Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1968, p. 4

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Publicludbvfienidlanjlemplnqn Lhnloed as Hayfield rowinn plenum McPherson MI New Numbers syn Needs To Prove Itself If you plan to go hunting this season take little extra care Be sure you dont trip over the red tape Bureaucra cy has invaded the bush The last re fuge of free men from the writhing grasping tentacles of Big Government is under siege from the paper pushers at Queens Park In fact the Citadel of Solitude would have fallen but for dvil service goof The chairborna bushmen seem to have taken over this year They have decreed that yousball wear upon your back large number tag It should be yellow with black lettering but some thing went wrong and the printer brought them all out on white back ground so the department has said it will have new batch prepared in the proper color and will send them out lat er Clearly only the suicidall inclined or the real greenhorn woud prance about in the bush exhibiting white flash on his back during the deer sea son hut goof or no goof it seems the lic Vence tags are here to stay The hunter might run up against minor problem keeping the tagupon his back in wet bush Thickets laden with snow or drip ping from downpour will probably remove the plastic tags in short order but Big Government says they must be worn Why This is Ontario not Russia The department has an answer It says the tags are needed to help beat the hooligan element the inconsid erate vandals who damage private pro DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Sept 24 1918 Town Council voted 3200 to fund be ingraised for dependents more than 15000 sailors of merchant marine who have gone down on war duty Best baby at Barrie Fair will get $50 Victory Bond Local committee set up for sailors families relief fund head ed by Harrie Myers with Baldwin Bryant secretary and Young trea surer One of the first to sign up with 157th Simcoe County Bn was Pte Charles Ward of English birth who worked in Barrie and lived with Mr and Mrs Frank Hill Sophia St They re ceived word yesterday that he had died of wounds at dressing station in France Allied offensive which began Aug led by tanks reported rolling ahead although casualties heavy stage musical comedy of season comes to Grand Opera House next Monday Million Dollar Baby with aunting tunes and pretty girls Enjoy new il luminated runway for chorus over heads of audience on orchestra floor Cpl William John Buchanan native of Barrie who enlisted in Port Arthur three years ago reported lolled in action Pie ElliotC Coles who was working at CTR office in Allandale whenhe joined 76th En reported wounded Sept Pte Coutts sonof Mr and Mrs George CouttsMdhmst in English hos pital with gunshot wounds He went overseas with 177th Flt Lt Amos Johnston of Barrie reported missing after air action over France He got flying training in Texas His brother Cpl Miller Johnstonwas killed year ago on infantry action Pte Lorne Corbett formerly on Union Bank staff at Cpokstown reportedldlled in France Hewent overseaswith 157th was trans ferred to machine gun section Oven den College private school for girls takrng boys up to 12 years of age re mmnnpamrnminrInnmsmnrmmnmnummmnrmmanmnmemmrsemmm thence shipyards RP Sihbald of Barrie fell Flrst disturbed tbejeven tenor of their elders Hal and histthievish friends the mostaggressive among the hood perty tothiotunelof thousands of dollars every year Number tags will give property owners chance to identify rampaging morons who shoot up every thing from telephone line insulators to cattle barnswho break down fences and carelessly abandon hot campfires and who from time to time suppos edly mistake horses and cows for deer or moose Problems such as thesehave brought constant complaints even in Northern Ontario according to the Sudbury Star In Southern Ontario with its greater population density the problem is great increased because most of the hunt ing is done on private property In the light this the number tags may not be entirely unreasonable but we wish there were some other way The ceaseless erosion of personal free dom in yet another area the necessity of adopting convict classification to head out into thewilderness where man should he alone with nature is re pugnant But that is the price an enthusiast pays for the antics of relatively few punks By this time next year statistics will be available to prove whether or not the new system is worthwhile If it subst antially fails to bring retribution upon deserving heads it is as pointless as it is unwelcome In that event Ontario hunters would be quite justified in refusing en mass to have anything to do with the licence patches even if the civil Service man ages to finally get the color rlgbti OTTAWA REPORT PATRICK maporson OTTAWA Good watchdogs hark others lust yap or even sleep Your MP isyour watchdog in important areas of national ai falrs affecting