Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1968, p. 18

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GCNJDIHHILTII Operation can Iiid Punctured Ear Drum By JOSEPH MOLVER MD Dear Dr Muller About yeIrI ago to my hearing Recently tho dado ldd me Illd pedwated em and mould have In mdontflo said It might help my hum Do you Igreel Mrs Since Ila said the Wall nigh belt Foul huntlg was turn to area presume thIt you mean or he means that your or drum are patoratrd Perforation or puncture of the ear drums is ootunusuat problem How mudi oi your loss or hearinx war due directly or In diredly to the parturition the drum would have no way ol knowing However keep in mind the last tho ear drum bratss when sound readies It and these ibrIIIons are conducled via nhuin nl titres tiny Items to the Inner ear wlueh translItes librltions Into the sense oi hearing The second purpon oi the ear drums Is heal moisure and Inimion out ol the niddle car which contains film tiny boots just mentioned It inflamma tion or anything else restricts their movement heIrinz is Im paired my auccentot wernltlon known as lampshade as over the years been dovele to reoair punmired ear drumsr and this may well he die open tion which your doctor remain ch mendtd It may In some cases im prove hearing But It uo pro vides pmtrrlon against the risk or water dust or game enter ing the mldale ear mi Interfer ing with or dImIging that chain oi small bones upon Midi we depend for the munisslon cl sound vihranons ihns restoration nl hearing it It results but even hearing is TELEVISION not lowed you are promoted anion inleouon or own All whldi always carries dad or at Iurlier ddrwiuyur heIring Ynir dador sald you drould the the Minnie said It rim help your hearing Ilnt to me Is cleIr enough mes sage Id bars done Dear Dr Molner em quadroon hut could pass Ia wlute hate blue dyes and wflle ddn regular features and dark curly hair Im married to vuy lino marl nho II liw Negro anal onefluarter while but We him he is New He is vary hurt and enbar rassed by People Kiting out tiona about me would like to get something that would arken my till Possible do not tiny having him Ilurt rent in your column that birth mural pills will darken imtmieesos pun osyustnon your skin sometimes in spots Is there my medication that ltiilrdlrlmn you all ovenSin lite Inrth wntml pilk as you noted cause only spots of dark er skin and usually dont cause any generalized dlrkenlngl know ol no medieaunn on ayunv Wulellef lloth sides Vulnerable Mxgnx um 32 our not our ru ox osxom MG new eonm out Qlloll 08 A1 The bidding War Furl hat PI Pul Pm Pas Opening lead king oI dil Iha teroplaiino to finesse Ia irequently Irruistible but there are timeswheo lines clearly tha wrong play Ind should he Ierupulouslnyvoldcdt For example take this case where South not to our hearts on the biddinl shown West cashed the ltKQ ol dilmonds and IhIItad lo the lack oi spades DeclIrIr won with the queen and returned the queen of hearts West allowing low Hod Iouih littessed which would seem to he the normal thing to doha uld the gona down which you could possibly depend our doilttn iyoyes uy nornrk to darken your skin My only mansion Wotlldbdl elnrlanw toattain tan or to usa mullet As to your eyes II it is worth the pens and It your eyes tolerate comet lenses tth can be obtained in colors RETAIN TRADITION nnridIt Seminole lndiIns Ilill dance the green corn dInre It the new moon in his June or early July when the corn iI rip enlnp PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALQ TORONTO HAMILTON THURSDAY OCTOBER 10 EVENING VI 1an We Id sttuker Sex zNen dllouu run lea 31 Love titty 7Nem llsunnr Heroes so ZMerr Gfitrin mo Lrrrni warto Intut rum IltoIInr and