derry ers li hearing held by the House Committee on UnAmericani Hit us WASlflNGTON Top United Mine Workers oi icials hustled home imm sluggish con tract talks today to check spreadingwildcat strikes that have made idle about 30on inenin thesoit coal gtiields Union ofï¬cials said there were ZDJlOE strikers in West Vir ginia 7500 in Pennsylvania and 1200 in Southern lllinois who apparently believed the Mine Workers twoyear contract expired Monday night Five mine were shutdown in Kentucky but no estimate was aVIilahleonhow many men wereinvolved Union President said expiration notice the Bituminous Coal Operators University Rejects wcmnwo hat or Waterloo hitheran lln maticriil Later he was ejected trom the hearing worm MP Wirephoto Strikes Mines Association ï¬xed the contract expiration date at midnight nEXt niesday Other nnionofficials ex plained that Monday was the pathest possible date for termie nahon oi the old contract but the ï¬nal expiration date oi Tuesday was set when the union furnished in days notice Boyle orderedthe 152 mem bars of the unions wage policy hoard back to theirhome dis tricts toget the mines hack to work The wage committee had been standing by in Washington in anticipation of newcontract to 80000 tonal miners in 22 states CAPSULE News cos ity stud ents Tuesday voted 722M 222 against iejo ing the Canadian Union of Students Smash Von Bally lBonnheatersDemonstrators throwing chairs and tear gas grenades Tuesday night broke up the iirst poll cal rally organized pital enrivIiréVOn WallaceIOiiiccs About 15 bullets were ruled lutd campaign headquaiiers ms succins an tit George Wallace for President but ill ofï¬ce was empty and by far rightvwing leaderndoitvon rlhadden in the West German lice sal oe agape monsoon an Valuables NEW YORKAP Twin gunmen invaded the par otDr Harryihudel participant in the development of the birth control pill and made oli Tuesd ay with valued at $250009 iewelnv aintings and sculpture End Bureaucratic RegulatorySc emcs month alter most children had rind hasa population composed almost per cent of non Pmsonsn SEES WORLD SERIES JACKSON Mich AP Hugh Dillon is excited about reportim the World Serlcs in Detroit iorlhe twir cuIation Spectator weekly BEWSPJPOL Hell be the only prisoner in the press box at Tiger Stadium He will be accompanied by guard Henry Miuarik assistant director oi rccrcn tlnn at the state prison oi southern Michigan at Jack SOII Dillon 43 is atrusty at the prison He has served mustol two termsup Io our years ior larceny and longer term for pas session oi narcotics Red Cross Workers Shot In Bialra LAGOS iReutcrsl Two in ternational Red Cross workers and two British missionaries working ior the World Council of Churches were killad by stray bullets in the blittle or the strategichlairan town at Oklgwi diplomatic sources said here today The Red Lrosswork Yugoslav and Swede wei iir Red eral troop rather than flee with retreating Blairan Iorces Yugoslav Tdcnlliledg an Herco 32 medical espcrt lN Belgra worlring wrth Yugoslavias only relief team in Niger In Geneva the Internal Red Cross Committee named thevdcad Britons as Albert Sa vbry and his win Marjorie both in Uieir late 50 oI the World Council of Churches Thcswedish worker was named as Robert Carlsson 32 member oivthe sweolsli relief distribution Classes Begin lit Si Leonard MONTREAL CF Classes were to begin today or about 100 Grade 1stndenisin suhuru ban St Leonard almost or already begun their lessons Registration oi the students took place throughout Tuesday for the privab classes where in sultmlion will be given in Eng St Leonard scene of scan illct over aIocal school board decision to eliminate instruction in English over asevenyear pe Frenchapeaking persons many of whom are oiltalian Origin Politic cask Tastsnrp1mn¢r Of Intervention Policy UNITED NATIONS Reuterai US State Sccrotary Dean Rusk called on the Soviet Union today to get its troops out oi medioslovakla and demanded an explanation ot Moscows new doctrlne oi the right lntsven lion In his ï¬rst and probably last policy address to the United Na Lions GeneralAssembly Rusk also reafï¬rmed NATOs deter mination to resort lmmedb ately to sedeiencc measures ii West Germany were attacked He warned that there Is dan ger that tho Middle East would slipback Once more towards woos andwai unless the par ties to the conillct move resolutely tmvards settlement He assured the lzscountryas semny thntho US fervently wants an end to the violaicc in Vietnam with listraglc sulier ing and its risks of larger What remains is for Hanoi to in Years Iculioiliss Pl seat First rebo Thorns the mean driiits and all children were well The baibics werer urfhowevari one of the girls died The couple have beanvmarricd amcllroot Former foreign scaclary George Browncalledtgdal for the issues great debat oi tliariutnrc to preparethe Labor Party victory in the next general election Brown the partys my PeiT514 who resigned in halt lirom Prirne Minister Wilsons government Islx months ago spoke the annual par vention in his capacity utypalty leader He was presenting the DBiJDiJ at executives raidterm inani fesio it appeared to be ill Quehéc Premier Buried in The Village Hemisth ST PIE Que CP Dusk was Vialling as Joseph Francis was tailing as Joseph Fransi Daniel Johnson was laid ingest Tuesday In his adopted village The 20th premier oir Qdebec who hadled his province only two years was buried the hagot riding that kept in power iora vyearsas Union Nationale member oi the legislative assembly The Premier had requested Another Man Shot In Quebec MONTR AL GP cial shoot death of Conradv Ri card ll whose bodywasiound in ditch near Ste Anne de la Parade Que late Thursday say the believe the manmay have been another ctimloi provincial ro department orker lie had been shot one lnthe head