at the pahlie works committee bk stfliJnnintainiag silence on the disddsurc earlier this weak that thedepartmeut at health would not nppro the citys arhdga burner Eman tor the air pol ntrol service in Toron to said in an interview Thes Iy that the department regard ed the burner nsn pollution hat Ird flhe burner does ot comply with Ontario receipt ns regard lng air pollutinnahd docs not meet our design standards he said oliiife one at the three riglnaily recommended the city purchase the saloon in cinerator said this morning that he had no comment on the burner issue The newspaper the atory dont think there is much more can add he said You didnt give me chance to say anything heiore you broke the story Sn lm not going to say anything now SPECMLTRIPS Aldjlred Smi iormer Ichairman ol the public works committee Aid Jollliie and tumor City Manager Waller Gigg made special trip to Prince Edward Island in 1965 to has see similar burner in opcra tion The group reported that the burner would produce no air pole lotion or smoke pmhluo lt would emit visible haze they said but this would disperse within 200 feet 0i four members oi the public works committee only one has commented on the burner Aid Archer said it was not practical to modify the bum echt the estimated cost and that City Administrator Gerry Tomblya was making negotia tions with the manufacturers Dominion and co Ltd to sellth mechlae litheburner can be sold it will bare to be outside the province of Ontario wherepol lution controls are less atria eht he said Aid Fred Smith said he was fnot prepared to make estate meat Aid Cole said this mom fag thereis meeting oithe public works commiitac schcd uled for Monday night The hur ncr would he discussed at the meeting he said and he would slot comment heiore the mere Meanwhile reaction mounts irom other members oi winch Every alderman except Aid Dorian Parker who is in hospi tal recouperating from month long illness and hid Sauve who so iar has been no available has bceo contacted on NOT THREAT MAYOR SAYS Mlyor Robert Bentley denied today that he had threatened The Examiner with legal ac tion as result at story pnblt lished Wednesdny The story disclosed that the citys tee pee garbage burner does not meet the requirements oi the air pollution control service In Tomato sold wanted to hill with the city solicitor nbwt possible legal action Mayor Bentley said This was not threlt it understand the English langillge correctly It is merely matteroi seeking information name from the aollciior uni departmental health rs Section oi the burner mariner unim Sam who do not sit on general government committee ortbe public works committee our have said thatthey did not know at lhe departments view point on theburner HWY CRITICAL Aid Frank Hersey was crit ical oi thepnblieworksrconr miitw tor keeping the departé mcnt oi hullhs reinsal tron tho public This is committee in 12 years have been no counti he said in an inter view yeste Aid Hi MneLaren urged co operation between the Ooh ario Water ghesources Commis sion and the Department oi Health Theyve got us on merry go round be dont they get together What are we going to do with that launching pad the inundation tor the humor built in l966i Maybe we should build merrygotoond on it 0pcr ate it free iihcn they wouldnt get the entertainment tax Aid Macmillan said The only information Home is what readin the paper lm rather surprised the in iormntion was madaavallahla in this wayit the information was available it should have been available but it it is con ï¬dentiai in one place it should have been confidenan in Tor onto he said Aid Christie reiused to comment on the department ot health assessment or the bum El The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that three men want tolriace Edward is land to view burner it seems ridiculous to send men that for he said QEWont Press Charges in Wild Turkey Case RobertTrotter fish and wild tile supervisor at Ontario lands and lorests department at itinple4said today that he will outlay charges against Tim Smith the OPP ofï¬cer who shot hpon the statemen made by lack Davis past resident of Zone sortho Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters who said yesterday that he would press