rrYslgiaW01fgzq ANTIwritten ornbnsraaroa An antiWallace demonstrat or is taken away by police as didato Goorge Wallace leans behind the rostrum inback crowd at shopping centre In Hagerstown itid AP Wire Thlrd 17arty Presidential can ground while addressing photo NEWS BOUNDUP new YDBKJAH suck oderunulnxlchurcli agencies have stand thdr risky night fllg la unread to ambit tied Bistro but its still not enoughto avert orient the worst human cuaatrwhlu otmoderu timel an priest who has travelled that treacherous route from the ï¬rst 1herasno disaster of the 10th centiny to compare with whats happening to the Min there apart from Hitlers slaughter of the Jean says ltav Dermot Doran Roman Catholic missionary and coordi nator of relief flights to the hun gry area By conservative ontthene emulates at least 1000000 Blafrans have died of starvation in the last four months and Fe ther Dorau rays nearly that many more are likdy tadla by the years and unless bigger planes are obtainedto increase the cargoes Were getting the stuff In snd weve increased the number of nights to 10 night averag ins adallytotulollwtoosof supplies he says But its not nearly enough The need ts about 10 times thatabout 1000 tons day And we cant get It in without heavier transport Thats absolutely vital Working together Protestant OrthodoX Jewish and Catholic agencies are pouring in aid from many countries to the oil shore West African Island of Sao Tome he says and flying it night into the besieged re gon shrinking under pressure New Legislation Will Ease OrganiDoriqtions 20000homeownersa lmdymnunmaH for home heatmg TORONTO tCP The prove Incial govrrnment plans toln troduce legislation very shortly to make it easier for ersons to donate vital organs Err transplants Frank Wilson assistant deputy attorneygen eral said Thursday liir Wilson told meeting t4 Ontario coronors that under the present Ontario Human Tissues Act person may agree to do nato organs but must die in hospital to ensure his wishes arc fulï¬lled The hospital ad ministrator may give surgeons permission to use the organs However if person dies out side hospital permission must be sought from the spouse or close relative Dr Cotnam Ontario su pervising coroner said Toronto coroners may have broken the law by releasing organs for transplants if it appeared an in quest might be needed into the donors death Exams For Sale tiiONfllEAL GP Rumors of examination papers for sale are delaying more than Z00 Montreal detectivss in their ef forts to win promotion it was learned Thursday Ovlln chebvrc chairman of the municipal commission gov erning city employees can firrned that he canceilod scheduled Tuesday night exarni nation of 210 detectivesergeants seeking qualiï¬cation for the rank of lieutenant alter hearing reports that candidates could buyvadvance copies of the ques tions and answers for $100 Spaed Mace Test TORONTO UP The Calla rlian Police Association wants the federal government to speed up its testing of the riotcontrol chemical Mace and come up with substitute it Mace is found to be harmful The group representing Canadas 20000 policemen also called for halt in police use of Mace until Ottawa completes testing the spray Wilson Victorious BAWW England OP Prima Minister Wilsonfa Labor party scored narrow byeiection victory inthis Not tlnghamshire mining district Thursday and said it Is on the way back to popular favor doeAshton34a desi neer got 21304 votes to 20651 for his Conservative opponent factory director Jim Lester 36 An independent Thomas Lynch got 1053 Theresult meant big swing from Ihc Labor party since the 1966 general election when the late lrcd Ballengor had 10418 margin over Conservative Ree ginaid Orme lleaders Digest MONTREAL CF Kenneth Davey vicepresident of Read crs Digest Association Can ado Ltd said today that last summers mailstrilto and in creased mail rates could cost his company $450000 in the cur rent iiscai year Church Taxes TORONTO OP Otc of several religious leaders who met with Premier Robarls for 45 minutes Thursday said he is confident and optimistic tha provincial government will not cancel Property tax exemptions for places of worship Most Rev Philip Pocock Roman Catholic coadlutor Archbishop of Tomato said The meeting came to no can clusiontiut am confident an optimistic King Diary OTTAWA OP Mackenzie King wrote in his they the night the Commons approved that family allowances bill in 1944 that Canadas new experi ment in social reform would set an example for all the world He likened it to great events that have changed the course of history and said it brought to his mind Christs injunction Suffer the little children to come unto Mo Cdn Citizenship OTTAWA OP Possibly more than 1000000 raidean of Canada have not taken out citi zenship papers even though they are gible to do so Ross Mar tin citizenship registrar told Commons committee Thursday Asked by Robert Stanhury YorloScarborough whether the llguro was amt 1000000 Mr Martin said it might be bit more No firm ï¬gures were available inhuman or sciatica ay raazcauaomurnasa iuunsnsv Oct or loss Abili increasing postal rates was passed by the Sea ate and given royal assent The Commons approved hanges in the Farm Credit Act that will permit the lend ing in an additional $400r 000000000 for langetermvfarm loans External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said he doubts tllat economic sanctions against South Alrica ands tags are practical po tion at the present Agriculture Minister 0an said the government is prepared to continue discus sionawith the on cpmq pensatlon or whatever it wish es to discuss in relation to imports of American oorn fldlertN 11 am EST to consider hill to arrange financing for Cana dian National Railways The Senate is adjourned until Tuesday at pm Thinking of Quii lit Waterloo WATERWO Ont CF Tha student council and exodus live of the University at Water loo resigncd