and police said ma hav beam thmvmirnm hathe be burle his family maintains slimmer home Most oi the lovvns 40031 tlie csldents were either small graveside or in the church Where Bishop Albert Sanschagrin of St Hyacinthe deliveredthe Liberas hort prayer Pram Johnso last Thursday at gouagan 250 miles north of ecu than iaithiul to Qiiebe LQuebec Justice Minister to theleit off in material terms than they her where get down to the serious business of making peace in Paris They will iind the US receptive and willing Io negotiate in good ialth Hecklurs in the public gallery shout Stop the war In Viet lotcrrupied ituska ad Blllirlillno IS rump PREMIER Quasar or deanJac rques Bertrand ea rciom minded icdcralist who acted as the late premier Danlel Johnsona lieutenant today was chan by his Union Na tionale colleagues to succeed Mr lohnsoniaspremier The have no other About dozen persona stra tegically located in diliercnt sections at the big gallery rose to their feel some oi them hold lng up placards with crudely drawn slogans when Rusk men tinned Vletnam Their shoals drowned out Rusks remarks His speech was interruotcd or about one minute whilc UN security oili cecs moved swlilly to hustle the demonstrators out at the area Sovlet Foreign Minister An drei Gromvko was at the head oi his delegation and number or other Iotelgo ministers were on bandto observe tiledisturb none on Czechoslovakia Rusk ad dressed number of questions to the Soviet Union He said that in the light of events lbe assembly ha the right to know what the Social leaders meant by thisdocument theirs ammonnmomonlmmoommodiamondnoncommunime iinan rains it coowo tirew Born stillva or died within ten hours Mrs Thornsrms attended by oneol the biggest and most cm inant medical and nursing teams ever assembled in Brit aln lot birth They included sevenadesthetisisone tor each child and one for the mother asarlan operation The hormone treatment ploÂ¥ Vneered in Swede number of multiple births in re But most cases oi nearly $7000000 Débdte coming gun in the battle ior saiti that ihe mense majorityiot the Britis people are immeasurablybettor werewhen We calrie into gt ofï¬ce touryearsago gt The hospital team was led by Dr Go Crook one of Brita so ioremost authoritieson ty drugs and by Margaret ot tcn SiayeaMld obstetrician operation took place at newest and ï¬nest ma teririty hospital built at acost Canadian Quits Foreign Service OSDO APt Former bansV dian ambassador JohnP Sigvaldasonv has left Nurway to Aretirelirom foreign servrce WILLIAM Répioce HAMILTON Vertebrd Man Walks Again VileA CF William Hamilton 65 morticlan walked out oi Royal Jubilee Hospital Tuesday looking or ward to watching the World Se ries on television at home Mr Hamilton entered the hos pital two months ago expecting to spend the restoi his his in bed or at lc wheel chair Instead he was with staildess steel vertebra scribed as medicalJirsL Lainman team of doctors and nurses performed the live bour replacement oitha dis eased second lumbar vertebra led by oeuro The Examiner TODAY Ann Lander City News2 Classiï¬edltd Comics26 Deaths20 District5 Editorial4 Sports1115 TheatreI rv Listings2d Weatherg anehad romnmar ny or ReactismsForces than would have ever believed VicaPrésident Hubert Hum Dhljey campa ning hard against George Wallace in the Sohthfcallcd th former Al abama governor creature oi the most reactionary under ground iorces in American we Humphrey the Democratic party presidential némlneedn tlie Ndv Selection warned that the troubled times the US now iaces could producevthe reac tionary ementsimilar lo the kind hat brought Hitler to Power in the 1930 Hetold Uniuers tyof Tennessee audi cc iannoxvilte get senate oonflmia tionoihls nomination even it ultimately successful would rev suit in Au possible Humphreys Rapublica oppo nent Richard Nixon accused the vicepresident of taking chances with the Paris peace talks Nixootold Detroit news c0n iarenceitliat Humphrey could be gambling away thcUS negoi tiatin cams only trump card WItllAlllS statement onja North Vietnam bombinghalt Unless Humphreyclariï¬es the statement the Hepnblican can didate said Tuesday Hanoi may read it as an indicatioth can total mates the outset flla from 1009 to2000 mightchoose new homeland bo Russianhccupatioh Canada as cause siltha rate in bed and eating normally on the 10th or 11th day iotlowing the Aug operation and was walking with only little assist ance in six weeks He now is walking unaided and as though his back were never diseased doctors said Prior to theoperatlon the pa tient was dragging one foot so indicationot the buildup oi ills iniuryJThe drag now is gone The patient said he hopes to be back at work Dec The work done by Dick Alex aoder vicepresident oi Keo nametal otCanada Ltd was biglactor in the success of kill operation sadDr les thahospi rector rs Mrr Alexander said many false starts were made beiore satisiactory device was de signed May Revise militarism UliAWA calu madth provided for processing case under Canadas new divoica laws proves unworkable the government will consider mak ing changes Justice Minister Tunier said Tuesday He was replyingin the Com mans to Stan Schumacher PC Palliser who asked ior com meat on judicialobstaclcs en countered in casés involving dc sertiop concession from umE in January it canlt get irom US negotiators Paris now The trlimp catdtilai onrne gotiatorshavelin orderto as sure any success halt Nixon said vNow ii that trump card is played by either of the presidenv tiaI candidates by indicating that we in Januarymightd something the neg rclused to do in Paris it means that all chance ior those nego tiators to succeed will evapo river in Toronto pa Oct Quinn fliesrlto Winnipeg Edmonton and VancouverrFllshts arealso tentatively booked rior 0c adian go ï¬tment of reiugecs