illave DoctolChecky 0n PerSisient By JOSEPH Gummfllkg Mn Dear Dr Molnar dont know it have an allergy or skin disease but have it and so do my bundle and my ne phewl have scale on my can hlmyhairaadinmyaye brows lily scalp gets to itdling no to do anything but scratch nntil bleeds Do you knoll sanething that will stop the itching and maybe clear it not vMIsa SN persistent itch sometqu can be as bad as persistent severe pain You just cant get away irom it You can scratch it but it wont stay serotdlcd Everybody inth that And yet peculiarly enough the same people who will ruSh oil to the doctor because oi pain which is what they should do oi course wont go to the doctor because oi nn itchbe causeits only an itch SHOULD SEE DOCTOR My first and best advice in to days inquiry is to suggest that hiiss have doctor tnltea TELEVISION BUFFALO BABOIE look at this itchy scalp and skin Irallklyi doubt that it is In iergylnd do suspect thatlt is ddn inlection called abor rileic uborRAYickl dermati tis or possibly psoriasisz But longdistancc diagnosis nune or anyone clacl is the teeblcst sort ot substitute tor min and evaluating skin eonditim Once doctor his examined diseased skin he very ottenean suggest nometlling immedime that will at least colirol Lite ltd em it the disease itseii may require more extended treat meat as is alien the case So thats my ï¬rst choice in IdhIfll Socondisthis on thebasisod my remotceolltmi guess as to the nature oi the mhic chm poo once or twice week with some sort oi antiseptic prepara tion tincture of mean soap being one suggestion since it is readily available in drug stores One at the various antiden druil preparation should be helpful A0 III the condition we casually rater to as dam chili is usually soborrlteic der PROGRIIMS BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO II BAMILION SATURDAY OCTOBER JEVENING 05 llFllm can 3li Nlfl Film 1Oltmhit1 NW and Track 3Clmplllit Cutdidlie lutlcnlln Ben 44m the China lWidc Vhtifl or 590m IIVDYIII lCoilue Bowl Jï¬lmnlc zwtn With the sure cNeur Welthlr BOOTH tlLtt eat Hahn no zCollrn Tllhlt lNrw 1llorle lrhe Chum or the Llrht Brilldot lSocrtx Hat sut llCollcgc Football mo oJuklr me ttlv 1m oMovlr thluvle ollvuoo tnzno lllannix mo 1nuth Vlllcv DIyl titl Itudclnlc 7eru DLlhc ft in Lhamq lGvdd Guy ma lGei Smut tNlu Illicer zGhasl and tin tutr 7Vawrcnca Well thank For the Sktt llGummoh soo lliasoumrlrt Ht1nnl not sun Lmtteoat Junction mmnzr louo lwlmnlrs 10ivmvlcl llllovle ut Fever in the Bloodl liloo sNewa Wuthcr Spnrll lNewr cathel Smith TMavic iNilh mm High School Cuan loo lllovte Bend the River vlghmnlu sotymnlu otiovir lsiatlllltcr or Tenth Ave lino ZNetu Walther snort tzlo llNewr Whether snoru lIlovlc lNo SM son or llcl ctrton sum Palm SUNDAY OCEOBER 27 MORNING AND AFTERNOON moo 106 VRcrald 1m Daliaem The Antttcrl cmnu mo 2Anlcuttur U5A 1Chrlltophcn llBlble Stories 1010 lne zCnltdrenl Go cllmt le oy VBlbic Answer Hathcdnl cl Tomorrow llletnl Word moo mo 2ctheani or Tomorrow eLan Runner lllvrr Ithcr Mechan into llm the ihlscat cry izno um rem neyeGumhv ccmonn Pilvttouu ll€Ithedni Chum Sunrts 410 Faith incl Aouamln llttxkciahin llltllhn Journal 1115 ollvmn Book DThttndcrhirds zThli The Lill 3lleraid or Truth tLoohuo All We 2ntth For loon acnurch service 41 Proclss 7Elllttillhe llCantlnemrt Ninlllulns lh You Wm 11 other Known Bel IColiclc Football lcathcdrnl lNewl Weather 1Bllls Bunny iltaliln Album llJr Hockey lLtvlnx Word into tnouno TlhIl ILInmle hen lln 331 Film JProv All1r LNFL Pn Gun show dasaectnlm mo IMovic 31 lï¬ht do un ten tm Football 1mnlonte IlThh Space AX 2M 2Olmtole Game orro Foothill 