Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1968, p. 3

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word at advice is olfcrcd Mike Walton by county may they scrape the topsoil away in aul Alcombrack ieltr and thcir searolllorrlndian relies and artilacts The Little Lake nix Minis Tamflyf Md Recreation Training Plan Said Valuable All pinymundotnif alembm Ibowa lampssimple in ea tr program hetero they theirfnlmmer work parks and Mullen dir ector Gary Sinner told the Bar riI commission last night and the commission should under write the registration lee number ol interesting linds and the Maple grove public school Astudchlffiho visited the site yesterday morning were the com curator Rosr Ohanoen as village site has yielded last to go there this year Wendy Clark let Kim ille Cariney and Jane Currie grade students from Maple Grove Public School bend to the task of digging square or the Little Lake Indian village site which the Huronia Arch coioglcal and Historical Soc iety has been working on for some months The 50 students bent to the site yesterday Locar lllloerllrlllll REPORT BREAK IN Mikes Milk Store on Burton Avenue was broken into last night Police report that cash rogster containing $45 was not ion The invesugstdon is continu ng CHILDRENS AID The regular monthly meeting of the Simcoe County and th oi Barrio Childrens Aid Society will be held on Tuesday October pm The meeting forecasts for Great Lakes issued 15 to 800 morning and conducted dig under the supervision of their teachers and Ross Xian nen curator of the Simone County Museum tExamioer Photo MARINE roarcasr TORONTO CF vltlarine will he held at the Societys 01 at 830 am lice at SOB Poyntz swat TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7281414 alsrlllcr WEATHER ForecastSunny °S1ltiespiOng riday It will be sunny Friday in the Barrie district with only few cloudy periods predicted by the Toronto weather office it was expected to clear this afternoon alter this mornings rain Little change in temperature is forecast lor Friday with high of so degrees following to nights low of 36 Nonnltemper amre outside the Barrie Exam iner was so Synopsis hand of showers will move across southern Ontar io lollowed by clearing later today However unsettled showery weather will persist throughout central and northern areas Mainly sunny conditions are expected tor the lower lakes eeiorl bridal bulsomeclcudl it likely remain in the North Windsor London Lake St Clair Lake Erie Southern Lake Huron Cloudy with iewshow cps hen clearing Sunny with low cloudy periods Friday Cool cr Winds westerly 2n becoming lighl tonight Toronto Hamilton Niagara Northern Lake Huron Southern Georgian Bay Western Lake Ontario lllainlylcloudy with few fhowers Clearing this of ternoon Sunny ith few ds Fri Winds soudlwest 20 becoming light tonight HEastern Lake Ontario Hali burtan Mainly cloudy today with few scattered showers Sunny with cloudy periodsv day Not much change in term peraturen Mods southerly 20 becoming light tonight Sault Ste Marie North Bay bur Northern Georg Bay Algoma Timagami Coch rune White River Western James Bay Cloudy with occa sional showers today Variable cloudiness Friday Not much change in temperature Winds southerly 25 shifting to westerly and decreasing to 15 tonight Montreal Ottawal Mainly clear today With increasing rriourliocss to ghteltiridayzlnain iy cloudy light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight high Frldn Windsor 38 St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham Hamilton St Catharine Toronto Peterboraugh sasééssaassss Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds westerly 25 to 35 knots becoming southwest to to 15 to night Clearing by midday Kilialoe liluskolra North Bay Suth Earlton Sault Ste Marie Kapuskasing Whitellivcr ALADDIN lathe audience ADULTS an Tickets Annare no vacuums em er theltornan Catholic Church or 3325359ng rlls KIWANISCLUh or canals IPrmnts HE MAGICAI LAMP ROCK MUSICAL Fen Tuswnotn FAMILYV By in Studiochlldrenr rm Adult Prole lanai actors with parlicipatibn lrorn children solventwill CENTRAL cQLLEdlATEAUblroalUM mm 75c woolivonm barricades wcaas Mr Stoner told the ceramic clan that the leadership ootlrso conducted this year gave the OUTLlNE criteriais Under roll Winterjiirogirdm Fall and hints ubiectiva al Barries program were will before the carrmrisslonby dim tor Gary Stoner Included wan nprogrametlollowupwark on in winters mayors con ference on Mention and lei sure lime lll program would be sea trcd amnd stablisbing lines at aestionlndlitiu and program in the city and mrdlea niie study at the passbliity unploylng airtime program co ordinntor This person would oversee die playground sports and day camp mm well the swimming program run at Lions Peel the YMCA and Johwrn SLRH Beach Air Stoaer told the commis mdeum mic Ind an accumulation between all re clan that good communications theyneededtodotheiohnod Ilsa remitted in an Esprit dc corps among them tbll wan belle than in previous years VAULABLE ABET Mr Stoaer also said that the lowly created position of play ground no ordinator filled last summer by Dave Wiley was an invaluable asset to the leaders in terms Wdomjlddsnco In 0H and co nr The expanded sports program in 1966 lncilided more and dil lerent activities than in the past He retvmmended that an assly last to the