in newreport to the building inspector College area which may cosmos are youreli 4h net It but has been has en mi rm going to give you every little detlil Here soul as we had hairrais lng gtms lot ioothall between our luninr end senior teams The juniors took heating the score was It to butleerud may trickrv oi the in It was an exciting game though it ran bit overtime thanks to certain scatterhraio ed time keeper Another game is scheduled in today real one this time re going to slaughter Penetanga teams Friday night there was desire at our iailhiul Malt shop The Georgia Strait flowed on all night and good time was had by all The race is onl Monday morn ing an assembly was held it mam horas Delegqtipns Townshi Council Theresldenls in the Pine Grove district east of 15 Side road calm to council to hear the proposal oi Engineer Alnley about drainage scheme They did not take kindly to the idea oi ditch through the residen tllescs The estimated cost oi the protect was givao as 84 21000 and thelolk with cottages seemed to be the heavicst hit by the sssessvnent or costs Itvins admitted that the water came across their area irom lJWlmp thatth the drainage from western snd northern isrmlsnda as well as gravel pit and had not been problem until the 25 slderoad was regraded The delegation agreed thatthe engineer should check the possibility oi carrying the water alongside the road way to the creek If this was taken care oi than the residen tial areas would not suller evcn in the spring run oil mo tidn asked the engineer to bring DOUBLE HOME it would appear that no provi sions are in the bylaws Joen able timer to build one Lleveldttvo diargllly hoamc incip ate by ou egar gc gbyr lather and ion at Shar have purchased the Jamie son iarm at Thornton which ls Point uld heclcaned up or marked the olilcial beginning oi the head My Ind girl camp The students who were nominated last week were in troduced to the audience Then mysteriously throughout the day posters began to ill every blank spot on every wall and every student began veering slogans and buttons The week at chaos had begun Thar are two candidates or head boy and there are iour running tor head girl What we have in BhCl this week isnt campaign but plan to brain wash every soul in the Ichooll omlse to have their vestigsled E118 AVENUE PROBLEM esidents tram Somers Aven inthe 9th Concession cams council to find out it they ld get culvert replaced feel it is unsaie They as tsined that the owners of the ivisinn did not want the col replaced but preierred ih tralilc be diverted to Tail Lane This suggestion did no meet with the approval oi Ll Sawyer who is in charge oi me construction in the or and others who llvo there it ascertained inst the road is oi the township road sys lem nd must be suitable ior trial The delegation took thel iseussion outside with the road pervisor and apparently went ayhappy BIG POM ROAD ENDS The true oi letter recslvr ed if resident of Big Bay Point thht the road ends leadlno the water around the request use sidents but not or picnick Councillor Gross oi the mer rcsldeuktirat he asked the roads committee make nspectloa as soon as possle sce what is needed togctil derw cheed to give people any ser vice on and do not want linside the limits oi Thornton village Mr Jamiem retained the residence irom the lam and the Selbys wish to build two family home to ï¬t their requirements They have high secretary at the consultative committee and to the reeve and ï¬nally come to council for authority to get their home started so they can move by December They received Bcclamation Said Likely In Vespra MIDHURST Stall Prop pect oi an acclamation tor the Vespra township council for 1999 was considered possibil ity here with no prospective cnnlt didaies yet entering the field Nominations will be held on Monday November 15 and it an election develops it will be held on Monday December The council still loilows one year terms Reeve Wellington Dobson is now ï¬nishing his second year as head of the council with Carl Doran his deputy Reeve Dobson moved up when Walter Forbes rctired after some to years of municipalserme two years gcouncillors George Buie Alan Johnston and Harry Adams have given good co operation to wards holding down taxes and helpingin eliorts to promote pro gresaThe Vesprs council did not oppose Barrles move lor an aeration lor the Georgian Bay the city is to service As in the case oi other local and area boards Vesprs school hoardswili he abandoned at the end oithe year Vesprs is group edelth Oro or its county school trustee