Thursday Ioliowing vote of censure by general meeting oi the student body The meeting was called alter petition signed by 690 students was presented by council meni hor James Belfry saying the council lacked the support of majority of students Iail Boat Operator of Nigerian federal troops TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm aestci run CANADIAN Paras New federal lhï¬iltlon and millions Inmaso most postal rates effective today The main incense on domes tic math FIRST CLASS Went To six cent from ï¬ve cents on um ounce and to four cents from two cents on each additional ounce Classilb cation of local letter at 100 cents is abolished Ali flmdus mall goes by air where this is the fastest method Postcards To sixcent letter rate from four cents Busih¢ss reply mail enve tones and cards To twocent surcharge above letter rate from one cent 11me CLASS Addressed unsealed rJrcnllrI greeting cards and Christmas cards Standard rateto five cents from three cents for first two ounces bulk rate10000 piece minimum to four cents from cents for first two ounces and torthrec cents from 1V Mots cad additional two ounccflto one pound New one pound limit sampler To live cents from four cents for first two ounces and to throocents from two cents each additional two ounces New onopound limit Bookeroin publishers book clubs and diatrtbutorli To 15 cents first 10 ounces and one cent cachradditlonol two ounces with Zspotmd limit from three cents first two ounch and two cents each additional two Wmevwn wry mam To three seats from two cents for first two ounces and to its centurion one cert each add tioaal two mom Umdnesednnialu In to GIN ounces with limited the To innocentfirst two Mince from three cents FOURTH CLASS Catalogues directories and other heavy commercial pout cations standard rate topazoel Dost schedule from three cents first two canoes to two cents each additional two ounces up to one pound and one cent each idditionai two ounces over one pound MONEY ORDERS New fee structure short per cent hitter Maxlmxm domestic fee at cents per $030 unchanged but 10cent minimum diargc Introduced In Canada Fees are 10 rents for orders up to $1 15 cents for lune Cailwood Is iicquitied TORONTO CF Freelance writer June Callwood was ac quitted Thursday of charge in volving disturbance in the Yorkvilie coffee house district July 10 hie irate Crawford Guest war ng Miss Caliwood to be lime more pmdent next time said police were Iustiiied In lay ing the charge of creating dis turbance by impeding traffic But he did not believe the ounces up to one pound llnaddressed printed matter PKUmflhn OAKVILLE tCP Magic tratc Kenneth Langdon Thurs day sentenced William Luau 10 of Toronto to six month hard labor for operating motorboat Aug 20 while impaired Lunn who was also forbidden to operate boat in Canadian waters for two years shouted as he left the court All your witnesses are damn liars Oakvllle Councillor William Reaume testiï¬ed Loon was driving the boat erratically in Oakviile harbor operating at high speeds as spectators on shore shouted for him to slow down Onassis Suit 35mm ram Aristotle chassis and Maria Callas Thursday won multimillion dollar law suit The House of Lords by lost majority uphold High Court decision against former lriand Panaghis Vergottis it gave the opera singer 25 shares or stock in Liberian company that owns an 10000ton freighter now valued at 42 800000 With it shares already given to her by Onassis the rul ing makes her the controlling shareholder Bank Reserves UliAWA GP chartered bank cash reserves climbed this week to S1551000000 as the banksxapproachod the end 01 their fiscal year when they like to show robust accounts The figure was reported in the Bank of Canadas weekly ï¬nan cial statistics Vote autos BURNABY CF total of 5500 Sim Fraser Uni versity students are eligible to vote Monday and Tuesday in referendum anwhether the uni versity should withdraw from th Cauadian Union of Students SFUs student council execu we voted to Oct 21 in favor of leaving thcCUS University of Victoria students announced Monday they will withhold 1060 otï¬CUSdues BUILDING Thinking of REMJODELLING HARDWARE itEltTltAM Baas 7429 BLAKE LiMtIrsn Because si the cleanest tendcd to block traffic or as into crowd that had gathered doses onion of to 99 Mceats for orders at $5 to was is acute 115 25 cents forall ord up to $1003 To Britain cents for orders to lit so cents for orders of 1o$507scentsfororders of $0M in $100 To other nutrient 13 cents for orders to $50 $1 for orders of $5001 to $100 hillns at math Airmail letters To 115 and possessioon 10 cents each ounce from eight cents first wnce and six cents each addi tional ounce Airmail bastards To US and possessionsto 10 cents each ounce from eight ccnts Airmail elsewhere Un changed changes on intonation inst tour 15 cotto tn outside the Amertear the United Kingdom the Comm wealth Republic of Ireland France nd Spainto was In ounce from 10 cents and to seven cents each additional ounce from six cents surface mail postcards To same destinationsto from four cents Eurlace mall postcards To other countriestoseven cent from six cents Printed matter incllllll Christmas unit To the Ameri res and Spainto live cantor first two ounces from three cents and to three cents each additional two ounccs from two cents each two ounces up to one pound and one cent each addi tional two ounces over one pound HOME OFFCE IISIID ORSCHOOI RUBBIR STAMPS AREA TIME SAW76 7001 We can give quick service in supplying atrium mode rubber stamps budget prides Drop in and tell uswllat you wtml well have it ready tarpon wills accuracy Commercial irtntiag Dlvtrlon The Barr xominer mp1 etest mostdependablp heating fuel available Andyoulllikeits lowcost too can coï¬summ Gas qunwesl Natural Gas déalernow You need pay no money down Low monthly payments dont begin until April Join the satisï¬ed in couple of days gt