sports co ordinnlor who last smarter was Dave Parker be hired so that more skill clinics in various might be considered particular grhin the area ol net and sports could be behierni by survey ii all delegates to the mayors Nuisance kl also and ed that lollow up tits will be anew nary alwr the nine is com piste he said There Ihoud also be meal ing with the advisory commlilee noon other 196a 69 oblective for tall and wine included more Would ExtendSedsdn For Swimming 001 YdlusTsulnmcrproeram re port or 1968 Barrie parks and recreation director Gary Stoner recommended that next year that lions Pool be opened on May at and closed on Labor Day The pool was previously opened June and closed Sept Ilhere were five accidents in the dressing and shower rooms at themi Other finirncndaiion Stoner also recommended that Stoner included W551 um non skid paint be used on the he said the playground program at Brock Park be discontinued next year and that the half day pro grams at Shear Queens Lions and St Vimnt Park be made full day Pm lllOJIIJCll Full day playgrolurdr were tried at some parks this summer as pilot proleeL There is also need lor new playground location in the east end at the city said blr Ston either at lllaple Grove School or Steele Si Scth We might also approach Tim othy Christian Elementary Sdlool for permission to use their grounds as playground to service the lcrrls micelles Madmen he said illngstoneralso said he had received request from con cerned citizen that the commlsi sloa consider setting up an utter noon program or mentally hand icapped children cged to 16 years There would be about to such children involved said Air Sten 91 Mark Popes Bfihddy IllsMidlanda Pope Paul VI in Roma and priests and laymen at the lllar tyrs Shrine here exhanged lel icitatlorls to mark the pontilfs seventy first birthday and the least of the martyrs Rev Mccatlrey Director cl Canadas natlonal shrine ol the North American martyrs cabled this message to the asathhead oi the Roman Catholic Church Priests and faitbl as sembled at Canadas Martyrs Shrine for their Feast join in prayertul congratulations and best wishes on occasion of Your Hellness birthday to of ler expression at loyaltyand invoke divine assistance through intercession of Cana dian martyrs in exercise of Your pastoral oiiice From Vatican City Cardinal cieognani Papal Secretary at state rep fHis Holiness gratefully ap preciative ol birthday greet ings lovingly imparts to pnesta and laiihtul llislpater cal apostolic blessing distinguished Jesuit this Very Rev John Swain Assistant General or the Society of Jesus in Rome wasamong the several hundred priests and iaity celebrating the Feast at the Martyrs Shrine native or Kemptville 0ntand one time Superior ol the Province of Upper Canada he has been appointed reelected to the high est posts occupied by Cana dianln them ear history ol the Jesuits The Martyrs Shrine and the least venerate the lirst eight saints all martyred in the seventeenth century liloon and lroquois missions canonized by deeds in North America rwcsllows Mann inhuman floors in lulurc He alsosuggesleli that regular FILM CLIPS Regional Library Purchases 38 New Movies Forloarl Durlngthc past months committee irom the Public Lib rary Film Service Simme Country Zonal at which Barrie is member has been preview ing great many new films lrom various companies As mslllt of this 38 lilms have been Hockey Clinics To Be Organized In Simcoe County The Youth and Recreation Branch at the department ot ad ucationunder the Act lor Fit ness and Amateur Sport has in stitutcd program in three areas attire county to improve the standard ol hockey ollrcl ing in local house leagues The Simcoe county recreation service will co ordinate ser ducted by Col Roy Weatherbee of Base Borden The clinics will be of interest to boys over 14 and to adults in terested in officiating in house league or minor league games The course will take place on Friday evening and all day Sat urday at chosen arenas The number of openings for the course is limited to an and there is small lee to cover the costs oi materials only The lirst two clinics will be held at Allislon Arena October 7576 and Elmvalc Arena on November 12 TORONTO CP Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as oi Wednesday large 576 it me dium 546 small 3aa Eggs Wholesale prlces to country stations lrbre cases quot ed by conunittee of wholesale egg dealersr extra large 4149 large 4746 medrum 4616 mall 3T 33 27 Bulterpricen Canadian Dairy Cnmrnission tenderabie carlnts buying 39 score 64 buy ing to score as selllng 65 APPOINTMENT appointment at ilugsdin an Regional counsel lot Ontario graduate cl McMaster Univ ersity and begoodc Hall Law School Mr Lugsdin was called to the Ontario Be It 195a and became member olthe Que bec Bar in lookHe ioined Bell Canada in real and latterly held the position ofAssistantGener at Solicitor at CompanyHend watcher humane quarters year Aladdin nextyeacathey didthlsélool morrtothoose lromlnlhfirlm parks maintenance staff but that llleguard be trained to do the job Stall should also be put on regular weekly salary with no minimum guarantee be said in hlsreport on Llons Pool activitiesllllr Stoozr made the comment that itlvill not be necessary lor arena stall to as sist in preparation and lillration stall is now iuily able to do it There was record