ON THE LEFT lean Gremo acts out port for the Littles and Hill Players production Players In Rehearsal The Littles iiill players are deep in the midst oi rehearsals for their latest production lion ique Jenn Gremo Carolyn Paro dlse Connie Hodges and Doug las Greenwood worked and re worked their lines last night urn der the able hand of director Peter Noy No no no do that over again butthis time put some eel into it were words hfr Noy used time and again The frustration and anguish that goes into preparing tor play were clearly visible The actors spend four nights week walking about the floor ot un ion hall on Owen Street reading their lines going over scenes nnsrcnn sermon is Memorable Opera Role Maria Koubaj In Sparkling Maria Kouba was memorv able Salome last Wednesday at the Canadian Opera Companys production at OKeefe Centre she was seductive glamorous exciting and gloriously inspir ingltliss Kouba who sang the role or Saloms with the Metropol litanppera Company in 1965 and later with the Santa Fe Opera Company isvsuited to the part not only physically but vocally as well As the one act opera developed Phil Stark as Herod and Elsie Sanchuk as lferodias= both seemed to match Mlss Kouba in dramatic intensity Samuel Krachmalnick conduc toroi the symphony gave splendid pace to the opera and made the score meaningful Some of the orchestral elfects all these were well contrived soar Realtors YorkSlmcoe MP Is UNiOhserver YorkSimone MP John Ro erls has been named parlialt mentmy observer to th Nation asannouncedF Roberiswillbe atthellN in nth October and early Nov sit in on strategy ses slons withimambers iof the Car Ty UN work in relaysso they rli not be ahscnt from the of ommonsiorlong per glsoii nlted 151 Monique while Carolyn Par sdise RIGHT smiles and waits for her turn to practise hcr lincs Examiner Photo Deep and practising pose until thcy ieel they have it down pat Somn oi theactors aro formal and speak of method acting Others are open and easy their lines develop as they build up sense oi feeling for the part they are playing The play is mystery filled with suspense The plot is too good to talk about and to say more would be to give it all way One thing can be said the butler didnt do it There isnt butler in the play However there are four very competent actors Thc play will run Friday and Saturday 00L ii and 12 at Cen tral Collegiate auditorium were splendid as means of setting the moods Thomas Park who lives in the Barrie area and is well known here took the role at the First Jew and gave distinction to the part He also takes the partof Thomas Scott in Riel this season is an opera that can be complete disasterYet under Herman Geige Torels direc tion it rose to pinnacles of ex citement The set was design ed by Brian Jackson the cos tuniea especially that at Sat ome were splendid The opera seasonlasts until Oct 12 The Canadian operas are with in easy driving distance for re sidents here The accessibility of such iirst class productions make the city of Barrie most desirable place to live Obvious Iy1rrany people from matron pollian Tomato and from other centres arefinding this out It is no wonder that the city is rapidly growin oThe great to seep Herods in ace atTiherius Galilee was the scene that was exposed the curtain ro The arranges mentsofthe pit in which John the Baptist was jailed andtha steps leading to Herods chairs to give movementand variety to the long scene LOCAL GENERAL normvroun ruralurban day during which members at Barrie Rotary Club will tour mkéview Farms and sea dairyiog first hand has been set for Oct 10 Tours will start at pm and members will bring guests Committee chairman is mommies to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture asof Frrday large We Amedlum 547 Small CITY new masonic axsrrrseri satminor scar Crime is sepia Of Club Organized crime in Canada will come under scrutiny Oct when the Canadian Club of Bar rio has its first mociing at he season Guest speaker during the meet ing at the public library hall will be Sup William Fraser who was acting head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Pol ice criminnl investigation branch at his etirenoot from the force 1967 Supt Fraser Joined the RCMP In 1931 and ailer completing re cruit training was immediately posted to the Eastern Arctic in 1944 he was detailed as per sonal body guard for Winston Churchill during the second Quo bec Coniercnco with President Roosevelt He later served in Newfoundi landand the Canadian Arctic before becoming acting head of the criminal investigation hranch Canadian Club president Cameron said new mom hers would be welcome at the Oct session The meetingvbe gins at830llm Future Canadian Club speak ers will be Dr James Gibson an nun coco Ofiers Reasons For