MR5 Mam Mr Jim Peter Fallon Mr and re Hayes and Lar ry motored to New York to at tenet the funeral at Michael Fal hn Peters brother Mn Klrton and Min Kirton attended the Klrtoa re union at Enigma Saturday eveohzx Mn Miami 28 vldllng relativa in Windsor Among those in Penetang hoo pitai are Mrs Rose and Mn ii Murphy Roy Therrien is in hiemorlol Kaspital Orilliaguo derxolng treatment The soltball duh had soda evening at Pinemst Saturday meeting at the home Gail Qnemell hearts are lind ir and MrsJrnnh Marley and William MacDonald motored to Sawing Bay liq ls Miss Rose Coliey spent the weekend at Will Marleys Mrs Writ Marley spent Thanksgiving with rdatives in Toronto The 4H duh held its sixth in thennth rather tiring when therelselaolchooiworktohe done The tree cholee utitle discussed in and Mrs Jnelt Shanahah attended the international Flow in Match at Guelph Friday and Saturday NEW iLOS Bi arm sum hemmed no on tom no mum Plehuinand Gedden Aurora and Min Allen Sindnlr anddmdzim nl alum were Oct vintors with Mr and Mn Steve Rawn 31in Gatehoo Mhenaon and tell lair Kenney etiend vedionetOol wonderiul edihe dwelt 32 33 Jiltllli Cilli IntAMI PM AM its 55¢ 573 srscmr COPACO mun WVIENERS 49c soseimaionoremom gt211 grrnmonnn 53520 32tsivrlner SPECIALi naming mo comm SPiCilliillHfl illiii thitlll GEE Oil Elm mm mm tenths no t00 nttsrvf Silicltlm SPAGIIEIH mumbli °s°5Y= H0115 TSSUE gt SPECIAL All misï¬ts uucn tgsoiontnl nations Mouton SAUCE WEE in ii i501 nos ohm ICE gensenvmo orsr corrrrnrowu 01 it who Aisliim Vllliiiï¬ SPECIAn imnnr room Matthieu SEW Clltilllltis noun noun SAVE 15¢ SPEclAuort Meme win one SNhCK EARS lécAIED IN All MAJOR LOBuW MAHKEYS Haittoeoeanytinn tons REGULAR or Muir men in motorist AlKAV SEuzm BiNI°° DEODORANTZ rnozni roan nvtonuws aranmun um FANCY Sliced Straviherries wnlmo rorrINo SPEClAt not JILL glPERMOGtNiltD Ptlllilti SARA is gt BANANA Allin nocourronowuus mens ins7 iiPiO lysine LCARSDN Oonzrehhtlonr to Mary Kap teyn and Marinas Matchmaker who wen united in maxim on Detnhu 12 Mr and Mar Gnarls Vent oi Audied were 0a viriiorl withMr and Mrs Carson end dengue Mr and Mrs hï¬ohads oi Port men were holiday Visitors no in and Mn Gill optimum Recent visitors lth Mr and Mrs Paul ï¬poing were Mr and Mrs Torn Knlxht oi Dundee Mrr and Mrs John Hindlclitle Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Steve Kym Mount Pleasant and Mn Shatter ot Brontlord William Stephenson Toronto spent Thanksgiving heidav with Mr and Mrs Burnett Mrs Eearl McGinnls oi Well andJs visitinggm and Mrs Arthur lhawson and nephews Edgar and Oral McClain Mrs Clarion spent the weekend with her son John and unity of Windsor Mesdames Gordon Mallion Paul Tipping George Wice and Robert Thomson attended the Sineoe Area convention at V1 in Goldwater Stephenson and hire Ag nu Keogh won the holiday tour nament held on the Hoeton menu WINNERS The Chamber of Commerce eunhre and draw was roniaedWinners we shok Tottenham Snicher loiianham $100 Ted Morrow Colgan 5200 Bill Kit chen Schomherg $100 borne Lnndy Caledon East Scott Alliston $25 live prizes of each werewonibv hill Dixon Allistnn Murray Fendley Ornngevlile Wrny Allis ton V055 and Keith Langiord Brsdlord lhedraw was in gharge or Bollard Ander son il Simpson The iireniens association may oneradewaswell attended Fri ay ening lnthe Legion Hall The monthly draw oi $100 hood waswon hy Ciiilord Abrams Mrs Florence Lancaster has returned irom Caiitornia where shehad been visiting her sister andlomily Visitors Sundaoflwitli Mrs Wice were Creighton and Mrs Wico Penntanl Capt and Mrs Kel man Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Paul Graham and children at Weston THORNTON MRS incur Mrs Mac Boyd has returned to her home in Barrie alter spending the past two weeks with Mrs Rohert Prentice Why unréd Church Women will hold the Nov meetinzat one at the home of Mrs Black Visitors will he wei come Election or nilicers will take place and there will he somehazaar articles or sale Mr and Mrs Allan Newton Creemore visitedliir and Mrs Ernest Mdhiieheon 0ci21 Cookstown United Church Har vest Home services were attend ed by some oi the Trinitycon negation Oct 27 to hear the inspirational message at Rev Wesley Oake oi Minden Uniiï¬d Church Everyone enjoyed to special choir ninnhers with Miss Irene Mo aster as organist The lir snow oi the tall sea sonlwas noticed Oct 26 course it melted as quickly as it lelljThere hasnt been killing irost as yetmct 28 and deh lianhnd other all flowers con tinue tovhioom pmluselyr Congratulations to Mrs unnox and Mrs Thomas irnax who recently eelehmted their birthdays at The Five Maples nursing home Mrs Lennmt was 90 and was entertained out at party Mrs lNaXwasï¬Zand formerlycame from Angu MISTERKILLED HALIFAX CF Alexander Tandol Maeisaac 61 minls terwithout portlolio the Progressive Conservative cabi net oi Premier Gl Smith was killed Tuesday evening in eartruck collision near New irrorivsoomus Seen onelnlelyl Albik till It WMII the stark 53mm its ilmelonhe Welcomawuon urea to arrive with am for baby nndhaiplql Mor mauontov the new moth out since the sin out numhrthe HostemIMel noni Wagon need spotters lg the Wm iahhorhooo0ur Holt Vtull anpyaclntoyour Ind no will the new it To nnbvt llblkï¬ en