ior action against the oiticer un 1lessacharge is laid heiore the end of this week by the Ontario dgtpartments oi lands and for Theishooling oi the turkey was brought to the attention at con servation oiï¬eersby the Orillia Fish and Conservation bClub alter neighbor of the pro tiinoial police ofï¬cer had her pic ure taken with the dead turkey and it appeared in TheJBarrie Exnminer The Oriilla club is raising wild turkeys in an at tempt to reestablish turkey population in this part of On Iario Wild turkeys have been extinct in Ontario and am now protected bylaw Trotter said that there havchcenirio charges laid yet by the department of lands and forests and that they have six months to dose under thelaw However he said there Were more people involved than just the officer To the best of myknoviicdge said Trotter hirds were re leased with he permission of the department of lands and forests ii this is so then the Orillia Fish and Game Conser vation Club is involved as much as the oiiicer is Some liability must he attach ed to people whorelease birds in this way he added Mr Trotter believes that the turkeys are not native to Canada and are probably from Pennsyl vania or eslewhere in the us As far as he knew there was no advertisement made hytha Oriilia Fish nnditiarhe vation Club With regard to the release of the turkeys think that they are out line said Trotter Certainly this ofï¬cer adedhnintentionolly and if there is no intent then why persecute someone for it Mr Trotter read section 29 at the Game and Fish Act which states that no person has the rightto release any bird or an imal imported into Ontario or propagated iromstock imported into Ontario without the written authority of the minister of land and forests the Drillia club did not ohl ogre bizaesterror council has made ADVISE ROUSSY left Rene St Pierre andd Huntington move in on oil fire with chemical extin TONY KEENE Examiner 5th Reporter Fuel oil mixed with waste and gasoline makes pretty smelly hot ï¬revat any time when there are 500 gallons of it in an open pit on windy day the heat is intolerablehndjthe smoke rises in thickgreasy pillar several hundred feet into theaire =4 Such fire was lit this morn ing on an open lot oiivlirederiok Street to show tire lighters from Barrie and area just how ch flammable liquid tires could heionght As aiioale to the weeklong tire iightera schoolheing conducted via the city by instructors of the On ario fire marshals ofï¬ce the fuel oil bonanzagave the student ï¬re fighiers firsthand erpcriencc in the handling oi chemical and water log ex tain this permission they tbem Hummers selves may hefliabie to charges under the act Rotary president Ted Brent Club dinner meeting at clubs the world overvfor withs leit chats with district 701 which Mr Curtis spoke Metre governor Ken Girlie of Or bership said Mr Curtis illia yeflerday at the Barrie problem facing service CARhnRucu to low as $9000por month AVE CAPITAL EXPEN rrURE voua 19593 iNSURANCEdr MAINTENANCE INCLUDED iNdfllRE1zsea74r BARRIE DRIVErACAR re ananroan 51 out an active yohlhiul mem bership they cannot carry ourL community service projects tExaminer Photo Fire services adviser Huntington from North Bay brieied the students as soegat ions of duel oilwas poured on Itop of water in the pit which measured 30 feetby feet Then gasoline wa added along with waste oil Adviser Rene St Pierre from Tinrmins and Mr Huntington then took up dry chemical ex fuel was ignited aunsrvrwanps pushing black thick smo fruit the airBoth dvisors rushed forward sw the suriace of thevblazé the Vextingu shernozales But even though avthird ex would not go ontTchbaelted off picked upgwaterboses and re oiv forward brain the nonles were set at fiogl and line Inistsettled on the sur face choking off the flamesl Slowly theblazedied When it was totallyoutthe group moved old and the students at it Tre weeklong cours has been total involvement ser ias of lectures and practical in struction included in the the Min were rescue methods and emlimnts pumping means or forcible entry add resuscitatlng equipment Yesterdey the group was at Low LOW REGULAR pave CLEANINGmoss HURQNA CLEANERS pawn1N Lucanon tingoishers and stood readyTbe Theflamesaneptacross they surlace and then