wssmsni Sunny with reasonable tomato stores iodar Variable doodl seas and Warmer Saturday law tonight to high Saturday whim rationalise rna Saturn is roc ket with the Apollo space crptt lifts off the pad atCapo Kennedy Fla with the crew 0N BHODESiii Hard GIBRALTAR an Priroc Ministers Harold Wilson of Brit ain and fan Smith of Rhodesia laced possible turning point today as they began HIESeCflnd day of their meetingaimcd at resolving the threeyearold dis onto over the breakaway Afri can colony Both leaders took hand stands in the opening session Thurs day repeating known views that have previously proved irrecon cilable gt Aides said it was tough going for both sides But both men are deeply committed toa thorough attempt at settle rnent returning to constitutional rule the country of 4000000 blacks governed by white ml nority of 120000r They paved the way stthe opening session for apossihle Kamilamm if one or both are epared to bend pecifi points of dispute were er tingle charged Students Continue remorse an Beamiuonmme or coliegcswere still occupied today as angry students upset with system continued their takeover ivhich began Quebecs education inst Tuesday nce Commons todaybe will bring down Maison69 budget Tuesday qt Mr Benson said he middle of next week Plan Withdrawal Ot Troops Union bias promised percent otthe Warsaw pactoccupetion orcea writ leave their country before its 50th mdepe deuce as dipltnnatic sources say Winds Keep Shtp iliground Windshavekoptt is from docking 67yaaroldfrolghiar blown around Wednesday night at Sugorloaf Hill outside the harbor hare ihe stranded vessel the Bwkey and the Howard MHan to Montrealtor strap when the ilson Tidices Cuban exiles were charged today tormer Arban doctor Orlando Bosch was among of Walter Sdiirra Jr Donn Eisole and Walter Dom ningham The astronauts hope for an 11day ioumey around the earth AP Wirephotol Stand turned over to small study groups of officials from both sides apparently seeking com mon ground while the two lead ers discussed the broader issues informally in private evening session NEWS VChargeNineCuban Exiles MllMiFiaAPl in connection with nationwide ities bombings and shellings conducted in the name of Cuban waveof antiCastro terror activ Take Over Seven junior ter EdgarBcnsoh told the ll table biidgetary papers in the na Jr were being towpd by tugs incident occurred ASTRONAUT Donn Eisclo relaxes in lounge chair as his suit is pressurized before he leaves for the launch pad for his ride into space today in the Apollo spacecraft In Not Mo rm 10¢ 40 Pages LBléginrilide savanna In Step To MoonFlight tied into orbit night through mace the background is awonaut 11 Walter Owningth as his suit is pressurized AP wire phoiol Relief Blane Leaves For igeriaf Sundcty OTTAWA ACanadian cargo plane heads for Nigeria this weekend for relief opera tions amid suggestions from Nigeria that Canada could have provided the plane much sooner Thelsuggestions came just as Enternar Affairs Minister Sharp was saying that Canada has been very careful not to go over the heads of the Nigerian gov ernment intrying to get relief supplies starving Biafrans Moatde Exiles intellectuals for staging aTHed Square dem onstration against theAug 20 Soviet evasion oi Czechoslova Pavei Litvinov scientist grand son ofa formersovic minister into exile or five year Latisa Daniel wifeon aiied Soviet writer was four years ltonstanti yea whlletwo students Vadim Delonej and Divladi ir Dreniyuga were given labor camp terms of twoyears and 10 months and three years spec lively Icoouaoox urns TODAY With this issue ThaBmie Examiner publisher Its annni Ii cook bookfeatnringu pa ges of recipes selected by ourA wonicns department This took book to published in tabloid form that it may he kept for easy reference suggested usi Moscow district ourtient Mr Sharp told the camps external affairs omm tt ee Thursday night that Canada would have messed our copy hook it it had tried to once its way into Eiaha with relief sup plies The Toronto Telegram Thurs day quoted Abdul Razag assist ant beast of the Nigerian mis sion at the United Nations as saying that Canada could have put planes onrthe ralief opera tion at least midi ago Mattingwas