weariisa dearth liaicr today Ind sunny Saturday hailht with bin tomorrow at St For cornpleis details see page sxaniIusa retsruoucsh mm Immunisation mus Alphegbewouu new icon You an 225 PRESSiSECRIZTARY Paul Chouioard tells how he iound Quebec Premier Daniel John US Nam To United Nations WASHINGTON AP Prc dent Johnson has named Wash iugLon PosteditorIi Wig gins strong supporter oi his Vietnam policies to ill in as US ambassador to the United Nations in the waning weeks at his administrotion Wiggins replaces veteran di plomat George Bali who quit Thursday to ioin the campaign team at VicePresident Hubert liuHumphrey iiallhaned out aitcr only ï¬ve months at the UN Wiggins lis chpeetcd to serve only the four months until new president Ichooses his own envoy next Jan Iuary Wiggins or who rose from job on country weekly in Minnesota to guide The Wash ington Post as managing editor and editor the last two decades is largely an unitaowanuantity in world attairs without pre vious experience in foreign di Tiny VTransplaniyPatient Ids Doing Well MONTREAL CF The new heart of Canadas iourth heart transplant recipient 51yearold Edouard Desriyieres was healing beautifully after it began its iunctions Thursday night at the Montreaijiieart In up smote Chief surgeon in charge of the transplant Dr Pierre Grondin said at news conferenceoi lowing the operation that the Quebec City natives new heart took over the load of circula tion beautiiuliy at 900 Mr Desrivieres an gr can and father oi threeeinrishad QUEBEC Prerhier Daniel Johnsons last day was arugged Illhours long but his private secretary says he went to bed one of ï¬le happiest guys in the world He rose at so am Wednes day in the so be occupied aL the Chateau Frontenac Hotel had breakfast read the newspat pers and had his hair trimmed ior his televised Inews confer encc at it At the CBC television studios Iin suburban SL Fay where the news eonterence was held Mr Johnson was greeted by more than soo striking employees of the Quebec Liquor Board Protetted by lemon pr cial police contingent including his husky personal bodyguard he strolled throughthe pressing crowd ol demonstrators to enter the building Dont believe those sip that he war hit by the strikers his bodyguard said Nobody got hand on him He strolled to tho studio at exactly it an avrareltreat tori reporters accustomed to eing the premier 30 andmorémimw uteslote tor scheduled enter niques usedI in the operation Quebecer their language rights mete stnn dead in his lted Thurs day moiniag The Premier was at the htaaicougon Dam és EditIOr NOT ousceaa Naw YORK AP me me IGottiricd the Brooklyn weater girl who caused Wall treat bulls and hears turn wait or day last week ot making the scene or sever days her employerhas an ounced spokesmanvior Che cal pidmacy But Johnson praised his judgment his understanding and his human compassion Wiggins was described by his newspaper today as staunch supporter oi the administra lions position on the Vietnam war lie retired as editorIand executive vicepresident immelt diater upon accepting the UN appointment Johnsonl stressed that 3311 was esi ning beIcause IIoi domestic politics notbecause ot anbereak over toreign policy Bail told state department news conterence the next presi dent must have settled princi ples and clear vision He said Humphrey is such manhnd ii Republican nominee Richard Nixon is not The veteran editor had been due to retire from The Washing ton Post onhis 65th birthday in December In Montreal been totally incapacitated1he teroreceiving the heart at 19 yearoid Jacques Boudrean oi CapdelaMadeleine Que The young high school student was the inctim of motorcycle accident in TroisR es Que early Saturday morning and died or severe brain damage dust minutesvbetore the trans plant operation began at about 645 pm Dr Groodin said the tech were no diiierent tromrthe other three heart transplants he has performed atithevinstitute lie was bearorn he looked tit and tanned after his holiday in Bermuda where beï¬Ispcnt the final weeksoi week con vaiescence iollowin heart attack July eally pleasanttd be back horn back workJI he ngiIish en added in iI Imust tell you that after such an xperience you become more human For the next hour II excellent iormnr deten governments relations with France criticldng Ottawa and as in Englishspeaking uld it was great personal cesstor him said Paul Choun nard the three to pose ogethc Mr INTERVIEWS NEXT The hourlong news scooteri ence wasIiollIowedI by another hour of Interviews with red and television stations he boarded as symbolib oijunity DCxtior gan scene power project sight in northern Quebec stor EI nank New York imst where FrancineoizsaIis an iBM machine operator aaidtha Imyearoid cation scene as she walked thro mons turns to the lirst supply today after vadjourning Thurs met only briefly to allow party spokesmen to extendtributes to Mr Johnson whoSe death was hero interim supply measures need Trudeau told sombre Com inons that Mr Johnsonadeath bosom Habits tai He rode over the darn in the pilots cabin to get ter view who had worked with Mr John son throughout his term ras Union Nationaie leader micr was very veryxjolly was one at the happiest guyartn the world ieclds known soon vjoking with political toesformarpremier Jean Lesage and Separatist LeaderIBene Lev que al tomes in Gusher bysaytns the symbolic opening or thaI dam CPNirepboto ll is on shortyls mob ugh the modal districtIciad in tight eliow sweater and red airirt mews can Ths