Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 18

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REAL EstATE FARMS FOR SALE enemmrmfifie 100 ACRES OF CLAY IDAM LAND PLUS eumnunmmrremrn who mailedme us aost Willa PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT saws nova In Anrnr in sale or unl Snltlhle or emit TIL onen cum DUPLEX £53111 rent located in sin gtmm mans MN DUI 0mm minim mm loll ti COM 10 51 IRMA windows led moi cathedral winan riauure or rent or aale went Grimm Call collect Ile Awothr and tour bedroom house or nilnznntlu MAT TCIWDDM 95 turningnonmemmnher Bimini MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere DNALL HOME FARMS AND COWCIAL PROPER 90 01 VALUATIONS It You Need Money consolidate debt on airline inert modulus coming on In emenII while eaura Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding over Simpson Sears IE mle 51 We liemher Ontario Marinara Broker1 Auoeliuon MAVAILADIJ Nnvmher on lint mornre Reasonhie rater Interest nayhie montniy wriia Box ix iirrria hammer no you OWN Mortimer Rudy cash available to purchase line We will even lend you Moo mortguel initialo lie in like vieoral RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT KEMPENFELT VILLAGE mile beyond the city limits on the Shanty Bay Road TOWN HOUSES GARREll DEVELOPMENTS Barrie Ltd BEAUTIFUL WOODED SITE bedroom BEDROOM UNITS OSIOVES AND REFRIGERA Tons ELECTRICALLY HEATED 5175 $200 monthly NOW RENTING TELEPHONE 72114590 nmnonnr bungalow with sectar tIori Min east end IVIIIIDII Talapiiune mini BEDROOM houu for rent luga moms near schools Ind new town slso per month Avallrhlr November Telephone mama axcwsm serum bung ow one verr least required available November call 7mm alter $51m drvr 7160241 ii Mar mpn it bell Real nrtateinu Emmi zotomy homo With walk out basement Brodiam Close to downtown Available In medhtely may in sublet Telolt nhono 7722994 CLEAN modem hooroom um furnisned house or rent Rexpfln alhlo family with teen airline Reference requires Aiiilrolr inr medlltlely tor monurr Mellon ONLY ONE MT bedroom Townhouse £145 or month Anallahi int iran HOUSES WANTED TO RENT on bedroom house wanted to Rn unnnmishsd for adults re liahl tenantr Fair tr 11 when Ly lien en HOUSE OR APARTMENT WANTED Two BEDROOM uninrnlshea no or anmnt wanted to renL mm prefer outskirie or city Pleas writ Examiner APARTMENTS TO RENT THE BAYFIELD APARTMENTS Corner of Baylield and Grow THE ULTIMATE in quiet elegantvliving OLand bedroom suites Eleolrlc heating Fuilhydro service OAir conditioning OEiectric car heaters 4plece luxurious bathrooms 13 cubic it refrigerator 130 stoveiil modelll kitchen IOver 1000 511 it in each 950ml overlooking bay RENT $165 UP Adult building only For appointment call r728lt8046 one bedroom aorrime Nuwiy neeorrteo slave and re IilzlrIIEymrariuiiiiw Add If no Telemann 7mm SPACIOUS modern bedsWm main nnrr apartment win private animate hellird parking 15 ea walk Wm lith ransom EROOM mmmym in email Ilialent building In Am Belt eu Rent sips mqnbh selenium 7234341 oNn lazniiotm heated inntallest altimeter and love mangled I15 monthly with one year no stroll Av nil my 6mm with bedroom turn Ilh¢d apartm WI to than rwigrlrbeldli Telemann 723135qu TUWDDII BASS rattan like now 860 ft guitar RENTALS tloo one am am AVAILAth Lot sinIo tln bedroom mutant with hat cony TEIWDUD MAM sir tour and Gail maulu admired mm Wittn room will In DIED timer Eu life 3331523 and WHOM mm mm OM aims LW run an In hm mm lvllmnSr Mr mentrnm phone N730 rooms talk me momma seated Ipsrtmeoi or rent bedroom urinr room union with atom and