Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONE Classified Advertising 7mm Al Otis mow inaArnea yuan cloudinen wilhaunc oi khowers ob Friday law to night 56 High forecast Tomor row is 75 For details see Pll join it 241 olvnplc Pow vnnlr canines Trio ol Olympic pole vault form Bob Seagrcn centre ers who won medals in the 1558 games at Mexico my raise hands on winners plat WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Johnson apparently has run into dilllculties in both Hanoi and Saigon in his etiorts to arrange linal terms or an end of the United States bom ing North Vietnam Before order bombing ltll6olli ssaidlohnson determined to receive North Vietnamese assurances his ac on will move iolward the deadlocked Paris peace talks and freeze the level of combat in South Vietnam There still has been no word We of those assurances South Vietnamese leaders are reported meanwhile to have refused to sign joint declara inn proposed by the United States on halting the bombing Johnson is believed seeking assurances from Hanoithat the lull in the lighting the decline troop lnliltrations from the orth to the South and the with drawal of Communist troops from around South Vietnamese cities would not be reversed fol lowing an end ofthe melJlflgn GUARANTEES BOUGHT South Vietnamese leaders air an to object to Johnson ac cepting whatever North Viet namese assurance he might get They are insisting on guaran B9Siruciure ilutodnsurance honour 0P Toronto law prnlessor said Wednesday an automobile insurance in Ontario is therworld opportunity exists to restructure that it will become the finest won on gold medal because he had fewer misses as all three missed at 11 feet 10 tees that North Vietnam will not escalate the war An end to the bombing has been the essential North lViet namese condition ior moving the laris peace talks into new second phase in which She citia issues involved in endin the woman negotiated in Saigon Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker met three times Wednesday with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu high South Vietlt namese official said they dis cussed new proposal to halt all bombing of the North resi inches ClaIuShlpmwsld of West Germany is at left and Woligang Nordwlg of East Germany is at right AP Wireotinto Bomb Halt Proposal iricted since March 31 to the southern panhandle Air strikes against the North continued however and more were planned ior today At the iIurricalier Moves same time US defence departl innitfigures showed that bad weather has reduced sorties overtheNollh by $0 per cent since midsummer sortie is one light by one airplane The weather could be ex pected to drop the level even farther in the next six months factor that likely would be considered in weighing the risks of lull halt White Paper Shows Optimism OTTAWA CF The Cana dian economy has made adjust ments in the lastllfl months that promise reasonable growth and less inflation during 1969 says thewhito paper anticipating Fi nance Minister Bensons budget nextjuesday The scenesetting document tabled in the Commons Wedaes lienwicir Challenges MacDonald WltNDsoll Ont GP As long as Donald MacDonald re mains at the head at the New Democratic Party in Ontario the gonads government may be assured of reelection James Ren ick dfipuiy leader of the party llnemploymeni Shows Decrease UliAWA 01gt unemployment eraga decreasetletweenAugustilindSeplénilier dipping by 57000 go but the figure was still ia0lxlhigher than year ago government survey reported today 252 Pickeis Barricade and challenger to Mr MacDon alds said in Windsor Wednesday owed an Winder Plantyl wmnsoa one col Troublo brewed again this morning at the air ounrl Dominion Forge plant when nearly mo pickets pipced barricade oi steel andrubbie across theside gate of the moat mien Al Wednesd day says expansion hasslowed to moderate rate since mid year This pace is likely to be main tained iorannther ninelo 12 months But Canada will still be moving ahead somewhat faster thanthe UnitedStates and other industrial countries promises withdrawal OffSOVietTTroops $0011 PRAGUE ca Soviet are Kosygin said night mostot the co cupation copsirl Czechoslova illdraw soon but he did no ndicaie how many will slay Kosygin said the Withdrawal will include troops lolloland East Germany and he four East hi0 na tions that joined in the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia Aug QUEBEC CP Premiejl JeanJacques Bértrand Wednes day announced that provincial byelechona will he heldWednes day Dec he tidings Eagot held the late premier game Johnson and Notre Allils In Apollo aousrou or Anxious to come home the three Apollo astronauts went into the second hall ol their 11day spin around earth today with threequarters of their ohiaetivas now achieved Wally Schlrra Donn Eisele and Walter Cunningham passed the midway mark at Wednesday night Their seventh day in orbit will include their third television show The astronauts appeared to be enjoying their dadypshows They have alternately joked and clowned and taken viewers on guided tours around their cramped borne in space The Examiner TODAY Ann anderaa Ciiy News2 Weatherll Womenss problemsadvonced mm the oil the braincth of Prime Min lster Trudeau which wlu axons allday meeting MIAMI Fla AP Hurri cane Gladys moved toward Floridas populous Tampa Bay area today after hurling 90 rnileanhour winds through westerncuha and the tiny is land or Dry Tortugas The National Hurricane Cen tre saidthe storms projected course would take it inland about midday near vBradentnn at the mouth of Tampa Bay and on the edge of metropolitan area of 1000000 people Gladys raced across Dry Ton tngas during the night disrupt ing communications and dump ing more than four inches oi rain on the former military prison islandReports from the island before communications were lost showed winds of 75 mph and ship just offshore so to reverse the countrys liber ation drive osygin spoke atthe signing of Utility williPremier Oldr rich Cemik leg the Soviet occupation His speech was