NEWS uranium vandalism Wont Bendoule VATICAN CITY Reutersi Vatican spokesman hisgr Fans to Vallainc said Monday that Jacqueline Kennedy knew she was breaking the law oi the Roman Cathode Church when she married divorced Greek shipping magnate Aristotle 0n asais alls Kennedy is not child and theretore she must know perfectly well what are the law oi her church he said Vtherciore it she Is not child and not out or her mind shemust have known that she could not legally marry Mr 0n assis hisgr Vallainc denied cale gorirally that there was collu sion bctwcen the RomanCatho lie and Greek Orthodox Churches to get around Onas siss divorce The Roman Catholic Church Is serious institution and it cannot change its laws for prl ate individuals he said Onassis is member of the Greek Orthodox Church and priest Irom the church nir clated at the wedding Sunday at his Ionian Sea Island of Shor pios Vatican experts in inter ehulch afinirs said that in gen era Roman Catholic cannot nights party Nortonls coordl marry divorced man such as Onassis An offender would be consid ered in slate of mortal sin and barred from rcccivlng the Roman Catholic Sacraments Auto Insurance WASHINGTON AP new kind at auto insurance which backers say could cut premium costs nearly in half and would pay medical ex penses without regard to who caused an accident was pro posed Monday by segment of the insurance industry The plan which would not deal with the cost oi auto rcA pairs was advanced byrithe 7AIIIEIICE ï¬urance Associa tion comprised oi i611 compa nies that write about to per cent of the auto insurance in the United States Race To Moon CAPE KENNEDY Fla titan tors The United States will make an ailcut eiiort to heat the Soviet Union to the moon by making June landing with two astronauts it the next two Apollo flights are periect in tonmed sources said Monday The sources said Apollo 10 will conduct moon landing mission if the Apollo and Apol lo misson go as smoothly as Apollo scheduled to splash gown luciy after an ilday ight Fined For Gun WINDSOR0nt CF man who said he was kcy wit ness in lorthcoming trial in the United States involving two alleged Malia ï¬gures was fined by Windsor magistrate Mon day for carrying an unlicensed iireann Ronald George Crazier 35 Detroit accountant pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $75 and costs LB Limousine WASHINGTON AP long black glassrooied iimnut sine withthe latest in bomb and bulletprooï¬ng features rolled into the White House grounds Monday to be the new US presidential iimollsine tor parades and ceremonies The specialiydluiltLi 01 Continental was shown to Presi dent Johnson at the White House by Rodney Markiny Jgnta Ford Motor Co vicepres en Reject Appeals WASHINGTON AP The US Supreme Court has re iccted appeals by three white supremacists convicted oi incit ing toriot with Negro and antidewish speechesvin Balti more park The American Civil Liberties Union claimed the men were convicted without proof that they caused riot or even posed danger of riot Rather the organization said they were convicted tor advo cating racist and antiSemitic vows The appeals argued this nlatcs constitutional free speech rights The three are Charles Conley Lynch tormerl DIS lc ard Berry seph Carroll norm at Baltimore lynch Is an or ganizer for the National States nator for Maryland and Carroll is party youth directo Gives Canadiana TORONTO CPL William Davis Ontario education minis tcr will formallypresent the tovolume George Brown collec tion olCaaadiana to the Univer sity of Edinburgh Wednesday FrnmscotiandhewIU fly to Londonand then to St Pauh Minn where he will address the Irlsh American Cultural Van stltute Friday at St Thomas Coilege nathe life at Thomas gtDArey McGee ERIC KIERANS so Canadian Migrants mnorrm CF itural nadinns who urinate to big cit ieslare nulchyorse than the immigrant lrom abroad says report released Monday by the Tiroato Social Planning Coun The survey ï¬nanud by the department ot manpower and Immigration and carried out la Torontos west end which has high concentration of both na tivé and foreignborn tram slcnts said the situation is caused largely by Jack at community inlaresland help Toronto conccntrates on help ing the newcomer tram abroad but the migration ot native Cn nadians is largely unrecognized and unorganined it said The survey found there is lit tle prcepigration counselling for persons about to mova to Toron to and rrugrants reiyon word of mouth rumor or misdirection Mail Subsidy OTTAWA CF Postmaster General Eric Kicrans reierrcd repeatedly in the Commons Monday to the post oiilces deï¬ cit on second class mail rates asa subsidy to the publishing lnduslry iie said that even with the new rates to go into eifcct next April the deï¬cit or sub sidy will amount to 535100000 oi the post oiilcos total deticit at $40000000 in the fiscal year it starting then lie also said the subsidy to the publishing Industry still amounts to more than the feder al government pays to support the gold mining