ran loam maven mNEsDA ocromuiu REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASE RATES Engagements hiarrlagu and Death Birth Announcements tmaxhoum to lords Cards Thanks 25 words lsdditloaaiavcrds 6c per word La Memorlaal no verse Verse per ooant line extra Coming Events DEATHS DURRILI llllrn nor At the navel Victoria nanluL norm on ntemv October ma mien Jan Rohlnlan beloved sure or Robert Nelson barren and our motter o1 Chutes at Iiivie Creek Saskatchewan IJdrloxe vi 11ml Ion sod Vlach thin lvnrorul oi suouo Survived ov muo rhtluren one arel lnndehlld listen and brothers Reina II the lcnnetl Purser Ilamc 151 Bunion street on for service on Friday at pro Interment st Paul cemetery lnnlsfll ENGAGEMENTS rAcnsoNaarmny llr lira DIIIDII Jackson IIIan Innonrlca the Brilllament lhkll IIII Mt Alum Iran to Vllllllxl rotAn intlny Ian at ur and sin George Jaffnv of Amount The marrlarc In use pllcl In Band um United Church on ssluruty colonel It lose at 130 ocloclr llAIllILYDENTDNlr and lan John lllmblv ol ursnront 0n Iarlo Whit io malian the en nnnltnt at their daushlor Iualtll Marie to Mr Brian Ilenlon son or Air and Mrs Ronald neuton oi West Hill not The mlrrfllzz will inkeplsre Saturdav October 25 IBM at oclock in st Paul Antill cln Church Counons Illll InLaYsnso ur and Airs Simon lluilln NIIIcv of Llndlly onurto announce the encasement oi lilclr naushler Flintth Anne to ur Joscnn Cumin also son or llr and tin Anthouv sun or Barrie The runrrtsoe will ulte place on Saturday ocloncr 12 Ian It oclock in The church or the Pnrliicltlan or the blessed VIIIII illn Llndlay unlarlo AHSYNSCIIDKNMAKEN Mr IM Ills lalIIl Koptcvn vi Phelps ton whit to announce the mille ment or thcir uaurntcr llsry to hlr lisrtnus Shncnmlktr or gnome son or Air and Mrs Schoenlnsltcr of The Hague no land The mmirre to take place saintnay October 12 loss at oclock in First Christian Returns ed Chumh Dorrie CARDS 0F THANKS swrl wlsn to take this on EATEIIIIIIIV to express our deepest appreciation to rclllllcs iriendt and nelrhnors tar llvu cards or ran Willy llaral Lrlbutcs and All who Iloined In snv vrav in our recent bereavement of loving husband Ialllcr and grandfather the Isle Goorlre IL Ellis Especially thanlllnl The Thomas hlncnl Directors Rev Robertson Nell and F10 Ironls Alsorice angfflrlulwlliiv wirynu lie III es In rI Genmc Ellis sudtunity COMING EVENTS nd OCTOBER FEST aRIoAY ocrxillt 830 PM AM Embassy Holl BAND ALPINE VILLAGE Auspiccs GermanCanadiaa Club Ibarriet Inc TURKEY SHOOT SATUIIDAY OCTOBER 1PIll lz nuleéast oi Nottawasaga Iiiver on Highway 90 12 gauge shotguns Shells sup plied RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 130 530 pm TRINITY PARISH HALL 24 Miller sr Auspices TRINITY WA RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 pm ST ANDREWS PREBYIEREAN CHURCH HALL Corner Onion and Worsley Sis Ysv MENE ES FASHION FORECAST Wednesday Oct at 330 pm CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Admission $125 Students 75c DOOR PRIZES REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE EMORY MILLER MLS Realtor 67 Dquop 7261881 MIDIIURST ACRES of lovely treed land Ideal for motel or camping site located on Highway 27 north 1V1 storey home with bedrooms recrea tion roomJ diningroom and cut stone front Dont missout on this one Telephone John Cole today tanom tanloll 7251930 mam niloats inn1214 71043103 77dti011 TELL AAORE SELL MORE on place vol Artlelel ho Iie afllll The arrle Ex ireen theso SAMMY BENHAM GORDON SPENCER KENNETH MILLER emu ltlANTON OHN Iylcm Inna with or DOROTHY 181 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE II hits Realtor GRIESBACH 7289844 suAATv BAY IMMEDIATE POSSESION bedroom bungalow on tread lot In low tax area Carpeted living room bright attractive kitchen piece bath utility room Owner transferred Ask ing only $12900 Catherine Harris II Belts Laddie Grlesbacn LEI2517 W588 RAWN lteal Estate Broker 308 RAYFLELD 51 739151 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES l75ACRE DAIRY FARM with substanllitl milk quota Excell ent home