your llletho d8 fence of your home the provi nine of various services and bcnefits the limitationof taxes imposed upon yourself the good fibcgndry of the 2000 per jyedalr or rectly trihufia are ihi average father These watchdogs have last gathered to work on Parliament Hdl after more than five months absence In that time tbscost of living has risen labor demands threaten to raise it higher unemployment threa tens the housing crisLs has be cpme more acute prairie unrest has been sodch and motionleal higher taxes are imminent and student power may be near eruption Our returning watch dogs could be expected to fire some embarrassing questlons on these topics at the govern ment question with bite rather than yep indeed our watchy dogs had plenty to show they are awake opened for fall term in three buildings on Blakest It is directed by Misses Elgood and Ingram and Mlle Shopoff Imperial Munitions Board Camp Borden advertised locally for potatoes and vegetables At Dreamland movie theatre Harold lonesome Luke Lloyd in Oh Baby Francis Bushman and Beverly Beyne in With Neatness and Despatch Working at Midland 20 feet but escaped serious injury George Coles first of local poultrymen to have 1918 pullet laying Tablet to memory Rev Dr and Mrs McLeod unveiled Sunday at St Andrews Pres bytenan Church Rev Neil Campbellof Guthrie oldest member Barrie Presby tery talk part in service William Minnikin purchased Mrs Paes fine residence near foot Mary Street omen rowers Views CANT CONDONE STREET ROWDYISM LondonFree Press Its shame that London cant en joy bit of nostalgia over its links with Britain without ahenated youth staging near riot Go back in time to the beginning of mans recorded history and you will find references to rowdy youthswho Russia Plans 0i Potential iiy Paine om Forll Affairfinely is threatening wen ermeny citing articles lociud ed in the Mt Charter at the of the Second World War lums ended up in Egyptian Roman and gthe allleniabta of Inter English dungeons as some of them end Vlnilon to prevent the recur rence of Teutonic nazism an ed up urn pail here the mm aud so should days It was so in Thebes onthe Nile two thousand years before hrist in home at the height of her gloryin Eng land as Shakespeare knew when he wrote of the riotousantics of Prince Then as 5now civilized men made laws to control the worst excesses and ously mummqu isomers Street Barrie Ontario as second class mailby Post De pertinent Ottawa ad for payment ofpostageln cash Return postage guaranteed gtDaily Sundays and Statutory Holiday excepted Sabscrij ption rates daily 50c weekly Wm Single copiesittc By natty vro MPs77AIé 111 Important Arédsr Cahinet ministers were quak ordain THE WORLD Ori Parliaments first workfng day Oppasltion Leader Stan field had the opportunity of ash lng the very first question lug which one of them would be subjected to thatflrstsnd other raking questions nccuraim ry demands about sins of com mission or omission Iwlsh to direct question to the Prime Minister said Mr Starfieldxngn flows the dfins Lo our Bi wteelcly of starvation Printer Prime Minister tell the House what measures the government proposes to take to avert what threatens to be one of the great tragedies of modern times Tbe ministers all 25 of these who were présent sighed with relief and sank back condorta b1yin their chairs Starving Biafrans dont vote in Canadian elections Thencame Mr Stanfields fol lowup Does the minister not agree thatsieps ought to be taken through the United Na tions to bringpressure in bear on Britain the USSR Ind all those who supply arms to the combatants in Nigeria And just what pressure could Canada apply to Britain Eus In Teims Enemies NATO reverse its recent trend to rd eventual dissolution through accommodation with the Warsaw Pact The faction lncontrol of the Kremlin at this present time consists of hardllnersand is based on thearmed forces The ussian armed forces like many other armed forces with the possible exception of Canadas military establishment think and plan in termsof potential enemies Such potential enemies are often former enemies Rus sia was nearly destroyed by Germany in the Secpnd world WmEven though they eyeniu ally won Russias generals today are men who fought in that war and experienced at first hand the fiercenessof the German military machine It is inevitable and natural that So viet military men should have been making plans in the past 23 years to meet any new Ger man attack yearn srnment service headers la logistics that is hearth nrpplledvvlth food mum CPR had In iar problun when if hello building its railway across ldlhl luklthadlokeapthou undsotwnrkmenmpptledwlth ulmaterlakaoodJndpayu they moved forward we on oiarsrcountry The railwayncu iy want bahkru gettin around ukoSupcrlorr gt There was lucky break when coal was discovered at Leibbrirha then called Coal Bank and branch line was completed to Dunsmore on the main rouleon Sept 1385 This proved in be valuable source