey had ladradaisical do nothing ap proach to law and order Blaming the ills of the éounlry on the Johnson administration Nixon said VicePresilent Hum phrey is man who has trot ied along meekiy behind his masterJ Nixon has accused his notice nent of confusing the Vietnam peace negotiations in Paris by his campaign behavior in this connection he has contended that Humphrey has the fastest grosest tongue in American Puli csg Humphrey has tried to cap ltalizeion the Tridw Dick label the Democrats hung on Nixpniix theoast The Democrat called Nixon the No lvdouble talker of all likedhln better with old hearti Hanoi Yet To DeeEScaiaiion SAIGON AP President Nguyen Van Thieu who only day ago reluctantly approved the United States bombing halt over North Vietnam said today he will not scnd SouthVlet namcse delegation to the Paris peace talks next week He told cheering Congress that his government would never agree in bargain with the National Liberation Front The United States had hoped for fourway talks beginning next Wednesday with Saigon Washington Hanoi and the NLF represented To accomplish this President Johnson called complete cessation of bombing over North Vietnam beginning at am EST Friday But Thicu made it clear the Saigon government would send negotiating team to Paris only when itwas assured ot direct serious talkswith Hanoi willrrever accept to load the country intonyenlura that would turn me into traitor he said adding that to accept the Nb as separate Iity in Parlsrwould establ sh precedent ior the posible for mation of coalition govern South Vietnam Sad amuse delega tion now is present in Paris but itis not designated as nego tinting team As Thieu made hisspeech broadcast hom Radio Hanoi said the United States had been forced to call bombing halt because it was facin great do tents in Vietnam and increasing pressu reand condemnation fromthe peoples throughout the world It added thatbecause North Vietnam had agreed to sit with South Vietnam in Paris this does not mean that the Demo cratic Republic of Vietnam re cognizes the puppet South Viet namese governmen Despite such obvious signs of discards US State Secretary Dean Husk said Friday that the United States will seek at the Paris talks an agreement with Hanoi on withdrawal of all lor eigniorccs from South Vietnam In listing his fears and ob Thieu Says Sections to four way talk Thicu sa Hanoi has yet to show any act of docscalntlon in the war But Hanoi is always stubborn and insists on having talks with the United States in its attempt to separate the war in the Norlb from the war in the South to pose as victims of the US bombing to camouflage their flagrant aggressive acts in the Scum Radio Hanoi said Nowlhat the United StEiEi has halted the bombing the government of thc Democratic Republic of Vietnam will dis cuss with the United States oth er problems of inercst to both sidrs to seek political settle ment of the Vietnam problem The NLF broadcast an official statement claiming to be the only legal and authentic repre sentative at the South Vietlt namest people The South Vietnamese National Liberation Front ls thr organizer and leader at the poo pie in their stnrggle to save the country from the aggressor United States it said illgohquin Plan heady Monday TORONTO GP man agement plan for Algonquin Park under preparation by the Ontario department of lands and forests for two years will be made public Monday The department will 5th reaction to the plan at aserres or public meetings to ijiIEld later this month Because many Ontario resrA dents arekeenly interested in Algonquin Bark their thoughts about this provincial edition of the plan are being sought before final decisions are reache Rene Erunelle lands and fo rests mirrister said in te ment Friday Public hearings will be held in Pembroke Nov 26 Huntsville Nov 27 and Toronto Nov 28 Copies of the plan are avail able from the department Smith lien the Associated Nu operating Railway Unions an Pelletler of the Can It brotherhood of Railway Workers OUTLINE ornhnosf