73y ml rubian was HARRIS North Colieliate has been or train idle this past week in major tutor indllshnbeeor the existenoeol North Week which wooded zreuly loprov mothlg school airit rts more outstanding dlaradertstics wutlre droosingoinhiisslum tor and Senior North in the sea ior division the ï¬nalists vim Valerie Smith Joy Sutton Faith Richard and Mary Lou Quinn The ï¬nal ï¬nalists Cheryl Campbell Joyce ilarriS Jadrle Guberny and Diane Clormtenll Wiaoers were enamored at the dance on Friday night bliss Junior North is Jadde Guberrly endhlig Senior North is Joy Sutton who combines good looks in unheatedding with academic praiicienq to capture the crown Another oi the North Week upedahwos hot dog cation alums HIGH coldest The participants in this endeavor were Kryï¬eure Mr Jacques Mr Still Mr Kirk John Totio Wendy Inna Tuly Exell Sue Banting ldd Brian Wards We would have liked to Have seen ills 31min in the contest but Junior voi ieybeil came prevented her ao pearanee in the 10minute lune limit the Grand Champion was Terry 3er who devoured av hotdogsiin the Illolled time medal credit should so to Bri an is years rileeating contest winner who gulped down elght mutate belongs tor close ondpllce iialsil our dlomptnn received two tree tickets ior dinner at the maltreated rnn ior his lrnalang capacity or food The Nuth stu dents provided great support ior their consumers and left their lovely iootprlnts on the calaerln tables as remindeL of this event Flag Football Occupies pareTime in Lunch Home By EARL COOPER The ï¬rst month of the 1965 69 school year is now htflory By now all are used to the routine school and many oi our all activities have commenced Entertaith tor the boys during the lunch hour combos mainly at flag moan We are arranged in two leagua junior and senior in each league that Ire our teams The Junior Red team is contained by Brian illinty tlhe Blue learn by Mike Townes the Green team by 1425 be ileum and the Silver team by Peter Kenney The senior lied team is headed by Jamie French the Blue team by Dmlg Grexlon the Gregg team by Johnrniororn and the Silver team by Mike Kelhr in place of football the girls engage In volleyball flrey are also arrangadioto our houses captained as follows RedP sy Kelly Blue Penny God GreenSharon Sto Silver 0onA nie Kidd Companion between the houses hasnt started yet be cause the senior and junior school teams use the gym during the noon break and at than thirty blistering for their claim in the Georgian Bay Secondary School League Also on the interschoal sccoe we are currently engaged in home and borne soccer aer les with St Josephs in the lira game played there we came out on are right side ot tour to three score Another sauces at our school has been the recent Curth can paign Each year the students council carried out fund rais in mgrarn This year as last yearvtve renewed and sold mag azlne subscriptions to our limit 25 and iriends with the school getting mailpercenoage on each Sale Our objective of $1 rnsrwlw some too was surpassed by almost $150 an incentive the Grade oils with the highest per capita sales gets on ice cream least the class in the school with the highest per capita soles gets pizza party andthe person bringing in the most money also gets choice of prizes has an gets the ice cream ieast Class 12C gets the pizza party and Amid hiiJer was the top salesiady RAPID CHANGE lVe must all agree that the world is rapidly changing and the ï¬eld or education is no ex ception The Hall Dennis Re port on Edgatlg has helped bring about and guide these cilangcs in Ontario This report widen has rcmnunonded 258 charges in education states in menu that the underhing aim of education is to ltlrdter mans unending Search for truth The task then or the education sys tem is to make this aim at real ity in our schools and in our time Cu chairman of this re port was Mr Lloyd Dennis the speaker at the opening oi Hur buia Cetdemtial inanme School He veteran teacher said that in sense he could hear knocking in the past the emphasis was on discipline and turning out number of lact trtled rdealrsLs However the knocking opened his eyrs to the merit in turning out individuals who would appreciate more the needs of mhalee also guessed that education could and should be an eruoyabia experience Mr Dennis cautioned the sceptical elements lid to be too quick to scoff at the radical methods but rattler wait until the stu dents have taken their place in the world wore condemning the Institutions This certainly pro videsone with loud for thought no no loll and on 0n the spunsaenern mar Norths Juniors won over Citing wood in to game but the Sam lors eitortsended lav daleat our volleyball showed