roygobnnlslm To unstable Person JOSEPH INNER I0 Dear Dr Molar My wife haabeeuinthethroesoianerv WI hreakdm for some years Although the is not an alcoholic she does drink socially feel this drinking has harmful af feet and Is deisylal hsrrem cry but she will not stall is drinkinx harmful to people like my validLC ill answer your question but let me say couple thin ï¬rst Nervous breakdown can have various meaninuz an emollunll disturbance inihliiiy to cope with ordinary daily pressures depressive state even mental Illness in the aenu of psychosis it also is not easy toddlne an alcoholic Socialdrinkers ca yet pretty smashed at times Further many social drink ers really drink quite heavily hut disguise the amount they consume Many an actual or hordcriinc alcoholic refuses to admit that drinking problem exists Yet when person he oomu dependent on alcohol whether he drinks lot or not so much he is still an alcoholic in the true sense ofiha word Finally great deal of thl time neryous hreakdowu the consequfnce ofeome unre solved prob em or annety Too mat dads alonhd as escape from VIII5 problem is Wheo person resorts to that type of escape it ta doubtim natural min for him or her elitist that the drink is harmless It nukes life by mutually 77 lt Andyat the unwarylam fun that suchrlnkllusoelsl or otherwiseaffords is Nolthdeaier EastWelt adorable ataot temptation to increase amount React my answer has who that think drinking is barium for people like your wife also think lhotllh that can offer thouxht with more validity than merely my mum ion Since your wife is still en lud in her nonws break down of whatever typeit mu no1 assume that she is also re ceivinl professional care She timid he so ï¬ts best answer would he to discuss hervdrinkinr habits with the physician or psychia txisl who is iookinl alter herp Dear Dr Molnar can peooia let ptnwornls tronl dogs Our dogs have heen wormed lilra Dosa and nude not halhor plnworms Of course net might accidentally pick up pin wnrm eggs on his feet and truck in pulmo flldk bloodvvemis in the estrogen level is thouthl to have hearing We cannot say that either siltinl or tight or dies can he mponslhie 73C0ltlnllCrfllnlotls By JAY suns earn QAIN exquosc $93 IP01 estrus VQIM um flteblddlnl Neath hat swath Weat rua raula Pu 01 bole to Ps gt Openinz ieadthna of dia islands The great majority of the hull lpm aecxen aimed off at four spadesWest The pass was shockinx to me since West obviously had the value to bid fila diamondsI which East probably would have lnlde Furthermore West compound ed the felony when he led dis mood Deciarer took the ace drew trumps guessed the loca tion of the jack of hearts and wound up with if tricks for store 0150 points Hadlwm chosen to lead tha ace and another heartfar from an impossible lead on the bid dlngSoutir would hava gone down one alter nlff by East club return and another ruff by East Al the other table Venezuela completed thavrout by scoring game with the EastWest cards The bidding went JULIET JONES some ransomloan DONALD DUCK MAM NEED BOY ro Mow THAN ENOUélt DOWN HERLJIIKE drrds of hands watched at the North East Olympiad featured high stan dard of bidding and play but there were of course some hands that were not exactly models of excellence For example witnessed this deal in tha Vennuels Israel match won by Venezuela ll to At the time it struclr rna as an exercise in futility The bidding in particular seemed odd tomel was sealed dlectly hehind the lsraeli West could sea no other hands but also often person with that type of them into the househut that TELEVISION PROGRAMS analmm MRI aumtlo amino TORONTO ii HAMILION aouulwut Pun 44 so Dhia Deciorar found the right way to play the clubs and Venezuela gained 1100 points on the deal SECRET AGENT X9 Disquaiiiy team For Life litter Referee Kicked ANWAJTS LUCKY YOU PUTA PRINTED RETURNADDRESS LABEL ON THIS ENVELOPE NWODYATTHE THANKSMROTISHJTSA POSTOFFME LETTER WROTE MA ltOULD READ CORRESPONDENtE runner all EVENING seuantln Durslns Tales DIM IPhylils ntuu llvanr Altcs and 400 sllm Griffin 113 Cllflle 7House FIW Live Lurv iiSuoer Heroes no ilDaxtarl iiOutllder llvaslao Kawn Hm eGllltunn Island 7Datlna Gara lhlovle nittar Sorinls llllv ravarita emth or cons uen zTn saom soo sA citys story ol=ury llama 7Lfnus 7l Lov Lucv liltan mm UNCLE liBuchsw Hollow 331 zWhats My Lina snoaln flood 7r any ilFifntstonss s=sx ilewl Wrathsr Snort am 4News Weather elrovl