ST LOUIS CARDINALS pit cher Bob Gibson mill and Inn Brock all smiles in dress ing mm after defeating the Ddroit Tigers ml to win 4211 DETROIT TIGERS shortstop St Ibtris Cardinals in the EM troit Saturday He raovered Mickey Stanley hobbies hit off hat of Orlando Copeda of the Eskimos Tameg Lions Cats Drub jBombers syrna CANADIAN PRESS Edmonton Eskimos fought all one challenge for third place in the Canadian Football Leagues Western Conference Saturday and former Eskimo TommyJoe Coffey spearheaded win for Hamilton TigerCots Edmonton shaded British Co lumbia Lions l35 while Coffey scored 17 points in lending Hamilton to 2313 triumph over Winnipeg Blue Bombers The results left Edmonton sol idly entrenChed in the WFCs third and final playoff spot The Eskimos with four games re maining have sotpoint bulge over BC and seven over Winni peg EC and Winnipeg have five games reach remaining Glady West leftlofthe La dleesectlon of Shanty Bay golf club rocaiVes the club game of World Series at Tiger Stadium in Detroit Sunday It was Gibsons seventh straight World Series victory Brock bit inning or third game of World Series at Tiger stadium inDe in an interlocking contest Sun day Saskatchewau Roughriders rode into first place in the West by defeating Montreal Alouettes 117 before lath fans in Re gina Saskatchewan now has 17 points one morerthan Calgary Stampeders who have game in hand INTERCEPTION PAYS At Edmonton crowd of 16 551 saw the Eskimos march 40 yards for the games only touch down alter pass interception late in the second quarter Jerry Griffin second year nriddlelinehacker grabbed Paul Brothers pass on the EC 751 and returned the hall to the ill to set up the winning march 31min handicap fro ii wm games captain now Smith Montreals scoring was by Gibth PdcesSt 1015ViCt0rvifover risers DETROIT AP Nw3thnt Bthihoonhuuudoouotber fnmnihlxcdehnled World Serieseoulrmutionydihbenny MciAionapltchenmnyulll ceaseï¬re and loin tho urns tum Gibson who omhelmed MclainandiherestofDetnlt Tigers with flvohit lInriko out performance in the Series opener threw another livehit ter as St hols Cardinals bat tend items and on other pitchers 1H Sundry home an tied his own rec ord with seventh stolen base and also contributed double and triple AP Wiroptrotol The Cardinals won the lhlrd game 74 here Saturday on threerun homers by Tim Mc Carver and Orlando Cepedn thay Washhurn picked up the victory with relief help from Joe lioerner Earl Wilson took the loss for Detroit which received home runs from Al Katine and Dick McAuiiife Cepedan blast in the seventh inning came with Sllouls hold in only lead and seemed to deflate the Tigers UP TO LOLICfl The two wins gave the Cardi nals 31 edge in the series and left it up to Mickey Mild the only successful Tiger hurler to Lolich Wishes keep the season all in his duel with Nelson Brllu today IAlich beat Brnes in the second game in ilnrrsday Before gaining his seventh straight complete game Series vlclory Gibson hadto work and unit through four hours and minutes of rain mist and cold That was lot longer ihlu Mould was aroundtho game winner removed himself from the game during the 74 minute thirdinning rain delay But when the game ended the pitchers found themselves mak ing similar postSeries plans The plans revolve around VicePresident Hubert Huro phrey the Democratic presides iial candidate who visited both elubhouses altos sitting through the long afternoon going to bad that man McLaln said adding he would loin Humphreys enm paign our for two or three days after the Series llll probably get into Wash ington after the reason and imagine well probably get to gether Gibson said following an invitation from Humphrey to meet with him Im Democrat but Im not politician Im pitcherl Ior Films To Study Lou Brock Technique DETROIT AP Mickey bolich went out to the moiuni in the lith World Series game for Detroit Tigers today knowing he might be trying to keep Lou Brock from Incord iorstolen basesand wishing he had some baseball films to do it with Football clubs use films for muting Why shouldnt