Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 4

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iiiiimiibfiiii Book DescribestExCifiIig newstaminaJ Hint Bruin With Spear Published by Canadian Newspapers one 16 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario Ray Gariep sig Walls Publisher May Protect The department of industry may well be the source of new consumer protec tion rather than the recently established department of consumer affairs Legislation for standards council is being drafted by the industry depart ment for presentation to Parliament early next year and is designed to play an im ortant role in consumer protection of Internationally acceptable systems of standards One of the councils early tasks vitally important one to consumers would he to work with manufacturers to establish performance standards for con sumer goods According to John Orr in dustrial research adviser in the depart ment these would be voluntary standards designed to give the consumer an ideagof what kind of performance to expect from productwhether the toaster or broadloom rug Once performance standards had been approved manufacturers would he invit ed to submit products for certification which would be granted if the product met laboratory tests They would be able to use council sticker or label of approvl al on products or packages as well as in advertising The key to the success of the perform ance standards would be public interest is YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Oct 16 1953 Royal Canadian Army Service Corps drill hall at Camp Borden destroyed by fire Public School Board debated matter of overcrowding decided Codiington must have addition Manager Ralph Snel grove of Radio CKBB accompaniedth rie Collegiate banddirector Allen FislierDavid Armstrong and Miss Joan Sarjeant to New Yorkfor allCanadian concert at Carnegie Hall They will tap impressions for later broadcast on local station Timmy Snelgrove went along to visi aunt in Darlen Connecticult Ellsworth Crawfbrd Minesing had champion pen of lambs at Barrie Fair Ernest Crawford Oro had grand champ ion Shorthorn hull Ladies Auxiliary to Lions Club held 17th anniversary din nerat Clansmans Lodge BigBay Point Mrs Earl Cox delivered presidential ad dress Lion president Osmond Rowe brought cluh greetings Chief Roland ll Irwin completed inspection of fire drills in Barrie schools reported ex cellent Town Council lauded Cen tennial mmitteefor staying within thereshoul be play by Nov ned ontract with Bos aid tim Bruin last year playeri AmericanHockey League Archdeacon Gilbert 0rd Lightburn of hant Bay at io norm med da Canadian delegate oi unve these gaps fourth time in six years had by Harry Armstrong policema Playingfm Hershey Bears was hailed most improved reose Department or Industry Consumers in looking for council or certification on products gt Legislation would permit the council to prosecute in case inwhich man ufacturer states product meets council specifications hut in fact does not Standards setting in the past has been concerned primarily with safety as in the case of electrical products or health as in the case of drugs But the consumer has had no way of knowing what kind of performance hevshould expect from product or how long it should last The propitsed standards council should meet this ack The council may also examineoiher areas of consumer interest such as size specification for clothing and shoes and studythe metric systemtorseeivhat he efit would accrue to Canada it it were adopted The Welland Tribune comments that the present approach to standardization in Canada is inadequate in many respects Coordination and long term planning are lacking no mechanism for establislunng truly Canadianstandards exists not all sectors of interest such as that of the consumerare re resented and some areas have been argely ignored The standards council would or could fill DOWNZMEMORYLANEC of memorial to British Commonwealth airmen George Dan ertield and Dr HaroldSmithrgot lull of 30 part ridges in threeday hunt at Temiskaming Leighton Clark and Arthur Powell CAradded to executive oiBarrie Flyers Hockey Club owned jointly by Howar ClNorris and of Barrie Collegiate track team setnew shot put record at Tudhope cuprrneetinrMidiand BC girls track tea wo Thompson Cu fit ll Dangerfield Barbara Hunting and Donna Bunting Town Council signed con tract with Central Mortgage tovconstruci 25 units on NewtonSt to help alleviate local housing shortage lFormer al derman ArthurC Harrison sales man ager for CKBB since nception in Se tember 1949 resignedit take position with advertising firm Toronto Gray Coach Lines sought solution to parking problem caused at terminalon Colli St andin vicinity Market Square vespia Township wiiipmtest to iiluni pal Board Barriefs desire to an ng property iii west end between Tiffin mini lhere arentns many careless pede trians as there used to he says traffic Naturally today st Anexpe method of wiiiim Teller General