2ir Magoo 1nuno Game Ntm Dliuvlc nu aamnm llluli Cirelo me 7ltluer Ind Anlwu llnn tlit II written mo zhtrrtinr the Pres 731 Vallev llHorsl Koehler SUNDAY OCIOBER 27 EVENING ml on xvm Football llLittlcst Hobo an sTonunv lLune Tovlrl Rootth Olympic Games iItnIlnlt World ounumco llorld it 36 l7Gcnttr Hmothcfl ltllnrte An Alli lite Spoiienl DVintic twrlucn in the ttlmll llGldgct 500 ilWnlt nixch lzlst Century ilItndv ct Iilyhnlrv mo lll moam man no vCanaizn so llWett Disneyl World mothers lintl ll Palis otve ZItdvclliurcs or lltlc Film 7Oitllllzlc Game DUlllttt Girl In liLovc on It 110 2wnl Dinicy rem Item lemcmbcll 800 ilJd Sullivan 1Ei zltlolhminLaw liBonanza moo 2Phyllis Dilicr lwv It Is 7hiisslon impoulbie 90uuldcr ilPeyton Pllce lnun ilzno Irltewsl Wellhe llthrs Welttte Sport Hunter nun amino Hlvmnlcs 7Mulicll shows two 2stm Allen ltlorle tThe um and of God lJtorle llhe Slccolltl city 7llntic lthe Court Martial of Billy ltlitchcltl lttllmt lmn oilut or Probe llndcr Attack rto at lcannil aroma aunuorl ltlDNDAY DCToiiER 18 nlonlvme Alvn AFTEIlNODN un 2wtndow ol the World Hummer omosu magnet Golna viiToday lDhclnl IItliisl snlrnolv tartcrlv 7Dick Cu DUilcie Bo moo EUTO 4hth Grl llEd Allcl mo ntlin Kanarod university or the tr i2oo zJcoparov tanl tv Snort Ithts llPoneyr azsn oNew nlllur ior nullus Divorce Court eContnct onompu Room 110 Cards Lstrikcs SDI lilasns FIIEIA 1000 ZSnlr Illdlmlnl 4Ltlclic ll lIlfllionn Fllyhouse DWomuns ismzh Ircuum nlnzt gFcrsomlitv oDnnv Tomas ZHoiliituod Snuarcl Huck mite 9Bil Spender lindentr Neon lBzwlichcd ltaingo at Home Lame Douglu row gFiilltstoncs mv in The Glant lllcct Th hiillc iitlhillle 1Virginla anham olloule Star in the Dust lltlnvle min on The ltunl mo As The world Tu 1Fllnnv vau Should Ask zmn 29 or our Lives 4L0vc is Many Snicndorcd iitln 7Newlywcd Game 21n ett hby min Ttrnl ZDDMUII VlGuldlnz Llrht 1nitlu Game FFEIYIII lrflhl ilPemr Meson non ZAnnihlr world nor 7cmenl lidsudltat 791mm Conflict island ZYnu Dont 51y 41ch oi Night 7Commlntlu Tun onoctotlrn Diary World for Tonic IVE GOTTO CALLTHE oFFtcE $5 =5 its sills not interfering with cad other My ï¬rst advice remaim the better one get your doctors help on this before ill proliexn Dear Dr Moincr md re cently inlyour column about the gentleman whose Wile is St didactic and has been told she mustbe operated on for cata rad She is almost hyslelical with tear have had two very slates CONTRACT BRIDGE tall South deaicr Both sides vulnerable NORTH 1076 87 OKDNB IIIQE ms 52 Veal OQinz 411M soum AAKb OAKQ 0A +hKa1az Thebidding Satlilthet Pas 24 Pm 41 Paar 5N1 Opening lead jack nt hearts This hand occurred in pair tournament Six club would have been more normal con tract but South was shooting for top score by playing the hand in notrump The contract was sound enough in incl seven club would also have been quite rca snnahle though it would have gone down in this case because oi the trump division Vest led heart against six notrump and Southdccidcrl to take every possible precaution to make the hand Accordingly WEST AQSLt 11093 1843 North East Pass Eu 54 Pm anyone who writes to me Bull have an doubt that your letter printed here will great many morepeopie uith cataracts than in one Note to Mn0MlC Yes the plosence Ebroidsscan at times pllml Marley ilc moving the timid without re moving the entire uterus has been accomplished in some cases but not often depending on location and size ol the li brnid BECKER ace of diamonds and led low ciuh towards dummy When Was ioliowai with the nine declnrcr permitted it to win the trick This proved to be very nise mnvc as later events proved