Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 2

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arrm mull my m1 transnational Bégin IntoBlast The institution into the av plusion yesterday aboard lbn tow barge Norman Clanent which lniured ii men got under way hm today Dlficials lrom the depart ment ot latmu dvpmmoot at transport fire department and the various insurance compan ln benan fitting the evidence The 211 tort tow ham ex ploded while elevrn men were preparing to repair damage done in the dlips hull when it firmnded near Parryloam week ago The explosion in the forward end ot the ship sent two haltton steel plates hurtling mm the deck of the ship They spokesman for the shire owners Chenildrge ltd Sarnia aaidiumes tram sulphur ic acid may have remained in the tools but that sparh or some other occurrence would be necdcd to touch otl an explos ion The ship was usod for carrying sulphuric add Fred Cram general superin tendent oi the Collingwood Shipv yards said lliu explosion has brought hall to any work be Mancini lion Bayview Subdivision zoning The Ontario Municipal Board has approved rezoning of live acre subdivision site in Allan dale near the Allandale heights Public School the subdililsion to involve L5 to 10 single residence building lots is on Bayview Drive east 04 the public school Developer Ernest ileid ap plied earlier this year for re zoning of tile pmperty torn ru ral residential to single family residential Planning Board tilcity de Faces Opposition In Ellort To Open HallWay House rename or Opposition is no slrnngér to Rev Neil Libby builder of the first half way house in Canada for re leased prisoners The Anglican priest encoun tered it in when he es lahlished St Leonards House in Windsor Onl Today he lanes group or citizens apposed to similar ltille Competition Set For Borden The annual Ontario Rille As toclatlan service rine compelle film is being held at Manl Range Base horden this week1 end and Barries militia unit has team of go Coached by teamscaplain Sgt Charles McNatzh of New Lo ell other members at the tea are troopers Joseph Leducll Par tridge Owen Partridge and Nor man Breanil students at Bass Borden Collegiate The live along with adviser Li Keene will report to Base Borden Friday night where they will stay for theiduration It the twoday SliObLTtIlY will be competing in numerous live shooters ready to events at different ranges and target types Their competition will be trom among the rnnllo intother militia units in the province Role Studied recent meeting of represen tatives tram seven Stmcoe Coun ty Stnlor Gtiuns oil was held atlha County Recreation Oficas in Barrie the major gentler tor the evening was Dr iii Button lpeciahst adviser on geriatrics ot the youlhand recreation hunch Ontario de pnrtment of education who made an address on the chal lengaa ot the lnture or older peoplein the province Dr Dalton said that senlor eitiwns should mite aclose loolt at themselves and work with various organizations to develop the kind of opportunity for it ing that we need iia wenton to explainttlat group mil older people could have 7009 years at livingex psrience flintnn otherage brac ket could lmatol v3 Peter Cavlll director of row reatlon outlined theapnrpnss of tile meeting nnd then introduced the though rovoitlng spéaltet Duttnns prea caution the delegatehspllt mannian mum d7 sinus on the luoctlons of sen ior citizena clubs and on pos stills ways of improving the assistance given by the court tecreatiouaer ce ll CRflWth 71M bu done on the kiln The 10 pairs were to have been cull plated within the week llon uwolk Involving 900 other mold the moon not been mm by on com shipyard has build fly to investigate the cause the aeddent The diemlcul enxlm ecu will twin their with tie dun he dod Wm 14m Smith Ind George Some will remain in hospital or moral om according to Comnunod General and Marine bonito ot tleiais hath has MI and Inclined moors Spears is suttering llvm borne andn to landed more than loo leet away in Tgfenlhmtone the third mnnin hospital is uttering twin minor burns andis exped ed to be released tram hospital shortly lioqntnt officials say report that Mr Fealbcrnoue was in only fair condition are CIIDIIBWS Mr Featnelstouv retired engineer was acting ill chlet engineer tor the owners at the towbnrga while was being put in drydotlti rd llpproves veiopmenl committee and city council approved bylaw to tul til his request but one resi dent in the area oblocted to the was the ohjeit of 0MB hear dlange in zoning and the its Ivvnl the ohlect In 0MB hear Ill The only objectiOn to the by law was the suggested need for lull scale traitie study in the area However because the small size ol the developmeln the board npproved the bylaw without requesting