MRS JACK KEM CODE wits of the President of Call iornia Sports loc enjoys the company oi llttia Maria lieut iey at the lot Aogeiea Kings speed trials held in the Bar rie Arena yesterday Marias daddy slayer Robert Bent ley not content to he grand stand athlete dooneda unl iorm and entered the compo tltlon lExaroioer Photo Lovely Sports Enthusiast Cheers HusbandsTeam m1mm as slam ROBERTS Anyone who thinks that gran nics should be relegated to rock ing chairs should inks peek at Mrs Jack Kent Cooke wile oi the President oi California Sports too second look wont be necessary to convince them that it aint necessarily so but theyll take that second look WWW llira Cooke is in Barrie with her husband whose interest in the has Angeles Kings and the Sprlnglleld King is keeping him busy these days Her youth ful vitality and good looks belle the tact that she is the mother or twa grown sons and grand mother four times over TRAVELREADY An enthusiastic supporter of her husbands lnterysu Mrs Cooke ls readyat an iortanth notion to pick up her over ready traveling case and trach think being good compan ion is very important she re marked yesterday at the Barrio Arena where the hockey players were competing in speed trials Despite her many interests Mrs Cooke always accompan ies her husband daclr Kent Cookes busliiess allalrsvlnciude the LosAngeiea Lakert The Washington Redskins nd the Los Angelo Wolves so there must he lot oi trach Asked if she didnt ilnd hits to be tir ing she emphasized that she enjoys being with her husband the short trips canbs exhaust ing but actuallytravel by air is so easy As many wives could tesufy its not an easy thing to be con stantly in the public eye Mrs Cooke appears to have master ed the art oi being helpful companion without seeming to be obtrusive Sealed yesterday in the Arena discreetly tothe rear oi her busy husband she managed to return the cordial greetings oi team members con verse wlth interested spectators and still keepao alert eye on tbs trials noting each good very iormance with enthusiasm ONTARIO BORN Hockey is favorite sportoi Mrs Cookes and thats not surprising for she was born in Port Perry Ontario and spent agoodpartoihcrllieinlor onto The Cooker are residents or torAngolan Calliorols but aha has not lost her niiectloo for Canada Me com back and seeing the bean countryside 2tlle air is so woo derillll Wheo she is at home Mra Cooke is active in the Eel Air Garden Club and an aothusian tic tennis player She has col lccted antique iewelryirom all over the world and loves to shop lor clothes The latter an thuslasms are shared by her Children llttio granddaughter and name aaks Jeaonla who loves to ar ray berreli lrorn tip to toe in her grandmothers llaery RIGOROUS emotion On trim the lads knitting to be an excellent pastime to fill in thesonletimss long walla for her husband Whitelo Barrie on this present trip Mrs Cooke has been sblato attend law luncheon given for her byold lrlenda in Toronto Her time for nodal engagems is rather restricted however because of the rigorous schedule the couple esp Mrs Cooks is quite obviously woman who has developed style oi Ilia admirably suited to her husbands needs and whlta irrlmhshe inst as obviohrly on oya Starter In Normcll Speech By GARRY MYERS PHD Published studies oi young cldldrarl haVe revealed that nearly all children during the ages of 34 or earlier while developing speecll aometlmu repeatsome words or pause be tween words if they do this often the parents may grow concerned and be sure the youngster ls stuttering other observing this child may also classliy him as atuttarer These parents in their wish to cure this child of stuttering could easily cause him to atut ter more and to be dubbed by everybody stutterer 0n the other hand if the par fo ents neither ielt nor betrayed any worry aboutJho smallest signs of stuttering in the child and if nobody else did he prob ably wouldnever stutter enough to be called stutterer As look or ll WINNER Wiilnliigsmlle be in to Finlands intend 22 at Helsinkl after she was Icrowned Miss Europ two It Conger The blue greeneye blondela decon ator She speaks Swedish and Engi aaw Finnish Lcenas hob as or painting skiing and campln AP Wiri phalo