MR AND MRS DAVE KENDALL MEHEDliN Traditional Gown Worn At September Ceremony Atraditional gown of pcau da roie was worn by Darlene Mario niehedan ol Downsview for her marriage to David Charles Kun dail of Shanty Bay on Sept 14 The cmplre gown featured bodice atlnce with high rounded necklineandpetal point sleeves The full length skirt of the dress was accented with matching since appliques while back inter est was added with cathedral trnlnoi peau de soleattach Ed at the waistline with how pillbox headdress adorned with seed pearls held the four tiered vcilof silk illusion The bride carried nnseghy of red roses and Sphays of stephanntls For somctblng nld she wore her grandmothers pearl neck ace ATTENDANTS Miss Ronna Kennedyoi Downs view attended as maid of honor Bridesmaids included liliss Gail Mehedan and Miss Marilyn Me hedan sisters of the bride Miss Diane Toffan of Oro Station cousin and Mrs Lynn Paik oi Weston Miss Darlene Bostock of Oakvillu was flower girl The maid of honor and brides maids were gowned alike in floor lenglh dresses of Royal blue chiffon overtafleta fashioned an empire lines arid complement ed with matching blue chiffon pill box headdresses LThey car ried nosegays or while poms The full length gown worn by the flower girl was designed at Wlllte chiffon aver taffeta with Royal blue sashShewnre white head bow and carried nasegay of whitepoms The bridegrooms brother Wayne Kendall of Shanty Bay ah tended as groomsman Ushers made of Persian Brillthaw dark lamb dgi were Bill Toffan of Oro Statlnn Rick Mehcdan of Downsvlew Bishu Plotrowski of Pcnctang and Dave Talk of lesion The wedding ceremony took place in Grace United Church Tornnto with hair Hr Atkin son alliciatian The bride is the daughter of Mn and Mrs John Mehednn or Downsviaw The bridegroom is the son oi Mr and Mrs Ausg tin Kendall of Shanty Bay Guests5 were reccived at the Croatian Hall The brides ino tber was attired in pearl grey Dolls With HARLESKENDALL and white coat and dress coslt tume accented with silver grey hat and accessories Her con saga was Talisman roses Assltlhg at the reception tha bridegronma mother chose mint green matelasse crepe coat and dress ensemble with white accessories and corsagc of yellow roses Leaving tor the wedding trip the bride donned purple wool suit with harmonizing accesor ies home in Shanty Bay Difference Concern London School Council DDNDON 0nt CPD Dolls with difference 21inch washable toys that reveal the physiological characteristics of boys and girls have attracted little fuss from shoppers since thoy went on sale in London three months agobut at least two officials of local groups are claimed enough tovtake action The London Home and School council will consider the dolls at an executivemeeting Thurs day highLTresidentMra Bottom said after she learned Tuesday thatt toys displaying everytbing were available in flm dcfuutely against this and imagine most of the women would 11le she said The Londonbranch of the Consumers Association of Can ada plans to seck the reaction of their tny testing council in with avoi cit Ottawa vicepresident Mrs Charles Roy said Mrs Roy whose specialty with the group is toy inspection said she had not seen the dols in question but imagined they should he objectionable The London Regional Council of the Catholic ParentaTeachcr Association appears to be in favoroithe dolls its president Stephen Borg said think it is educationaL The PTA is in favor or sex educa tion We are out to teach sex ed ucation to remove the secre tlveness and taboos it has had Kahlman Menybnrt The newlyweds will make thier TascI It OKqu Centre Tar oatoLau Saturday in eludodj hfr Ind Mrs Del llck son and sustain Lin Eleven Lyonsold gtDavld Jackson MI participating Is memkr of the childrens choir Others attend ing from tha city wcru Mrs Robert keeper and son Cyril and Mrs Ind MrluJorephJw efik RETURNS T0 UNIVERSITY NMks Sharon Mooriudlbulrdye urslag dIughtcr ol Moor has ralurncd to her studies It hic hinster University in Hamilton CARD PARTY The Women Auxiliary to the Barrie Humans Society are sponsors of the card party which will take place in St Georgos