MEMBERS or Volce oi Tomorrow editorial board Cathllne staff artist Ken Robimon adilrtising sales Eastview Studenteï¬re gOutspoken Publishers wnsrnu PAIR Miser sun Wr Agroup oi Eartview secon dsry séhoolstudenta have form tids studenfltuasdgn associï¬lon nd srs in at pr uclt ii the second issue of their th publishing venture The groupmemhers Richard Partridge Brlan Cathline Ken VRobinson Tony Cherultl link Hutchhiga Karen Hooper and Stephen Pain all students at Dedicate iCOuncil The newly redecorated city cll chambers were oiilcial pened last night at the rec ondmeeting of the fall session of city cdrncil he newcharnhcra designed Paul liescarnp and Associ liï¬es were completed earlier this thonth Mr Heskamp when presenb ing the design sketchstated that Barrie holds itself out to the world as progressive city and that this concept epitomizeder ess at this council had in gs illty overcomethe re ance to change that this cola had the courage to take to the iuiure that this council had thewisdom to modernize its place of residence Jshould factually as well any ally declare to all the pos albillties of Accomplishment taut our government has Mall inseam WEATHER rSunny Eastview Econdarydsï¬iool Fro reparing secon sue litudent newspaper called The Voice of Tomorrow Moat mem bers of the group were involved in the publishing oi the schools year book introspect 60 and some also worked on decidedly political newspaper called Con servative Comments The groups enthusiasm springs lrom 11yearold Richard Partridge who along with sev era other students nrganleedm or Beniey said last night Rev A11eron gave the religious dedication and Mon signor James ciair the opening prayer Mr Heron called on God of sewer and streets and shah byhous and urban renewal schemes to bless the building Speaking to the nonbellavers in the audience he said ln the eyes of God and of com munity you are arrogant hypn crites The opening cermon theoccasion for two civic em ployees to receivegold watches tor service with die city Harry Marks senior foreman tor the public works department and civic employee for 27 and CPringle who retired this month alter 19 years with Barrie both received watches Coolerr Wednesday lit wi be mainly sunny in nly cloudy periods Wed Isteadily as the early autumn arm spell continues oronto weather oltice predicts will clear partly this avening The temperature is expected rise to73 degrees Wedncs dayi after dropping to as tonight Noontemperature outside the Ba Examiner was 76 another day of weather with scab shnwcrs and thunder stormsin forecast for southern dcentral Ontario todayv turn igiwindy and cooler Wednes as Scattered ahowersare like persist in northern sections today nd Wednesday Wi London Toronto Hamilto Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Western Lake Ontario Southern Georgian Bay Variable cloudi snesr warm and humid with scattered showers and thunder storms today Clearing partly this evening Wednesday sunny with cloudy periods chhnceof few scattered showers and choir Winds light today and westerly lsto 20 Wednesday Eastern Lake Ontarlo Haiti burton Variable cloudiness and warm with scattered showers and thunderstorms tnday Clear sng partly tonight Wednesday Mount Forest sunny with cloudy periods chance at few anattercdshow era and cooler Winds mostly light today and westerly 15 to 20 Wednesday Sudbury North Bay Northern Georgian Bay Timagami Coch rane Variable cloudiness with my scattered showers today and Wednesday Becoming windy and turning cooler late today Winda light increasing to westerly near 20 rupeest Temperatures Low onighi high Wednesday Windsor 75 St Thomas London Kitchener 75 75 75 70 70 70 Winghami Hamilton St Catharrnea Toronto Peterborough Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Kliialoe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Eariton Sault Ste Ma Kapuskasing White River Monsonea 1232433 annacopy draconian Winn rHssels To Your Home by mm NO CHARGE 0R ï¬mLYlo has Waiterostrum Wymy tum he fairsr at the wuï¬WJmtlhe manager and Richard Partv ridge editor student action group at the school The group has no officla status within theschool but is force to be reckoned with Many oi the dances held atfhe school are organich by the group Such functions enable its members ilo raise funds to ï¬nance other interests All of the groups activities at Eastview Secondary have the approval of both the principal and the student council ow aver the group owe allegiance to no one They criticbe both the th administration and their own oouncll The first issue at the Voice of Tomorrow rapped administra tions knuckles over its plans to setupaperieetsystem there was call long loud and insistent from Ltleflnokeillled corners or the stall room an editorial said it went on to