also from being teased especial your physician tokeop him wetl undsrataadiog cheeriul calm rule stuttering bean in the childa early years and can best be iocraaacdbdocrimllor cured then if parents and all others dealing witbern could manage themseivsa well there probaMy would be very few stuttercrs in the world Of course atutterlng may begin at anyagefoiiowing an emotional shock or upset or after serious lilacs Even then its likelihood oi continuing or disappearing will depend chiefly on how other persons Nlt sound to the scatterer 0h viously the older the child who stutter or the longer be has been stuttercr the harder it is him to recover from stutter og USE COMMON SENSE You dont need to be psy chologist or graduate irom college even from high school in order to do your best at pre venting stuttering in your child or at helping him overcome stuttering You might do well even if yougcouid barely readlor write You need touse your common sense understand how the person inclined to stutter ieels put yourself in his place manage your own feelings and ways toward him well and treat him as the precious person he is Here are some this be em phasize when child sï¬ttirs Try to act as if you dont no tice that he stutters Listen on he talks without wishing him to hurry Silently wish him to go slow and easy if he gets stuck for long and cant say the word he wants to ray say it or him nonchalantiy but dont hold your breath waiting till he says it Dont ever arkrhlm to repeat after you Oi course you would never in dleats that you felt annoyed at childiaatutisrlng or embar rassed when other pemons are present Try to act as if all is well it would be fine it you could cauia other perroos to emulate your good ways Protect the atutterer from undua fatigue excitement learn irritations vor worries iy about his stuttering Aim to win theewperatlon or some oi ills iavorits pair in building up this child as perm to enloy success at play and work Do all mean to hslpjthis child have ample llinwitb others his age Limit reasonably the chi viewing at TV and forbid pro grams oi violence Work with physically and no excitable Provide him with an and bopsilii family atmosphere of lav wand securitylwateh yourse you are red mat in quiet tonsilo né READING IMPORTANT vltead aloud to the child or older persoowho stuttera hop log haiwlil enjoy lazEncourage with others him th read aloud alone often and to sing especially along it youratutterlog cake award arasasirmmasmxa FRIDAY WEEK 11 Del PEOPLE AND PLACES crusts at new Social aura ara taintedta cover the generalde ills of ill city Distridwltldhgli parties travellers and visitors are all items criticised limit chills an an will be mails randM Please phone Tb Barrie la Irnlaer mm and ask for Andrey Conlaonor lie berla at the Women beplrk meat Mayor Hugh Bishop Milk venhuret and himBishop were visitors to Buriayyesterday at thohamcvot Mia and MM Ralph Green Toronto St Later Mr and Mn Bishopveohrillh ed Mr and Mrs Green at dinner party at the Daytime Motor Hotel WATERLOO UNIVERSITY Mira Adrianne Brown daugh ter oi Mr and Mrs Adrien Brown oi Goon St has enrolled at Waterloo University Also studying at the same university is Mill Karon Whaien daughter git Mrs lily Whalers olï¬uon LONDON STUDENTS Bruce David Steele son of Mr and Mrs David Steele of Ottl way Ava haa entered Univer BARBIEJill countys antral ally at Western Ontario loodoii Ha wiii maior in tha atudy oi hhtorg Til Stellas daughter Cath arina is also studying in London She is in her final year at Alt botue0ollege where she is mei orlng in French missn WEDDING Mrs Lottie Hawkins and suphcn drop was married as canine at St Paul Anglican ï¬gure In in on Septambtr at re csptl was hold at the home at the brides ads and daughter in law Mr and Mrhll Hawkins oi Marshall SL Ban de iha couple will reside in Painawlck Out at clw meta attended the from Kingston Parry Sound Ind Twento faarrlsrnaur lha Rally of the Georgian Bay Attestation oi Baptist Churches was baidat Calvary Baptist Churcbhlidiaad oo Wednaaday Among residents or Barrie attending the aeulooa were Ransode it All rslu Mina iluddiastoa lira Beatrice West Mrs StoneM Clarajomliriaon lira Boyd Mira Margaret Sinclair Misa Ed Tb Take