election and illenomlnn tion is loabe held on Monday November It probably at Oro tnwnshiphall at the agricultur grunds rainingoi summer BUILDING MATERIAL them disiied he stated when ask to the considers tlon ASK sm CLOSING nlrs ve Bowman oi the sunnyhrse ms and School Association that consider ation be to closing Vic toria Street rough the school playground re there was an accident to oi the chil dren She it told that the school board previously ask ed lor the action but it had been de until the new plan oi the nce of the lots in the sude was compleo ed This silo tor parallel road which take the trai iic and permi closing oi the street throu the school to erect play nd equipment and make the unds usetul to the enlarged population The new Plan passed the planning board is awaiting approval loom provincial auiho aasn EXPER Mr and Mrs rge Parsons took motor Lri Yelloivstone Ohiario use ToOZpen dial that the let essionoi the ï¬lth Ontario open Nov 19 He said the ses will run sbouttivc weeksw possible adjoumnientby De Taxes will certainly play melor role the new session Mr that the provin be old belorc the end at government plans to nanclsl crisis in oarhi expenditures threat crease the Ontario ya 31 most unmanageable man by 1973 masseuse Attend vicesused in making explosives wssfso ierestedin the needs 11 grounds The oclatdon wants turewili Who could help but be allott ed bymulti colored Men nan can For Trustee Voting mau bcldat for Seton Project that means VUlE MOIl VOTE GARY VUIEMARIEI VOTE JOAN NEl KOTE BgIANImOn The day ese peo ve their campaign speeches an on Wednesday well have voted in new head boy and head girl Also on Monday we were number oi students Our numbers were reduced be cause at an all day get tour nament at the Circle Pine goli com The winner was Ted Gibson who survived the gruel ling eighteen holes and produc ed score at 7t understand thats quite an accomplishment Farewell until next week when once again Ill endeavour to tantalize your eardrum with more magical mystical tales irorn ancr Natiohal Park taking with them camper trailer Howeveron edge of the cavern at ghtlell Mrs Parsons decided they would teel batter sleeping in the car This was iortunata as during the night grizzly bore the camper to piece look ing lor iood Hope to see and greet Tour readers there at the Barrie Fair this week VOTE KATHYI whlle contributioato the school the beginning oi another um mica An Isaanihly was bald drains the afternoon to intern the students as in the rules Ind regulations oi the proan also the rewards oi herd work Prizes are awarded to students who sell speciï¬ed number of subscriptions Alec meter prise is presented to the top salesman throughouttho week The school endorses Ibis um pain or several reasons it does notinvoiva doorknock only one magazine in his own home the campaign would be greetisuccess 0i course this does not prevent an energetic student lrom developing his po tentiality as salesman Nor de es oi the person ordering re main intact SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN Our campaign has been sue cesa in the pest and we are hop communlty will to mate it magaxlae or two re order through the school it you in tend smagerlne subscription to heaCbrlatmssdlitorllyWIIe starterpleaae place your order through us it are not approached by nltudent tole phone the school om BeliciaLoni Devices Usedln Making Explosives TORONTO CP mathe matics professor active in anti wsr demonstrations said Thurs day police were looking or do when they searche oi pacllists Chandler Davis olthe Unl Verslly of Toronto and lender oi protests at our aviation lirms in the city last winter said lies were looking for chemic explosives and unused plyunblng arcs Tbes aich whic now has extended to lslocstions fol lowed the Tuesday morning bornbings ol the houses of 13 ex ecutives and lormer executives ol Hawker Siddeley Alicrate No one Was hurt Nobody heard from was lelt with the impression they were still suspect alter the search Mr Davis said But police said the people could be suspect again because ollurther investigation Mr Davis aid that in show that all th loose talk about antiwar pro esters being behind the bombing had not lntlmidatedus into silence he ahd three other protest organi cers issued statement It read Dcputyrlolice Chit Berna Simmonds said some of the homes searched were those oi present or lormer University ol say iiinm 1ttgaitlonharlturned nanny new on VANOOUVER CP Pollce said Thursday two Vancouver executives have received threa tanin letters which are be lieve