to not cn inth MM rueucronemvowen AI contradicting his own akteladm$udeeuhb1s mulledto poop nr on acclaimInching pro wanna mweeve thelr inter we Irteulupbenornenou in Can lMPERIA mo and Ameres TOIBMCREASE use shim MS CANADA beer envy responsibility lrr Homotlog healthy involvement and or discouraging unheeidty elleneti We dis urge that et the Pub our activ qurie United Appeal heeeid the Liberal perlimes terleus would test tree to dis con political and perilneotery topics lrInkiy Ind to express their own opinions honestty Tetl secrecy ir deplored on many democr cythe bubtlchlve tberlght to be told the facts Ind thus to be ebie to discussAnd term him about the great lieues it is argued here with good reason that the public House of Darn nions not the secretvclucus die piIoe where blle imam Ind dillerence frankly Indopen rinlinz down curtain hi secre cy ound the diltereom within the government end its party shouldbe ired th eon cabinet it end the Liberal caucus bott tived in goldï¬sh bowl with their deliberation constantly revealed to all Judy Lettershe quick tongue lound Ipt eomment that they etedrlilrel 116 But many of on leeks werelh esult oi the contradicting situation in which covers nice we oom polled to play simultaneonlly two inconvedhie roles ruin tsters in cabinet pi god to so lidlrity and as undi lies reek ing to be eliecmedhlgiter th rivelrlortheielderehlpet Dirty Yet those leeks did not handicap the worldngs at government they rnereiy em homered it by admin its er nROUND THsWoRLD By PHILIP DEANE rerun noun Analygt ls eRussian attack on West Germany likely llelore answering this question there are some othersthet should be posed Could we repel Rue siloattack onWest Germany locally without uslng nuclear weaponrtTbeIoinver is no It cordiugth most experts includ ing American one Are we pre pared to changethinn so we would be able to repel Russinn ntteckon Germany without using nuclear weapons many or my country The alternative to other European equip the West Germlos with nuclear weapons ll theseywelpons were Potsd moble tn submarinesgtor in at Russie would think twiceehout attacking West Gen many The troublewith such solution is hot Russia its trusts the Germans so less tbem thIt at the tlrstcign ol their obtaining nuc wean might claim gnln sh righl underthe itles here by projecting throughout this land an image ot parliament were of its lesponsthiuties Thoreau not the words of govcrnment leader who wish Lto leep the people in the dark or to his politicles IndplensIn deed it could beerzued that he eserves greater publicity then her been given to someday otlv policies ot which only tbe1dze was exposed in the Throne Speech and lnhll own recent stetemects it would heerten ov erburdenedtupeyers tor in June to know more olhisln tention to curb the built swelling oi government expendi ture on some existing programs pushed So for the Russians We stayed on their side of the line wherevara they recogn that there is line and they lieve there is such line in rope drawn at the Yoita and am agreemeo The sinus have indicate more th once that id Welcome an arrangement withthe Ameri can detlnlng zooasol influence outside Ehrrope as well The Europeans have netcr liked living undcr the regime ol Americaoieod Russian zones of flueuce gBut since they are not learntmiloliidil om ONirmisseln The answer again looms lobe no NATO governments Ire bent on reducingrnther prepared to finance the co none alternative oi arm to lend themselves rioan their nex lcst disengagement charter to lnierveneilud nugo walk into West Germany would then be uptoth Comm unï¬tPï¬ï¬‚99i thnsiasm the part Sand other fomsndf colitn lions increased shar dissipated The obecti and passed Another year has rolled around and the same enthusiasm andeffort will be Cooke wiliitair the combinedeiforts of citizens general ly to put the drive over the top The objective is $98873 almost 33000 more than the amount sought in So how cen tierme lendedl0ne way is alree in operation the 115 threatens Thus we cannot get away can inspection ol agcncra nuclear world war it Russian irom reliance on 118 deter troops invade West Germany reoce De Gaulle does not be SomeDe Gentleemong them have in it Do the illusions was reached disarmament plan or the gran Under such an arrange ment the Czechs might get the 1967 campaign The total is based on the minimum needs of the 11 partic ipating agencies It it is not achieved then there willbe guibacks in agency programs with consequent privahon to those whowouid benefit The United Appeal as the name indi cates is onceayear campaign to raise funds for 11 groups to avoid the necessi ty of individual drives Up to 1960 ag encies appealed individually In that year combined appeal was organized and it proved highly successful Two years ago campaign lell short ofits objective and officials felt con