rot ported by the Soviet news agenx 0y Tass Anticipating urther criticism of the Soviet Union because of the treatyKosygin urged Com munist unity The enemies of Czechoslovak Sovi rlendshlp want nothing more thah to erect wall of alienatlnngand sow distrust tween our peoples Nothing terent can be expected of non it recorded winds at so Schlrra who flatly relused to use the television camera Satur day said Wednesday night the astronauts would devote some thought to todays show The rest of the day is devoted in exercising over and over the many systems of the lston cralt which has more than 000000 functional parts Form National To Boost Lagging Trade WINNle CF Tile or motion of another organization designed to help Canadian grain farmers solve their economic ideal oi reality stage Wednes day its the National Grains Conn inegrainj situations and alter to ulster Olson and lradeMinister Jean Luc Pepin discussed the council with more than 100 representa tives of the industry in closed They indicated the council wouldbe formally set up soon and it was understood the iirst meeting would be held in ct tawa in six weeks Florida mph Uipes Colleges To Get Tough MONTREAL GP Educa tion Minister JeanvGuy Cardinal took more concrete steps Wednesday to end province wide student revolt urging jun iorcollege administrators to get tough with the studenis In telegram to the adminis trators Mr Cardinal suggested they contemplate the annul ment of the current term if students occupying colleges do not resume classes alter rea sonable delay plansnof mllllarist circles in West Germany Cemik declared that only alliance with the Soviet Union and other socialist coun tries is sufficient shield against the aggressive intentions of NATO countries lloax Paper says Mayor Shot story bore the headlin shot by dopecrazed hippie The story told ofthe alleged assassination Wednesday morn log of Montreal biayor Jean Drapepunear City Hall The hoax newspaperbpro rasombiance to The Gazette ul iTo cils membershipsorganizati reieren per cent in Winnipeg Saskatoon reading costs were limiter by PREMIERS CAB FAILS TEST WlNNIPEG CF Pre mier Walter Weir was the first person to have his car checked by Manitobas new automobile inspection serv ice Wednesday His car was also the first to fail the test Now it the premiergets his headlights adjusted and checked he too will get the solely sticker lor his windshield bottom layperson 24 than TOMMY KC Labor ltllnlst Dalton Boles an nounced oday that Ontarios minimum wage in general in dustry will be raised Jan to $110 an hour lrorn 51 hit Bales said the new mini mum vage in the construction industry will be $155 an hour up from the present 5115 He said the new rates will be the highest in Canada and will restore the Ontario minimum to the relationship it held with the cost of living and average wages when it was established in less The minister said new Em nt Siad Act embody al tlnwgmbeaslcrréhls lor workers There was unanimousagree merit for the need or the grains council as lorum lor inter ested parties to meet on regu lar basis to discuss production marketing and resear Mr Olson said at news cooler enre The preliminary discussions examined the scope of the coun administration arms Concumei Price index lip iigain OTTAWA GP Regional consumer priccindex increased in malor western cities and in Toronto and Halifax in Septem her the DominionBureau oi Statistics reported today Small declines occurred ni foul other citiesSt Johns Niid Saint John NB Moul filfiild WEE Food prices increased marked ly in the West raising overvail consumer indexes by almost one and Edmontoncalgary Housing andclothingcom rients were higher in eight of the 10 regional indexes Trans mutation and recreation and varying amounts throughout the Tour will become eliecllve the same date The act passed by the legisla ture last sprihg requires em ployers to pay timeandahall lor overtime beyond 48bours week andior all workdone on seven stgtutory holidays and to give equal5 pay to men and woman doing the same work lbanewact will also empow this iotinii gGo To $130 On January cr lhelabor department to col lcct unpaid wages ior employ ecs up to total claim oi $1000 Not coirered by the new act are general larm workers and cnyployecs in businesses under federal government jurisdiction such as banks airlines and rail ways WILL Iiilacr 190000 hlr Bales said the new mini mum is expected to nllcct about 190000 workers many oi them not unionized The largest increase will be for workers inihe mot and vegetable processing industries whose minimum wages will rise to $130 an hour iro ccnls Workers lining and taverns who now have Slanhour minimum and laxi drlvers now guaranteed at least 75 cenis an hour will both get at least $115an hour alter Jan landSlm alter Oct 1969 Also raised will beJhe mini mum rates lor learncrs in gem oral industry to $120 iromsor cents and for students to $1 an hour lromllil cents alone seems Unlikely ormwa cc An attempt by group of freshmen Liberal MP5 to send parliamentary group to Nigeria and Eialra on lactlindlng mission seems destinedto lull sp ng Ihencxternal af Paui Marlin shot mllar proposal wi the comment that such would do no good and mifi do ana agivcs diploma ac ognitlonrto NIgerl but lint Why lt that ii man does something foolish peop lsns ha silly Andrif woman does something foolish people Arent women silly ra the secessionist territory wh hhas been engaged in civil war withigena for more than year Liberal members of the Com mons external allairs jcnmmlt tee proposed Wednesday that an allaparty group lrom the com mittee visit Nigeria including Binlra Oppos on Ms poured cold water on the suggestion formal motionto send some cominittee members to Atrica was advanced by Ralph Stewart tLCochrane and seconded by Norman Caiik Material Alter debate the motion was relerred to the committees steering committee for discus sion with oliicials of the exter nal affairs department who in lormants said take dim view nithe proposal

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