Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1968, p. 2

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sm hm FRIDAY comma 11 is MDGUnion HoidTalirs meeting between striking United thither worker and the Krikdtound hilniidd4Denmm hailed by Mlyor moqu one day ago has resisted In series of Moria beaveen dooi tan and monument The purpose of the held yestetrhdnthas to discus Warns at Ive cropped in the health aid rreltlre bene fits the uoim members are para mum to claim lot so um um they walked all the too Jansen exemtlva vice preeideot trained the meeting intonnatiw and friendly Ross Finnan member at the union negotiating cormtlttee said the union held roprrseir tative Elli most out be meet trig with carom ottidsie to aquarium is nun itiiPitlltMAN roo ionno Epithemnstaliewepisce the wheel on bisbtlcy wbeet tell aims policeman Bernard Hunt helps eight ole Terry said he was came quickly to his aid sixNEw MEhlBSRSAVerHastrrnlflrLIzfifPflOi try It drown Barrie Herb elected to the board oi the RIGHT Jim law Ailiston Merry Victoria Harbour Al Huronia Tourist Association lilil inbuaru Horseshoe Vat Mitchell Wasaga Beads The new merrdoerc oi the board re Tourist Assdcicrtiori Names New Directors More than 130 Barrie district businessmen and civic leaders attended the iirst meeting at tho iluronla st Association hold at Horseshoe Valley ski lodge last night Build Now For The Future Tourist industry Urged Tourism is ow Stiles $50000 business in Simcoc County the iluronia Tourist As sociation was told last night But even more significant ac cording to John Holden director ofadtcrtising tor the Ontario do parlmcnt oi tourismand alar mation is the tact that there are 80000000 potential customcrs less than one days drive irom Ontario Mr Holden added that 20000 000 people year travel High way too past Barrie He told delegates to the meet tag at Horseshow VailcySkl rolt sort that they mustkccp their iacilitics up to date it they ox pectio my in business You must build now he tuitirehe said harmKins flail manager or the Huronia Tour siAssociation talks with John Hoidcii director oi ad vertsing department of Tim Crasli Victim gt Is Improvmg Olii ls at St Michaels hos pith Toronto report that Jack ayden otDunlop Street tnjumd in an auto crash Oct ing very well However he viii he in hopsital for some time yet The hospital reported that Mr Vanderliayden had regained con didori Low LOW REGULAR any CLEANING raicss Piain Dresses sinus Plain Pauls MiniCLEANERS Six more directors were elec ted to the present board ol it James Low oi Alliston was elec tcd to rcpruont the winter only tourist businessmen Hill Lohu nrn oi Horseshoe Valley Mr iloiden reported that the department of tourism and infor mation has prepared series oi television commcrcials promot ing winter sports in central and northern Ontario He said that requesHor swoonwas being made to the Ontario treasury board to buy television time for the commercials Mr Holden said he would like to run the commercials tram 0c tober right through to February The department is also setting up displays at ski shows in Chl cago Cleveland Detroit and Minneapolis and St Paul The department has started to develop listing at all the con vention iacilitles in the province We would like to bring some at the small convc business to areas such as this he said ism and Information Mr Hal den was guest speaker at the associadons first meeting held at Horseshoe Valley last nigh sclonsness and washright and cheerful Doctors are deciding it an operation will be necessary MrVanderhayden suffered sev ere head injuries Ha was involved in collision with tractortrailer on Anne Street The car Mr Vanderhay den was driving slid onvtha wet pavement into the rear of the truck The top oi the car was almost sheared oft passenger Bert Leafloor 22 Bayfifld Street is in Royal Victoria Hospital in igood con Delivery izssiza nitlvElN LOCATION Dube Cotilngwmr and Carl present the tourist resort 09 erators in county Stanfield Raps Bialrarliirliit panama or Opposi tion Leader Stsnileldsald Thursday the two Canadian air cratt committed to the Etaira Brown or Barrio Horh Merry at Victoria Harbour Al Dubs oi Coilingwood and Carl Mitchell oi Wasaga Beach are the other now directors Ray Atkinson manager at tho association said as members were signed up last night and that he expected to sign up soo new members within the first year Mr Atkinson said there are no potential members in the region The board at directors is made up ol the six members re presenting the tourist business operators tha wardcn oi Simcoe County five members from the county council tourist industrial committee as member trom the Huronia illstoric Silas As socatian board oi directorsone member iromroachrchamber of Commerce in Huronia onere presentativo in both we cities at Barrie and Grillia and one representative irom the Georgian Bay Regional Develop ment Council All appointments reliel airlllt cieni not with dont know how many planes are needed Mr Stan ilald said But would hopa hat the government would res it to provide as many as are needed tor the time nccdcd to make significant impact on he starvation there moonr0 or Marine lorecests for Great Lakes Issued at him urn Lake ii pr Southwest winds near 15 knots becoming southerly zsihi iltcmoon and northwest lsrlor 25 rovernight Partly cloudy showers likely to night Northern Lake ilaron Geor glan hay Southeast