the traffic Iluvcy house in Brantlord on with optimism To me opposition is support ln the long run he said in an interview Wednesday law weeks ago Mr Libby tried to explain Std Leonards Housd to mic meeting 175 Branttordresidenls it was unbelievable reaction he said They are letting emotion run away with reason But like them justithe aground Ill set them on my side yet St Leonards his become prototype or series of halt way houses across Canada Last January one wat opened ln Vancouver and interested groups in amoral Brdnlalea out Toronto and Halifax are working on planslo build oth er Mr uooy 31 gave up its on their become director at the St Danni ards Society of Canada andhe currently is travelling aoross Canada in antelfort to false $65W for the national moiety turntrntl ation Branch OntarioDepalb ment or Education Mrs Helen Idsk District Rapresantative Ontario Municipal Recreation Association George Coldson Assistant Director Recreation fissiml At the conclusion of theimeat in two months theories drinking contribute tom than ml ltvtoit an nonrdrinirer Willfgryopuuompan All rates with more tramway 3w lwnu MALLng ddlllitttlltl INSURANU ronrnnv sitlon willllhe Windsorgroiiftlo lm Simonetounty and Mn Irene Styles recorder lortlla ing committee wasappolnted trom those present tomcat auto accidents insulates euro lnsunslltt ocromillul not own momhcr Gordon Reeve trlglll discusses the merits and traits oi one oi his paintings with gucat spoakcr chrgc Emilio in library hall last night Mr Forgia conduct TGegorg aroma tori de button was hokenlastlulyabdnllelnd ed twohour critique on as nlcmilcrsripaintings Examin er Photo Barrie Painters Submit Art For Expert Criticism George Forgie prominent Toronto artist last night spent two hours with mcmhors at tho Barrie Art Club criticising their lvorlls Therewore approximate ly 15 paintings to be judged most at lhum realist landscapes Thuleworn lewabstracts and semi abstracts Mr Forgie winner at awards in oils plus the Glcnhyrst rtlls Council First Award has two pieces on exhibit in tho Centen nisl Art Exhibition Ontario He has exhibited with the Ont ario Society at Artists The Royal Canadian Artists and the Society at Canadian Artists At present he exhibits in the Walter Engel and Dunkelman Galleries in Tor onto Thero at certain consistent soils which tin work as travel Mostly it is composition that is lacking Use nlcnlul anti tacimlnuo is usually good he would ask or help irom the members and suggest posA sihio improvements at mth ill color here clcanor lines Highways Dept ilwards Contract For Fencing nil filmilialiéii Still5i contract tor 17000 teat ol chain link security once tor Highway Adaptsom south or Highway 27 northerly to just north otlhc St Vincent Street ovnrhcnll includ ing the Dill Barrio patrol yard Contractor is Frost smut inn Wire Co Ltd Toronto Clubln Barrie District Harrie camping enlhusiasla have organized themselves and are planning wintcr educa tion program Twenty district families it formed camping club and it sponsored the at lnni Gary Norris an ollicial oi the Barrie group said the club in tends to show Imovics about camping and trailer travelling RecentIya film on hauling trail ers alonghighspced roads was lllllr instruct ryou Win 25615o106 Enloy an ice cold battle of Pep under thaer liner inside the bottle cap Youmay discover lustwan 25¢ 15¢ tlr 10¢ When you spot one of these shown to no gpnlp mm loss will to held to campingillcas and not ducts tllft all 11 th ThrCFCF pre protesting the recent provincial park rates The na lional execntlvomales rcpresen ta n9 tonlhc various canscrvz Iiun boards across the country in an ctlort to protect the inter ests ol cnmpcrs The group meets the third Wednesday ol every month invlhs union hall at Divan Street Annc and lillcn Hooper serve as the president ot the Barrie assacia lon amounts printed on themetal cap dealer answer Health vsnpszolj no Thisotlérgood oniylrl he area servicedby cise This brought applause ior arranged on the canvas Even SeenPossiblea Camping Enthusiasts Organics family luhave its navispaper muonsfi siCoia todaythen Lmn Look nuns ihero Several paintings he said were too stood for him locritir lilo artisLs Otten everything that is on painting is good and should he thcrc nosaidwhnt would question is the way it is small touch at light or darts paint applied carefully can work grant lmFchfllML Altcr the lormai meeting was over Mr Forgie remnlncd in tho iibrnryhail talking to lncm hcrs and discussing individual problems notional lllail service to deciding factor eed oltherural and not heccss ily tho pressure or nclvspapers to serve tho rural noymnn memento provincial government arms hall week later students use lulu the chmooms on one flou of the twostorey btnid plan