attendance at 19460 public admissions which pluohased wilh dude from the Georgian Bay Regional library System These have been includ ed in our various liim blocks and are now available for pub lic loan greatva at lloction and Verr pericdplone years tiltrefoil will be avanable train the Bar rie Public brary There are cartoons for adults and children alike study films for schools lraveiogues of other countries such as Hawaii and Greece mm for womens grmlps on Japanese ilmrer arrangements and loom weaving and also dis cussion films for various adult and youth groups With these new film and our collection at over two hundred blocks am sure the Barrie Public Library can amply your group or school with good var lety ofatiims to trtyullr needs low these new lilrm now in the Barrie Public library are Kumak The Sleepy Hunter Thirteen minutes in color This is charming Eskimo legend enacted with the help at puppets Fields of Sacrifice thirty eight minulm in color This lilm is memorable tribute to the more than 10000 Canadianswho gave their V5 in the service of their colnltry on foreign bat tleiields The fiilmtdsitsbattle grounds at the first and second World Wars and cemeteries whaeserviccmen are Home Landscaping filteerr minutx in color Every year new houses spring up all across Canada Ollenihome owners are atalossaslchowtoproceed with landscaping Thisflm are sentssonre basicrideasr maintenance wasnnt the Job or Eduardo chi en ruin her rie schools who swam during school hours in one Although very low score pages were lfldtd icy at so than condone next year as it is bound to improve Maintenance ol the pool was at times dilfrcuil said lllrSloaer because ol its extended use lar swimmingv instruction Total nilendao in pool last year was 127 in discussing the total swim ming program Mr Slaner also gave complete report of nctlv ilies at the YMCA pool and at Johnson slreet Beach lie re commended that lurther study he made at the possibilities cl translérring classes now held at the YMCA to Lions Pool Swimming courses should at so be held durioe the winter he said to upgmie the qualiti catlcns ol the stall The biggest problem encount ered at Johnson beach said llir Stoncr was litter We should not expect our lifeguards to do this cleanup lob every day be said The litter is strewn about by people who huyrelreshmenls lrom the concessionaire lvoprohlems with water were also mentioned Rainwater run ning down the hlil from Shanty Bay road lows across the beach leaving is washed out area and debr There is also small spring at the west end ol the beach which also caum washout He recommended that the city engineer be contacted to try and correct these problems He also reconunended the en couragement ol theiKnlnpenlelt hayDevelofineot Committee to continue impraverneals and ext lion 04 ihe planned Csnluuisl Park mansion by finishing its landfill project and building parking lat Contracts who spertlioatlous but been sent out in mm per ing companies as well as to uni Iighllng companies in ad ditlon said Mr Sloan Adifi tiseolrnl is in local papers and on radio will make ii an open bid More the meetinrollhe commission with the hermen lclt Bay development comm at 515 nest Wednesday to tenders Daphne lor lender is pm thal aiy the ctmnusr should also continue its invoivomenlwiul the Barrie Gymnastic Club said lr Roller Perhaps the establish in schools across the My it uh could supply added members The erection grgcdmse for storing geranilans cén has and carpet bedding mulch ial will also be mnrpleled soon The forestry program which last year saw 110 elm trees re moved lrom city property will be conlinuedlbierlntae4nldc hlrr Stoner All nltonrotvvill be made to remove as many of these trees is posrble without calling in contractors Students at Georgian College and the Royal Victoria Regional School of Nlnslng were given medal consideration in the rrr pen llr Sinner said that he had been in touch with both these institutions to see whether or not they needed any assistance lram the comollsrionlo planning pnegrams ltl their students Most these young people come irom out of town said Mr Sinner and during their leisure time theyll be trying to find somelhlng to do other objectives were to study possible further program that might be piloted such as skiing school and airfarmas Holiday program studyaolposibili tics of estabushine neighborhood recreation eoonnitlces develop ments ol land use piall tor the still to he acquired gait club property on Sunnidale Road revision of the five year capital expenditure program lor parks and recreation lacilittes coolin ueli planning ol tlreoentenoial Park extension and earrmletlon or park property in the Eastle and Auandalr areas my dxaumaa WANT libs Pupils mun iPAlNT spacial lllli ItillRlOR tATEX PAINT nglrE ourvw STEP UP Tod Dpcn Weekdays uu rm sumo all lip 49 am ltd Itthn lights iNSTANT CASH Wrasse15c hills in Enjoy an ice cold bottle of PepsiCola todaythen hook undectheioorkdino youve just won 25¢ sidetth bottle may 15¢or too when you seal one pllhese isoove aniounls printed on the metal cap slnipiy tak the cap to yo dealer answer ski lestinglquesllon and elll give you in cans every day ilTHOUSAN This otter good only In DSOFGASH the area servic amouniin cash took for these special cashprize Pep Coi lollies

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