West returned heart and South easily took the rest oi the tricks lie won the heart led club to the queen discarded spade on the king ot diamonds and thus made the slam But suppose South had played the hand without making due allowance tor 4t ciuh break Lets say he won the heart lead cashed the ace oi diamonds and then led club to the queen as many players probably would lie tould then have gone dottn alter cashing the king diamonds and discarding spade on it it would be unablo to run the clubs uithout ï¬rst conceding trick in that suit and as soon as he did this East would cash his queen oi dia monds ior the setting trick The saiety play of conceding club trick berm cashing the king oi diamonds has much to recommend it The danger at club break is more than imaginary it occursin 23 deals out oi and declarer should protect against the possibility whencvcr the circumstanccs de mand it TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS he trim with the ace cashed the PHONE 7282414 MONDAY OCTOBER 28 EVENINO Aloe zhlen Grillln LWakcr SEX blouse Party Love Lucy Pï¬suur italcc aDloervllle lGlllinns Inland vrlitrtonu oltavle Judgement Deterrch 1iHuch Ind You soo 3Trai Ilnsill lï¬cny Illsnn 7l Love Lucy ilPcrrv lttmn son 2Wnatl My le Ii Spy SM lthta aNm chater 59 EEcwiichcd llPlcrre utoo 53 7NDWJ INews 1News gt cNcus wuthu Sports no lIlaxei lTmih ounce snort Brim 710 zPollilcli ncuut Iiuir oncwcn ano cntustc it IIIldtie Ardeieyw lln moo ZMovlc tExodtlat Clullcnge DIiiLY cnosswnlln asters Journalistic nameplate 4Angry 5Ceium Sin 55ummiu 11mm csolmlght erratum pact lthtisjlldges 141mm pricst 13an1h Amerim peninsula abbr IBSIIliL mm Jihsmmga ACROSS Jackie Gleasonr tormtancc GThcftcd Badge or Courage Itilllnr IllCuitllru media tanrattsmaur did 130mm heroine Voyeur 15Provokea 170lassmen ahhl 18 Flowers puthere 20Tobein debt 22Dcteating 26Ilthceding 25Aasam silkworm 291mm 33Sllblda BLDItItllge 36 Mandarin tea 39 Conunu nlquc 42 Cupboard Skuli protuber ante 45Farelgn iï¬lAlukBJt AEBJnd uthera t1 Intended tenrm DOWN Cityin llllioliltty lMy Son 7Neon Wcather oFltntstane IIiicre Cornea Ittc LGunsmok 7Atcnflul Soaru znowan If Martin LHerll Lucky 7P¢ytnn Pllce orlr Whistle aFrent Pale ttllyhrm in 7Ilotle twtdl ma Wonderful Consl olrnnstoa 910 54m Football chnulrtu Lit Talc Thlct Talk nd hiril lilterv Grillill 00 colicu Weather Ind Martin gt tun zNcwl Weather 1tiovl Return or Doctor mouer 114ml Crxv hornet llvnllho mot Zolohnny Carton aNewr weather SanlL tNlm Weather Sport LtVrsmu Jamboru nua sum 0N1 voNg LID chaunzlu at va was la ca iREN Alan as REL IF 51V antEr was it an as as LEER xsao so 55 talenty Armrr as Elaborate meiodyior solo voice to French author 41 Bridge position 43 Lair Minute 23 Tile Enters sale item an Asphalt at Always 32 French prolt noun as Kind to nu as Edihle moilusk VIII III IIIIII gIEV GRAN DMA DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT x9 GRANDMAï¬Avs YOU LOSTA urns hhzzLEs GAMES novamss HAVENT HADMY USUAL NltsHTltME SNACKS THIS aSINCE MY TVSEI HAS SEEN IN THEREPNRSHOP CML FROM dï¬ilï¬ufd BLONDIE BUZZ sAtvare lF oNtv COULD HAVE our will rayon Mlss LILLY nllS TRUULOOD AND BLESSINGWELL SUV is THAT NAME FOR SWINDLERITHEYVE HEATED VOU our or YOUR SILVER MlNE SO WHAT THE PENIS CLOSED mutilan Itl lEAsl you MADEIE alsnctous or him ALL ISNT Locum CK HES FDUNDLA NEW VEIN OF GOLD NO TELLING WT THE MlNE5 WOR ll THEY OliT MAYBE MILLIONS SMRRYED ME WAS MISS lilLV THANK GOODNESS iVE GGTA PHONE IN THE CAR THE GARAG DOLL ln GIVE AN AQM MUGGS SKEETER Hammmmsl mayo SWING All msrmrlzapttv OF ATOUCHDOWN MADE LIVE 0N wulLa 1iiEv WERE sitothG THE lNSiAlilf REPLAY