Top Prizesf The prize winners lnthe 1004 section oi the Barrie Fairwsre announced yesterday The first prise lora golden wedding cake want to Mrs Pearson and Mrs Doug Smith was the winner at the Betty Crocker Graonys Butter Tarts won first place for Mrs Balth wick and Mrs Johnston took the top prize lathe FryaCad bury special chocolate cake Mrs Waadalt won in the whole wheat bread cherry out bread Five Roses white bread andAcannedVled cherries basket oi rolls and canned ramberrieswero winners ior Mrs Oades while plain buns and white bread won ior Mrs Al Philips Mrs Judith Mo Phee placed ï¬rst with her gra ham cracker cake birthday cake tabla cen tre and chili sauce alij ware winners for Mrs Pardon Mrs Lillie wool with her cherry pie errnlts andFivs ltosas special pl workmans lunch baked squares and brownies placed first for Mrs Henry Boer ol Strand Mrs Frank Rawn swept the field with topeprlze in gcup cakes banana cake raspberry tarts carrot bread Chelsea buns fruitcakoand Up tea biscuits Mrr Ann Watson took on prize in hot dog rslirbpeach conaerw and maple syrup Mrs Livingston oi Shanty Bay tal vain with her raspberry and her strawberry lama Mrs Ifagao of Coldwateovfon ilrst with fruit bread tea biscuits sweet gherislor cannedtontli toes and marmalade Mrs Bradley was another multiple winner with hercook ies Five Roses caka apeeiai char chiilon canned pear and rult cocktail Butter tart child is going to school do your heatat helping him succeed at school and to learn to get on well with his teacher and other children there if you learn that the combat great diliiculty at verbal ax prerrlon in clasl privately pre vail on his teacher to let him give her secret symboliwlltn he feels unable to speak or whenhe ieel ready to speak if the school he psychologist or speech expert confer with him lemon meringue raisin pie and applls pla won for Mn Synnott lha thighurat Wonloaa in stitutc won with their apple lei iy and St ma Anglican church Women in Mlnaalng ware firstplace winnsrawlth their Jam and lolly decorated Jar Christmas gills The Mlnesing Hobby elub Vwarevilrst with the Nielsona chocolate cake special Apple pic was winnergior the Littlaaliiil Wlvllls WI special Baking withheld won ï¬rst for Crown Hill with second place in this category went to Cralghurat Wl vDutch Princess Guest in Ottawa MTAWA OPlv latter Morgrlet oi the Netherlloda had great time at the ottawa Civic Hospital whar she went Thursday to pick limo oi the threads oi her past Ilsaprincess rationed for the ilrat time to the hospital where she was bornlan it lociHer mother now Queen Juliana had hrougbtbor two old daughters to Canada during the Second WorldWar to await the libera tion oi the Netherlands an hour tli prioem also end to areal minim lull visit several areas oi the hospi nd aaa Caoad meat quadruplsts will it it her aoodoa lured huaba Pater van Vol lenhovan aria utch Ambassadorjbaodorur Vot and Mrs Bot mat the young couple when they arrived in Ottawa earlyin the afternoon on regular lllght hava lraady been Western Can for aboutio at their privatavtbrae week Th to spend about go to Moot rasl whore princess sister Marla Christina nowla looking over the eonrarvalory 0i music In anomallwmsos strollerissue run 193 cosmosr HINDI Tmh 31 mi nth it At home encourage the child on who stuttera to talk lreelyin the familya midst bylistenlng ticnlly and wholeheartedly to What hewishes say To this or at hlolldlt re Iehools andconsprc wi our Itlt relativeayand lrlenda in to mr and trial ton ANNLANDIRS alongside your iuture sisterin law the key to your iutlua with Valages tloglva you on auppo you used to withstand his parenta hoatlllw if you can count on blirihuy yesotherwise lor get Dear Asa tandem close rooo EXHIBITS No Samples cans teach them to respect all people Dear Ann harden You have aa sickness What about dealing iatberai is that sick uli hi moor this ti always mother were very at my mother that my father been mulling around with another woman Since learned his unialthiulnesa have been with anyone im too ashamed Please tell me what to do test so helpersABC Dear there is nothing you can do which is why its unioi tunala your mother told you Site should have confided in someone else