cerned about ï¬uture drives However in 1967a majoretlort was made Through concentrated publicity cam paign the people of Barriewsre made aware of the great needior United Appeal and of the consequences of fail ure One oithc features of this campaign was the work of high school students Bringingtheir youthful enthusiasm into play they organized everything from plays to car washes to bringin much needed dollars They were successful far bey nd expectations and they did much to spark greateï¬effort and so variance in own Barrie Northern Advance Sept 24 1908 Mayor John Bennett informed that Gra Trunk would beginconstruc tion newrail shopsjn Aliandalp next week Barrie pécial fineetm Ave school OWN MEMORY LANE Victor Ross returned to spending several months goodjsinging and den 11 required to reach the objective Mr Cooke stresses the theme Partners in Community Servic involving the student thcprofcssionai person the housewife the ndustrial worker and the businessman Noronelwho us 11an can al ford to stand on tvhesidelines and let his neighbor carry the financial load This is community eflort and this means that everyone who can afford to giveshonld maké contribution The11 participating agencies are wor thyof full support Their budgets have beenscrutinizedcarefully by the Appeal board to trim unnécessaryitcms and to co the amount ofthe obje the vitalï¬necessities The agencies participating YMCAVictorlan Order of Nurses Scouts Rehabilitation Foundationytor The Disabled Barrie and District Assoc iation for MentaliyRetarded Canadian Mental Health Association St JohnAnr bnlance BrigadeMultiple Sclerosis So ciety Red Cross and Canadian Arth ritis andRheumatism Society Give as generously as you can to assure vital ï¬nanciatsupport to thes most worthy organizations for 1969 Rapidsiput into operation Thirddarn there it is biggest and cost $70000 Capt FSrssons young lawyer drowncd at Fort Frances pile was born in Barrie eldest son ofrJonathau Sissons Dreamland Theatre the oi iginai on main street west of Maple Boy soy the US threat to Russia is not believeb that no Amerlv can president slr nuclear Thc uni is that they have anywhere to test the to which America can be Sir hobbit Bordens Eiééhonjiiccalied to non OWMAN When Pierre Elliot Trudeeu was electedleeder than the wiodup oi col convmtlon Ottawe hadot seen anything like it since Sir Robert harden defeated Sin Wilindr Laurier in the reciprocity elec tion of ion few months belore the elec on jConservetive victory seemedto be impossible Sir Robert Borden was so dis aged that he wentedJoresrgn as leader oi the party butwu pcrsuadldflp stay on LIuriers can in mm WWW strong card was reciprocal trade depizwlth Itheimtrixomhm 16 Bayticid Street Barrie Outer Authorized as no eiau mailby the Post Office De Avenue offered hourshows for 10¢ adults 5c children movies sweet music thatchallcs Hewso omted junior judgepf on retirem nt Judge Delightf nglish ta Tyranny of Tears at Grand on se Oct Toiugh GaltvKiltie Ba w1 gé comedy lThe gt 326 Ontario 51200 ye motor on no ye lltoAcadlans took oath ol the en Press and Audi tltnrei it use ex clueively entitled to theme lonrepublloetion ol all new dispatches inathirpapercred lied to it or The Associated Press Enters and also the locIl wspubltehed therein gtliongh Laurier would sweep the or Borden end the Conserva lorue so that they would its thing that many Canadians had wanted lor years It lookedna country again and he had been rime minister since 1396 Suddenly tho trend changed Some leading American politi cians and newsnnpere begao pr edictin that reciprocity would lead to Canada being an nexed by the us Champ Clark the Snéaker of the House of Representatives raid We are preparing to annex Canada That wu enough ammunition tiVee They were supported by the PR endother1powerlul trade to move between east and west not northvand south Some leading Liberals refused to sup port their own party one of them was sir Ciiliord Slrton who owned theAWinuipeg Free Press yet the Free Presscon tinuulto support Laurler Ind the reciprocal trade enl dad that was not emulated until Tru deaus victory thisyearsnordan rode through the ehedtsot om we on open srriege leadingflonserv iv theorem lie erved rinse Ministe until ol silegienceto Britain with provii not have to light against France 17 Ship Tilbury EV fl pg grown more in the last Zoiyears tth in therpreviousm better crack at freedoms Even this however is not guaranteed to work at this present stage boa cause the goon mentally is ad ncing towards real power on both sides Wallace onone side his Russian counterpart on other siuoaoaows The worlds smogbelts have aRANoso AEPROX90 Les BABYfBEEF Idnitard at an ant 1b MGordonISntoeyBlackmeriMauiccEvans Wï¬mmiiemmhksawwhi new and calm Eeiiarrl WWZHMM iuvnn os AT Mitt Roar barbecue includes nibclout Blade Steaks Sliced room