Wooio BRIEFS Third Séxttiplét Dies In England3 BIRMINGHAM England AP Lynn Thorns one at the sextupiets born here this month died nesday wt the hospital announced Only three survive Lynn bad had major surgery to correct an intestinal obstruction Doctors had for the tan week beid hope she would survive MANN BRINGS $3130 IDNDON tRculerst New York bookseller John Fleming niesday paid moo about so no at Sothebys auction house for an important collection of correspondence by Mann the late German author The lot comprised to letters and 25 postcards covering po riod at 40 years from 19oz HERON T0 HARRY iola who brolre radltlon by re fusing to marry young llnlia bog who abducted her will marry oiiicn worker Giuseppe Rulgi in December her parents said Tuesday She became na tional heroine in 1966 when in stead of marrying her abductor to save her honor she look him In court He was imprisoned for to years RED CROSSIIEADDIES GENEVA Reuters Leo pold Boisslcr who headed the international Red Cross com mittee during four maior post war crises died Tuesday from Injuries sustained In weekend riding accident He was 75 native of Geneva he joined the committee in ibis and was pres ident from 1935 to 1963 ANNULS ARREST ORDER KARLSRUHE Reuters The West German Supreme Court luesday annulled stand in order for the arrest of Max Reimann former leader of the old West German Communist party now living in East Ger many Reimann 69 fled to East Germany in 195$ AGREE ONVSUB VISITS TOKYO Reuters The United States and Japan Tues day signed memorandum on precautions to be taken during visits by US nuclearpowered warships to Japanese ports Vis its were suspended after an ab normal reading of radioactivity at Sasebo southwestern Japan While the nuclear submarine Swordfish was there in May I5 11 YEARS PRAGUE MP Czechoslo vahias oldest citizen Marie Beniatkova gt celebrated her liltb biithday Tuesday in re tirement home Mrs Bernatkova had 10 children She fell ill with flu three times this ylear but recovered quickly each tine BLAH INJURIES 12 ROSEVIIILE Mich AP fireman died at heart at tack and 12 persons were taken to hospital some in critical con dition after an explosion and fire ripped the Detroit Plastics Co in this Detroit suburb Tues days Nte explosion apparently was caused when paint fumes from machine seeped into an area where open fire was used to melt plastic SAIL FOR ANTARCTIC MOSCOW Reuters So vietvessel left Leningradjhles day carrying mernhcrsmfthe ltth Soviet expedition to the Antarctic and about 1700 tons of scientific equipment food and other supplies for various polar stations the Soviet news agency has reported UNION CERTIFIED YIIAWA GP The Public Service Alliance of Canada has been certified as bargaining agent for 917 technical employ ees ol the defence research board it wasannounced Tues day The public service staff re ialions board said 708 at 830 bai Iots cast in representation vote were in tavur of the aili ance as opposed to the Profes sional Institute of the Public Service of Canada GETSIROMOTION OIIAWAWCP Drr Adrian II Booth 51 native of Otv tawn has been named chief of the radiation protection division at the health department it was announced Tuesday Dr Booth formerly assistant chief of scientiï¬c and technical services it the radiation protection divi sion received doctorate in physics from Manchester Uni versity in 1952 GARBAGE FILES UP SARNIA GP Garbage was piling up along Sarnia streets Tuesday as strike by city employees moved intojts second day TIIE strike by no city workers represented the Canadian Union of Emilie Elm pioyees was called to back up wage danunds Unbn pokes man Al canningaam all city suppvim have been told by the aaoinlstration no prewe for ï¬ve or nnreï¬ tribe TALKS EXTENDED QUEBEC CF Neath tions between motodvesiot Quebecs 7m school taadiers the pmtiocial government and sdiool boank have been extend ed to next Friday it was an pounced Ncsday IUdze Jacx noes Boirsquet concillaoor in the dispute said the 3121an was asked for by the govern ment which was not ready to reply to new union proposals submitted last week CAPTAIN APPOINTED VleOitlA ice To do gmyeroswrt ltitftS Saskatche wall which ran ngrumd Sept on submerged rock bas nevi commanding officer it was an nounced niesday that Cmdr liarry Rusk in of Ottawa will succeed 0mm Norman Janie sen andrianrsonnas senlt fenced to severe reprimand by board of oours martial last weekon charge of negligence in the grounding oi the $35 000000 moi QUEBECAIIT MOVES thlOUSKI Que GP IIIe headquarters of Quebooair cur mntly located in Rimrskl 175 miles northeast Qume City will be transferred to Montreal at the beginning of law the company announced lusday The company started its move to Montreal in 1962 with the transfer of the airlines mainta nance eravw In last pilots and stewardeses were asked to take up residence in Montreal PDSES A5 ACCOUNTANT SUDBUHY Erik Paulseth of Sudbury was fined $100 and costs or 30 days in tail Digs 1705111211in accountant wherThesigned pa pers sent to the Law Society of Upper Canadztoult was bold that Paulseth never had been li celth as chartered account an anrroan CLOSE CORNWALL CF lIie Lawrence sanntorium or treat ment at tubercuiosis patients and those with other lulu disor ders will close Dec Dr Mat thew Dymond Ontario health minister told hospital ofï¬cials Monday the closing is part of an alien to reduce the number of small institutions in the prov tnce JAILED FOR UTIERING GALl UP Patrick Stanly law of no fixed addrm Wea day was given 15 monihsdetl nite and 23 montths indtxermi nate for 15 drama of noun He pleaded guilty earlier to the amigos 0mm was told Stanis law uttered more than 1000 in worthless cheques in Gnits Toronto Welland and Sudbury GENE SI STATIONS CORNWALL OP Gillespie CPR supervisor said Monday that iations in eastern Ontario will be closed He said in speech be the Kins men Club that an application gt for the move will be filed with the Canadian transmit oarmnis sion No date was setrfor eimng Lhesta DIES IN OFFICE HALIFAX VHdun Mitchel 53 nbief of police here for is years died in his office early Tue sday night Grief Mitchell was 35 when he was amninted chief youngest man over named police chief here CANADIAN CAUGHT NEW YORK AP Murray Klogg of Toronto who described himself as freelance writer for the CBC was arrested at La Guardia Ainport Tuesday on federal narcotics charge Feder al authorities said they found two ounces of marijuana in Kleggs luggage when he was arrested Klegg said he had been in Nashville covering rn cial disorders for the CBC REPAIR now PAY tAfER on our havenlenl annanr PLAN mans onetimer Body and ram wonir roan moiul gt DANGERFIELDS armors so Barrio snap new snnvicir OpeuiDlily fiiiniidnizhf mm We AJ SPECIALT ForflYoUir Ourooat buyer comeradtho market on these fabulous coats so that we can offer them to youxatthis low iowpricei Crovvnad vnrn The BingAround Richnossof Natural Mink pastel mink kohinoormink silver blua minivsapphira wink ranch mink black diamond mink The coats themselves are fashioned from the most lusciouscirnportael fabrics such as itir and wool mixture cobblestone all wool boucié wool plush and needlepoint Couturier ilouchasinciudo French button holes satin corded buttons and contoured curvst seaming Dotiblebrbasted all Coiors galore 16mm 7t015 121020 D10to18