industry or shipbuilding Mr Kicrans said Parliament will probably want to consider at some later date whether the sabsilly is really needed He said it has prevailed since Can an Debits MONTREAL CF Debits lovindfvidual bank accounts for the monthof September 1960 in Canada amounted to $52 254300000 down from $2 436104000 in April The Cann dian Bankers Association said today These figures include all amounts debited by the banks to the accounts of customers cur rent personal chequlng and sav ings maintained in branches in the 51 clearing house areas Forests Limited MONTREAL CP Canada is not country of boundless lorest resources as cormlanly believcdrllon boekhart genml manager of the Canadian Lum ormens Association told federal housing inquiry Monday Mr Lockhart said the build ing industry faces serious lum cr shortages and offeredthis reason tor rising prices in uiiding materials PREMIER liEililtAND Que Legislature Queens lcr lllere will Highway Fatality SPANISH Ont CPD Peter at Spanish was struck by car and killed Sun day while walking east in the westhound lane at Highway 17 Spanish is 130 miles east of Sault Ste Marie Zettler be relatively new lace on the legislative assembly when it resumes its work today alter tooday summer adv journment Most salient change is in the ruling Union Nationalc party which will he led through the third session or the zoth legisla ture by Premier Jeanlacques Bertrand successor to Ihe late premier Daniel Johnson who died Sept 26 at itlanicouagan arch sE°rgJock1e formed womens rights group which collected use signatures on petition asking tor an open arbitration bearing Earlier George Ferguson Toronto lawyer and chatnnan of the threemanarhitration board said the issue at public hearing willrcuive full and carclul consideration lamaican Protest mam to About so people mostoi thcmhla¢ staged protest demonstration at the Jamaican high commis sion Monday against the Jamal can governments trealmcnt of university professor The groups leader Rosie Douglas of tr is al said protesters were crosssection of Montreal black people and members at the Black Vrilers Congress which held ftsconvcn tion in Montreal last week They were angered by the da maican governments refusal to let Proi Walter Rodney 26 re enler the country otter attend ing the Montreal convention Student Projdct ST CATHARINES fCPl Construction ot $20000 three bcdroom bungalow is one of the unique projects oi students at tending Kcrnahan Park second ary school inthiscily 25 miles east of Hamilton The largest student project in Ontario the idea was conceived by Ed Enrau 40 teacher at the occupational and trade school who firmly believes stu dents learn best in theory is put directly in practice About 60 students in the schools building construction course greeted the idea with enthusiasm $uesBCMP MONTREAL CF Robert Stolar of Vindsor 0n binn day filed damage suit against the upon for injuries he tal legcdly rcceivcd in crowd crush during vsit to Expo 67 by the then Jackie Kennedy Mr Stnlar an associate prov lessor at the University oi Windsor said in his $2360 ac tion suit that Geltcy an ltChlPsccurlly agent caused him to tail against concrete About 50 black persons irom Montreal protest to Jan maican High Commissioner GENEVA Reuters wellknown bankwas involvcd in the purchase at slaves by rich and powerful person and the auction of chlldrun by broth elowners United Nations group was told Monday Slr Douglas Glover president at the Londonbased AntiSlav object while making pathway in the crowd for Mrs Kennedy now MrsrArislotlc Onassis NorthABay Contract NORTH BAY plebi scltc Monddy ntivarded lower bus service contract in North Bayto Charterways Ltd The move was approved by the slim majority oi 133 votes as 21 per cent of about 21000 eligible citi zens turned out vote The final count was in favor of the new service and 2150 op posed Claims well Khown Bank Involved In Slave Trade PROTEST lolooo noon McFarlanc tlcttl about the vcrsity prohssor Waiter Rod ney to rtcnler the country nilcr attending Black Wrii Jamaican governments re lusal to allow native uni crySocicty tcstified before the UNsuhcommissIon on discrimi nation Iledid not name the bank or the slavebuyer Glover sold the auction took placalin 1963 In country which had signed the 1030 convention banning slavery vlic did not name the country but said it spent $200000000 on defence this year although it has no as tensihle enemy in cmployce ot iVellrkliDWli bank told the AntiSlavery Soot cuLiast March thatch had seen documentary proof into his bank had negotiated payment tor consignment of slavcs transferred tromonc UNracm her countryto another in 1905 Glover said Glover suggested that interpol the international police organ izatinncould play an impor tant role in combatling the slave trade and suggested the UN development program pro vide funds or the resettlement of lihcratodslavcs whiten in one week In Muhtrcal The demon yrltionday ers Congress convention last was perinatal CPA rephotot