10 vonxsnncor Mp enters sarcomas liberal rally at Newmar ket Sunday attracted lam turnout Seated ilait to right are lnnisï¬i Reeve Joe Coeh on tienry oi Barrie Standinl to by Jim Henry RUGBY ay ants aonnsroiv hirs Allan Johnson had tall at her home and broke lag Sympathy is extended to El wood Johnstone and family in the passing of loving wife and mother Mrs Elwood Johnstone atsn to Mrs William Robertson sister and Allan Show brother and their iandlles Mr and hits William Hair son Toronto visited Mr and hits Wilfred and Eernai John ston on the weekend snotvnrt LEADER The Rugby West ili Home making elub girls and their lead ers Mrs Calherina Lanzman and Miss Pat McLaughlin held and titefyllestWayij to lintl one is to tludy the real restate sectioninlllieiExominerfs T5 clttslisiiieltlmlpoges Noniotter whot yourtnstoin houses or thepriee rouge youituve in mind regular rec ï¬g of lit listings inrhe ReolEstote section olfthociosai ad page wall giveyoufmony good vleods ond speed you too rane Mrs Cochrano York Simeoo Johnvitoharta and Mrs Martha Henry and Gord thelr ï¬rst meeting oifieers elect cd are Pres Pam Jermay Vice Shirley hlaihews secy AnnShaw This course is on Needlecratt After the meeting the girls hold surprise shower in honor at Miss McLaughlin who is to he married Oct in Ortlila The bride toba received many gills The girls served lunch PLAN TRIP Womens institute met at the home oi Mrs ltay Shaw with good lurnnutot members guests and visitors There will be bus trip through Algonquin Park Oct it Anyone in the com munity wishing to go please con tact liira Ed Johnson or Mrs Eternal Johnston by Friday Oct Mrs Tyson Langman was ap voloted to attend iilmboard oppyeonelusion to your score are Mr and am William Gethon oi Thornton and Charles tleoryoi Barrie Phoi meetinz at the public library Orlllia Sept 25 Area conven tion is to be held Oct lSand is at Cnldwoter Anyone wishing to so contact Mrs Albert An derson or Mrs Berna Johnston The next meeting at Rugby WI will be held Thursday evening Oct 11 Please note change oi date Mrs Donald humanArea president nave resume of the work oi the area uprto date which was interesting Mra Gil Lloyd ot Argyle gave demon stration on working with leather making flowers coastets and belts and doing laeing Mrs Lloyd was thanked by Mrs Jim Langmnn The hostess and her helpers served lunch my EXAMINER om ma PHONE noun reported road promu baabeen made in thwarranzemaola red an outsiandlnl tr irantlclaat ed Hulda winneraJrom other ialra numerous new exttlhilt are expected ho llflc pander are planted aa iealures and early enth islasm Indicates Lmeh interest Same 1100 achoo children tram Plus nd Etmvala schools will omen in largo Mandi parade on open in day Friday Get it ECOND PARADE Tho second parade exnecled to rurpau last years auccessiul centennial parade will he lzed through Etmvale streets wind up at the fair grounds on Saturday to begin the second daya program llamliton Sh era Drlental Band anl Toronto Rameses Honda Motor Corns will be participating along with floats denlciing the theme Fromenide of Color Prizes will be awarded torthethreo best Following the parade suiky Bradlord Liana will com latest years oi umbrh town it waun this date in that tho club received ltscharler starting with aamomhera Fir president vyu the late John Ratherturd yrhlla Stewart Mc Kenale local nawapaper out llaher was the mood president Alma othmwera Oscar Lakes Leo tiarrison Cbarler Evana Harry Barrens Roy Cousins Arthur Fell Donald Wade Nor man Collings Malcolm ioblaa Arthur Knaeshaw Arthur Evans MPP Cleve Tapp Glenn Boyd lien Wood Thomas Garv dner Gilbert Blackwell Joseph Wood William Conipton George Carson Mayor Joseph Maganl Len Hare and lianlr Swagerman Mr Swazerman is the present hood of the club which has been ireoucntly commended for its social service and community activities through the years SouthZSimcoe Winners noun or clan natal taaoomtu Slmcoa olnalurnalehoo ednoad Oct main liy to participamthe mvln oo dance for tunaura will be baldatihe Blmvala Continuity Contra do hide taint and an open dance for all ates II the areas on llafurtday aim By hills ALLEN New Ftoa Ht zirla met at the home at their leader Mrs Sam Allen tor their second meeting They started with baaicatitches and most had brought mater ial Janet vicepresident was in the chair intha absence oi the president The third meeting was at Cathy McGllla Sept Sympathy goes to the family of Mrs Newmanpa former resi will cial matches at tha Ontario Flom near Goalphttct in site tor mammuch Ill be atï¬derPdellmed liv ed Eton olrur Inieultaral ml and iood It I99 elaiceremooy in Guelpr Miss Both stanull Ontario dairy prin can also will ttood Aa at fontfit lat yea ed city will py no acres dent oi this community who died Sept it birr Bob Muir and grand daughter at Richmond Hill and Mrs CiareFarney called on their coudn SAL Anderson Saturday Mr anl Mrs Barnes are holidayinl in Preston with their families Mr and Mrs lilrry Hannah Jim and Ada oi Eadiaros were Sthnday visitors with Mrs Sam BAyER nsocrauraar cantata For rollt tram hey liver and sold symptoms to so CEPACOi 20 iIBAYEliTASPllilii 211 author lot Printaiiavey tablets or CLEARASI Vonlahlng Formulo loziube Suulistll9 Family Sin Sag litt 125 POLIDENT not it Nu Lotioniioligonileodoyrgntis Sage lull Soother upset atomaeh or lFaatlniu llfllll lialr Selling Gal so on 125 mmnn lFinncontroltlOoz nu GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD DEODGRANT solutin CONFIDETS ll So lit 55 Sun llrt zrarotc 173 JENO wFlllllT SALT alums outta aunts 669 We WV 797 ll mun Saw ti list on row suave CREAM hunter Sm °Mlw as MAcLEAts roar erratum Sun list 95 Toot A1 LSEY or in ilat int35 dual elude exhibits tioa match In the farm oi Jack cinema ua bla neighbors ctr mlIaa north of Nahumum ltwltilng b7 farm attachin ery mauutactumo and mprtlara tot rooda andlurvleu In arm It miniature Ilrehoar celled uled tor Oct it and il in arm klo nuamodill airplane tlt ropreu thmlb oot Ontario Oiflclallwlli view the plowln mud aila lollowinl the advance meeting which opens ms in the Memorial Gudeoa neat to the city hall at Guelph President oi the East Slmcoa Plowmens Association Donald Belt or Eadysaldbe believed blsorganizatioc would be re resented at the international hope to get there myaali but 313 be participant he nat AREA GREW With the addition Hawaii and Alaska theland area oi the Itoer um um ornate Fast relief from symptoms of hay fever colds and allergies lDs Sun lirt 109 United States grew to 5615211 squaramiiea 109 lOZENGES 93¢ an