harlsh Hall tomorrow ovcninghegtnning at oclock Proceeds lrorn the party will be donated to the Humane Soc lctys work for the care and shelter or animals airs Laura Cleland is in charge at ilclrcts Guests attcnding may play the games oi their cholcei SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Clarence Hog gnrth wcre gucsts ofbonor at steak bnrbeque which was held on the occasion of their Silver Anniversary The coin bralion was held at the MLFor est home at their son in law and daughter lllr and Mrs Guests included ths Hog garths children RomKen and Shirley Hoggarlh Mr and Mrs Harold Gibson and family of Duadalk Mr andhlrs Charles Gibson and family Mr and Mrs Don Gibson and fondly Miss Ann Torpey Miss Louisa Cmase Mr and Mrs Don Milo ler and family all of Barrie Also present were Mrs John HoggarthMr and Mrs Gordon MINET POINT Sonia residuals on movies Ava iniluding testis Whitty heard Varies for assistance com ing from the hay rams chum all mount Iha eululy end of this street 5ch Ibputipm an investigation it was found that duahlcdmolcrbost wu adrift in high Inc with wind from the west Stephen son took his launch out and as stated by LJ Bnuciurd ru cued the occupInls ma we min and very young baby they were taksnalbora It Jack west mans dock further east on the routhshorc It is felt the persons in menial in effecting this men should be thanked by the proper authorities We are given to urn derstsnd Mrf Bouchard lnvtho simmer of 1961 reodaed assis tance to woman in inihoI Mr and Mrs Roger Potvia Minels Point Road are con structing ddltihn tovhcir home Mrand Mufilslph Grey from Verdun Qu nra occupying the linker on Bayvlew Rosl Mn Grey is sister of Mn Ernie McLeod Visidng with Mr and Mrs Carl Marshall for week have been Mr and Mrs Clayton Kirk patrick of Greenvllie South Car olina formerresidsntr of Cleve land Ohio Stan Esldison inlurcd his back at work and has been oft duw for several days OCTOBER The engagement of Miss Linda Dawn Buettger wThom son Elmore Armstrong has been announced by the bride eleas father llnrvey Boett ger oiEhrgenia Ontario The bridegroomelect is the son of Mr and Mrs William Armstrong oi Shsanon St Barris The marriage will take place in Feverrham Ereshyg terian Churcbheversham on ch to at pm Photoby lies Cowper It mm LATE Anastacio Vargas 75 freed from Texas jail in 1932 for crime he did not commit was just granted $22000 in damages ed from isnla lion nd thahonia Cheerful and ST forms cwt Members ditending the first fall meeting of St Marys Cath olic Womens League enjoyed as their guest speaker Rittcnm house business administrator for the Grove Park Home in Barrie He spoke at the extensivei re search carried out before build ing such home in this districty llis talk highlighted the reasons the borne was needed the land ities availableand elegibiiity for admission Rittenhousa stressed that some people although ahleto llva alone are very lonely and appreciate the companionship theyget at tho hotnehltendents are encouraged totalrepart in crafts games andnther forms or entertainment and discourag themselves from others torsarouwel comcat anytime andrsro ap preciatedihythose who have no one near them Operatedon nhnprnï¬t basis the cheerul and colorful accommodation is available toranyrresident of the Province of Ontario regardless ol race or religion Mr Bittern house expressed great satisfac prid in thestaliol their dedicatio to tilt elderly peopl bsrant assls dents is great morale builder the residents in the home credit to the com munityhsaid the speaker working aosruass AGENDA Tho businesspart of the meet ing comprised nianyinteresting rcporta of worlradnne throughout so hospital reported thatJisvlail had been ma to patients in Grovelqurvk tropicOi Speaker heensent to mission it Chris tian lslandhy MrsW Moran socialvvelfare converter INTERFAITH DWNER Mrs Clifton social action convener ort that St Marys with the help of other churches would hostrths next Interfaith Dinner being heldth month This project is to pro vlde ahot noondsyzmaal for elderly people living alone who yotherwlre have little chance to get out ortto meet oiharr Mrs McCann