Com ebate attire new Parliament ay as tribute tothe late this ec premier Daniel Johnston Both the Commons and Senate nnouncedoaiy tow hours ears Today the cumming donates to allow the goycrnment to ayits hills Thursday PrIime Minister on site betI He was relaxed during the expansion oi the economy in April May and June pushed Canadas total output at and services toIan annual ran at WAWNOW over the lustquartervrate the Dominion Bureau Statistics reported Thurman wasIup to per cent tromlthe second half at 196 and 69 per an SWEATER GIRL gm quarter about one goods Gauiie may Monday of Quebec Premier Danieliohusonï¬or it he does not go hiImseli Pre er The possibility Igoing to the funeralInas said to and Iprovmce achievements ndIheautyot his cultur lira Cart orrowatca speed This was again in thegross ationai product at per cent in other perspectives the rote higher than theGNP of 000000 tor the whole thegainiirom they on centIre prices at ected changesin racism President de tiend the inneral do Gauiie 5050 Canadian knew their country wetgoing through oi Icrucial pride in the its language courjt irpianeIride said Paul Gros Aiiion close personaltlriend Mr Chouinard said the pre He was pleased with the rcss conterence he said fiie At Manic thepowerpro Mr iohnson was nuple of old When photographer asked Ailongsaid Rene Loves dnit appear too enthuv We must the nited memomv oral tori Wauace denied anyrmnec presidentiaijeandidatc and curvaceous bionde has appeared th hiseam lgn monotonous or to lighten the doide gloom nitauabecauseoi Czeollosloialnia and the idle East gradual be pi atlon Vietnam war the T15 cost in reduced the gain in real terms to as per cent still well above the average quarter ooowm mime During the first quarte GNP increased three percent from the last three montlu ol 1961 and the reaigain was two per cent Roman Catholic Bog Down wriiureao or Roman Catholic bishops decided the Thursday to nstahlish perma 01 heat deacons but boggeddown trying to formulate statement or on the Popesveneyeiical that in sion which ciudcs edict on birth control Til decislon to establish an hasis the diuconat in Canada whieh has to be In proved by thePope waszmade to sow vote at the Canadian annual Imeeting oi bishops ro blah encyclica éd The statement the ace otxadversiues both political and personal caimne and moderation do oc LeasionsIwheni lesser man IIIII devotion toIhrs fam Trudeau and opposition Leader Staniieidv madetheir statement Mr Stanï¬eld sarchr IJoth son was dedicated to Canada and to Quebec Hailed devoted his ieito uildurg acfllflitry in who couidiachieve the as ti to Margaret Rideout edions was announc spokesman tor George link between theithird party willinggto marryhim no talks to try has descended on ISIIII ed youli jaIsthaveto stand it gagemcnts oiIi asof now scarssharply members oi the Bishops 011 Biriiiv0nirol but the bishops tailed toteach required ltwothirds mhioIritlt agreement on Itext Dratt stat has been meeting al most rhundthcclock siiicethe conference opened MondayThe hish have accepted the encyciical Iudm that they will notIproducca Catholic Conierence the send ops havc warned that they ing document Nawnltat we re sugar unier Oh incidentally ass LinderHI ICiIty News2 crewman1314 comicsa DPPhHlz nistzicto EditoriaH Sports10 Theatre8 TVjJstingss weather4 ior insZZytar areer simply wont stord Chur stats 4at The burial teraoon at St Pie de Bagot smaiizIoonununity 40 miles iromI on Ms Than We Senior Union Nationale Me fliers ouaaac tCP With Pre mier Daniel Johnsons body ly ing in state amid the doWdy doe orations oi colonial post stuIn ned politicians teddy searched in their mourning or or Quebec leader who cohld make imigbty rcicrms tor brighter Iuture with the leader suddenly dead at theage oi 51 theIscnior hold caucus meeting next Wednesdayzio discuss choice oi successor to Quebecs 20th premic The problem at succession is clearly much on the minds UniouNotiooaie men as they prepare state tuneral Monday the man who led the party out ottheI darkest oif political pans JunJohnson dicii in his sleep Thursday morning in smali chalctona mountain at hianicouagan scene oi north em Quebe ower protect that symbolized the pride ci people doing his tings Cause at death heart attack Results of an autopsy wereto be announcedtoday MIL Johnsonsbody williie in state not lapparent scinth heoileo called the shop where he rose to the eight ovinclai power neatalealuiiet wiliv at the has ca ancient cathed Cardinaiitoy archbishop oi Quebec and match the Roman Catholic in Canada presiding Puhiicmcnirom across canada and perhaps elsewhere are to attend Thé body toMontrea rovincialI justice building until Tuesday The doors will be openthroughout the ghtat the requestotthe premierswiie Reine be ntesday Montreai The next day Quebec City the caucus at Union National MLAs will meet along members the liegislative councfltbe upper house to ap oint successor who would then form new government death of Mr Johnso third Union Nationaie leader to die in oiiic in nine years ielt nion Nationals party decided Thursday nightito Ph ation No one in dtsUniori iionaie wouidIsay that at automatic Am the menwho dould Quebccs aoxt premier Jeandacques Bertrand yearold lawyer who lost toIhirI Johnson inateer leadership vention Mr Eermd insttcn 51 softer 0n Vietnam WASHINGTON Reuters VicePresident Jiumphreys camp resident trailinglabadlyhniy etore eiectin can trustrathdhit idespread conviction ea shackled by noli of President Johnso the party