with all conveniences Large barn productive land and year round stream 111 health forces salc Excellent terms Ii BEDROOM BRICK BUNGA Low with large living room and kitchen finisth basement Also lzroom building presently honcy house Situated on large landscaped lot 15 minutes from Barrie leislis available Evenings Call Larry Torpcy 41mm hill Rawu 7168999 Dick Draper zoom IltEITH REALTOR NANTYRE PARK Year round home bedrooms living room dining room kit chen piece bathhutility sun rooms garages Iot niccly treed and landscaped extra building lot with garage $19900 ContaCt ED SNOW Strand 435 3115 or DOROTHY ooL SQURNE Slroud 4351387 YEAR ROUND HOME Quiet area brick veneer at tached garage bedrooms liv ing room kitchen dining room utility room water on pressure all heating $14000 Contact ED SNOW Slroud 4356116 or DDR OTHY COLBOURNE Strand 43513117 BONSEOOURS lEEACH bedrooms living room elec tric fireplace dining room kit chen piece colored bath will terized arlcsian well garage breakwater full width of 66 lot all sand safe bcach close to private marina $5000 Contact ED SNOW Slroud 4366115 or DOROTHY COLEOURNE Stroud 4361337 ESSATDWNSHIP FARM 120 acres 100 workable all ma chinery including tractor and new JohnDeere baler Surge milking equipment40 80 barn driving shed garage storey masonry house fully or nished bedrooms living room dining room kitchen new plumbing and furnace plenty water full basement borders on two higilwaysi$69500 Con taCItED SNOW Strand 41363115 COLBOURNE Stroud 43613117 SOUTH OF BARRIE bedrooms large livingdining room kitchen sunroom nicely landscaped and treed arteslan well may be easily converted Into year round home paved road $6500 Contact ED SNOW Strand 4366116 or DOROTHY CDLBOURNE Strand 4361387 CRESCENT HARBOUR Lakefront bedrooms living room has log burning fireplace cathedral ceiling separate din lng room piece hath utility room fully insulated forced air all heating modern kitchen dishwasher cabin cruiser drive acres including lakefront build ing lot private road $67000 ContactED SNOW Strond 456 3116 or ROUTINE Stroud 4361307 KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie 72115095 COIbotlnla SIlDild 4361887 MachodEarrio 7284759 Spencer Thornton 4584 Piizslrnmlns Chhlll 4552 Show Stroud Ed Green Barrie lom Fitzslmrnins Charo Betty Newton 12 PHONE 4873333 onILLIA sullen loath on It Hwy room house niece bath iun basement on heat watnr pressure rnona 1251558 after is not PROPERTY FOR SALE ITA COUTTS CO OWEN ST REALTORS 7282485 BARRIE Highland Park Village Go nth on Higllw No it to city India or CNR trade turn left on gin road titer Tillman Little Ave and our model hames are on first IAad to the left Architecturally de signed homes Taxes approximately $180 Built to NHA Specifications Aluminum storms and screens Your choice of colors ETCETC WALTER Office 7282485 IHUIO MI 58 WORSLEY STREET dcntlai street This modern natural gas for building heatin starting Oct Call moist $2 New bedroom home close to washroom on main floor ice Norm Synnott 7mm Pill Hamilton 77403325 it HIGH ST ACREAGE 195 acres of development land vides ideal location for induslry ly recommended Exclusive 0h Codringian Street bedroo toils Excellent view oi Bay Charlie Rciltl Dan Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell room and kitchen piece bath and 7282117 Hugh Plowman 7260243 7231205 7288313 7737389 Phase Four New Ready For YourInspeciion IS Houses To Choose From PRICE RANGE $19995 To $21500 FEATURES Choice of brick where applicable Custom designed kit chen cupboards Lot size 60 125 and larger No hardwood floors today occupancy ETC ETC These homes teature all the goodies of modern living HOUSES OPEN F011 YOUR INSPECTION IN THE NEW PHASE FEEL FREE TO INSPm THESE HOMES NOW FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL COUllS Residence 7282311 CARSON REALTOR TELEPHONE mom Now NENTING Modern Zzsuilo apartment building with elevator to all apartments cable TV broadloom in hallways stove and refrigerator supplied Balconies on most apartments quiet resi partment nscs