remun PIurrfi°imif$ trifling re iraNi at 1225 7266116 or mer do our Bedroom Maisonettes Under New Management ninlnr room or nrlem nriraia or commonan Stove rerrirera Ar rumor error all otiutle with snupllfid lyiiwwaecnrg ed one year He men 1r niu time ruoerlnienaeni can 1mm ROOM AND BOARD on 1161 room and board available lunches picked lilht lltllidry or ran ueeu two it Initlhle releoimna 718W BOOM Indhoard or null Mutt Emilezraniy ma Seeminegoll an ar space or Inn on ourl route Telephone M7769 war am MAN otrlm woman with ur Winre home For lurthe loloi matlon telephone matte AccmlluonarmN or mobile eld uly person in Marloan nrivrto home one hloolr to evorythiur write in Toronto sheet South Markdale ni magnolia mines ROOMS TO LET FullNERD Moonlilo mam 00 Mid kitchen Ind Ieuelrlfltrrl location anniia 11 weekly rol one sit lor tvuote TnllPhonI mtosa FVILNISIIBD airrulnn room to not linen and cleaning imllided down tnwn location nenuemn only Televhnn 7280670 LARGE unilshed noureireeolna Noon NnIvncd with rim and re lrlgerltrlr Central Iorrtioo tele Phnnh 7m after Newny mmilhndwlilug room in modem new human Coa flllnti nrrirlnr iaollities Suitable for studtnt or business rirl Telephone msaal Iltcr pm It ray ME refit leLn Mullah at 5am nrivllenzes Close to duatrlai area Telephone Wt in at no lag unhel intonation ephona more alter was cm witti hunnlow will share sun with mother lenllemln prvrto room home privilees parking close to downtown Tele phone mam arm ma non ROOMS WANTED Elva room or small apartment wanted vicinity Hiro wry so between Barrie and Bare Burden Call Mlly 7137142 STORAGE FOR RENT STORAGE space availhis for boats trailers mowmohlles etc Tele phone 72am alter pm ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAYlRUG co LTD lhe house of line broadloorn Remnants all sizes and prices DOIESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM 67 Collier St Phone 7251311 REFRIGERATOR $11 55 Dunlap it 11 Apartment liter it top $21 hamsLimit exeehen dillm iuli ret mm hithr ham or torn floor mm Cymbals moat ram Ken 19 ll Jrm BEE offer comm clrnboard tor rate pine antique Asktnfl use Also ine crldle sto ielgphnno mails ELECTRIC ltlltlt of Elle with liner Priced to rel lel one Winn ester run wh white Eziudinfi matings mt rear Gail RUG 01111 wool hrvadlnnm In men in good condition also mens winter cidthel aim nhono mm mu anonoom suite winter nlur box ream rakes miner mamas end trhler rm SICNa tor aaia 1011 ply white cardboard amuletAnt to Rent House for Sale It Available at llama Examiner nurt lzorl Milne on some tool Ina In nrhva chrome El til mm gainer mlhtne tau nasmi shin rl zelepnnnofisases Irismg sYmcu dime kitchen set or sal lilo niltn mg er information teie molar rare Mend right arm In galliumvied Smithrolmbone pianos New Mason inrl Risen Alan tiled 1112th are delivery Ind tunlnr Lowest nrlm any wlrrrr Bmce erert nom iili Ziifii rini 51 ms Mm Binnie nor redo linswm an rotor seem be zoo om Telex one homeowner Stereo nllyLr All and an audio Telephone rims room In sent central babycrib lute Ill Coir 119 gt marlr rarer me condition me air new record ARTICLES WANTED WW Manama372 IMO Annltm 133nm nutmaoanrr hummusam hamr ismurea Wm moi influx not an or no au Monlo In or llfk Box in TREES Jr SHRUBS and can Lamar lawmfi airmi ARTICLES FOR RENT Im arm can tnllul train rug and learzfltfiihrelrm DOGS at PETS 2221 or meet mifiii dElIven DIEM OM RATIO WMMHMIM oi sum as mok RelHui male 10 nh°tltmiii r1 eéenhonl nullno mm liter slimy laia win does blacks are near Sawhorse mm alter 7m om ITS THE SEASON TO ADVERTISE EXAMINER WANT