Sports Dill ll IJiawltchad Mulder sme sGomer aLanw ddld saol iiJudd am Zluiia or manti WEDNESDAY an es momma awn mume ssn 1M0 zwtmlow 0n na wma au Allan ssumar semester ILuciile llGet Balm ass 7lVlndnw Du The World zToday spotter Home Call llMnment mes zNem lsJa 7rllm Maul IM 7Caotaln Ksnaarno Iflnlvarlltv 01 Th llrooeyl an oNewu weather Snafu sss 7nlaunl ral Dollars 2vanrce Conn 4cnntact 1Vacaflon Theater mama noun 1Pay Cards zPay Cars Htrlm Svuel Misses slleta llllawaeye sss gleam lluo xlsnl 122W enpardy oNwa ewamena znn 2nomra 7Guiidfnl Lint 7D lan Game rrys Probe 14 Doll ilNI Sport 21 th er or uTIIE ID 74kt Storm 7Genlral Olvilli 1calamari in coantrt zYou Dont Say llEdse Melt vCnmmander Tom IDoctor nl utrml I190 ZMervGrtifin nanc cunt 1star rmy 91 Love llï¬suaer Heroes some liiron do mm dflrnth or lldnvle PHI 1Nws Waatner 50 Sport erllnmnnu liuttkst Hang llllostsa rawn Hillillna visilnd 7natinl cam Illlovfe rile Green Man 11 Wt igï¬xeiltlnroa at stuck ï¬gééï¬nl tmmwn Junk aisle It all ova lady for Hulls lmnaulblg wlm llv Lan tnxitulé Breftnun Wkfl momentaLin Wsslhu 41 natsua ll ttlelelnha 13 Hm Pyle UIC Ilfod auas llCFL Canadian Football uaa oJtaa skeltna anawluaes no Hnap luamant aCartoon Playhous 1nnaloyaaent Fits Honccnlrlllon llmendlv Giant 7lsvlfly illilhullu 1th Catrte $Unaia lobby llLer rsiil About it 15 ii uclus nann sr ersonaiitv 1101 brunt Sidovil HIM 15 an 11ns an Tinsa $5 liPlck of Week 0M Mums 7D Bk Vln 17le spenders llllfm Noon 1155 llNawl Strum lNewl 7anl of Li TBlwflcltld 1131912 Ame wsonsnar ears mvarunn iliilfntstoaea 15 ports 14 gltaws el 21noth eaewltcltea liPiun Isltun illtonflmoaars Consadulncrl lBoh nope comm enam nu in illNews Muslin 1caa hurts Hl venl liMdnl Griffin Million Itself VIII lm INan ulnar SpoHI llNawa Weather loom 11 itPfrra Ilrlon lIJO 7ï¬nhilllÂ¥h Canals H40 on svils Human nits acnaeanau arrm mos llIrat Lina liflldnvir Tigris an ton or nus llsmliant lane Will is vNewa 1110 47st Dnlllill llsaana inmorrow Tmllllh hid IHlntnones llaun Bunny flma nail of mu ME in as on lab lava Menuhin 4K Tn ElliBI 7ianml Honitat 7Dlufn Kalil ou Tkï¬kktn DIV Canny emana rm 11 world He flamninl 155 1Chlldflnl Doctor Weather szle 1D snf our Lives is Many Sniendored Thins 7Newlywea llama 25 liNen waataer swrta World ltatovla drum summer Anon nova llcraattva ram ma we an Ioutsfdar Honathon wtatm 14m lfMeh Gama mar Junction nHiwlr laa Talk Nilht VJohnny Carson flow alas uwla Klan lion lnALaw mu Ham lsuon rho Foothill lHotL lluavla coldd not fathom what he was doins The Venezuelan South opened third hand with spade and alter west passed North res ded three clubs This was ex pinlned by South as showing the valuesfor raise to four spades also identifying asingieton uh an the way to game East hid three diamonds and South fishing for slam hid three hearts whichrwaa very doubtful strat egy and then after North had cllebid diamonds and South had Wést doubletl OFFIE HURS ELB ENE Australia Reuters An entire soccer team today was disqualified for life at Shepparton loo miles north of here after wild same list week in which the referee was punched and kicked Referee Harold Thorn of the Melbourne suhurh of Reservoir saidvha was knocked in the ground by members of the Macedonia team in game gainst Shepparton City The players after he awarded free kick aglaiinst Macedonia the referee NOW you tell me that the extra money in my pay envelope was mistake instead of bonus ABIUHI LCaIusi ahou 13th 1M ucntto 10Am oilsn My ls Datet as Hois mom 15 And Pronoun Sea eagles DillLY cnbsswono ll Help 11 Wager 18 Scum on ml as 23Kitcllen utensli 24Gnavei 25Mem her famous diamond trio 260w nlek neina 273w bl prey yea rv sa sowlap 33Ceiehea ox atBrenk Business ahhu viatinlr 2TEalrlma knlfa 39Fiunrine Illl attacked him GRANDMA $55 924 SPEEDY weakLess WNEES DONT TAKE CHANCES RECKLESS Mm DRIVER ND slat racy am SAFE CARS AT ATKINSON PollllAcBUIOK THEY know CAREFUL BLONDIE lfEsEEdso MISERABLE ewes SHE LEF17 rrs ALMOST LIKE HAva HER auzz sawxen No one Arouun ms wnzmmu Musrsewmt ms noelms orF Malone Iter must AND HERES THE ELEVATOR EAGETNAY SURE1IE seen oovm wrrtiMY FATHER MEREGOES zooo FEET MiNIIT mo rear vowu ID the ab sounbs names GETTING serious ifv Gdl EYES sAwNaLt Two Elly1 Hesnaoxu He was supple Mrer mu Mllessja SKEErER NoWiSflYOUCMlBE funk Ernestine MDMVENOTIMEER AVLONELY ROBOT no want we coats ae ralsuvsnmts calm caesmae am Memlsa ï¬ts OWLDSIARVE neth Hts neer meno