were pressed in lastqearthe college to ntigdiM students moan cnnglrmofzo rolrnmlnitrmllcseatomleo by the 0mm MMW the with various educational groups hav nllde provision tor students who want tonoum iron the munity colleges to uolrer city Any mom who has the ability can transter ham community college to an univer sity and obrllln credit or the worlr completed at the commute Hymns3e The college otters courses that range lrom one to three years in length All oi the courses said Ml Crnwtord on design ed to give ttlu student knowledge that he will use in real the day ho begins working llleyresident described the stud ents he is edueathl onlnnppeal ta Donations Beach $1750 The Barrie Unitcd Appcal going Avail according to chair man Lcs Cooke Total revenue today hit 311 son with more returns coming in slendily ihcrs is still long way to go on that downtown thalmomalel however Appeal objective is 5995170 lm not saying that were in difficulty he said hul we will make it only alter concortcd etlort by everyone concerned The people on the street must understan that we are all part ncrs in lhl lhe lastphase ol the cam paign the residential canvass starts Monday The otliclai clos ing data is Oct to but Mr Cooke says he may hold the campaign open lora week so that retorns trom special plo tools may he made within the trameworkvnt United Appeal High School returns and pled ggs from the Boy Scout walko on tram Camp Wildroan will be ready some time early in November demand for retraining and rod tinuiog 0M lions tortillas The space the toilets has in the Barrie shopping plans will be used torgulnixigtdrgmduca tion cinnamon lllitmlnn trilbtflftd to the main campus no Mum St Mr Quinn said the eollege will he was with Mermt civic m7 and lndllstriu in thellqlou to hotup cmus our wheretberelsgneedJannex Innis Ill firmbro told oi vawlix that will Whlhqmntnpflhemlk will use on pllzl none or both dayand eveldzu dunes hem men to hold on harden Mr Cranium likes the idea otan attentional institution nit muolnthemldoieole Ira nineg dlt techrmloflatl that mannl to modern indlw 71 PM if said Mr Crawlao Studs out still ellll mandrel goo leur iangineertns technology The man who runs the college is graduate engines who dcv altpod an interest in administer lion and education which led him to tho loll ot college ore aldent till Crawford flth ed from the tlniversty of ior onto lull wiflra osctletor ot applied science desires ln mlrv his engineering Hegainedcm slderahla administrative taper ienca while working with thw natlonalltickel QUIET EFFICIENCY llieyrexldettta otllce fleets the quiet eflolency with which he has managed to open the new culiegu Pictures of mine Lemdter and an all field line the walls ot the attire Vinla corner glass cabinet holds samples at molt that Mr Craw lord has collected over the years The president exudes no nonsense attitude He Is interr esled inductors people who will be able in do job well n¢ plan it am it ado on in the market place The mnxett mates denim tor nation hrsya moloonwnleet the twostony building that opened telly more than week lgolat tint phaseot pro gram that pnvialona an enrol ment more than 1000 students ism unvaried Mullah wny too will malloths ms an Integral part at tlleataa 111a teeth that we campus is mewhot aparttrout the ram flailing lsllttlast thinlfia wast tooovtlop here said Mr Craw tord helle ng people is so in tool mucnnlore im unt role in industry Oorloh to recount those pwpl he Matt at the To com lnonltygwliegas ls just what ls name lndltetes college bull to serve til community program an administration are flexible and lmaglnatlve They were created to meet the chang iilgneros oilhe crunmunity ltillcl tampon up as are lost about as castes you can get to any commonly Tridrtndavingdonea tough too well is the only hotler In conservative blue suit are rlilo visible parts 52 the Craw tnrd personality low min lites conversation reveal char acter first as smart and efficient as tho outer loolt The educal al needs ot peoplowha are not period the existing school systems are so ing to be met by the commun ity colleges According to weight prices colored by the of agrlmltnra as ednesdny large 591 me allot mall on Elm Wholesale prices to country stations fibre cases quot ed by committee at wholesale dealers extra large til49 large 4748 medium tolsmai 32 33 tlnltar prices Canadian Dairy Cmnmlsslon lelulcruble Crawlord the is an increasing tho HaIIDannls report recommends the abolish merit of all Homework Learn how the toacherr toothy attending the Ontario Educational Assoclln Open Discussion Continental lnn Friday on is too pnnn partner to community ser THE SUPPORT For further tormotion contact Marianna at 7235431 vice

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