also reported as saying canada had not Hercules trans port planes rmercy flights into ra until last Sunday Mr Sher1 told the omnmittee Thursdaynigh that Nigerian of ï¬cials had isolaimed saying anylhing of the soifl He deserhiedthe Telegram report as not corr very mischievous and aimed at raising unnecessary contro versy ammonium sa ocratsnav roduced Prosperity in the ted States Republican presidential candidate ftidiard says De ocratsbave foster inflation Johnsn made his first tedly political speech of the campaign forithe Nov cleclt tionsove Sonata Republicans led by minority iï¬dETrEVEIe Dirk sen had blocked action earlier in thef ay on bill clearing the way better tart writing some good government anoouncedpublidy more than monthago that any Red Cram and another cost 17me Assomrcn PitESS But at the UN Okor Arikpo external fairs commissioner of Nigeria and head of his coun trys UN delegation said country agency or individual wishing to sendreliai could do so through the International Echross The Canadian air force Her cules oas Mentioned in the standby The plane has been paintedwhiie wi Red Cross markings and the crew wili wear Red Cross amibands Mr Sharp has held thatit was only this week thathariada obtained permission from Nige riaforn Hercules tofi relief missions into relief Eiafran ten ritory However he told th mm teethe base ofopera ans the planewnl depend on whet er it will fly into Nigerian are of Blafran territory as well hn wouldnt take Pa thirdparty candidate Waliace to more atte ion than he de serves Nixon aides Explained Johnsopin his radi speech credited moéraiic adminis trations with moving toward better educated better housed healthier and moreprosperous America TKO CONTRACT Nixonnssued statement Akron saying ing to hint initatio istraiion hasvbrok with themanand omen of or iwauace told repo aboard hasgcarnpaignpla You boys and alcohol on ny breewayde bate anyway it would entitle CAPE KENNEDY AP space veteran and two rookies rode manned spacecraft into orbit today on an lidny udvcu lure that could place the United States firmly on the manned patb to the moon US Navy Capt Walter Schirra Jr Air Force Maj Donn Eiscle and civilian as tr Waltcr Cunningham dressed for the moon in the new bubbletopped lunar suits hur aboard the Hennapound Apollo it the flight gocswcli it ends after it daysvandmi500m miier of Thousands of persons lined Atlantic beaches as the Saturn 13 rocket the most powerful booster ever used for US manned flightydrillcd the space craft into orbit The eight ï¬rststage engines generating 1600000 pounds of thrustmore power than loo jet ï¬ghter planesignited at 1101 am EDT roaredinto the blue sky and curved downrange Schirra said shortly after igni tion that the ride was little bumpy bot six minutes later he said it was riding like dream Elseisreported the guidance Goods Standards Bill Is Planned arrows CF me federal government is preparing lngis lotion to set up munch torna Alonalcoordinatittuï¬ï¬‚standarda in the size ohlpe content and performance of Canadian goods Ofï¬cials say maior gaps in Canadian standards must be filled Atthe hiternatlonei level Canada mus improve on its token conuiinstion to the odor tion ot standards vitally impor tant to its emit trade The need for better and broad or standards was recognized by ioderaiprovinciai conference last Febmary It approved stops to establish standards touneii of Canada whim wool coordinate work of organizations already formidat ingrstandards and testing and certifying products and to en courage work in new areas Since February the federal industry department has sound ed industryon the idea the reaction has been favorablein principle but many responses eirpressconcern about govern ment intervention Hundreds Smoke Pot lit Trinity College Panel TORONTO CF More than half the on student at Univer sity of Toronto Trinity College havesmoked marijuana stu dent leader told panel of drug experts Thursday John Whitlail 7A thirdvyeor divinitystudent who heads the legc board of stewards said the panellists were invited to ovide the cold hard tads becduse some of our stndents mistakenlybelieve that th is aomesort protected positionon camp of themes which discussed drugs