MInngelv 05H MoPhenon Menaglng Editor WAY Willy DC them nodthey were envied with thelaiert lypes oi rifle captured tom the defeated Americans Then theybegnn urging liwjilcklequu Albina MEER EVENTS filmHuron on wnrpuh imSepw rigid Byron innodfliher elthe poet destroyed lortifloi Join umin campaign to wipe out thowhile settlers in both western Canada Indst us lhe Blackfehl refused Ind reported thaplnn to the Mounted Police Meier Welsh took 150 men to sinhg Bulls camp Ind tried to persuedovhlm to return to the Us Sitting Bull rdused and claimed that the Sioux had Il weynbeen in the Greet Mothers land because oi their old to Britain in bygone years So hiptor Welsh issuedan order thlt the Sioux must keep thepeacali they stayed in Canadaandh was one or the hiounucs grub est achievements that they were able to keep the Sioux under control ior the five years they remained TheAmeiicans tried to per suade them logo back to the us and sent delegation to Fort Walsh on 0cLi7 1817 to work out an agreement with sit VCan Describe DUB rcoriOMi Siarted SVVicious That Brought Inflaiipn Mindset protection By WARREN BALDWIN Exlmintf Compondeni OilMWA Just so years ago the late ll Bennett neither the first nor ballast oi Cen adns disillusioned political lend erI leit Cnnndlan soil to settle in ngland andbecome Bri tish peer Belorefboarding liner at Heliiax he made farewell speech and left this epitaph it you want to know whos res ponslbla ior Canadas lmublerh go look in the mirror INTERPRETING Erna nrws Paris ViDNeaceil Talks As Empty Chatter By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer The current stage oi the United SlatesNorth Vietnam pencmtnlks in Paris can to summed up as five months oi empty chatter And current American election campaign trends suggest the election ro nulls mayvbrlng no jnylo North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Mini When the Communists agreed to peace talks it was against background oi widespread spec ulntion that the fVietnam war was causing United States Pres ident Johnson so much embar rassment he would be eager to reach settlement on easy terms to remove this spectacle tromtba public eye beiore the presidential election ilhe forecasters were right thatVletnam would be big lectionissue and all three pres idenlinl candidates have indicat ed they would be eager tosettle the war once they gain WU But nanehas mapped out lull settlement program and in the case of oneoandidete thirdpar ty leader GeorgeWallecc there is the hint of massive military action to crush the Communists in South Vietnam it no other road is available While the Vietnam issue keeps buzzing at election campaign meetings there is feeling mong observers that the Peril meetings have tended to 3th the issue from the centrd of public attention which now has turned more to the domestic issue of law and order TALKS COMFORT so Many voters mny have com forted themselveswith the no tionthat while the talks con iinue there is always the hope of settlomenlaBut ior Hanoi there also must he the annoying conclusion that the closer the tAmericans getto polling day 311mm Examine ispayfiaidSiraét Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail bythe Postoirice De partment lottawa and for payment of postage in cash Eetum no tags guaranteed Da undaysand Statutory Holidays excepted 17 59c weekly $2500 yearly Single copies the By Barrie moo Ayearly 0ntarin$itflit year motor tlimw off it sldeOntarin sldo Canada British pos sions $15 year SA add inre 33 vengef Toron Ménibc oi frees mid Audi elusivcly enil ed to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paperpiedv year Out Nov the more reluctant John son who is not seeking reelec tion may be to undertake motor reversal of policy that would commit hissuccessvr to drastic changein the American military position Undoubtedly settlement in which Hanoi hgreed lo recipro cal action in return or Ameri can concessions wouldvglve the Democrats boost and crown Johnson with praise as he leaves office Johnson has resist cd onesided action that might suggest his costly approach to the Vietnam war may have been wrong at the start The North Vietnamese may have sensed that time is run ning out They appear to boson ccnirnting moreof their appeals to Johnson to initiate action rather Ihan wait patiently for possibly more favorable sue cessor PIANiSI CHARGED Limit NJ Jazz pianist Alan Belg fithes been changed with murder in the mangulallon death of hiswiie Bonnie25 Haig who once played with the Dinie Gillespie and Charles Parker bands was arrested Tuesday exceedinle gentle ekceptionaiiY flavourful able exocnditurn if porutZd ullitbdbuy on 71N9Cnmde raced volunteer force to iigbt in South Mmi ioenas Niche arrived at Bahtx the first cruise to join gov Royal Canadian Navy CAP oode tint hnsCInadarllim ltdpTnnsCanndn Airtime if mka to moirel Ind Vancouver inscm Ind US signed um agreemeid It Wubington milOld Age Pensions in censed to flLL thr it might be well or some Canadians today to consider