base built inlich suggested Ease bail doesnt seem to have come in time to uimo cepeda out at first wrrepm Si plays and two penal tiestotalling 26 yardslater quarterback lie Briton plunged over from the 130 one on thirddown gamble Peter Kempi smred the other seven points for Edmonton on three singles 37yard field goal and convert goal Saskatchewan bad to but down late soo ng feat Montreal Carr011 Williams of Moutreai twice threw incomplete passes into the Saskatchewanend zone in the finalminute of play George Reed scored the only touchdown crashing over from thethree to cap sixplay 71 yard drive in the first quarter BillGoods converted Jack Abendschan added ï¬eld goal and single point Javid Ray who kicked two tornth and to that yet when asked for some films of Brock was told the sending lawn are enough lheromust be something he doeswrong1tbinkifl omnid watch him over and over and over again on ï¬lm might pick something 11 HOW TO STOP KIM Lolluh Minted across the room fSee that Caldiar Bill freehan was holding the bigltgame line he had just received as 311 Theres how to slot Brock For his pelt Brock said there was record and he wanted it Youre darn limit wanted it Brock said about the 14th base he has stolen in World Selt ries play Brocktookashttaiitlnthe eighth inning Sunday The bass were loaded and Brock rammed the ball to the centre field wall He was almost to third then suddenly wheeled around and darted back to sec ond ow Gibson turned back on thde then ran home Third base coach Joe Schultz had itll the stop sign bill lt for Gibson who Win in front of hrock So Bmck bad threan dou bio diatoamedr tho St Lotus Cardinal scoring as they beat Detroit 101 in the fourth game And flien Brock stole ihfnd ThatiiedhimwithEddieCol tins oi the 01d Philadelphia Mll lelim It doesnt mean that much tome Bmcksaltk It only means that have it The only reason knew it is because somebody told me the other day If got chance to break it whuldf THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER I968 Minnesotd Tops In NFL By Tar ASSOCIATED PRESS Minnesota quarterbacks might giyo an unhealthy ap pearance after cook on the head and crack in the shoul tier but the Vikings never had itso gond gt Minnesota look sole boas of first place in the Central Dr stop of the National Foot ball League by beating Detroit Lions in unday withtwo in lored quarterbacks Joe Kapp was the ï¬rst qua teoback to fail with head talu rry in the opening period Gary 0110110 took over and suffered broken leit shoulder while driving the Vikings so yards for 73 halilirne lead During intermission Kapp formerly with Bullish Columbia Lions of the Western Football eld goals and single Commence was deemed least Iliussia Opposesjllvery Brunclage Stand For Olympic Presidency MEXICO CITY AP Avery Brundage sharply opposed by Russia will stand for reelection upyield the presidency of the international Olympic Germdi tee within the next few day Brundage alyeawld Chicago millionaire who has held tire worlds key post of amateur ath letlos since 1952 had not declar Ed its intentionsas the full71 member for began plenary smiou today But then nellhcrhad any po tenti rival for the job Much is eupensive for the average ama teursporf addicthrundage has beenw ring around the world and rdeht of the French Olympic Committee Sergue Pavlov Russlan sec rotaryoi sports ed that Brundage retire but like 11 cal of the Olympic pat ruh he dodged naming spe orire candidate REPAIR row on non on ourlonvenleut aunties my earlier suggest iniured and cleared his head iongvemugh to direct the Vik ings to two touchdoyvns and field goal in the final half for Minnesotastlrild victory in four starts chin all he ISM In be taken out of the game because his rind shoulder was him But he refused to use that as an alibi for performance in which be was rocked for four runs and nix hill in in ningr neuron trothle began on the record pitch at Sundays lune when Lou Brock smashed new home run after his lead off appearance had been de layod by rain for minuteL By the time the halo was heavy