llrnih Ir 7IIinlslolles olxnm Sunnurtna I1 Command LlIluek lnfl Yell lzilll ma ynontn Hons oNuu Weather Sports llsmunt allko Conrenuence 1nm wanIr Trek Gums Pyle uetlc Soon Intntel Boone mil flDnflltl vJoumry TI The Unknown ptltinntx ltItarv Grmln 1ooo LDC lllrlln Hudd BEN 50 30 Vorld 00 DNewl wutlm Sports lINOIu thullr IIIIO llPterr rem orenv Mllnn 343m my 1110 ms Lucy llMln IronI UNCLI Initial Ky 11 nl 3410an lilmlfit Iinn as Sporll 11 nA Ins or LEItitan IIIII dNewly wtnnu smut tlwii er nets Laewllrhed IIPlrrrl Eulnn moo 1Movte Im Glu In tin Girl 1n Town stature 4HIwIlt rivets onun Martin sTIIt dirt Hominy CArlon eNwr Wulnef SDDYII 7mole Sweet Small or Success Hoeltuy un oltI HIpoentnI 11ss LMuyII 1144 oParryu Proh till nrnt IlMovle mon At Till Top 12 ouovtz Till Unholy notion 1oo 1stva Allen FRIDAY IJCTOIIEII II MORNING AND AFTERNOON 63n 1925 kwindow 011 11 ZNews World summz Semaallr uGtt atnI 7Wlnduw on The World ZTodly gsmicturs ucun cut s1I 11h INwr 115 14 47An elmman Fill dy anus llPlek 44le Week VIExlenslon 5mm mo unortfnoaa Squirt ek eetr Snendua 113mm Now It1Newwunier Sports 7Clpllln Klnnroa Unlv¢nILv or an Air llPpneyl an Av New WIIthu Sporli mm 255 gofiIlIanr nouns my tntvntu Court IcontIct 7Vltailnn Theater hammer noon ZFlv CIrIIl trtker sorrel tyne Ilm Fetturo BMela Ilafllwhyl 955 INew tAroontta ntInt tom zsuo Iudxment ald Allen Time 47 LueIlI nan Inonn Playhousl lIilIoment or Truth Spam tNeu 7day It oWomena Tomorrow 7IreIIurI Itlo zNzwr 74m Hyena Sport tiJeeond vurt llnuc Clllsill 11121 PIrty Love Lucy usum Heron cltlhn Hllt FGIIIIEIHI Illlnd 7Daunz Game trillion sHI III Tmth or Uflamok 1Hlsh OllI Mul IODcrllJnll 1tlloIIns 5m ma 11Flinuinnel 535 11Newa Wellhel Sport Iuavtr tYoure Nev Younll no mu dNews wmuu sports IINdwl IVoltlIiei Sonrll LBewllrlIrd llPienu Barton Muomrr USMC Wm alomeal lIII Iiconcentrttton has ll4rlendlv Gllnt 7seuriy mtotutn 741ch CIvalt 1am bllnnle Bonny 1aewttcnao 1131 It Hon lzll 2qu oouina irsemh rot IIYllntstones 115 Bunny 12 7Wlld Wild Wut 114nm and Mrs 111W Dtterlllnment 11mm Lucv llPhil slim IIour 2Nunt tit llIlun Is Jubilee Lles Wellher mu ovle £1110 my And in main the mum 7Dxeam House Helena pMovle flirt Belyedare can Her unutly To Cutters 11 Dresrup lIMovln Gritttth Izom TnmIs run But Allan rims Llilvworld grill mmv ee or Tn The World Hnneutnz gfihildrens Doctor 2Luayror Our um 7Love Many solarium aunts tw lrwe 25 IIlely wnutar smn In byte lNews Walther zDDCIOI iihfiix Ll or 7Dntlnz Game Lremi Probe 14er Mason In Out LAnolhu World rTltoso 1Secret Slnrrrl vGenerlI Hospital 373mm in Conlllet 2Ynu nont Sly llEdle thnt 7cnnunlnder Tom DDociorl Dilry IiHIIII world his notation 11 Evnrmto 905 hilmm ii eather XUI ov Hurlan Air calmunit 7Dull Iikkkl LJan nIrrII liitem Berton 7Jolm JDIJ antanm Strait IIrket nos Kernel IlrrGellsrnart luwn mt RivetI Elan llztn IPrrri Prob Illtiavlu er Tot 121o leI LIVE squad Mind or Astrinrlzr in HELEN nouns Pie Jamu Allen American Army Corps Kansas City Mis Iouri and hit bride spent their honeymoon recently at John ltye Cabins lImra former resident at Oakview Beach small lsrewel party was held at the home nl Mrs Anna Peters River ltd Sept 25 when Lriends and neighbors gathered to say widhye to Mrs lean Kedlnie Milo has sold her business Falconborg and is moving to Waterloo IIrI Dave Scott Wall Brandi Nanoose Bay Victoria Island has been spendin the last two weeks with hat cousin at Kirk Iand Rollins the recent Ski MoBilc show was reported to be success This was the first such show on he held anmhereevarsay the club members Ind is step in their aim to make Wnsasn Ileadr the ski mn bile cen tre of Ohmic There was good attendance and large number of vehicles were sold Gingratumtions to Miss Denr istTeakey