melon nar mum in Senior guts to to Baseilordelr btlt the luoiorl conquerodtheir opponents winn log the ï¬rst two games out at three Bart Gear at North de serves three cheers ior gather ing it points in single turn at serving Our soccer teamtled Allisttnr on home ground in the pouring rain last Wednesday Glyn Cook scored the only goal ior North in accordance with lireire vendowflfNolthmbee suhieoted to numberof lire drills We do not consider these as unimportantbut they do fall at the mo loopportune ml manta For irrstaoee lZEwas atazi Reproduction oi iMac Beth in full oosttunewltehes and allwhen the buuersound ed and disrupted the proceedings with most admired disord So ii you were wonderingwhy somekain abit queer that daynow you know Thus ends typical weekst North By Kim COlilNGHAM ay KILBY 0mNGRAM Base Bordon strikes againll Thursday major movement at Bordens ianaie volleyball players arrived at North colleg iate prepared to race all corn ers namely North Central and Enstvtew junior and senior teams Our girls bravely stayed on the courts and pitted their two teams against each oi the three Barrie schools They came out tops ourseolors wal iopod every single toe and our juniors won good percentage cl their games Who ever said Borden was easy to win galost Hang him by his thumbs Allistans toothali teams came to match therrsporls skills 13th those at dur boys in spite of the unhealthy conditions lmud our junior team won their game iii6 Unlolurnatcly the seniors didnt win their garneitvas close one though SW for Alliston Some oi our bays claim that the on position had number oi 250 pound plAYeNrEmlsrs excus es new row On Thursday most of 3301s grade 12s fledred into Barrie Moire Strong Bid TotKeep Lumiedf APPedlgt1Awdrd ByJLYN GRANDY 1nd GARY LALONDE Possibly this is ailttle late ior the ï¬rst report from East view but it is only pow that our schuoiisreally beginning to mv Our toolbaii teams have been practising hard for weeks and have played two games Unf tunate lost both games butthe senior ugonIy il ganrsl Central shows that our guys aro certainly making the eiinrt to vi We play our next with theGeorgia Strait the Friday Dance at Eastvrew Saturday Dance at Fov onln Sunday Mldnite Paw Dusk toda Di gal Ccliiugwood on anybe our ï¬rst out oi garnewlllvglvc usvicto certainly hop United Appeal is in tall swing no The bigger projects going at On with the teachersvs the Grade 135 Mill is bringing the 1m pelial riellDrl arLt VaranpEEdwflyoilUï¬ober lo and we are selling inscribed pens Undoubtedly we will top our cilyr old at last year and perhaps it The Drama Club is busy with rarrears ls wllha Mrs Hovdnpconlest the trophy again have shown they can both spon sor and run very successful dance as theydid two weeks ago Suggestion are now being made to develop some means at distinguishing these students for preieets Weu that about does it this week Even though our soc car teamlost its iirst in three game this week they plan on making great comebaekriilye counterexwmi real siceesses The redunen school counul $28m Objective For We think that ml lehoolboard will lend oaeor twoï¬tldcnts lien with their expenses paidtendhtbat the var minty coronary in United lineal Set ssBLHEATBELSANGUINL tea dooeeopeotr€entral as nhildlwcre tmtortunal and amen JENKINS week has seen lot of notion of 31900 Our United Mira campaign is in full swirl and Central had set ior ilrelilhe lotalobiective at $2800 Heres hoping that we prove this rather low estimate otour linen elul prowess Steve Delaney President of the Key Club ap peared at rrrbiles toeoeour ageHess protests76 United Appeal and to announce that on Oct 15 the day set asideior school project there would be ansrnortnrn men Volleyball Girls Tops In Tournament stormide to see Gone with the Wind They call it ï¬eld mp1 Speaking ul iield trips our ltlr VLaJoiehas been taking da dicaled geography students to areas north of antelo study all sortaoi in farms An all tripftor the senior grades is be ing arranged for some time in the near iuture The budding artists will go in Buttaia and observe and draw ior day Last Thursday our Latin teachi er Miss Atheriay accompanied 21 students on Tomato where cneyspem an altenroon enjoy lng the opera Salome elected in BBC made turret class representative iront eadr torso and headed by Gary and Kathy our new Head Boy and Girl Their iirst meeting was on Monday when they established comitlec for Penny Drive and one or Borden Day The Students Council dances year one at Christ mas and Graduation dance Money raising proieos will be launched tomaircthese dances will be happy to hear that the sadistic day set aside iorintin tinn has been abolished by your REPAIRNOW PAY rlrrrr