criticize the ad ministrations plans point by point Describing then objecting to the students chosen to act as prefect the paper said Those draftecs almost without axcep lion have not helped oven in minor way with dances and aim grade themes ï¬ne respected people but truth is that alone they dont have all the qualiï¬ cationgfor job sob issue of the student pa per is read overby student adviser before it goes to press The first issue oi the paper was paid for by the editorial shaft The second issue will be financ ed by the sole oi advutisin and through the sale 01 individual copies The first issue was distributed Jree to the students but editor Richard Partridge believes that studentswlll buyat least500 copies Advertising is being solic itcd from local merchants who sell to the student market We are not begging for vcriis ing said Ridtard the ad vertiser doesnt believe thathc has mï¬thtng to sell to the students an we dont want his ad Twodhintsof the nextedi tion will he paid for with adverl tising revenue The Voice of To arrow is balanced publicatio reflects student view them academic community However the groups othen publication Conservative Comments is farjfrom neutral In front page statement the rational for the publication is To prove that Tru daauma ahas notclaimed all thinking ynung people pesoslb ed as constituency newspaper tbegro hopes to ftake very activerole within the Barrie Sec leader Robert Thompson and Young Progremve Conservative leader Harry Rensby fiiiialmost hall of de of ownership theltriumph or th individual over coliectivism is given in lieu of an editorial Partridge and his associates have decided that they want to affect the community they live in and have decided to use the prhi ord as their in PREFINISHED liare to your home atlow cost iiar projects This is not to de achaiic to give beauty lehsldyde cover the rig facilities for doo Mfrmal number William and pointcd out to the board the coshnithe parking lot donors were per lot building Stafia lounges and the caletcrla werehpened sev eral weeks ago he said Xray lacilltiB will be transierred tor marrow and the new switch board will be opened then The new emergency admith inglfacilitlu will hoopened in two weeks ldr Canterou re ported lhal more than 1000 psi tents wiretreated athihe snag gency mic men of July and The third floor of the new building is in use The lecture coon are used for stalf confer enccs until the eighth floor board room is open in three or four weeks flrd pharmacy is being Irany iemd sadnew equipment in stalled Occupational and phyls Bus to daleon the new hospi iotherapy facilities are in use as Aretha atrtc lcnti ME km The oiiicial opening oilbe boo piul is expected to take place aorneiime in nitdOctober Plans are for Saturday ceremony THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1968 iii TOWN WellingtonBernie Early Queens The Chosen Few Cwltnenini Tish Bullionlite Revolaircs guy oaemarys linperial interlude liseOi Hospitdi Services Is Up The Royal Victoria Hospital board learned yesterday at sig nificant increase in the use at the hospitals services Hospital administrator Cameron told the board that crewas an increase of 29636 laboratory units in the past year laboratory unit is the use at ioborato services such as throat cu urea and vaccinations Xray facilities were used more often and emergency outpaticnis increased by almost 1000 Psy ohiatrlc clinic visits jumped to new high of 1223 transit Chapel At Hospital Furnishing antidrapesl have can ordered or the chapel and vcstry that will be located on the eighth flora of the new hos pital addition Am William AIEelltoldthc board of trustees that the furnishings are being provided ith funds donated by the Bar nd Dis trict Ministerial Association the hospital iiary and the Bar rie Branch Canadian chion The Legions donation is me morial to the late Col Sherring MC farmcr Legion padre SPORTS BRIEFS Us ram VlSlTS souyra LAKE TAHOE Calif AP group oi Olym pic traclr athletcs will visit Vic toria next Saturday Payton Jor dan the teamshead coacham nounced Monday The athletes will compete on the composition asphalt track of the University otHriiish Columbia against Ca nadian athletes BOXER WITHDNAWS LONDON CP1t Heavy weight Billy Walker haslpulled muscle in his back and has withdrawn from his scheduled fight with Bob Pretty Boy Fel stcin oi Toronto here Oct It would have been tho second light for Felstein within two weeks He isscheduled to meet Dave Zyglowicz in Houston to nighl srch into common iMONTHEAL GP Sam Pollack vicepresident and gen eral manager or Montrealcana diens announced the signing Monday or Jim Pritchard to professional contract The ZIL yearaold Pritchard played last year With the Winnipeg Jets Pritchard as the thsi first amateur choice