valedicturian when her glass graduated from St losgphs College School Sent on Her brother Rev Gregory Tosltey of our Lady oi Fer petunl Helij gavethe address Their parents are Mr and Mrs nunlr Teskey who have amaze on lfilh SI Mr and Mrs Dean Follis Toronto msited Mrs Pauline Wmn last week James Morgan died Sept in Vancouver 30 Mr and Mrs Morgan operated store on Hwy 92 to some years Alter the death of his wife Mr Morgan retired to the coast Mmi Frames Eisehoru River Rd outeflnined several close friends on the birthday Oct esclten the oonir kicking lhr king war IIer lucky shot but the see play In clwly correct undIr thI dreuuutzocu South had no will knowing the flu fluid In huthdldhml Kites lgIdthiidu tempted billed Bridal and hadIra pas Id South Ituttbl It West would Iursly vaI lllmlly he would certainly the something th next tims Iroundllit wII thmlore reasonable to Income he did not have the king oi hearts heart Illlesse wIs conse quently bound in mi Tron In up with the Icedld not of fer muchrhance at and res eitherhut it did have the great merit oi altering some chance to make the contract while the finesse otlerad none West could have dclenitd tits contract by playing diamond instead All spade at trick tour permitting East to roll with the king ot heartshut this ex traordinary play was by no means clearly indicated of her sister Mrs Betty Gra ham There was aurmtous cake made Ind decorated by Frances Among those present were Bettys nieces Shirley Ind daughter IrinnelLe Ind Janet te lira Eleanor Munro him and Mrs Owen Wilson and Mrs Murray Buckier mar spent theyweekénd with mer spent tilt weekend wiflr Mr and Mrs lIck Corbett On an inlitaiiun rum Weslga Beach Recreation committee 13 senior citizens oi the villaga mat with the mounitteo lam week Percy liohle digsid con ucattoniiorxomario was present and related how similar Bloups married ouln other plans An entinrsiasic group decided VIo form Senior citizens Club Hftydollars has granted them by the recrnation unran for teen decided to meet MA at the home of Mrs Catteau Hiazel Aye to elect officers and set were San rayonMn and Mrs Stall Pilnher Mr Oark Mrs Cattcau Mr Singleton It was planned that the nluh will arrange nerd paints bingo bus limeufiw ACTIVITIES Hazel Stamford has started her fun and gym chimes every Monday at pm in Ookvielv Conununity Hal Coma in slacks and sneakers looking tor hndge game7Come to to library in Oakvlaw Oomrr Centre evnrv Ilt 0vi is men W3C Id never use omun secrets as blackmail to keep myj ceptaa last resort DAILY crosSWorln 5an8 Selected dilxchungo nAzood Hood 3Dutiiul LLitflegirI EPrinters merian dstring 11iowed H8weeisop 9Roeor seasonal ¢lrilwll nur summers discontent 145mm lamay languath inning term 11LInd opiate Reillivl attention lhly 1r CIptlnlor DOWN till valuation no Bitter with 25 Pom so Wldin bird 3460ddallof JEWIDNM volcanoaI 111 1ch 11 others mum out ItelILI wells opened lIlIhlddlng with such hIod Eveovlt ha hId paired or Bess 5cm hlrI Pong Henry Mr and Mrs Reg Jihson Mr Sldtanl for the lispartmeotd ellr immediate needs and six volunv tune of mornings Volume MOM PUT EVERYTHING RAISEDI VEGETABLEGARDEN THIS YEAR spasm NMY AND HEREITIS NTO OAGWOOD WOULD BE ABsoLerELY FURIOUS mew re cw AND RED KISS MlGHT As weu BWTHE HAT EUZZ SAWYER Poucfltrutzttttrm won YOUR HANpsAGAthr oswrtt seam THEM 1th No mum Norlttuomrn 10 REASON SEREEANT MUGGS SKeETslt IMILL CHEWING RIltsEsoo vanes FROM THE DIRECIION THE LAKE OF null uoaowohiuum HE llSUALLY SMELL BUTTIIAI IUCKEFOFBOLTE LIKEA SIIDRFIN IllE IGNITION SYSTEM mu WakluflWfl Gee MOMS Dour TURN THAT onJl NOWADAVS THEY HAVE MOOD MUSIC To no EVERYTHING BY WISH THEV HAD MUSIC TO PAY BILLS aw

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