Mothmme unnamnaJIr tWill Dissolve In Bodtf ay some aromas up Dear Dr stder Mean months ago my wile undea went an appendix operation Postoperative ofï¬cevislu Ip united in our stitches beta 164 weaved after sudcine tooled one that required deep prob Another stitch has been suing uptorthapastmonth withthe lame priehlag and discomfort The donor says to wait until it lurtaou so it can be removed ltttdoeanotshowslxnsolaur lacing what Are not operation stitchclmp posed to dislntegratei Is there something radically wrong somewhere gt doubt that anything In radh caIIy wrong orwronx at all except that your wife havma an unhappy tlme ot it Mm sutures tstltdres are nhsorbable made to disinte grate tn thebody and he carried away by the blood stream Occasionally thta does not happcaor happens very slowly Then the remnant oi the suture it acts as foreign body That is it pi 2wanu My um Lem lt acts much the same way small silver oi wood would act if you get sliver in your hr ler it is iorelgn body Ihe bodys natural dclences reject it try to get rid otlt It the sit or is extrerneiy small the white cells at the blood wï¬l gradually tear it apart particle by partl cle and cart it away and dis pose of it in the same way they industrioust attack arms or anything else that does not be long in the body In the ease ol larger sliver the same process begins but cannot be completed in any rea mahle dun Youver doubtless exportedml couldnt quite ouL FLUID GROW narrator um arllvar you Debris trout us invisible mule oi the alltnst the toxin obiect am rnulltet So does fluid The losers oi nature gradually mun the alirer toward the atrium And one do you discover that withage emeexettttnnlly can be popped out easily white cells The same thing can occur with stitch The sutures are made to dislntomta at various speeds It seems likely that or one reason or another it was arise to use those slower sutures in your wiies use The precise speed tend needl cannot be de termined in advance with total exactness Thus while so many people have no trouble at all with postoperative stitches this be comes tatrly common nui sance Ior others Once the stitch is removed the tissues heal readily but it does sometimes take while for the remnants of the sutures to snrlnoe or be alovdy pushed out oi the body Dear Dr ltlolner have scalp itch and been to three deru matologists The onenho helped me the most tells me have an allergy to calcium and that am to stop drinking milk or eat ing dairy products that havea lot at calcium have good tooth and am atraid that it stop eating cal cium my teeth will go had but it do eat my scalp ttches until can hardly stand it What do yonsuggcsti Follow hls advic an TELEVISION mamas Bureau annals rononro MONDAY OCTOBER EVENING Entrust 14 21 Grimm oWemr 5n 4mon Party DI Lou Lucy ilï¬suner Heron LDIbervllll oleannu nu 1411mm flail ammo unuex yon soo khan Master Harry stoma 74 Love Lucy ltlam Mason awnm My Line 11 soy 2mer 1H Sport mo onowa Ioo snnwaa llMovta lNIWI INewn 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AFTERNOON ZCflntentrltton ltPrlendl Giant Manama awm zPeasonallty 7Andy omnay rnmu 1143 Ann nm 5st Spenden Viiacme Noon llNewa Wehthu Seamt ilCartoons Tomorrow 1Treuuru late 7c Human naan naaay av ocaoaan anytime News DNewa Wendir neontour 700 lMotlienInLlw tTruus or Conlaaulucu In IlCFL Canadian Fixed Sitltd nmwllga nusram ammo 11 aamron kaime tLDI TMovle Whit and Wonderful ilrvtuldl no 31 511MB on m3 mu 10$ Hdlm l1 tlltiervGrmla gaDNPW W2 ml Some Weltth and him and Martin tun ZNewa Wellhfl lMovie Return ol Doctor Mam 1tlovle may Dem PM 1200 What aJosnay cum eNan Weather Elil ta swan ea no oWertern Jambore ae lalleat rue Mitten ea 7Virnlnla Graham Jhlovta wan cradle Inn llItlovle malls on wheels 130 The World Tum 155 zNews lLhitdreax Doctor Grtlilth Allan Time ad soures Van 7h atpve ls errv Sallndored ruin gartewtywed Game IldNewl Weather Sports Timcmhi mat 7DIUHK Glme FPGITYI PKDM Illlrry Muon 2245 JGllnd P113 llAlmlnu ed World 11M ZAnother World llIalte so 7secrat Storm VGeneral 3mm 3130 2Yntt Dont Sly llME of rum Mumn Dc or Ilfflllll