School at Nursing and the Univmsityrot Toronto NURSING STAF Registered Nurses and RegistercdNursiagAsslstaiitsare nowrequlred tor the new 500 beleorth York General lies pito Situated in the beautiful Toronto suburb of Viildwdale the hospital is only 20 minutes lrom downtown Vtoronto Tile hospital is directly involved in nursing and medical education through its atflliation wlth the York llegional The hos pital alters the Registered Nurse challenging opportunity in the specialty of her choice whcrc maximum personal development is cnenuragcd Residence accommodation is available at large country estate within walking distance at thehhospital rennet nurses ENOUIIllESItO Miss Jack Assistant Administrator Director oi Nulging North York General Hospital 4001 Leslie Street wnlowllala Dreams Of Italy TORONTO iCP Pietro 0n garo Ontarios ï¬rst heart trans plant recipient dreamed of re turning to his farm in Italy be Iure he sutIered series of heart attacks his wile said Monday He always iivedto go back to ltaiy to enjoy himself he at ways workcrl so hard here Marie Ongaro said in an inter vlew Escapes Fire HAluNERom cm Elie Martel New Democratic Party member oi the legislature for Sudbury East was at work in his basement office for nearly Blt huur bdore he heeame awar that the buildingjvas on re Hearing the sound of leaking water he went to the corridor but his escape was cut all by smoke He went to the window and ï¬remen fighting the blaze pulled him to safetyilsnmer is 10 miles north oi Sudbury 70 Que The legislature itself will have new speaker in the person of Gerald Lehel Union Nationale member for Rivi who replaces liemi Paul is du Loup Premier Bertrand has named Mr Paul provincial secretary succeeding Yves aniaswho as been given the new portfolio financial institutions compa ics and cooperatives Policewoman SAUUI SiE MARIE Ont CF Citycouncil Monday night voted in layer at wen ur itration for Lois Beckett fe male employee oi the Sault Ste Marie police department if she wants it The hearings scheduled to start Wednesday are to deter mine lliiss Becketts fate ot pay her right to membership in the allmale police association and her right to wear Imi torm The councils action resulted ytrorna submission by newly Oiiheiinest Canadian whiskies Country hasevertasted warmers adopted for ydllriprqtaetloli eepled bs thelmjnllnurn sloado by leading national ndverti unwinglyneceplad which contains false in luding tmwnrrnnlld or ex oggornted elnilnsellher directly or by implicnllon Advarllsersnnd udvsrllslng agencies must bs prepared to substantiate their claims Public DecencyNo advertisement shall imple palaa or be knowmgly occupied which is vulgnrpsugl saslivo br lnnny way attentive to public decency Superslilians and Fan No odvaliisamnnt shall be prepored or be knowingly accepted whlch is ca culnlod to exploit the svperstilioas or to ploy on leprr to mislead the consumer into lhs purchase of the ad vattlsed commodily or service Exploitation or HumnnMisovyNc advertisement sholl havprnpnredfnr Ina knowingly accepted which claims should nol be made to OPFlflr to have scram tiilc busisdhey do liolmly possess Scientiï¬c urns technical quotations akav should be used oral odverllsing only with toll sensa oi responslb ly to tho by public GuaranlosNo udvsrlisenanltshull tireleparod er balmowlngly receiptd alluring 9ltnmnlla or JV warrantyunless the guaranlan or wnrr is on exploined as to the lnulnn at lho gun oewd nlnr conditions and limlls or it islindl such lnI motion can be obtained cum false hope in thn term at cute or solicitor the mental of physically handicapped EIIhQI on tent polammpmmammsunc Pricacmlms oyndddrtiselnenlshollhaprepnrad orbslrlowln motion at oelunt and cmpnmtive shnllvho prepared gills knowingly accepted which contains landing Iutimdnldl or willan arson gmnp risers and ogonems must be prepared dencoln supp lottlls claims mean any lestmomol advertisement Dispnrnalng ClalmsNoodvorlissqlant shall be proanred or be knowingly aeropladr which Inlulrly disparage products arsonices oiethcr advertisers Suhslontlnlion is always required wherecompnrislons modeyrilh compotin proootls so ices Vonndln Code oliAdvellsmgS It has nowlbeen for odverlising ethics pladwhlchninios misleading sv dnmngoéphysimbnientnl or maralelo children mila allNo advertise nulls prepared knowingly ucapladwhlh dellboroiely Imiintes ls opllo mislend aailadvam pnfbd crha knowinglyyoecapla give the confsumsr Inir oppamm gngds one deefljsad aim terms CDHSIImEI ndvarlisamehlshhllb pm which does ia who tslporxlale Iislng Cflnllnl it avoids etier infothe auble tawhlehfsdifiicultta pineal and In whirl vdpmenlployswrh on Important pnrl Nevertheless the polticl aliag organ nops onras tp uarngo wherever ponlllu ula oiniiyerlillng questionable rule or which dellho column or mothodvnt presenidlinn ogenciesond nil medl urelnleresidd ln opélsonnl copy us Advertising Standards CouncilCunadi Advisory Board l5 boys Tor copy slogans or illusirotlonsvoi otheradvertisarsund gt