citizenship convene eported that St Marys CWL would assist in serving refreshments at the next RedCrossk Blood Clinic toba an Docent The conveners of the various booths for the annual lioilyTes and Bazaar to he heldWednen daygNov 20 were asked by Mrs Saunders general conr vener to putjorth special ei fort to mid this most to warding endeavor The meeting was chaired by president Mrs trmmix premises owned bylldr and Mrs to world that aotddnjt can lea refer rally to your It tack on Idrcrtllsment for prrenguomant ngl En rIgedVhiather wrote to vent her anger Iinnrt jewelers who advertise Dont lust to study an pmaxsged if shes your scars say disarm Wednesday should ha highly stimulating day Practically any endeavor in whlch you engage should work out extremely well Buslnrss protects started in the at morning should culminate happi ly and the PM should be high ly propitious forsaclal interests FOR IlBE BIRTHDAY lftomorrow is your birthdIy your chart indicates that even though your ailover prospects in iob and ï¬nancial matters are excellcnt for the year ahead Ind despite especially iine irr fluences governing these lines between December an and Marchslrtlt would be foalhar dy to engage in speculation dur ing October and November since you could offset late gains Personal affairs will ha well Iapectcd for most of the year child born on this day will be endowed with the talents re qulred to succeed ssa lawyer painter or magazine illustrator dun was man tho letter Ean ed Moth er In Miran inï¬rm WInt you to know that we homo nut no ow to the motlhiars letin We Ilsa concur your rep This lat ter is to Inform you that our WPMy will no longer promote ANN moans girl shat deserves something more than trkndsbip lug And then canisthe bite engagement distributinring for only $1095 Teenage chum so counts thlDd You agreed wlih Enraged Mothersaid lt was downright disgraceful that few money ungry merchants would stool so low to wring few bucks out of some dumb kids You ranted and raved about pressuring onr dy overpressured teenas gers to iaaieJho adult picarures of life mainly EL if ever you addressed ourseif to grou of crcdtcrazy moneygrubb agv mercenorles the fowelers otArusrlcataka first place So now why dont YOU wake up and amellcolleez ONE Will BEIJEVESIiN TELLING lf LIKE IT 15 Dur one Thank you far your sentiments The next letter should be of rome interest to you it came from the President of Kay Jewelry Stores incorpo rated ths coastlocust alts chain whose advertisement prompted Enraged Mother to write DebrAan Landau My atten tion has been called to the negro ttva impacttcreated by tbssslo of prevengagement amond merchandise Of this nature since we now realise it could have negative oilect on yours people Ind crate brukdawn of teenage morality Sincerely Dulfaufmann President of Kay Jewelry Stores gt ImBR 0F PREIENCE Dear Ann tandem have been married for you to man who has Mnlslalthlul hnsblnd In exceliefll father highly principledï¬ professional person To nutsldershs appears be tholdesi husband The problem is that am rick oi pretending he is great lover can truthfully say that eight out of 10 love episodes end to with nothing for mebut exhaus tion have always been ex tromer rcnsitiyalo his mats vsnliyihc playacting on my part would put Hollywood ac tressto Shame Now wonder if haveheen intramural have allowed him to col that be is the most exciting man in tho wor but lnstcad of inloying the rewards of dutiful wife im beginning to feel frustrated resantiul and EYPPED DeIr Gyoped The playacting you descnhels noble duplicin and conunendabIeio point But the wisewlfe uses more positive approach She teaches her husbandto be great lover by letting him know what she considers great love making if more wives would malts the cf fnrt they uld dlrcover that husbands wonderful pup Guaranteed to Bloom clan at frombi mamgg lmgï¬mï¬beautieg ltnport from Holland Fora uquet ofsunsbine spring Statel King All boasts jumbo size trumpet story dily mounted on slender ll is government inspectedl an dainty comt Bastion for early looming dado diis Petite but hardy blooms promise cheeryspring for your garden upons ms