it she ielt the need to unburden heiseli clergy man or counselor would have been more indlcious choices Chagriins Roaming Male Reporter sour KEENE eaka specially made or 50th wedding anniversary won first prize in category at the Barrie Agricoltural Society Food slivlslao ambit the fill grouo yeste ay an surp lngly enough the secondplace cake was also tor 50th wedding anniversary And the category No not dothweddiog anniver aary cakes hut threetiered inilt cakes Winner of the red ribbon was Mrs Pearson at 11 Pratt Road ad second place went to Mrs Gilbert Baldwlck of Mid burst The cakes were only two or total at dd which lined the lon tables in the curling club bull tag Had anyone taken tlmato count them they would have Edna cooks found live ware novelty birthday cakera scrumptioua fourteen cololtsm fourteen war choco late layer cakes were angel food cakes ranging from pink lotangerioa to llme green with crushed almonds sprinkled on top All the lovely goodies were protected irom prying fingers and there were law arctind by transparent wrap Still little in band managed to crush law iced iiowora and snitch couple at marerchloo cherries liars and There were pica galore raisin lemon meringue ap la and cream The raven margins plea out oi the total field of were boarded like star football era in glass can No miller artillery lows Mr and Mrs Garry Pratt exchanged wedding vows loliiotty VAoglican coma hurricane bride is lheformer barbara Mary Jar dine daughter of Mr and Mrs lioyd Jhrdlna of Harrie The bridegroom is the son or Mrs William Pratt 01 Barrie and the late Mr Pratt The couple will make their new homeln Listowei iPhotn by Smith Studio Miniater Deplores Syslem Which Will Delay Marriages VANCOUVER GP The moderator of the United Church or Canada said Thurs day the Weatcro worlds pro longed educatloit system de lays marriage too long and the Western marriage system is the world worst Dr Robert McClure of Tea ronto amedlcal missionary in indIAjlor ii years said the average age or the bride groom in lndla is 11 Cgotn have Hill urge wouldnt it he better for them to get married than or Mary get pregnant before mar he asld than we parents would know whsrathey are on Fri day nightsI Before You Buy Furl Compars Aavlo wJIiiiMANamr arro naova nu ICE is lo Iutt 139 diam cation hflhiliooi TWO mutant CDLDJTDIMII latlataotlon Guarantaal WilllllllS lllflS Birriailaclualva anrl who makes and arllaJIur onlrm Barrio Dunlap St itstats Dr McCluresald that in the West there is one marriage breakdown in four He added that some Eastern societies have only our marriage breakdownan 1000 Canadians have written all they faintly ayste he sIld and instead woaic handing or children over to til hoarda di education Time is running out to the point when we must straighten ourselves out or face utter chaos lodaixalltheir 0niario little eyes were ogling their goo eyness Preserves bad shell exhibit own Jars dl stroll atood rank on rank 0i lhasc some Seven each were filled with peaches and raspberry jam Six contained strawberry lam our maple syrup live tomatoes and two fruit cocktail There were individual winners oaehcategory but Mrs NorO man Syoott or be Sunnldale Rd won firm for lemon pie raisin pie aptgla pie and tarts How about at Tempting though everything waa lwaa politely inioriocd by the matronly lady in charge of the guard that the goods war not or sale until Saturday night walked out feeling like little whod had his wrists alap They cant blame guy for trying can thayi MOUNT salons or shaman Plans are being made to start the leer parties to the hall Wednesday Dot at alo Lunch Indprlxel are provided Congratulations to Mr and Mrs GaryStepherison oi Ever ett who arathe proud parenta oia baby boy llrst grandchild ion Mr andMrs Jerry Steph enson We were all pleased to see Hector Faragber home from hospital for two days He re turned Sunday for more treat meat Mr and Mn StdClark mot ored to liailburton Sunday to vlalt Slde father who is in hospital there Srlclilll ANY IBlAllllll oar CLEANED ittlllll to Bayileid mam iii Dunlap nutrient BALLETLCOMPANY or CANADA BALLET sarunoav oer 5th azso PM roam G0N¢ERT7 INTHE raaarsounn HlGH scilooi spuns $2 Tickets valla ADMISSION roomrs sift armrest