Boost In Number OilBike Mishaps nyscr norm nanny Barrio Pollen Dept The Ontario department oi transport for the iirst six months at 1968 shows sharp decrease in fatal accidents in all but one areatire cyclist In this coluin they indicate over dou ble the number of bicycle deaths as during the same per iod in 1967 Even the number of motor cycle deaths was greally duced in this period Why the increase with cyclistst Might suggest aiewreasons andrh some of these may be base but here goes anyhow BIKE RIDING For several years there has en arr upsurge in bike riding terest especially since the ad ent of suchtblags aslmonkey bars and banana seats Then iooior yearsa bicycle was bicycle Mostly they looked pretty much alike But now we have the Mustangs and Cougars and what have=you those prestige bikeswith wide oval rear tires and smaller trout ones fancy paint jobs and dimmed ï¬nders And there aremorehicycles than over dont have any iigures to support me but would imagine 738ch Wholesale prices to country stations itirra cases quot edby committee oi wholesale GEE Commlsslon tendcrahlc carlots buying score 625 buy mg to score 61vsciling oil artMinna our one PHONE mun er priccai Canadian iquired by law in Ontario 28 I968 Speaker WlLLlAM anxsnn who will discuss regionalism and nationalism in Canada Christ ion de Last whose topic isThe Nightmare of Pollution in Can ada and Commodoreo Robertson who will tell of an excursion under the polar ice to the North Pole GRACES bicycle manufacturers have been3dolng landoiifce busi has ever since the smallertype moborcycles made their noisy debut ioCanada Many youngsters girls includ ed have sought to emulate their alderbrothers and sisters by carrying their buddies on the seat behind them Bikes even come equipped with rear axle extensions upon which pass cnger can place his feet The long seatslsnd themselves too thispraclice The com oi the long seafood handle bars make it poss ibleto lift the ironiwheelolt the ground and ride the germ wheel like bucking bronco watched sboy ride atieast one balt bloc on hisrear wheel vflrout Lce touching downwlrh the front Mind you appren ate the thrill titer is in this to say nothing of the dexterity oi the young rider but can also so the danger in thi type of riding NIGHT RIDWG gt Many new bikes are nnt cqurppedlor night riding either Some dont even have rear ten ders upon whlohrto apply the customary white strip asTb park Hope To Attract Mo ounsia in ï¬lm at ms to us ftlrzroola district is slated for Oct ll at Horseshoe Valley ski resort an Atkinson Insurer at the Email Tourist Anodaï¬on Ifld in Innormcing the oooierencc thattonrlrmlsnotnni humans the entire Will and breadth at this court ftcovm ovay WWW typq or business no in eohgc owners and ho to travellers and developers thus making it vlul for coaclsivs and comprehensive planning tor the toture be we Firms lleed Machinists Sheet metal workers and tour nayman machinist are among the job openings available through imnmwuvcenhe in Barrie Manager Stuart reports Eoth oi these categories of jobs are to factory production work Themachialotl are to start immediately Other openings include factory production workers lotday or niternoon shlfisnnd fully qualiï¬ed upholstercr to repair used furniture Female general job opportuni ties are tor day workers as cleaning ladies Those Interests ed may contact the Canada Manpower Ccntra82A Duolop St Barrie Naturalists List Projects For Year biological desert is the way Breretoo Field Nnturolisis Club president Roy Maekiam rc ferre to Hendrie Forest in letter to the natural and histor ical resources branch of the department at northern affairs and natural resources this week Mr Macklcm wrote to express the clubs appreciation at the way members were received at Beausoleillsland last Saturday they paddlcd there in fire can ocs to attend series oi lee turcs and illms by Superintend ent James Hodges and tour the YMCA camps at the Island in the letter he also listed pro posed club projects Included plans for nature troilat Little iakepark encourage ment otcounty science schools obtaining of part or all got Min esing Swampas nature re serve and survey or bird lie In typical farm outside Bar Seine people rhgoid rre oresti as biological des ertfl Mr Macklem sold in presenting case for sclenc hools Mr Macklem said he study at nature at YMCA camp cannot compare with the course in naturestudy given at an established science school Children play chicken with motorists after dark packs of them ridingin ille down the centre of the road Parents dont know they do this lm sure it they did they would probably keep them oil their hlkcsat night Or would they Some policuneo too are re luctant to bother kids too mud about how when and where they ride and thats