Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1968, p. 2

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UNITED RUBBER WORK ERS on strike from left to right are MEI Subbaid Chm Women Children Join PicketsI on ascend The live day old United Ruhborworlters local 536 nick et line is taking on the look of sieve there are holes in it everywhere Yesterday most of tho strikers ROWII the line to pink up their cheques for work performed last week tanker truck driver after consulting with his employer told the strikers that he was going to drivehis truck across the picket line There wasoooh tempt to stop him On Wednesday is ONE yard dieSclattempted to enter the railway siding at the Mans field Denman General blast but was unable to do so when picketers stood astrlde the rail waytracks and refused to move ONE yardman Bill Marshal said Indians With Gender NAre DiSpensing Drugs SAULT STE MARIE Ont CF senior Ottawa olficial confirmed Thursday that in dians with Grade education and two days at training are dispensing drugs on several re serves in Northern Ontario Thats two days better than nothing remarked Dr HA directorgeneral oi medical services for the federal health department speaking by telephone from Ottawa He was commenting on statement by Paul St Jacnues former principal at an Indian school who told service club meeting here Wednesday night about the dispensing of drugs by lodians fr St Jacques is not an indie N0 KNOWN HARM Dr Proctor said he has re ceived no reports oi the indian dispensers causing harm to pa tients through the drugs they distributed He said that although the dis pensers are supplied with potent drugsthey are told to checkby telephone orradio with dc partrnent nursenr doctor before giving medicines that might provejatal Mr St Jacques in former school principal at the Kasaboni ks Lake Settlement School 35D miles northeast of Winnipeg said Thursday in an interview Says Hatcheries Iioi he iinswer PETERBIOROUGH iCP Millions of dollars worth of fish have beenraised in hatcherles and dumped into placeswhere they never did anybody any good provincial fisheries ex pertsaidchresday DrC Clarke chief of the fis nd wildlife branch of the Optarodepartment of lands andJDrEsis told about so delw sales to the Ontarioconserys iion Authorities biannual confer ence thathaicheries are not an adswer preserving fish popI lations fHac odes not overcome the effects ofi1oilutionv QI changes in flow and waterls or even ofan unbalanced bar vest oilfiah hasaid blindto the uraquatic habitat untll fay welIliind thahws have no suitable place to put the fish we should raise threeday conference which on patient interview the persons selected les Ssltys and Dave Jones The men are standing beside trailer which serves as the yesterday thatvba has not made second attempt to enter the company property iWe have no intention of going aftertiha box cars he acid Ross Firmanaunlmoffloisl sold the police have triads point of being on the scene whenever there is possibility oi conflict but they are notin terfering Union officials announced to day that on Sunday the wives and children of the strikers in tend to man the picket lines Mr Firman said more than loll women and children willpicket the company on Sunday The union has set up trailer beside the company parking lot it serves as combined coffee shop and union headquarters he wondered what would happen if dispenser through lack of education prescribed drug that had fatal reaction In Sioux Lookout out about 175 miles northwest of the Lake head the zone director of media cal services said the situation may not be ideal huttit is the best we have Dr Sushil Maltickisafd in an to dispense drugs are very competent people the best we have He said 25 dispensers are scattered throughout the area vworkingunder registered nurses The dispensers give first lCreemore Names Four Delegates CRKEMORE Staff Dele gates have been appointed by Creernorc Horticultural Socifiy to attend the district 16 con vention of the Ontario Horticule tural Society at Stayner on Oc ober They will includeM hi McLeod Mrs Creed Mrs ism Emmett and Mrs John IAdams The group has been called to meet this coming hhiday Sept ember 27 at tha Anglican church hall fordiscusslon oi plans Proposal to charter bus for trip it the Vitoyal Wiaher Fair in be discussed Awards will be given winners stdheIsummer flower showheld at Cremra finic Mrs Ehic Blackbinn ls president of the society and the next board meetmg will be held on ctoher Plain Draises Plain Pants £1 Ladies In Mens Suits tidgt Service FresPIeliup HURONIIIt CLEANERS come when management can no inx canine with the We of Police of Essa Town ship were onuvlefedin main coin in awesome paramomnnom mmdmydidaotnemlu Thorouwiioblnsnxwu convictedIoersusinInduax TY 1v FRIDAY supreme runs CrindnalvIivegiigencey Case RemandedInBradiord Court The bdmlnsl negligenes case against the driver of picknp truck Involvedin besd on unions strle headquarters Examiner Ihoio Management has made no statement since the beginning of the strike last