of fuel as the final stage of Iharrellway was built to Oral gellarmle in the Buckles THE he helped the huliding of LIGHT TOUCH tually earned more money my and learned valu loason After him self west of Wlnhipeg Burns rad ually got into the business of brutal cattle on time from farmers and selling the bee constrpotlon gangs Ho evu shipped pork to workers on the lnlercolonfal Railway in the Ma rlllmea limos in this way tllrgt railways across Canada and the development of his now mun mcatoacking empire Things Colfilfinid Findsln HispMail NEW YCRK JAEThings have to do so if air pollution atoiijdogs alaf Many other questions301 lowed but no government faces were reddened George Hoes come near asklluz about an in crease in federal minimum wages so did Doug Harkness raising the severeprpblern of thereinsoaked grain crop and the already filled drying fadli ties Credltisto MP asked the Elm ministerwhcther be ould not apply Social Credit financial theories to finance the achievement of his Just Society All Hales bad question about bread prices rising And Osha wsa new NDP member Ed ward Broadbent asked if the Canada05 auto pact had been renewed since it covers an in definite period renewal la in fact unnecessary at prcsent Andaoomndlmhourzno barks But some more pungent quesz tlons were among the 71 submit ted ln writing by various MPs on that first day What has been the total cost to data of the National Arts Centre and what is the lestlmated final cont Readers of thiscolumn know all about that one llow manyjudges sit in the citizenship court and how many cases has it heard in recent How many Liberal members of the last parliament and Liberal candidates in the last election have been appoint ed to whiCh positions in the gov Then bave also read about that in this column recently BIBLE rumour And they went out and preached that men should re pent Mark 522 Ttusmaynotbethemoatpop ularmessage but no one can deny that it is themost need ed Repentenca is turning our backs on the oldiile end our hearts overtuja new leader People come to bellcve cbntin gencies they plan against and mi ary men are particularly prone to such men clu This is all the moreeasy since their potentiairopponenta usually think and plan in terms of the same conflict also Cer many knows Russianstrste ts verdsing Office 415 Universit AvsnucTorhn 690 cert St Mont makegrnllitary plans against her German strate and the wholeTof NATO in conse quence make plans against liiissln plans known to the Bus sleds Each side considers the and Audit Bureau of cnmnum Thalaganadhlxarhlruesswia en Wumuflor all n3 eam per fled to it or Tbepaaasoclated essorfieuterl and also the localnews published therein plans of the otheryns proof stan threats Ilbe other reason is that the Soviet bardllaeraln crushing Cjeehoslovakia alleged their was area and present danger of WéstfGermnnhelp Czech untaruevolutloearlea by ear some columnist might never know if he didnt open his mail Wouldnt you hate to wear gas mask as you go about your daily tesks People may in the United States worsens wsrns Dr Wilfrid Bach Unl veraity of Cincinnati scientist He estimates the 142000000 tons of pollutants put each year into the atmosphere causes an economic loss of $1200000000tl and that it could be cut twothirds by an annual expenditure of $4 W0000000 Golf always was regarded as mans game until women started demanding equal rights onthp falrwa But as long ago as the century Mary Queen of Scots before she lost her head the great game of politics was an avid goli player Her courtiers were too polite to record berg scores for history Your body is an awesome feat of engineering The mile age of your blood system pious is 60000 To keep it functioning yo heart beats some time in 70 years MOST MICE LEFflES Snuthpaw rodents one in 10 humenbeings are lcithauded and er more would be if their lenden cy in childhood werentI curbed by teachers and pa eats But recent study of mice showed that half of them were ieftpawed Brrrz Cryoiherapy or treatment with coldls being used for widening rsngefof ailments Corpsuhovo ev been frozen ln the hope that they can be revived at laicr time when science hasdisco ered cures for their fatal eases But oryotherapy itself isnt new lit pocrates the is thsr otlm Iclne prescribed applications of Ice and snow to checkbleeding andrednce paln Dental health tlp If you dont spend at leastiwo min utcs ln brushing your teeth youre probably not really go ting them clean survey also found that an per cent of toothbrushes in use were too worn to do the job right giro you upping all the murkvls you can reach rsnmlmsmpeorym useless yhumayri financin Mnny businesseadotflrie is where 1133 con Perhaps an 1138 oaii can help you expand or moderniZeZyour facilities letsdiscuse it Aakforaeopy ofour booklet Source of Financing oGCnadianBusin Mm outlaw DEVELOPMENIBANK TERM FlNAN doihe 9h Clilfi ma CANADIAN BUSINESStS on as About

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