dead wrong Children will be child ren they reason butif the childrerirare not checked they will be accident victims too Since when is it more import ant to counsels motoristrthan cyclist policeman is dcre lictin his duty if he neglects thisvarea of enforcement The few safety otticers we have can not do the job alone suspect thotvsome moior ists and motorcyclists crew in ally paying attention to the dad gens of motoring Perhaps those oi us remonsible for training children in the art otsate rld ing havstalied to do ltucll Enough To leaye ourichildren to their own devices is criminal if we neglect this important phase of training they may only learn whatthey need to knowby ac cidenL course if vrcrrr nurronr min hitter Terry Sawcbuk and Mn Mega pause for the raising dancnheld last night Puck StarsgfiAtl Dance the Barrie gnu fund comera dur Minor Hockey at the darrle Armory Enos incr Photo To Bid MinorLeague Morethnn too people attended dance last night to raise funds for the Barrie Minor Hockey Ita soclation The main attraction was 20 star players tromthc Lot Augcles Kings Goalie Terry rSawcbuk was there dancing with several of the ladies Randy Miller and Randy Prior were also irtqueol ly on the dance iloor Everyone seemed to be having lot at fun Drarvs were held for the pleasure of dancing with thedif ierent hockey players Ken Knapton drew Mrs Syl via Scandretts ticket and danc ed with her several times Terry Sawchuk drew Mrs Denise Ken wells ticket But not everyone danced There was prettyyoung lady single and 21 who never got to dance Wearing black and gold Gamer Envisions Larger dross with peek lt boogtslcevcr Vicky Contact at on the side llnel and watched everyone else dance Hundreds ot men approached her but they didnt ask her to share the floor with them The beat oiJock Wisc manr bond filled the air Vicky smiled and the evening wore on The young ladys hardshipwcs all tor good cause Vicky was selling the bar tickets Someone has to do the Job and the de clded to stick it out all evening So the hundreds of men who ap proached her come and want All they got from Vicky was smlle nod aubar ticket JcnyKMsalla first neem gt sident oi the association said he hoped the dance would more thsnsrpoo for the 60 teams playing lutbc league The arena commission has Geographic Boundaries Aid Jack Garner predicted Friday that within the next three years Ontarios looyear old geographic boundaries will lie replaced by much larger bohndaries He canie tothe londusion af tr ttending the recent Geor glan Bay Regional Develop ment Council economic confer cocaat lroncy Harbour base has been set for the implementation of regional gov ernment with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Transporta tion Study the Smith Report and regional reports Add Garl ner said The pieces are start ing to fail intoplace even though very few years ago any changein government for mation seemed an insurmounb able task He warned that municipal councils must be prepared to dunand that regional areasbe iorrned according toithe wishes of the people Alsc of utrnost importace in Kiwanis Plans Rock Musical production described as rock musical for the whole family will come in Barrie get 19 it was announced Fri ay AA ddin and his Magical Lamp as staged by thegstur dio Childrens lheatreoi To rronto will be sponsored in two performances at Central Col leginta auditorium by the Ki wanis Club ot Barrie The show features adult iessional actors with pnr potion by chlidren inthe aud ijce Wm AidGsrners yicw is autonomy for rcglonaibodles Arnonomy at local gave ment has been eroding To place small sterile govern arts with larger sterilegovemmepis wouldbe loo foolish tolevor consider hesaid We must demand oi iheproi vincial government complete bodies if ive Aid Garner termed the GBRDC conference program outstanding 11am sure that all delegates both from rural and urban or has left it with new feeling of interdependence he said they are to be cited Pertonnanceswrll be at pm and pm nnnlllim 231 it ii raise and total autonomy for regional Monasticism coronation raisedithe fee for using the rink he said Without the money we earn here tonight ws might have had to cut back on our activities Mr Kinsclla said there wail an increase at 20 per cent in tha rink rental for ifs said tha association will continue to hold dances rcich year as long as the Kings are training in Harrie any assumes wnnr nos PHONE merit suspenseJillcd murder mystery presented by the macsnrtr PLAYERS FRIDAY It SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 AND CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITOMUM TICKETS $150 PHONRnsMfl or from Jnner Stationery Shorneyr Opticians Allundnle Lumber chksonl Grill SEA FOODS 1s For em out call noosos otherwise gt be