hills ROLAND HAUiYBUR TON ï¬rst grade teacher at King Edward School is shown working with several ot the youngsters in her class Des pite the loot that school has only been in session tor FLANNEL BOARD WORK provides Maureen Collins with an absorbing pastime The oneoo one correspondence cw weeks the children man age lo engage in the variety oi asslgmed activities with no apparent contusion or loss of lime Mrs liallyburton pres pares the days activities ior each of the groups who will which she in studying takearv on the appearance of game Todays primary grades have ANN LANDERS ADVISES Students Mayï¬AnSVveir Letter To COliegej Dear Ann Lenders My son iett tor college tow weeks ago would like to send the college president letter but my wile wont let me not even anony mously Perhaps it you print it he will see it Thanks Just sign meCnncerned Dad Dear College President am sending my boyto college be cause it is better than sending him to Vietnam He is good boy but im worried because iromwbat hear and read col leges arent what they used to be For example our son says cars were not allowed on your campus but the kids decided they wanted cars and they told the administration to go jump in the lake Your reply Mr Col lege Prmident was We would preter that students not bring cars but it they bring them the old rules will not be eniorced hope you have some faculty members of fine character who can inspire young people From what hear several at your teachers line up with the stu dents and make life hell tor the 23 administration also hear your dorms are coae till all hours and the students laughingly call the campus bordeilo subsi Vdized by the taxpayers Above all hope you will d1 many weddin have been keep in mind that cant sup port this kid ior heiresl oi my life Please give him some ed Dad Dear Dad Heres your letter but doubt that you will be swamped with replies irnmcol lege presidents Will you settle tor student Ii so Ill print the best response ALLOWANCE DenrAuu love my wife but dont know whatto do about hertlying give her my pay check and take few dollars tor myseli She is supposed to pay all tire bills Im person who likes to keep my credit clean My wile dribbles away money and hides the unpaid bills and dunning no tices When call her on it she cries and says she forgot What should dot hate to in sultI her by taking over myself ll cit Dearlticlt You wont insult her youll relieve her She is clearly incompetent for this job and youre boob to let her wreck yourcredit Give her an allowance and pay the bills yourself UNINVITED Dear Ann Lander Our daughter is being mar ed this tall and has decidedgshe does not want children ather wed says too avaran child he be yennatio quaint and supertor ado notation nut is unique mmblnati whicme to all viitinast importance to any coni tug bluntly But whapavltv is attainflora Inner inr vr an ou mue chiidt tachometer It strengths and weakneucaitnlenlsrand In ndéquancies He or the lav complex at emotions memories and hopes tor theiuturny Perhnpa the question that should concern tbecommuoity then is by what iyrtcm can each individ ed to his or her maximum cap acity And that is precisely the question that isvioremost in tho mtnds oi educators usponsibin tor our primary cbocl system tin Barrie Once eaeh chlitLiareeo red as distinct divldual Itbe problemis mmcdintely posed oi educating thousands at chit be worklhg together and man ages to keep them all running smdotbty in engineering tcat that leaves the observer quite irnpreed with what must be accomplished by the primary school cher Vdren on an individuhl basin The dedicated eiiorts oi mboy persons in our school system have brought bout militia changes meantto tin lenient this concept oi develop nglhn individual not in with the other ehii but tore iation to his own polenlinlflo accent the unique gills he or she can bring socle thereby iind ael fulfillment The pmlsepmblems and no partunitias which arise in the administration oi this concept diiier irom school to ichol Therefore the programs nnlur ally vary Most of usar some what familiar with the llnlt System which in recentr met the problem oi rigid ed ucational structure and intro duced degree flexibility in each students program oi loam relaxed atmospheie which helps thechtld tonenioy the process otlcarning ruined by noisy kidsand she is not go to allow anything to marthe he ly of day is emphati on lt point that there will be no one underhi school age agreewith rhy daughters Point at view but wonder how to tell people tactfully when they psk it their young children are included Dear People of aste Jdon1no ry to bringrchildren un less the invitation specifically says And ha on the enve lope il someone asksI simply say rry Sue does not want anyone under high school age and we or respecting her Wishes since this is or do Seaweed Designs ing the unit system has been step towards Ihls objective but has not been intended as an By Talented iiriisl child he educat win Jcompetitiw be pntinuqlg Progress end in itseli lthar opened the doors to progress Progress an the nibiect on which Robert lamina principal oi King Eduard School spoke Monday evadingMinis promo ior as individual student throughout their years in the primary Ichool Mr Juman spokato In and lance parents concerning the philosophy oi education eapoue ed by our achool bmrd and the Ontario Department at Educ lion and of the role that the iodlvhililiaimschool Indmtencher ay crmining apply he the speciï¬c either polic He went on to explain the or organization of King ward School and to dellniate the changes that have been intro duced in the system oi reporting students progress fhinmhers oi the faculty were present as panel to answer questions posedgby 31201 icnccvcon ruin the evenings subject matter lnhlsexplanation ot the new system oi reporting the print pal pointed out that this year all reports irom kindergarten lo the and ot elementary school will be anecdotal no marks or grade will be used erltrn comments on pupil progress will given