Monday morn ing VUnlon president Sydney Owen addressed the United Electrical Radio and Machine workers stewards and oilicerrlsst him Mr Owen onulneditha major issues involved In his unions strike against thaMansfldd Denman General Co Ltd Lloyd Timmins president of locals of the electrical work ers in thanking Mr Owen for his talk said The day must looger nullify negotiated wage increase by simple manipula tion of plants incentive or pieceworlr system aldrsnd issue drugs only on dis rection of the nurses DruMalilclr said no controlled drugs or drugs given by injec tion are in the possession of the dispensers The drugs they ad minister are sulphas penicillin tablets ointments and other an tibiotics Denies Womens Tour Restricted SUFFIELD Altm CF spokgman for the Canadian Armed Forces defence research estoblishment Wednesday da nied that delegation from the Voice of Women was refused permission to visit the centres laboratories Tuesday VOW President Muriel Duck woxtb of Halifax said May herIdelegadon was denied ao em to certain portions of the research facility The report is surprising in the lighLoi what happened here said LtCol Morri son base informatin officer Wednesday He said Mrs Duckworth and three other ladies spentiour hours at the station latCol Morrison said the delegation was invited to visit the laboratories but declined ThsVOW president said the association wanted to know where money for the research is coming from what information isclassiflcd and to what exfen information concerning blologi mortars available to other maximums weapons raous mm crash which resulted in the deaths at five members of Gravenhurst family June to was remanded in Bradford mslIF Irans court yesterday until Oct ltis expected data for ter Kim and Mrs Lillian lake at died at the scene of the crash seven year old son lea died later in Toronto renew Hoapltsi Another passenger in the Bonsliscsr Horace George bite the Bonellss father spent six weeks in Royal Victor in Hospital recovering from in III preliminary hearing willbe set ie at that time 1bercmsnd was coiled when MagEtrate Kennedy was absent from the courtroom Arstsndln magis trsio from Toronto tool his place yesterday Gian MacDonald 35 of Rexl dale collided with car driven by David Bonalla oi Grsvsnhurst on Highway at the ihnroton overpass Mr Boodle his wife fins 42 their 12 year old dsugb in Tova WellingtonBernie Early Queens The Chosen Few Police said the pickjun truck driven by Mr MacDonald was going the wrong wa in the northbound passing lane it was raining when the accident occur red The truck owned by King Paving Comapny was working on construction job south of on accident on police said The driver oitho northbound vehicle tried to avoid the truck and sidoswlpcd Inotbsrcsr lust before the crash they said ToiIGHjr mimosa Continentli IiLb Good Female Vocalist unbornhie Bevelaires Roxy Rosemarys Baby imperial Interlude Hurnnls Drivein Theatre rooms Hondmblmirebtsterfc wm5 cOuilIYSCIIOOI so on 1n OctoberitemSchool nee County School Board System and tbsrole the liotne end School Association canplsy will be the topic of speech to be given by George Waldrum at the Barrie District Home and School Council on Oct Thaehsngo from local to coun ty school thst becomes effective Jl will bring about significant changes in the or ganizational and operating strue turn of the cducstionalsystém in Ontario Home and School associations are now considecIin the chang LOCAL ashram NEW MEMBER the Barrie Planning Board has new member Meal lawyer Bruce iiigelow was officlsliyap pointed Monday by city council and attended his first planriing board meeting WednesdayMr Blgelow replaces IPeter Smith whnresigned earlier this moo AQUARIUM SOCIETY Highlight oi the Barrie Aqustu ium Societys next meeting Oct inlibrsry ball will be an ad drcss by Rev John Van Dyk He will speak on theIuseI live toads to complement aquarium fish and the raising and storage of food cultures There will also be an auctionof fish and sonar iumvsupplfes andthe regular fish exhibt The meeting will ii open to the public MORMONSMEET Approximately 50 delegates will attend specilsl meefiogof the Mormon Church Saturday from 130 to 930 pm Branch presidents and district leaders from Barrie Drilling Stayner Bracebridge snd0wen Sound will discuss the churchs mis sionary program room DAY The Barrie Publichchool Hoard has given permission to the Royslcansdinn Legion to all popplasin Burris schools Provision was also made for speakers for Remembrance ay services theywiilha of their orientation Mr Wsldrums speechisox pocted to answer many of the questions active home and school mensberswant to ask tour of the Barrie and District Annotation for the identity Retarded SuitIre Workshop in Barrie was ar ranged for two businessmen Don Critton of Chrysler Out sac woos inan non lacaucr boardsnd BertConk of liar ris Tanning by United Air peel corporate division obstr nun John Votes LEFT Here with him Mr hitton and Mr Cook moor watch George Jones put finishing touches to ssndlng of piece of driftwood The