natures wonderful good water heating Possession 15 public and high schools piece piece bathroom and bedrooms on second floor 54000 775 mortgage Call any salesmauin our olf IIuss Carson 7156161 Itopen ltchratb Elmvale 739M 3111 Lang 7364114 CAMPBELL PHOTO ILLS REALTOR RES 7287389 72602 with 70 acres of good bush Pro or subdivision site Comes high cottage type home with living part basement has laundry Call now MLSAStiti mono moral Doug Campbell Ron Allan 4565343 Don lilarshall 7282357 Richard Dick Beer OHM intercom system REAL ESTATE PROPERTY OR SALE ACHOLKAN CO LTD M15 REALTOR 10 Collier St Burle 7734401 ham $5601 Sbolbtlruo 954m Wuaga Beach 4316441 TAKE LONG IDOK at your savings They will go moon or 7mm Wanda Ed wards Good location EllTI BND Try $1000 down for this very roomy bedroom bungalow on quiet street yet very handy to schools and downtown Pin lshed recreation room with bar Please call Jim Stewart 716 am or MOI INCOME PROPERTY Gracious older home offering bedrooms kitchen living room for the owners and income from the upstairs What more can you ask fort May show you this home Call Marg Klein 7281333 LOW DOWN PAYMENT bedroom home situated on large lot low low taxes Full asking price $9500 11 you are interested call Immediately Marg Wakefield 4495455 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY storey home with full base ment on lovely landscaped lot at price you can aiiord ln Creomore area Call Pat Byrne 4246117 1101507 ma Tzsttol It Klein Isnles Stcwlrt erldl Edward mzoll MEMBERS BARRIE ORANG ILLS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST WILMA BIDWELL mum MARY MORRISON 72am ROGERS Photo DUNLOP STREET farther than you think An un usually small down payment will move you into this cozy bedroom orch bungalow with attached garage recreation room and lovely garden in east end Nearschools and bus nai ance carries as rent Why not settle In now before the snow flits Let me give you the de tails of this exceptional oppor tunity Cali Alan Wordlepm 8464 QUAINI COBBLESTONE BUNGAIDW 00he year old ideal retire meat property Small home bedrooms Attncllcd zcar garage Largo trced and grossed cor ncr lot Close to lake goll course and store Only minutes from Barrio For inspection call Dave Mor leII Wt NEW WITH 10W DOWN Movo into instant comfort with reasonable payments This home will not stay on the market It you wish more information please contact Wlll Lawrence 7284390 Missions to Dlnlcala Pat cuter Enwhodmnu I7 Alan erdlc 72 EVILLE TCRoNTo aoanos BIDWELL Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7284480 IVAN BIDWELL 725ml NANCY Mrlrmzllt Tiasaid CONNELL Realtor EASTAt the Five Points Phone 7285560 RuL Esmu rnorsarv FOR SALE INESON MLS REALTOR EMMA commoncm and low solid vinyl and hardwood flaring wifllntltemlpctlog Insertamped commonsense School carries for $3310 principal Interest and taxes For Iar Ion and Inspection please call Catherine Milne Elaine meson7mm Catherine mm FRANK NELLES Photo Id Realtor 5mm mi BAYFIEID 7151405 DOWNTOWN AREA suite apartment building showing very good revenue NI price 309500 MINEINGlo acres with 500 feet of Wlllow Creek bordering propertyIdeal for trailer camp site Asking $20000 lNNlfllLu acres with large lish pond potential for more ponds bedroom brick bungalow attached garage Only yoatrs old ASRIIIZ $2900 EVENINGS CALL mom Stan Hammond 7150961 15 Frank Wainwright 7151745 7166690 Tom Foster nrs Realtor WHITE loo Baytleld st izolov Appraisals Listiagl Invited Elva Mills Home John 11 white 1mm li Magus Leo Cavnnaugh Cecil lillll lrank Nelles PETERS WILES LTD Realtor 29A OWEN ST 7202410 PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St masses REAL ESTATE OUTSKIRTS OF BARRIE Wanted To Buy Two or threebedroom house with approx imately one acre of land Wanted To Rent No bedroom house or apartment unfurn ished Ad Section Cary accepted until tun CALL name gt PROPERTY WANTED In boathouse concrete dock2s COMPANY Eli Hayï¬eld Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7266453 llortgagc FundsxAvailahle Free Customer