ADS 7232414 BOATS AND MOTORS REDUCED RATES on Boat Seat Upholstery If you bring your boat seats in Am before you store your boat Quality materials Expert crammed BARRIE AUTO TRIM SERVICE 29 Collier St 7287992 110 email available Reason atrlo To one 12841915 turmer mmruifl no stoma ior runahoutr an trailer on to is root Blake and Grov st Location moo ior 17oz lan Benn linrlll now WARD DJ airimumhniiirme or or ma Jrerapnana realise mir Dem the NICKSDEAD STOCK minn euro N0 GAME It tiara dis dm not Worm Nick Emmi PM FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH manipth JLMN€IDIM Mm CASHTRADETERMS its warm AVE mm LIVESTOCKFOR SALE CHILDRENS HORSES eoannannnoxnu mmno arm snown EXCEIJENT FACILITIES CRESTHAVEN FARM wrsnamv BAY roan 7288865 not sincg aihriearirriifni Ellis north at Barrio on 11th are no AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLES SUZUKI E0 Am roll loan Home to moon or tel Good Arum oft $120v Elephant 5196 alter pro ha PERSONALS r165 WAmn anti ovalcht new $600 MON TUES It WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop st West miss daemon tomn iransnoriaflcn to Millerind warnedd llI ii alweek III on pm Please kphyli Ml NATURAL mums and coir narrir Health Food store 29 re Road mom Hours ran till 5230 pm fir in mm run me anytime 7254675 sluice ANYONB knowing 3Ilhmlmh Donald Thomson tenderly OI Shanty Bay Ontario write Box No no earrla ratminer nannyre Lillil luflnxkarrto hagglsz Irafno erf TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS VPHONE 7281414 5th Annual Public AUCiiOfl Saturday Oct 19 PM $110000 Oi 35 And EqU rnv exam WANT ADS FRUITS It VEGETABLES nanny ma CGrlda Mm snowr Wealthy Cortlandl arm own errtainera el sanioni no saw serum for sale Karla Collect noon mo Telewhollo minor Pieac hrimr own containers Na ipmeoi MUST GO GARDEN SUPPLIES mi rotted hrrnyrra marlin 14 earn aid 37 bushel ox trriier nad Air nemortergmolas LANDSCAPING Nailinan rIeA ly all nirelillimniiii iiifteleplirine moon $250 per bushel Mountain on Grade Apples RQTIIWELL allureM enneila Corners Miles Eat at daemons in April Lotsot parki gspac motion at and deliver mart main are rer olefly figurine TEL lmiaweee Nnntu DRESSMAKINO EXCLUSIVE Dresses Coats Suits Made to Measure For An Appointment Bridal and Evening Gowns CALL 4363045 SIROUD a== LOST IIEOUND lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE PLANT PERSONNEL on rotating shift basis With full employee belle iits Please apply in person to SALADA FOODS LTD Church St ALLlSlVDN clan or ismn store Apply All Egan ands arrowto mm mud or day work nonrandom amusemen mnni p111 in 37 rreeln Ie unkalgngtnri mu ransom and molar rirlr plant in rrmmlh wrlmniifl In Ind W9 wfl ED EU name minilrri nonsnm in live our Wm rfiuarerfo phone name serum urn EXTRA iNCOME FOR CHRISTMAS Elm 15 minim taking rder items or rmrtir it master 106 King SL 11 331$ inn Out erraan wiry tna and tit enIWEGIplgmt ft 13 use our nullity innockd kitchen nnrterr area an rout room We It unllomil Excellent wlzcl FRI mining iransnnrulion liter l2 on and chilled tor advance ment For Interview clll MI REAL ESTATE The in an Immedlstn nonnlno in oursales rtarr rnr to museums ml estate niemln that Ir weu rawintro wltlr narrlr anath rumunoinr rrer Contact R0 Ruli II no MALE HELP GOOD home Ind small WI In It or iii one gladly teeloin LINOIYPE OPERATOR reunited tor rnmmunr room at Th ammo or units In re Mr ShepherdWWI snort order rnolr required or year round em loyment mailed working conditnna All com any Evenemr RLightrcti Mr N29123 csaurrn a1an Barila m6 CAREIAKER Ill rrtarrent bulldt re