enough for time to be calledin the third inningtha Cardinals had rapped Mcialn for five more hit and three more runs When play resumed 74 min hlsrplkeslndhis ntea inlet oasis also Pl Daryl of the inning Willie Her touwent to thedu out to clean and Jim Northrop exchanged his broken hat The Cardinals countered in the ï¬fthinning when lullanda vleron hose with ntwoout sin gle tried to steal seeond and wuvout euity Cnrdlnsl mindleriled Tiger boss Mayo Smith to plate for conform We didnt want one turn to he hurrying and we didnt want the one team to be stalling plate umpire Bil flanmoo said Anet allowing hit in each of the first four lmlnu Giana struck out Jim Price and Dick McAuiiife and retired Mickey Stanley on fly to retire in the fifth to make the game olficlal three hour and 25 minute after play we to have started To OuSt ohnnyBowelf By THE CANADIAN PRESS Rookiogoeltender Al Smith of Toronlo Maple Leafs must be woodcring what he has to do to make the National Hockey Len gue team Despite two more fine perforv mances in exhibition play inst weekend the nyecrold Smith probably will lose his job to man old enough to be his father Blaclr Boycott Threat Is Dead liliThe Olympics MEXICO CITY AP The powerful 77man United States truck and field team flew into this Olympic capitol Sunday and insisted that the threat of black boycott is dead We have been assured there will be no trouble whatever said Payton Jordanhead coach from Stanlord University The boys are here to win medals and that is all they are con eerned with Theblack boycott issue is dead added Stan Wright Negro assistant coach have been very close to the black athletes You can bet there will be no demonstrations John Carlos Negro sprinter formerly oi San Jose Calif State and one of the militants in the black protest movement corroborated his coaches state ments We have no intention oi dis rupting the Games Carlos said Iniured llnlrle Puts Viceregal 0n Sidelines TORONTO CPI Viceregal son of Northern Dancer and like ly winner ofthe Horse of the Year title is through for the rose racinglseasnn Viceragal wonibn $43555 01p and Saucer Stakes at Woodbine racetrack Saturday but suffer ed an ankle injury that will side line him for the duration of the season oars movas Easier can fall between Maids 22 and April 25 When 44yearold Johnny Bow er returns to action this week after recovering from shoul der WW Smith is expected to heseut tofilsn of the Cen tral Hockey league Smith was in goalSaturdny night when the Maple Leafs drop ped Ll decision to Glitcago Black Hawks before 16434 fans It Tomato and Sunday when Tor onto topped Chicago 31 in the city Managerconch Punch Imlnch of Toronto probably will start the season with Bower and Bruce Gamble butreeell Smith ifhls two regulars falter Goalie Dave Dryden and for ward Eric Nesterenko were standouts in Oirleagos victory Saturday 0558 SHUTOUT Nesterenko scored one goal and set up another by Chico Maki Drydenlost his shutout Rain or Shine The knowm young man glides oor ekelusive cahbrecloth 65 woven for the most effective water Barriar® constructionthrough the tection against the heaviest downpour In oaturalolive black or Vmislpfuliy linedwith LONDON EOGS exclusch cotton arctic plaid when rookie Gerry Meehan scor ed late in the second period Goals by Jim Darcy Larry Mickey and Terrylclancy gave Toronto its victory Sunday Bob by Bull scored the only goal against Smith In other exhibition play Satur day Detroit Red Wings crushed Minnesota North Stars 61 at Minneapolis and New York ham gers tied Pittsburgh Penguins at Brnntford0nt ills Recall Rndy Watson domain or Montreai Aloueties ol theCanndinn Foot ball Lengua Sunday recalled halfback Andy Watson and fired defensive back hilly Woods for Insubordlnntinu coach Kay Dnilt ton announced Around Town orCamvpus The EmslieyMaincoaiQ Lottnonroo through the weather with tho greatest of ease in this handsomely tailored coat its modern olyester 35 Cotton specially ropellency And exclusiveilhird split shoulder givesextra pro fWhera style Meets the Man 22Dunlop iGot1iotlf