Parking HOUSE HUNTING have number of good houses available and would be pleased to have the opportunity to assist you We can give you personal XaIltatention why not call and discuss your requirements Lorné It PRAli ROAD $2350tlLarge brick bedroom bungalow with nice view Spacious Well laid out kitchen semiiinished recreation room and den $105 monthly includes tam Near all mania Owner transferred Call Rita ScandretL LY EVENINGS CALL KLOO molars 72as4os NILIIR GLoIIIA RossATz 7mm KLOTIDSTHIMRII IRENE Iollails manta Lon GomlsaloNDt LOPNE In HAY Tia156A GRANT MIrARTImn RITA SCANDREII raneast CLIFF Goobmp SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MQRTGAGI BROKER ATTRACTIVE GREY ERICK BUNGALOW with turquoise garage on Napier St mortgage For appointment call Norah Raikes 7ZIill139 No 1153 with loads at cupboards Largedinislg room for full suite lm macolnte condition inside and out This custom built homehas prize winning landscaped grounds fully lehced Full basement with all heating Excellent 611 mortgage and payments of 3140 principal interest and taxes This home is pleasure toshow Call Mrs Atkinson 728936 MLS NEW LISTINGEIGHT RooMEDOLonR noun avorlooldngtlle Bay on large lot wilhrnature trees and shrubs Reasonable down payment Call Chuck Lambert moooI No 1170 LOOKING Ron FARM IF so can Ime wucnaam 7261422 or via2130 He has several good buys with houses and goodlbarns His experience can guide you to the proper one to suityour needs no Dunlap St East 72o 422 or 7261423 PHCIOMLS REALTOR 1287379 HAROLD EoRï¬ normalIT COD 911111125 cash lacuna so public school room family size kitchen with levelirant entrance coloured many quality courteous salesmen to inspect piece bath lld mirth bedloom eluding principal Interest and wouLo You Linn TO LIVE the lWHz If solet us show ctynpletely modernized The farm house size kitchen lsla house wit to Toronto and Is anxious ream Owner shaving All Ros Richard Raycrnlt wrong Hartley 7mm est 11 Rio APPRAISALS nonmaans fiNEW HO MORTGAGES These homes are located only block tram Have bedrooms Lohapad extras too numerous bedroom backsp room and living room lower level SE MES shopping plaza and living room dining furniture iinishod cupboards split ï¬xturesbuilt in garage and to mention Call any otbur afll kitchen with dinette dining hall large ianuvamom or dciI Carries for only 3112 III taxes also blocks downtownor yau this new listingolder home to sell Rea widens Elli Mackoess Russell Smith EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLEIT 7289793 CHAS ROGERS 7233502 mime cm on down Telephone mild sumo or this as Acre term last norm of Barrie good storey arictr home with new furnaca and bath room horn 0x50 rinse telephone John Cole reason representing Emory Alillor Renl Imam PAILllIIoleIz needs modernlzlna buildings and To acres $5000 down miles to Blrrln miles to sitting inner to thglake Also to vlctL Iuts $1000 down in same location Telephone 4814517 Dewsnap 7268366 ANITA sWIPI HAltvlzvswul ERIC DEWSNAP COUTTS AND CO Eric Itsm5 ItoM55 72583 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS MAIL ALL DETAILS 10 BOX No D521 BARRIE EXAMINER PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT sMALL Iiousx in Angus tor or rent Sultlhlo for couple nnonn til6705 LARGE EARN or sail or rent or iur urea lumber boat Itorua Alll Ion hasn7 south or anrrto Umel Telephone vialam LOTS FOR SALE lo ACItzs nelr aunts and 1m iou shsntv Ray moo each Hausa OWEN ST 7282435 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON IlL COUTIS 7287275 SANDY COUTIS 7234283 WALTER COUTIS 7182311 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 03 Dlmlop St Phone 7732419 tst and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your prom Lot and and mortgages IIAIIEI MARSHALL mason LARGnmITII MOORE III225 GREPAgéERTARA msm LAUHANS Antrtnn 15571114 mm annulus Itow HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Roal Estate Appralsals Mortgagas 49 COLLIER 81 Harry Micbi Ted Erignell Paddy Miles FOR SALEOR TRAD FIVE acre and Cam sauthnt antrte nn sllo ortmie