caiirriisv on and In mu Enabl lnee Eis soine Allie mulnlolnlounalhthmhn their owner canola Anal on mum sentnoon and II 51 lvml Hannal Sodom ENGA9EMENTJ until rhmnaa and In W12 Lem lino iononIrto lotram in an nountlul th Inlnmlni XEi tauntr mm to from Paul nildine elom Ian or lir and em Familial ltelreu live Barrie no wedding to me plan at la Holy Family Church Kiamon on axon October it damn mono lie num mum or name on um aimed to ennnnnee the uuemni at an 0m aier unll Dlwa ID Thomson more Arm mull son or no me an wuuem Armrlronl or Shlnnon Strut sum The mmngeï¬ thhéholuhl It rrersbln In lnc oatno Odober hm DEATHS demonic Leon lreae Al the loo Home nurt on weedy sroiemaer 24 lost Linn lrene Holbrooh beloved wire or the lite Dario lielbrook Ina dear mother or Wlllllm or Palate chin Que bec Huttnl at the Jennett Pun mlliinme in motion Steveif aerre or service on ur IV one interment borne Union cementy POPE Ramon Full lbronto General unxoltal Toronto on Sunoli Saptemher 22 um Fall human Pope loved ion or Mr and sin Paul Pear arn er or Carol len hits Beat and Alice xnndion or Mn Lee Pope of Barrie neetinr at he enneit nin eni Home 1M radian street tinrte for rervlre on Wednesday at pm interment st James Ceme kly SlNIII FELL Wflllul In lllllry ï¬t the Royal vmnn Ilnioll ane rlc on Sunday sentenner 22 19M Ham Fellbclovu1 human or the 1m Fanny WIer Ind our man or iiene sell and ski both of sum lietin the remit run 211 Home In Endfnlfl street Barrie for inneni service on Tiles dly At 110 val with chmmllul service in the tilpet Interment nun Union Cemetery ElBY roster Mthe Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on sun day Se leather 11 lead Porter set ley heaved husbllld or the mo Alene putter Reï¬lls at the Jam aett lnneni home In Endlord street Harrie Funeral xmlce and xerviee Wednesoa at the Providence eme Lawnancs Victor uenie At tho noyu Victoria uoeniul am rlr on sntnrdey September at me Vieinr iawrence beloved hus band at mum neicoy end our lather lluslell at Barrie nesiin It the Jenna Flinlnl Hull l5 android sneer Barrie ior innenl union on ruesdny pm inm merit st Jlmu cemetery Strand nuonie service will he held nond evening pm Aurolcu Minor house strand mom Thomas Lulu ll Plnetlnx cenem Hospllal on Now any September less in his 74th year Leslie Ritchie of Ivalle son 01 the ill William and 10 Rilehlm den brother Will of Fury Sound Oliver oi Welland Jennie iiixx Vern aenmuui aeue llrs Goo Graham Anne linen now lld Why and Berth Mn kl niriondl man or dame lovinle remembered by niece and nephew nuun It the James Lynn hirer siozne mow1e unui m5 Dan on Thursday then to Wyclllle Anlt liicln Dhulch mmuie ior tuneri service at one an interment map n1 cemetery oicmmun Daniel canrlex at snidlen Memorill Hospitli 011111 on llondly September 1960 Daniel Charla hchrthur in his ma velr aeloveo husband at Wine nltred Willims den tether oi Daisy cries John Tnynnn at St Marys iriLtlllrr Hush Hutchin enn and Glen bath or Barrie Also litrvlved by tour mnddnuxhlm one brother Alex lichnilllr Barrie and three sisters iilaly 13in iiewitti and Annie lilrn Dunn bath of oniiin and Jessie ours will Dav or rilnilen Pre deeeued by iour sisters Jennie nilx John Anderson Grnee lain John linCuIilI Knie Mn Roy Soul and Lily ill Rly sler mll ltlsllnl at the steckley run eni Home to Warlley street nan rtee Service in the chapel on Wed hardly Sentember 25 at intennnnt Knox Cemetery Dr lN MEMORIAM mo in lovlnx memory or rather Hilliard who passed my Sept 24 1961 1ls well he will mficl an more in the loved land of the alert Pal lied he tend Heavens are it iett him at peace andrut sver remcmhered by son Cam eron and deunhtenlrniaw Barbara COMING EVENTS Bauuia ruaLic LIBRARY nouns INCREASED Beginning Tuesday October Adult Department of the Library will bevopen duringtiie dinner hour Monday iluough Friday pm to pm Saturday93o mm to pm childrens Department llours Monday through 1nd pmio pm Friday lo pm Saturday 930 am to pm Â¥BFJC3CD LegipnifHdli Builrieï¬ WEDNESDAY pin $300JAOKPOT Jackpot EveryVIWeek Regular Extra Cards 10m $065 ADMISSION ednqsday pm ARMY NAVY FORCE all or miniale Ind Non LAUBAN ms NOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday at pni NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond OltlLLlA REAL ESTATE FOR sale on item neuron LAKESIIORE ROAD0R0 Vocallon home electric heat outlets in every room bed rooms tepicoe bath with vanity kitchen living room lull cement basement on corner lot iuii price 823000 Contact BEllY NEWTON llawlicstoue 4872100 LAKE SIMCOE room insulated cottage on steel beams large living room kitchen screened sunporch with beautiful view roads open all year full price $13500 room ooltagc bedrooms piece bath screcned sunporch iurnisjied oil triple lot full price 517000 Contact BETTY NEWTON liswhesioue 4012103 ANTEN MILLS White brick buughiow years old bedrooms living room din ing room and kitchen lvpiece bath large stone fireplace at tached heated garage large lot low taxes 12 miles lrom Barrie $21600 Cull ED GREEN 0123 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE 524500 Beautitul is room hungae low spacious kitchen irshapcd living room and dining room recreation room large lot at iaehcd galage Call ED GREEN 7284128 KEITH 111 