on our convenient auoonr PLAN axvm Mechellch Body and PAlNl WORK Phono record OANGERFIELDS ï¬ulvBradior arroclrs IF Isadore trvrrnr vmx nr runma as STYLES alum Alln colon To blind rntiltl nwrlsn rrrclrmov fillEll SAME llll PRICES DIME FRAMES Plinth ItPlAchWNtiEVUUWAll Student ownerrnaspganlj granted two students only with limited numb oi tickets beinl sold tree rceiobratinn was in order liter an exciting toot bali game agniost Eastview last Thursday The Juniors scored 100 rn their invor helped by eir strand united defence with special mention going to Keith Robinson Chris Andrews Ste SLmonsondwKarlfar Vii the elements to suppiythe hun gry at small cost wt tantalizing hbtdogs and refresh lax poa Even though chntral didnt have school flagsucb as Eastvlews we were still wellsupported by the showing cF Sclï¬uls held thelrownwlth 50 victory Deva Leer made the touchdown while Dave hie Carin made three longyardage The reson ior this is need for shelter more positrve Wei oometo high schooistor the grade nines special day is going to belset aside or the ireshmen Theyrwill draw up and theyll be awarded prizes ior good costumes Even sock hop will be held in their honor This is really day to look iorwardto And so we come to the end of another tale of the Base Borden collegiate lnstittka ioin us next wee when we bring you another ex seniors won lirebest at this last week against an5 viewaod also naalnst North Theyare just beginning their season The athletic associations have had their elections or this years executive The GAA is now headed by Melanie West as President and Diane Earth as Vice President and the BAA has as lrresldent Steve Delan ey and Vice President is Kerry Emnis Upcoming is gymnastics club project On Dec 19thcy plan to put on danunslratton that will last approximately two hours the purpose at it is to se moneyvla buy new uni form it you are at lots ds to what to do thievingweekendle not come to the Barrie Armoury and startlt of wtdl bangi This iirst dance or the year on Friday night promises to be success Guest and iatevbooks will be available ibis lpnnsnr ed by the Key Club and will leature The Text This was the way ltw at Central this week Watchlor more histo making newsnext Week loos sections wiltlea bring to their meetings students who are plrliculoxly rum in sublect concerned can has limnmrnberl iromteaoherl trtlsteel admin Iltratorl and PareuHeacher groups ara¢oinglo requlroiar Would neared MacDonald lisv Ontario NDP Chiral WRONTO CF Waiter armor new traumaticParty numbergal the0ntaiio legisla tureiorPeterbercugh and Gil iord Pith ey tNDPOshawal said Thurfdny they hire been named loint clrairrnenoi cone mitteelormed to iotile rec iectlon olDonalditiachnald as leader oi the provincial party James lterlwick NDP mero bervioFToronto Riverdale pounced this week that he nril challenge it MacDonald lor the ieadershrp at partys oou ventinn in Kitchener in Novern Willie we have the highest personal respect lor Janna Rcowiek we are convinced Mr McDonaldis the man who cant host lead our party to victory in the next provincial general elm tion the twomerrberssald ill statement IIIOE or am Tupiloll ACCURACY AL CANADA Instinan NFORMAHON SERVICE me tho booklet You Your xmter participation in decision nailing ï¬rstly byteachen oer Deadly by nudetls who must ol the input es well as put at edlibltlfltl and by pinata idr Pittman mhlr mentor nettle involved la the open don the schools is the mm in cost at education been in In interview it can only lnet by Ma whole new approach to hunter ruourcu to the schools Some oi the things nowbeinl done by teachers with university do steer can be done by pure nroiesslonail trained inmptmu ally colleges Ind some combo done by parents VStudentPaperUsed Sendaiionalism Graduates Say monsoon cm ure Universityfl Gueim products students assoelltlon Tlulrsday accused the universitys student newspaper ol sensatlooailsm and use at errstve material in controversial supplement distrdluted to area high schools last week in letter to The Record the graduate students criticin the method lnqrury used by the school newspaper The On tarltlnflo Sadr its sterling the Ontario high schoolsysterm About 22060 copies or the 32 page supplement were distrth ted to high schools between Otta wn and Paris Ont Compiled by the editorial board at the Outer lon the lenient found fault with high 001 administration questioned regulations adult at those iorbiodrng iong hair male students and stlggeste student freedom and creativity are restricted by the system IIJoPRSIoo can give not equine in supplying parent node ultimatumqu budget Drop In ondlell us what we in couple of dam Commercial Printlni Division The Barrie nominee