Winds 15 to 25 knots becoming southerly is to 25 tonight Fair weather told chance oi showers late to Southern Lllr Edison Lake Erie Lake Ontario Southwest winds 10 tnia knots bccomliig southerly in to in knots late to night Fairwoaiher year oid Terry Rormihi re up anflela St when Link Revenue To Licence Fees arcane TV OllAWA 6P 0tbls iels vision systems will be whim to licence legs that rise with their coming under proposal nouocvd Thursday by tho Gina dlan Radiolelcvlsion Connois don The ten wouldbollnkcdtothc gross revenue earned by any cable systnm operator The greater the operators revenue the higher the licence toe he would have to pay Up to how such systems have bccn charged only lat licence Postal Rate Increase By FARMER TISSTNGTDN Examiner Concspnndent OTTAWA Speciali The present and rl to govern LOCliLS GENEth Club wili launch its new second Tuesday at the arena There are some openings for new mom hers and those interested may contact the sccretary Mrs Eth o10wen Professionals this year are Mrs Elleauor Mrs Margot Wittick district will attend the weekend convention of Qubccs Creditls to Party at Sherbroohe Making the trip are Ed Jennings Henry Verslraten and Roy Lemmon of Bsrrie and Mel ltnwat oi Elm ver Street reports what he be monts mus accept the blame tor the postal strike this past sum mar Dr Rynard PC Simme North said in the Com inons this week Drjltynard said that over the years the reforms netdad in the post nlticc department had been pointed out many times but nothing had been done with the result the employees were torc ed into position of having to strike do not ve it is proper to give employees in public serv ice such the postal servicn the right to strike Dr Rynard do clared bclieve the essential are tor one suainvncwa The Barrie Figure Skating Guidoiin and CREDlTlsE corivaimou delegation lrnm Barrie and fight mm He noted that there were in on pat ts could not be deliver ed during last summers strike and that this could be serious death Pensioners and oldierson welfare were also seriously in venlenced it they did not receive their cheques on time POTATO error Ellis Hutchinson oi Vancou nature at on service denies tho stances where medical reports matter and even one of life and holding iioves to he an area record p0 tato crop lris garden yielded one bushel to the rod UTOPIA Citqu Utopia United Church will be their anniversary Thanksgiving Service this day Padre Von Schmeling oliiciato at the morning sarvi 1100 Lam and Padre will preside at 700 pm HOME AND SCHOOL The Ontario Home and School association area will be ho log conference at ental Tnn Saturda tor said it tho postal employees had been treated fairly and honestly dont believe there would have beenanystrikc the Grillia doc Siircly in this day and age there are ways for arnploy Veeo and similoyers to get to geoher with neutral arbitram or come to just decsio Dr Rynardcommended Post master Gonerai Eric Kieraiis or having reversed an earlier de clsiou in de mail carriers ior he period at the strike He recalled that he and uthermembcrs onboth des of the Commons had brought ing to pay rural TREASURERS SALE or LAND TAXES MUNICIPALITY as THE cm or BARRIE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of warrant issued by the Mayor of the City of Barrie up his bandaiid the seal of hearing date thezothdny of June auction sale of lands City of Barrie will be hers CityHali 84 Collier at the hourufi 10ocioclc 9th day of October are sooner paid If necessary an adjourned same time and placeona the said Corporati 1968 by public arrears oitaxes in the held at the Council Cham Street Barrie Ontariok in the creation the i968 unless the taxes and costs saieiv behold at the week later on October 16th 1968 Whereat the Corporation ofthe City of Barrie will purchase any and all parcels ofiand if the price offered is less accrued The list otlandstor saletor arrears it taxesivas han theairearssndicosis published in the Ontario Gazette on the 8th day of July 1968 and at my attics Treasurers ice copies of the said at may he had their influence to bear to have the carriers paid He noted that Mr Kiernns had stated that 80 per cent of the post other business was done on the first live days at the week To cut out Saturday delivery and service would moan thahons in iive Canadians would he hurt While the government hadbcen Criticized 13v Rvncird preaching against raising costs it was planning to rasc postal rates and so cause an additional cost to Canadians ol 80000 He urged Mr Kinrans to make the postal operation more emc lentby this use at modern ma chines and methods rather than increascs in postal and money order rates too bearing no relation to the number oi customers they serve or the revenue they earn The proposal is to be dis cuss at public hearing of thewch to open in0ltavvi iiovl9 CATV systems operate by signals horn distant TV stations out at ihoair These lime thenare relayed to ipaylng subscribers via coaxial cable erecting big ardenna to pick incarnation FIRE rirvrniion writ in Bentley Mayoral the Corporation villus Cityoi Barrie byrvlrtue ofaresolutlon oi the Council of the City of Barrie do hereby proclaim the week of October 12 1968as Firehovenilon Week in the City otBnrrieand call all citi zens to carry out program of care ceanup and common sense caution not oni yvtor this week but at authors BENTLEY Mayor

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