driftwood will be polished and sold as an ornament to help finance the workshop tExIminer Photo Night School Registration Disappointing To Board Low registration for the Barrie Distrid Collegiate Boards night school program basIforc ed cancellation of three courses and may lead towithdrawal at additional subfecisz Night school principal Ben Dickson reports that classes in water color painting auto body repair and sheetrrnetal work have been Withdrawn because of insufficient interest We hope that interest rises soon or we may have to withdraw some of the really useful and inter esting courses he said The bookkeeng course which can be taken for credit towards acerllficate is held once week rto930in the evening ksnn said the course is Darnk evaia the who teaches the course to Iday scbool students The course in law is also credit course it is given to Grads12 commercialstudents Among the aspects of law cove Minor Hockey cheque foresee waspre sented this week to the Barrie Minor Hockey Association by the Kinsmen Club of Barrie This service club which has many projects lrlthe city including school safety patrollerseoui1v meat made tbbawsrd to as sedation executive member Jlm Scott and you pllyer Shane Pearsail Making the presentation on be halfgof the club was head of the club sports comnuttesVGrahsm Tstterss cred are torts contracts ne gotlable instruments renting and buying and sale of goods Mr DIgmkovals teaches this nurse 0I The draitlng course is given byDonglas Manchester Before taking opa teaching post Mr Manchester was draftsman with General EIEcIrer Mr Dick son says the blueprint reading partoi the course would be ideal for anyone who has plans of ever building house or cottage for themeives Thau course intro duces students to principles of drafting and also gives them some practical experience There is slecture on drafting machines sod thdr various uses Mater Declares IIe Didhtf Use The Term Unheliever enlleros of An Presbyterian Chle says he didnt refer bo unbeliev ersIas arrogant hypocrites at the dedication of the newlyre novatedlclt counoilchsmbers Mdndaymi The Examiner in letter Mr Heron ssldr In fact the statement inade hinged und the following line Tfrom Eliots poem The of an honestact of dedication hassleV The section of the Sept 24 story to bich Mr Heron re ferred said Speaking to the nonbelievers in the audience he Mr Heron said in theeyesmf God and ot this community you are ar rogant hypocrites sndyounffer Perhaps the most interesting course being offered by the board is the onabeing given by Fred Robinson Mr Robinson is an art and visual consultant with the collegiate board The course in art display that he hopes to give wiIil indudeiree hand let tering commercial letteringwilh both brush and pen layout and design pictorial art and ma terial design Mr Dickson said he thought the course would be invaluable for owners of small stores who might want to im prove the nuaity of their ages ispays some of the courses offered by the board were oversubscrlb TREASUR necessary accrued at my office ed the day after announcements appeared in newspapers Coinst es in conversational French snrb specdreading were filled al most immediately The number of classes in sewing were in creased frorn the original two to five total of 100 women arc registered in the sewing course The classes will begin Sean so if there are enough people lnterested Anyone interested in registering for course can ob into more information by calling In at the night school oifics at Central Collegiate on Sept 30 Those wishing to write examin Iatlons for credit are required to pay another $5 PJS SALEOF LAND FOR TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF BARRIE Notice is hereby giventhat by virtue of warrant issued by the Mayor of theCity of Barrie under hishand and the seal of the said Corporation hearing date th 20thday of June 1968 by public auction sale oflandsin arrears of taxes in the City of Barrie will be held at the Council Cham bers City Hall 84CollierI Streetharrie Ontario at the hour 10oeloclr in the forenoon on the 9th day of her 1968 unless the taxes and costs Joumed sale Will be held atihe same timeandplaceone week lateron October gldthplsoa whereat theCorporation oflthe City of Barrie will purchasefany and all parcels of land it the price offered is less than the arrears and costs The list of lands for sale for arrears of lanes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 6th day of July 1968 and copies of the said list may be had Treasurers Office this 20th dayof June 1965 DW Jagger Treasurer nothing to this community AnyoneIwho doesnot agree with thin statementgwho at the same time prepared to sulr ject himself to an act oidedfca titanic lets lay it 1nth an arrogant hwocrite didnot and would not use the term un bellsvcr which Iind ibbbor bs said sts not calling hitoquea tron snyones faith attempting to and rh services suunav seer 29 wssr one saerlsr Ibut rather th Well in ilet yoUrTfIngers gthjroug PAGES the 23

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