atthe annual MAHOGiNY Plywoop =f GROOVE PANEithGv forecasts lor the TONIGHT LOUNGES Good Female Vocalist aiovras HR Births Drop In Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital ad ministrator DJS Cameron told the board oi trustees yes lcrday that fewer people are being born inhnrrie Statistics at births revealed there who on births during June July and August last year This year during the same period the numberdropp cd by one There were only 202 births in spite of population ncroascr Mann FORECAST TORONTO CPI Marine eat Lakes is sucd at mill Lnhe Ontari Southwesterly winds 15 to 25 knots today be coming westerly loioiflknots tonight Scattered ihundershow ers today Partlycloudy tonight La ke IjIrie Snuthwestcrly winds 15 to 25 knots today be coming westerly 10to 20 this evening Scattered thundershow ers today Partly cloudy tonight Lake Huron Georgian Bay Suuthwesterlywinds 15 to 25 knots becoming westerly this at ternoon Scattered thundershnw are this morning few showers tonight Lake er or Westerly winds 10 to 20 knots today be coming west to northwest 15 to 15 this alternoonhA lew scat tercd showers TORONTO CF Wholesale tnrctail carton eggs average whighted prices quoted by the department ol agriculture as of Manda large 07 me dium Asmalthl Eggs Wholesale prices in country stations fibre cases quot ed by co mittec of wholesale egg dealer extra largeidz dium 505 small mainstream Kiwane is ClublpresidentINorm Shaina well LE along with Lee Cooke rndaiu Langdiscuss the United preal atyesier days meeting in Lakcviaw Restaurant Mr Cooke chair man olihavAppeal in Barrie this yearla member attire club and chase the meeting as the time and placevto ofï¬cial ly announce tbe 106069 theme Partners inCommunity Sen vicef Examiner Ehoto carves Borden During 1968 United Appeal Several thousand servicemen and their families reeldmta ot lar Base Borden will this year for thefirst time be given chance to contribute to the Barrie Unit ed Appeal through campaign on the base Bordenzresidcnta beneï¬t from theagencies of United AppeaL espccialiy the Victorian Order of Nurses the Canadian Arthrit is and Rheumatism Society and other such associations Coordinated by Major Pearson base transportation of iiccr the Burden campaign will be part at the Barrie appeallun der Chairman Les Cooke There will be no residential canvass as such said Major Pearson Our situation here as servicemen is almost unique in that we can canvass every wage camer right at work with min lmurn gt0ieifart The single men on the base trainees and the like willbe canvassed on pay parade Man rled men residents ol perman ent quarters on the base or liv ing outside will be asked toda natcnt work Each unit will be appointing representative whose job it will it and month pay is received pliVed rather ask man to Benvenuh silnd Fullmer In Title Match MILAN ltaly AP The manager of world middleweight boxing champion Nino Benvenu ii of ltaly said today the title hnider would put his crow at stake against Don Fullme of West JordanUtah probably in italy Manager Bruno Amaduzzi on his return lrom Toronto where the ltalian hcat Art Hernandez of Omaha Nah in nontitle bout said Italian matdmaka Rino Tommasl was ready Fin stage Bcnvenuts Fulimar title light gt my mm WANT Ana on no unison NIGHTS1 lakevmw RESTAURANT are mono To HunsnAv been sraooANbEF or BREADEDVEAL CUTLETS includes soup or juice hot rolls of choice dessert and rians so being donate when he has law dol tosparaJhan later in the month whenhe has it all hud geted said Major Pearson We are still working ontt but we have simple plan which hope will be highly eiiaclive feel certain weiwili have good deal oiisuccess especia iyvfor ï¬rst elicit There will be small rcsiJ denidai cantgass for families where theserviceman Ls station ed in Cyprus or Eitrope Population oi the base varies between 10000 and 12000 people This is causedby the high turn Want Dentists OnCali ill ova completed tor dentists to be available on call at the Royal pita Dr ldeson told the board of trustees that is mined ule is being drawn up and that he hopes dentist will be vailable at any time for cmcr ï¬lmy dental work at the h05pi When rmcmherioi the board asked if thatsmaans there will be dentist on callzt hours day Dr ldcson replied We WW ctaria Hos overin trainees especially dur ing the surnmcr months Mr Cooke yesterday spoke highly of Bose Bordens having iolncd the Barrie appeal when he addressed the Kiwanis Club of Kcmpcnlclt Bay telling them am extremely grateful to the Base Commander Col kendraivlar his help in this Experienced From tha small home owners to the large indus trial complex year of experience are yours Contact the trained people at puaapaM son sadnd shopsaupaM qosnM slnpadg snmm re tenant imagining hub in bee rain