uridngouolflpmkrm redefine any EXAMINER WANT ans PHONE newt SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern radiocolitrolted trucks TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED ROBERTSON 1V ANGUSfMitESSS Rom samc1anh5rlu Sa tin and Weener Bed instalIed wiiiilrrinz muleArmin PAVING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS BARNYARDS Free estimates in the Iollowing areas Barrie Bradford Allis ion Coilingwood and Newman keL Also Iree estimates on air merit work GARAGE FLOORS PATIOS Telephone collect TsuBONE PAVING do 7236545 Painswick Manieri Paving Italian Expert Co of Harris Free Estimate Work guaranteed 7260081 134 ESSA RD LAND SURVEY to serenade Wm SHINGLING EmGLWGi If in El trnurnlnr Gord atrium strnuo Vol Elfin $1511 IRONING memo nrak uhinr and airings ahlgtsirwtlekup HANDYMAN ii llirrrtnm will ase rm insomniosii ur mils ANT Ds DONT COSTTHEY PAY rar itmrs Manhattan l1 lair lOHELPWANTED MALEIELpi PAUERNS PRODUCTION Mainienance Mechanic BARRIE LOCATION lflohrmmde lo Mummutormal Marcilossihlyammwlthmetormedlanlemrtm fliflllm paidb at Gnuw Mot nuance andfldnesaJK YOUNG MAN Wanted as appmtice to learn all pha sea of the printing trade at The Barrio Baotou Sallie know ledge ol typing preferred This position offers mire Iutllre and all employee benefits Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to pm daily Imus to aell iridium to in dustr1 MM stations labile Mechanical out or setrice station experience an IBII wrlk Box Barrio Bummer hh mm more we Ema Constantin MALE FEMALE ABROOKDALE INN Motel Tavern Dining Room OPENING NOVEMBER Urgently seeks lull and part ime employees in the following capacities 0Dinlogroom waitresses Codrtail lounge and writers Caahlers Front desk sales Kiiohen help Experienced personnel only Apply in person only 150 Dunlop West mumitem lhort tmier rook wrntarl muri he ran ma wues LII when It Nomel flute aunnt Highway 11 Nam Benn EMPLOYMENT WANTED personnel ranu out vicinity of Soon street Telephone TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place your Articles For Sale on in The Harris aminer ti Accessortutaud altedimenIl Previniis maze Prlce llpholstery mu Age Color Make It easier or IM MCI Heavyd ty plastic skid to My Remember the Articles or Sale clnrsiilcatlon ts tbt Peoples Market Place service and will give you PRESSURE euMps PUMPS Washlug Machines ISniall Engines PUMP SERVICE Phone kst ALUMINUM ALUMINUM Selistoring doors and windows siding store from COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct factory prices WAllS Ritz smoun PAINTING PAINTDIG do DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting Europeanexperte IVAN NOORTWYK 114 Rose Street M76 Roll MUM M3110 and Ill Inr yo reasonabl martin tar cut 353 manna MOWER REPAIRS MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE For AtiMalrea 01 rt AirCooledEnginef Reel and Rotary Mower Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LAWNAND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 17 Burton Ave 7£ 121 JANITORSERVIOE Loumin mnolunaiaioinl or dtfibrrfirhm music PM SEAMLESS FLOORING FLOORING no ir never needs wax ypeoItlgorimat£ectcdby clds allrails AL aoaenrs item So and ionbeoeih 166mmamiyinwdfiagfioxmt mOnmnyr BartelInning 12 TENDERS DIWAEIMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA NIKON DISTRICT WES SPAIED mvnzns An DRESED to The Manager Ad ministrative Services Ml Jar via Street Rmvsos Toronto Ontario and endorsed rm DER FOR DREGING AP PROACH TO KONTUII MARI iNE Gill0 LAKE SIMJ 00E ONTARI will be mlvednntium PM EDSl Thursday Dctober 1968 Plans medications