Berton aquenttn ea Mylomyths null llUnder 930 enoru nu zovm moo tZlesMaequt tcnanatnrrï¬e 7nlll Life Hunter llMerv Gama iono itao Million quantum eet the Candidates gm gN ewl Weather so llNawa 5mm HAY Nun Pyle mo uui Line mo aned Shelton llJuld Aslory at Esther seiln Ileonla In Conant Opening leadï¬ve of hearts One at tile wilds bands ever played in norId uhanmlonship was this dca which owned la the match betwun Italy and the United States dining the last Dormant he hdding at both tables was far mm Me At one table Belladonna tant tor ltatyl wtto by virtue ol his ctndtleat nature always lath it ditrlmlt to pass opened the bid ding with ahead Altar Soon Jamby named We Avnrcllll had re sponded with shade ms re spouse was m1 Intended to he trivouloua It was simply an artificial bid showing ti to points North Rubin oleded to pass atthir wim and audit lurthcr developments butt he bidding groundto halt when Belta donna rchid tiro diamonds and Avarolli passtd Min thereupon entered the adult your teeth are not going titsuitor from reduced cal clum Intake While lor mos ople urge plenty ulrzulcium yorihro an exception having such sensi tivltyto It You will get some calcium from other food eat and your system rnulte maximum use at it In your case it Is obvious that an overn bundance of calcium causes trouble Note to Mrs The cause of tally tumors is not known some people are subject to them others are not Rarely do they become malignant ite moval is primarily because oncy at them has become so large as to me nuisance or be cause of appearance rm We ma run an Lime That looks like real trouble Ive never seen the boss throw anyone INTO his DAILY CROSSWORD AUROSE Lithetan priest Seizes Omit 12Somegt thing forRosle 15Conehear ingtreo man 15Mythilal landol aleep 1186011 Imlzw llPralix with nag or EPerannlaI presidential candidate BIPrellxwith cycleor cameral 82Colte itflompoain Linnwbbl aamuxwttn walsrtnoorx stave momdeflnlh article 280mby drones 42 St Louis hallplayerl 44 Adjective follower 45 Address ts Kind at beetle a1 Sendritae parent DOWN lanltnea 2Apportton 4an Fables Ia Slang author 51ndlan weight 6Whera Thule AFBtI 78under SRoaarybead 9Aseaand anonmean locale anathema ed Norman and Harry Traln and Mrs Frauklloyd andIn ARainlord Emigrants alsosor so Not fllï¬ï¬‚lflllifl allanlull 51 it 3333 pear Wendi and Porouatt were presumably overestimated by Elf Wt fl two clu mutually midag togamot Parquet wound up playing the hand at six hearts down three andjthe upshot was that the United States gatnalrtt pains on the deal fNEWlLQSfd ay AIRS watvuzss and Do lctt not Is or East where they will visit livid Embroe Mr and Mrs Catherine and Dalo sponttha weekendat Guelph and Kitchen er and attended the late ttonal Ploughing ltlntch outer who attended the match Includ ltir and ltlrs Alas Finlay and Johnson Mrs llarry Train tis lted lrienda at Gait gtSympathy is expressed tohl lly in the death oi Mrs Lloydt tether David Anthony amorou Earl Whales of Timmins was weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Archie Vanless William cont visitornt the Wnnles home Mr andMrs Bill Chappell and little niece oi Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr Mrs Alex Finlay my wam ans PHONE 7254414 ofï¬ce before 10 Modlsta yeta state asst topm lï¬wt2 inaug mt mm mno zanausstbp author ELNatlveaof Chllllcothe 4mm 2mm maximize 31ihllaal cityr amasdeatttee fltPnrseghI wGo Iï¬ï¬‚l HE to Thoiitneral was held Oct andrv Buzz SAWYER MUGGs sKEaren DONALD QUC his Harold Smith iiirvsy suaraannre mature uoshnflomsmte ms ézr ML no man WK MyPoLméAL mm HOLDING GIANT RALLV ONTV TONIGHT AN WANTEVERYONEINIOSEEIT WANT PHOT We 10 SAVE MONEY DAD HAD MY PICTURE TAKEN ANDWT EXTRA PRINTS OF IT FOR MY BROTHER 17 TO USE BETTE EUI A7RELIA£E used caarizom ATKINSON PONTIACQUICK aaswaoop THE Mulesrants HAEP aperoam wasnt FUN +HINKAQDUTH SHE cctgLDvE TOLD ME wear DIDNT Deer worm aux THE DEALG OFF SM TEARINé UP THE CttEtK THE MINE5 BILL OF SALE wsteur om srsnam on RICH manormanna ontuuovgsml Autos msdannessao UP KM WMDHSRADE WM RNG WORSE wan rootso ltonomo HELP You cone SCARE EM