burst upwards tingeisher was calledin the ï¬re were aiiowed to try their hands guishers intense heat drove the tire fiwtershack and they had to uso water tag to put out the practice blaze government dock using pump log equipment lot of the materials and equipment sod by the instruc tors and sudents was supplied by the Barrie ï¬re department United Appeal chairman Les Cooke does not receive an hon orarium as reported in yester days Examiner Mr Cooke gives his services as ehairmandroe of charge During news eonfcrence lilr Cookeihad said that adminis tration costs for the campaign were minimal and that criticism of such expenses were need less For the money we raise dur ing the BarrioAppenl said Mr looks some tour or five timesthat isspent by the mem= berragentses in servigésto this area iiihoéélelumpisl Tristan Chairman Le moire will go over the top lam sine he sax fplOYidedveveryr one keeps up the good work Our objective $98370 in sight andll base it Final information should he aVaiiahle tomorrow the last day of the oneweek exlenslon Some returns from Base Bordeoand the schools are in but there are stillv some to corn Borden and the ties of high schooland ltblic school strident were placed in especial category this year apa lrom therusual school divisio ich includes canvassing of Both Borden an areyexpectedj to net total approximately $100011 FgtATINTER0 49 am at lights felt note oi optimismwas in in the tormoirnorghlnduhldr flléktll mpha and mm plnr eeohnndoutot oodles last night The firein which 500 gal lons of fuel oil were bumed was used to train student fire ï¬ghters in extinguishing tede nlques Examiner Photo Firefighting Trainees Battle Mock Blaze Must oi the fire fighters were from departments in the Barrie mutual aid notworkot which Barrie chief Dan Keast is the cnardinntor an or the to trainess are al ready firc lighters The school was designed to upgrade their skilisnln 40 hours of inflnlction there were 20 hours each of practical and classroom work gei tWOS reliefdï¬oinihal 73x lAflDAAB rumors or nrw norms are to hp engine sumsswath martian nn Momminemmma Ill2M SW Separate deichcsrarrotar and dri agreennge Rolorlilnnnrsadiustnhld rum ore it ntmislocalodlor more andlina ease iy replaced shear pin prevents damage to rotor Seattle Newmion um Batons Denier Today gt PETES or PHONE 1m ppm Weekdnyl till gnu abesaid anywaymain Phelp rating the Falice chlel Dd Tschirh said this morning thatrali cases are being thormixiliy inyestiglted with the right sortioi mm atinn we should be Ihielo tr ce these Incidents and take nod ioond aflpinia an orange someone inthe Time Street area er ioyearold daughter QuillirsRahlnald thepin was Ihetype dressmakersmse told Cheryl nottoreat ny thingsmtil she got We went mam qverythlng and came across tha pin in the Cheryi is quite unsetv doesnt want to eatan candies that she collected said sné Mrs Rahal ribe iamily silditheydo think they are going to head theirchildren out next Hallow een fHaiiovteeashonld be for gotten until these neonle smart an up Mrs Angus hadhis car covered with birth enamel paintiis son 10 yearold Robert ound rnnor blade in an applehacolled ed whil from doorlo door No Barrie iamliies reported rnror blades in apples given to their daildrea Mrs irenc Cam eron at Eugenia Street and Robert Holiett told police razor blades were imbedded in the lilo he on report quiet event ucéntior the rdsor and plain dcn OPP Stall Scmï¬ahtBernar Cato ï¬le sdloolawas splash ed with paintand faw out houses moved he said but otherwise it was veryhula Bradford OPP report one all box missing from the engine Toronto police reported more than 100 complaints oidesdly candy No children wérere on oddtasting powder lt exploded Other children brought home or ganges with toothpick inside and needles in cookies laxa tive was passed oil as chocolate pieces to othe Spread your fuelroll payments evenly over many months min heavy midwidier one when fuel consumption is high and other expenses are an ally heavier See usnowl vPrices tn elicct until Saturday or Night chsg 728246i Nov 12 SPECIAL PURCHASE rsmn CONTEMPORARY tllIlNGv room suites Featur theiciesi furniture design made Skiersuites so popular including iufledibuiton backs and thick comfo able cushions