ind form of lender can be seen or can be obtained from lilo Dulce oi the District Director Department 01 Public Works of Canada 241 Jarvis Street Room 605 Tor onto Altailo To befcopsidered each tender $4 mm In INGELICZGIFT or ALICE nRooxs Elnbrolder sampler now then Oil to vital data when babyarrives Let this happy angel watcht ttils endlalittng for JERRYJIE At Lot 20 Concession 12 Innis fii Township mileseasi of Highway 11 turn at StPaulst Sale of to head or choice beet cattle The list includes 14 cows 15 calves 10 yearlings registered Polled Angus bull years old welpdng around 1600 lbs out of the Tay lor herd The abovecows are all yolnlg and the herd sire baa beenrunntng with thernalid the calves are allIroirl regis tered Heretord bull EAVESTROUGH lrre ITIlephnnnScou ltdfr 72 must be made on the printed torrns supplied hy lhe Depart ment and in Accordance with the condtttons set lorth therein The lowestor any tender not necessarily accepted str Manager Administrative Services ATGe Rev litFit Wm I3 AUCTION SALES CATTLE AUCTION SALE Friday October 18 at pm sharp rooms erms cash No reserve as Mr Reynoldsls going out of the cattle business JERRY commit Enyelopes Draw tickers flietterheads Bursiness cards auctioneer Peima stamps fWeddlng stationery Cheques man mumps0N ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Printing CALL us FIRST gt We are Skilled incur Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAm GUHJE COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COTTAGES insulating and remodelling HURSTHawkestone nroneizlv nrivinr School Lurn tr nrira the Modern wart tor an oolntment enrnu meals fSAW SHARFENING naming snrmninn centre rrwa roirrorr lrnivrr elc eninr maul straw Misses Sizes ll 10 12 14 16 Machine inun en CARPENTRY cm earpantara for ammrlr houses cottarer ate Telephone miles EAVESTROUGHING NORTHERN 4872121 SPECIALIZING 1N ONE PIECE EAVESVTROUGH INSULATION awwnm moo insulation Elam GUmflIEB lam BICYCLES PETE swam Izaasvz or 7283536 comment Pmmnt sent mist intck Iatterllll Instantanen TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7284414 over baby always frame pellelJor nursery Simple stitch cry in bright colors Pattern 7167 transler lo ins my CENTS rcolnrl lor each patterndno stamps please to Alice Brooks care at The Harris Examlner Noedlecratil Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ont ortarlo residents add nlel tax Print plainly PAT iEliN NunmnrtNAitii AD DRESS NevilSfi NEEDLE CRAIi CATALOG best In shlonst Most new designs knit crochet sew weave brolderl say editors lree pat terns Inside 50c Book of lo jtily rugs com pitta patterns klnexpenslvoi easy to make We 16 complete patterns Send 60c llook No iDeliixa Quiltsa Book No zMuscum Quilts patterns tcrlz quilts 60c llook No aQuilts tor Todays Living Neva uniting collection lscoillplele patterns Site Book at PrizeAlinansKnit crochet 12 alghans 60c IAUERNS JA ll ANNE ADAMS sinuous slideto one side then thegliasando grace of all unexpected eat Itsidet tely dress for holidaying dancing pace setting Printed Pattern 4931 NEW Size 121bust 31 requires yards 39 inch lahri SIXTYFIVE calm ascent ln coins no stamps please for each pattern Ontario resi dents add 3c Inleav IllFri plainly siznNAMEAnnnnss ANDszrnia NUMBER Sen order to ANNE ADAMS care otTlieBarrie Exemin so Front St Toronto at Shorten time More quick easyesewystylesdu oliri NEW FullWinter Pattern Came Plus rree pattern coupon 50c New Instant sewing book Silva linura cut tit sewniod cm Wt wayuDver Boonie tures Only $1 WELL

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