for two hours before 3120 students only Desmond Morton an Osgoode Hall law professor rclused to condemn marijuana outright He said the panel sweeping asidethct peoplef should cons er dra mg line between ma nd and Tesiixaminer TODAY moments on panties15 Deaths District5 Editorial4 Sports10 gt rhesus5f rumoursrs Wtth John Orr rcsearoh adviser in the industry department says the voluntary nature of dand ards actiwlywiiiubvpreaerved One carrot the coundl hold out to encourage coopera tion will be new stat of approval replied to products that meet council supported standards Douglas Home Warns Ian Smith BLACitPobL England as Former prime minister Sir Alec DouglasHome warned Premier lan anon today to seek settlement of the Rhode sian rebellion with Britains Lahorygovernmcnt instead of waiting for easier terms from Conservative administration SirAlec was reporting to the Conservative annual convention on talks he had with Smith last spring Hisspeech replaced debate on Rhodesia cancelled because of Prime Minister Wilsons talks with Smith in Gibraltar and go Mission Control Centre said the mighty booster rocket per formed flawlessly during its to minutes of poweer flight acv ceieratlng the spacecraft to 17 too miles an hour anddrilling it into orbit Success of the Apollo light may open the door for another Apollo crew to orbit the moon in December vital step toward landing men on the moonhext year The rpaceships hatch was seaed at moan The spacecraft was to remain mated to the boosters second stage cailedthe SIB for about three hours just as it witlbe on moon night After two orbits the Apollo Gourmand and Service Module which holds the crew will flash gym and separate from the The crew then tiles in forma tion with the spent booster for time before moving as miiu out introut to get into position for rendezvous late Saturday While attached to the 548 tho macecraft is 113 feet Hire inches long and weight 59034 pounds Separately trom me 545 16000mund Apollo Command and Service Module will ttiiibe larger by two tons than any tlown by the Russians and 11 tons larger than the twomen American Ganini spacacrstt Among those watching the spectacular liftoff of first us manned flight in nearly two years was Cunninghams wife Lo Elia She and their two chil dren Brian and Kimberly watched from boat floating on river near Cape Kennedy The families otSchirra and Eisele watchedon television at thair homes near the Manned Spacecraft iniHouston Tern navigation system was The countdown to launch of the marathon flight wasnear flawless brief hold was called at 115 chltidown of the secondstage rocket engines but the problem was quickly corrected CdStsi Are UP Again OTTAWA CPlHousing costs increased again Sep temher as they have every month for four yearsrin Canada Theth recent cost changes were the largest 18 months and the big intlue in pushing the consumerprice index to 1554frnm resin August the Dominion Bureau of 7Statistics reported Thursday Themdex stood at Seplemher 1967 in percentage terms the Sept temiier price ngefor all liens oi therconsumer index was threetenths of he per cent with the housing mp0 nent up eighttonths and the food component down four1 lentil 15o in in the monlh period since September 1961 the total index has risen per cent Thefood component is up flat three per cent and thehousing compo nent to per cent The seasonal vtatturs that cause fluctuations in food prices have not appeared in Ihe hous ing sector where pressure on the housing stock has reduced vhcancy rates and sent mort gage interest rates and rent steadily upward DBS axdthere was little change in clothing transporta tion health and personal care components of the indexduring September All were slightly higher Fireworks Expiodes Policeman five Others IIuri linking the friend of Montreal withthesnn shore of theSt Lawrenc River Police at tirstbelinvcd the as carrying dynami but in elcpbone interview JeanMa Dion president theuucbec ICltyb ed Hand Chemical Co whlc ned the caught fire and Names of the named were immediately available Witnesses saldsthe truck ed into lamp standard be rtethecxplo dr er and hls helper iromthc ca seconds from the exolosiauflzutuot test enourhfto to permit proper