the truth of this embittered good bye rather than venting their wrath on governments or the present state of Canadian finances For yearn CInedlani have beennsklng for more than they could Palm IIId the ma or lauitni governments is lhat they have given what was ask ed using tax money and then borrowed money for the purA pose musrnn PAYMENT iBIrring government payrolls which in sense could he put in the some class what Ottawa conveniently calls iuncontroliv lransier payments directly or indirectly going hack into the pockets of Canadians in the form of in come supplements health carr educational benefits all given almost universally without con sideration of need Some at them are not only outside control of theviederal government but outside control olthe Canadian parliament be cause they are shared bytngree rneni Willi the provinces These will cost this year nearly $2 bli llim lo the icderrl treasury lone They can only be reduced or clinunated in the immediate tu tiue by agreement between lawa and the provinces and this is precisely what is likely to he attempted at ihelederal pro vincial conierencc here this month THE REAL LESSON CAnades prime minister of to day had this to say recentlylo the Cnnaadiao Chamber of Commerce The real lesson of the new Ottawa spending es timates is that Canadian gav nrnments an all levelsmus dem onstrate that they can bring their costs back to manage able size But Mr lrudeau himself would be in irst to re cognize that this is more easily said than done Hospital insur ance this yearwil cost the fed eral treasury more than half billion dollarsin addition to what you are payingitn 11W Mimi duch in uniting detail he one coon neon men lime MIimed onlyiwith WERE spur module and cattleth in mothers at the big cat iam lly however mum The book is oi special interest in Barrie and district relder because int writer the Iuthor SuhI Slandnhowed movie obtain We met maths exploits upnri oirthe Kwenls spon eoredtrIvelom series Bewili appear unin this all on the evening terminal at Central Calcutta auditorium with this Jingle Advcniuxelr so Sinners unique Idem tum began rather curioinly when peciilllrirench liru ilinn took dislike to him This mulled In iltbi in which Siemei mistakenly thought he had killed the little stretch local sheriff who had our vlourly sparked his imagination bylelllng hm of one old in den iarjackJiLlhe lemome Bmlulen Gross and tiled lines 1133 Inncd only with IrpeIr Ive him three houri bad start to escape Illried long Id veniure packed iouroq quest oi the spear nnnicr The dangers were many ior in Ihese mysterious Ire chth gt lurked everywhere plrlnhe io icited swamps ambush by in dlIns and once port from so angry diamond dine ihe rtorydocs not lack ior romInoc disbelievinl Andean lili Irnvelled down to the lung Brazil to find out or tell whether his limits were true Milli eventually became zhil gt lie wasiaught the art at sparring time by the steely ncrved spear hunier Joaquin Guaio One day he went spear hunting accompanied only by his dogr lie relates how he spearcd his first tlgren which hills charged himwlth triniuui roar and snarling inc coin ioriedwilh animal rage im paling iloeif on the wear The Vince in humor premiums Would Canadiansgeneraliy be ready to boys it eliminatedlf without consulting the prolt vinccs the iaderel parliament allow could eliminate lumily enceI giving them only to those who need them after mean teat This is intact be lng considered nhhe saving would be another or million in 8500 million yearbui Cana danshnvo bean convinced that there isnsomethlng shameful bout expos urn oi poverty thrmtghmeeol or need tests woman no conin eYeHo continue on path we are travelling lend and more ominous meaning to the old cliche Greer up the worst has yet income gt slightest Viriisraicniniion would have beenthe end at Siemei His most narrow escape occurr Circié Vl ed when he stalked mankill er that acted with sinister cum ning wayiaylng and killing his tracking dogs and charging him again and again The book is filled with humIn lightiul it occasionally blunt lie gains the readers by admitting his Ipprohe on as well as describing hlg amazing achievements Siemni is known in Brazil as iigrcro orone who hunts agree with spear and his book will fascinate mail ure reader who enloy travel adventure pnd exploration gt 311th BAKER microcosm unmanned God should ruin the dell ActI ms He who hung this whole world in place In the beginning and He who made us can certainly rlise us am the resurrection and the ills Never limit God EMBASSY TEEN jiowu THIS SATURDAY BOBBY KRIS Ind the iMPEnIALs VThoBarrie Community Concert Association gt Richardhay Presenrs man and the Miiiilioilon Pops Orcliesirn innit so chitin contours croniiif 18 an TAUDIIORIUM An allmembo Cotfee Party willhe heldin the school cpleterie immediately after the concert WEEKEND sPEcI FULL COUILS DINNER Choice or $1 tnmlio iiiice interest The authors uylcis do

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