on social gromh as well as acadunicand emotional HALIFAX tori Talent ms luck and liking ior seaweed havebecome an artistic cam for former Nova Soottan Marjorie Schwartz oi Mont real uses scallop rig and deepsen divers to brtng up kelp the seaweed growthsi nil Nova Sooiia shoreline With talcntiur design she transforms it into designer pla ques and panels to trim otlice and domestic walls Miss Schweitzlpealls her do aiming with hobby hutthe hobby has become timeconsuming and won her an Exhibition atthe Atlantic provincés Pavilion at Expo 67 hth Schwartz puts the titted and colored kelp ooglassclihre panels Alter searching throughout the summer iot kelp she takes it back to Montreal where an makesthe panels in the Winter months With cornb million oi sun ht exposure an sea we or Elie chaogesthe kelp trotn dull biatklitid dark green to bright warm hues oi orange yellow visas rostrum Then piece of plywood the same size and shapeias thefinal glass panel is printed with the desgn The glass panel is placed over the plywood and melted glass fibre brushed over the gins panel While this ï¬bre is still spit thekelp is manipulated inliowing the design on the ply wood beneath the pass Her ï¬rst attempt at working with kelp saw her making up framed designs But site tound the drying plant hard to silage us activ ities Vgoiog on around After respon ing to the photo Current Program to the Plrenlsou the Junior and im report hr doan communication be tween the parent and the team tar Parents are encouraged to discuss their children with the teacher anytl tbeyieel lt ta oeceuary Mr Jnrmao discussed at length the mien by which the school hopes to make continuw at progress glorr each student reality with school is not organized by grade or units which really was an attempt to organize by academic pm gresr ttut Rather the school is organised by chronological age social considerations and length at time within the school With lo the classroom things are not that much diiietenti teacher instead of being chained to label oiJgrade or unlt bar group oi children whom she can group and reorganize at any time to best suit the needs oi the childrencoocerned htr Jarman stressed that the changes at King Edward School are not experimental but repre sent version oi the departV ment at educations recommen dations The procedures arehc ing practised in many schools in the province graphersrequest tor tnreaiie rcturnnd to her oc cupalion with obvious plea Except tor hue the soul sure cream icing HALLOWEEN MAY WELL bettianiccsttlmeotyearlo be ilrstrgradn when you avoids the tun that goes with preparing for the day Paul lt iii Koreshaw and John Palme think so theyve got the lob of all and are nioy every mtnuteot Examimr Photos RECIPE comet GRAPE CDNSERVE 1V qts stemmed grapes cup water cups water cup orange pulp cups crushed pineapple cups walnuts Method Slip skins and cook is minutes Cook pulp in min utes and sieve to remove seed hllx remaining ingredients ex cept nuts and cook to minutes Add nuts and cook another 15 miliuiesfPour lo sealers nitd enawannrw BREAD trash cranberries to sugar cs itour 4t baking powder it salt Vi chopped walnuts Grated rind ot one orange icgg beatcn ire mills 2T melted butter Preheat oven 50 degrees Put cranberriesthrougb iaotl chopper and mix with to cup LAYER CAKE Rich white or chocolate sponge layer éake filled with butter sugar Slit together dry mg dients Add walnuts and crcn rind Cotnhine egg ntllk melted butter Add to try gradients Fol in cranberri Bake in greased wait on lincd Ioat ian fort hour lltu loai lsstillg warm brush ob with coin syntp which has been mixed with it aunold extract arm roiritro MUSTARW uaii slargegre large green peppers large red peppers large Onions grind togeLber Put ground vegetables litch lander pour boiling water over themdrain thoroughly place in kettle ad large jar prepared mustard iiusalt cups vinegar cups Granulated sugar turmeric Hs cup flour Let come to boiling point simmer 10 minutes cl eons choice of chocolateor orange Persona rig with Halloween designs boyom owndccnratorl Forpenriies you can convert ordinary kegs into charming homespun din ing stools around an old refinished round table ioi jthe iamin room Makelhe upholstered top cushions tionaiTItï¬iningIConr POTATO ours wraicoékeiflefltdedium sized Holds Meeting ititutti° MocHAs gun can Halloween party treats The Opti Mrsi Club marked its regular dinner meeting in the Sky Room Lakeviow Res taurant with President Mrs At Eaéolt directing the session During the business period funds were aliocated for Bur aary Fund southwards Build ing Fund vlttembers decided to purchase three layetlev for the Childrens Aid Society Conveners oi committees were ed as lollow Mrs nson and Mrs Front social Mrs Ed Jenningsarid Mrs Henry Vcrstraten ways and mean rs Ken mouldi Mrs Murray Shapeiy Murraysrztharn Sprinkle potatoes with grated onion it baking powder POPDEI tiuely chopped parsley or flakes it Luthyme or savory option paprika Mash ho potatoes airdafdd milk to moistentluoughlyndd butter and grated onion powderond pinch of pepper and the thyme iurn into buttered casserole Dotwith re maining butter ous sprinkling of pa in preheated oven350 degrees pulled and tor 25 mins until piping hot Serves it in removable iorv cleverly sioring magazines knitting the childre toysTry wine through equally spa to floor tor seethrough painted eiga hoard iashto serve as unltiordisplaying dolls Yes your ingenuity will lead home but choice of turni Because it takes years of tr vantage or amendments between stringing ordinary sh ggy ced eyelets ir room divide TY boxes secured to walls in checker yto ditlerénl is anotherrstory ial nd error to develop Iilawless decorating plan its ooly wise tniaka ad complimentary decoratingassistnmg ance will insure homplete satlsioction terlor no can display with genuine pride nse and Home ideal tor the whole family choice of to delicious assorted colorsanii decora us Tangy Halloween traditional favorite with candy decoration pumpkin