linkedwith aeerlce oi bombings andvalmilsr lettenln Toronto Tuesday Letters were received by David McGulaness gener manager oi Hawker Siddeleys aircrait msnnlscturlng opera tion here and John Smith 40 Vancouver id oi Canada VFUEL OIL SPECIAL OFFER ileresoae locotlnelnm Noncommwmsammhng tiaeuisolyowhomcmd IoudshitlgtASpï¬ngAii Humdlï¬eronyoortwnawwill pamyllhasedryabnttia gadhtrmgnta town sat headset3514mm beaded nor itooals mmgmidmnhm uncommon asuasaxusdnnar andtear neqniresaoeleetricliy 2Fully5sotornatisnh Tmublefteeopuetiu Get all the details how during this special cites om mmsepcu marked in trip it every student sold ill we tool that we no bugllhl All the public the matulnoscost no man no store is ailected by this All program all bonuses and rcbst body manager og Cyansm lhelvatoa of the Bachel ldJcieore degree The Stewart Page otthSlEp ngemamrtmemed hum see are Doria lathedsugls and Mrs Ashton Are it has com it Hi Homemaking clubs As well the has been in volved in 4K Alï¬cuturnl club wosk and numerous school acilv es Doria plans to enrol in the household science course at Lingual mental atFtha Uni var no ollowia graduation she hopes to write career in social work dept ll was happy day for en hisrglaon the head at the mlthomllica department the members oi our student extend congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs liar son on the arrival oi their dlug tar8uuntamsra log that you the in oi the so again ltyou already take Cookstownf Prepares command aw Madonte Trustee Will Stand Again MOONSNNE Stall Chalr msn oi hledonte area public school board Roy Edwards has announced he will be nomination as trustee or ward on Monday November is Bealdes Medoale the ward in clude Matchth and Oriilin townships and the village at Goldwater Orlllia township will make arrangements lor the meeting since it has the largest public school assessment In the ward and it is anticipated it will be held at Orilils town or iiils townshiproiiicea are locat ed there native oi Vasey lllr Ed wards is well known isrmer in the me he has served l9 years Is school trustee includ ing nine on the Medonts area board He is past president at the Slmcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Association aheylastfl alifetime aesuinuipnténstwmlvou pm the yourwslls and ceilings eeomaletelina Includes InlenedPlywoodsWoodpraln PsoeIeCalIlnaPenelsand Vi ants lode Puttbernall or ndtheyepeltarsage otpanslsjhstdlveyoutnc ghostaualltyexéellentsurlsoe protection awlda choice otgrelns lvsndpettemasndthcylssts llletlmoSecthebesutifulputcne at your building materials dealer esk hlmloralree copy of our colorillustrated brochure Ease ltd at he lights 529 sinks Itdnystil on Holiday Nama erard will elect two same asharrielnd village seven years ngo the community was police village Reeve Moakman was member at the board at trustees and then councillor when in Wilson ivas reeve heiore mvvlt leg up WUNCII BACK llemhcrs ol the council who will be back alongmlth liteve hlonkmau are Councillors Artie ur Kidd John ilnughion litur ray lllcllawcll and Bob Saund ers nlr Saunders is completing his llrst year sitcr replacing Gordon Lemmoa on the counciL The new county school board will have Illmembers with two each elected lrom three wards and one each lrorn to others Separate School supporters will elect the other two Iorsecond my school votlng pinposes The Separate Schools will have their own county board With road and other improve mcnls made in recent years Cookstownhas shown signs oi development and current cr amenmom=1f nturdayn til pm 3BERTRAMBRQSTun ABITIBIPANELPHODUCTSLTDUTQHQNTO pension oi the water works nyl lrmlscrpectcdtnheip ltllll include the new residential area near the who mill conununity which ddtea well back into the pioneer are of thecounty Cookstown he came police village in the and lull village in not At one little Essa township council meetings were held at this community which is located on highway 21 and so and borders Essa lnnislil and churnseth townlt ships Plowmen Drill In East Simcoe EADY Slam Plowmcn in East Simcoc area are practising in preparation tor the coming area competitions which will he held on Saturday October 25 Donald Bell oi Eady pre sident said winners in main competitions in this branch match would qualin to particl pnto In next years provincial match The coming area match will be held at the farm at Don and John Turner The East Simcoc match comes altar the toss Ontario Plowmens Association match in Welling tan County near Guelph on Oct ober 16 to 19 MONTREAL 7261466 1250254£