for lot and house that and renavtlug III or clole to me Shh price and locltlo erl 130 DH Birds brlmln MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobllgflomes GeneralpGleadale iravelux Parts and Service PHONE mam Prompt SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TAN KS rPUMPED Modern radiocanttolled trucks TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED ROBERTSON ANGUS 4495595 ROTH sumo Tank saleL se tin Tulqu anti Weeoer Beds fristh it won clarion 71041194564510 COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COITAGES Insulating and remodelling HURST HdwKestone TELEPHONE 0110 4875760 WINSULATION 310me Amado anlllinn Free esflmltest Guaranteed work Telephonn Scott Itiilltr 7181251 DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN Drivan School IAHII to Drtvl the Modern Way For no ootntment Phone 71mm JANITOR SERVICE CLEANING HOME on omco Work To Your Satisfaction ham and to aeru aw 27 time Phone 9112407 Toronto IInn Implements ere 715ml aouaz wanted III also will or without Acreage Allan or Barrio nru luurl be reasonably priced Private Pflnclpal only write glvlf in run particular to Box nah arri Examiner to Athens wanted at aeylrolnc Rosa all CIIII cUent wnl pay too price Telephone Russell Carson Canon Real Estate evenlovs moral amino we noted luyvrhen In the city or amle Must have all services ItLra lat wanted witth on mill oi city uolltr Telephone Rur ssn Canon Canon Real Estate 1256481 mentors nHIsl ALUMINUM SERVICE siding store fronts FRSTl We are Skilled in our Service and will give you Attention CLASSNLED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE CARPENTRY Cilan comilmon Al teratlonl renovation and holrse con mm by time med trademlra PAINTING ovamoo AND Extzrtor Pllntla Also Papcrhlaglng Renomhl rates mo utlrnltel moles nous Painting interloc uni extent Io al te 2er uoa1ama tree on PRESSURE PUMPS PUMPS Washiag Machined Small Engines ROSS PUMP SERVICE Phone Cookstown 4500M ALUMINUM Selfstoringvdoors and windows COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct factory prices WAIIS annsrnouo 436N79 LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPESERVICE sidewalks and fencing sodding bushes andtreea DECORATIVE TREE SERVICE Telephone collectmms REFRIGERATION TIRSLInSIIrIEgPBIcheIS An rule Berrlo our am 5353 Ioalll TAN BRYSON mailGIIRATION SERVICE SEMLESS FLOORING saalooportoo street Seamless Flodting Rec Room Kitchens hath PHONE 7mm EAVESTROUGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH 487212I SPECIALIZING no ONE PIECE Unavnsraooon BICYCLES in rooms vestibules Utility Rooms Etc PORTABLE TOILETS PR ESTIMATES Cash or Telma up to Years I70 BURTON AVE moose GLENDALE neoroons 100d candlunn ruuy ealtlpvped Ideal rtrrl home or summer not toga Telephone razoreventua or warm BUS OPPORTUNITIES PARTTIME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Own and operate variety vend ing machined with high profit product new to Canada Each $1000 invested gives you an ex ceptional fast returnof capital No selling involved Limited iranohlso availa Rosana McQUlCGAN Vending Operatori Supply Co mo Weslonltoad TORONTO 15 Telephone 7692689 var3751 anytim Etficieoi Reliable 7280824 mama WI alum cleaning tor homel offlitu stores Elam Dinning Service ran713 PAVING PAVING av RACHLlN Name You Can Trust sylvania Paving Experts 15 Years Experience Barnyards Driveways Etc FOREMEN ESTIMATORS No chargefor consultations sug gestion and prices In no mile radius BARRIE EXAMINER WANT Aos WORK WONDERS is AHANIEED WORKMANSHIP JOE ELLSMERE 205 iarnica Nd sMALl ENGINE REPAIR Portable pToiIeis FOR RENT KEN WINTER 00 suALL ENGINE cam Authorized dealer for Yardman 726 0782 Davis Tom Gravely lawn andlig BDX235 Barrie garden equipment TORONTO 51 72551th IRONING mama per bukat uhln and ironingutuo mlrtalrlltcknge Ind deliver mos SHINGLING BHLNOLINO Plat Rooting Eaves trougbln 0M EVIILI 51101111 011 tut III Ml aavslmo Trufk Letltorlhx romp srrv cc mu Ir or man so years Innerlencc 1mm ni Kllllt min flua or or vrnv cut in Apnlr arr or minor