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Harrie 7105095 Guillaume Strand 4364387 5i hiacLeod Barrio 7284750 Spencer Thornton 4509211 Flizslmmins CilhlllMWO Snow Stroud 4353110 Ed Green Barrie 7mm Tom Fiizsimmins tn Churchill 4562020 Belty Newton liaivkestone 4072103 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 487333 lilsS Réalior 109 Bayfiéld St 17281071 Appraisals Listings invith CEDAR FLANK COTTAGE Priced under $2000 Just 30 minutes from Barrie Good beach and water irontage hot and cold water iurnace and plenty of storage space for boat etc Ex tra lot Excellent value here DRILLIA AREA 100 acres with 900 loci on gold lake good ï¬shing and hydro is right there Quiet privacy or family and friends WASAGA BEACH Wonderful opportunity for retir ing couple Home and house keeping cottages Good turnover and regular customers casn animus FOE voua noun comer on FARM camps rooav Elva Mills name John iL While nil9710 VPETERSX WILES LiO Realtor LIVE RENT FREE $4000 down and let theincome oi the upstairs apartment pay ihevinortgage and taxes while you enjoy the two bedrooms large ing room and kitchen on the main floor zoo oiVEN ST in CORB lteal Estate Broker and Appraisers 93Duhlop st Phone mule isi and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly but your prom lstolld our mortgage mm MARSHALL We MGUEIUTEVM AZ oolu 11a LETARA 7N1 PETER CUBEELS 72ndva barrio 4M Mulhplo milTina cooinu co ms amtma 10CoiiierSLEmlomWil Adm m601ShburnoMW NEW HOMES 500 will move you into brand new bedroom split en trance bunniow lncludinl gar age beautiful View of the bay Close tovpuhlle school and shop pin centre For inspection call gt Wuua Beach moo 01000 DOWN PAYMENT W01 put you in this modern bedroom bungalow with lull basement on the outskirts oi the oily Cell your iriendly agent Jim Hiaginson mom 9a aayueid Street TO THE yoii mounts We 93 causes Dolly Mortal mom FRIENDLY HOUSE THAT shows wzwoiual We will miss our house we have been condoriable but have out grown the bedroom so must move it you would like lolly linlshcd home with nicely land scoped mounds large livinl room with walkout to patio dim log room and large kitchen to dellght any human then you might like toxbuy our home For further particulars coll Han nah Peniland mom 1F YOU HAVE IDOKED AEOUNDI Match this New home only 225 down with fabulous view of Kempenfolt Bay See it it nighi all bedrooms and gar ean to rice is out 950 it you knw mi hme Won 320000 dawn to one easy mu be In terms mortgage loi inspection rail Planse leime know too For in Ed Marilyndmnmsv spectlon call John halter 7m 4401 odvtvinn Gemr in on Newman 125 Baker FOR ANYONE MOVING OUT OF BARRIE have this immaculate bed room home in Orllllathat will carry iorionly $00 monthly and priced right for anyones pocket book For only 313500 lor lur ther details plcase call Joe Dlrnooio 7750667 GUARANTEED iNOOME FARM Located on paved road miles from two dillerent towns 100 acres all high producing and well maintainedsoil Beautiful modernized solid brick home New silo lullofc0m Excellent barn lull of buy 32 slonehions each with water howl milking equipment and cooler plus milk contract that produces steady income of $1000 per monch All other buildings in excellent carp main Dlrracolon at can at Wnnon PEMO Mrsmnmu RTOSME APPRAISAIS MORTGAGES RENTAIS NRA MORTGAGES these homes are located only blockan shopping plaza and public school Have bedrooms lrshaped livir room dining room family Slle kitchen with lurniture linished cupboards split level iront entrance ooloured bath lilrtures built in paragonAmi many dï¬hlityexliTastot1nmerous tornerition il enrol our courteous salesmen to inspect All nose lies mails Dick Hartley 72mm Bill Madness Res mom Richard Raymnlt 7mm Russell Smith lies lit9996 CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR 32 HIGH ST ml 7207380 7260241 CAREFULLY PLANNED siereysemldetadicd brick First floor consisu of living room kitchen add one bedroom also piece bath Secnnd stoiey has bedrooms living room kitchen and bath This house is immaculately kepLand has auincorm also attractivem mortgage VLA PROPERTY ACINOWS ii l0 acres of land with We storey older home widi dining room living room kitchen and bedrooms fully modernized Terms available MS 453 ii Charlie Read Don Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell now so views 7202017 Hugh Plowman 7260243 7260243 Doug Campbell 7251105 Ron Allan 1505343 mom Dim Marshall 7202357 7234389 hichordiDick Beer726vii897 HARQLDFORSTE PHOTO ILLS REALTORS Mortlase Fluids Available nee gusiomer Parking EXCELLENT VALUE ON TODAYS MARKET Painswzckexeelleni invesirnentZAhmisesior the price ef one lot size 102 by hiefeet on Highway 11 Mtlileï¬ilfl down payment required and ownerwili hold mprtgageior the balance at For lather particulars on this excellent buy cal Lorne lie lovely bedloomkbricit bungalow witllrlinished recreation room lovely landscaped lot The ideal home Good ï¬nancial artaugments can bemade on thisliome Livouldube pleased to discussthedeiail Celt Lorne ivy EVENINGSEALLL GLORIA xossan gm fuï¬oomgndigï¬ mm roams gov cogmgguom nam mun 1mm cm cocoon molar mom WWWanhoorequires maximum conven ience ona nuni buds gustom built bungalow three bedrooms family SlZedHltlI wlth dining ar Attached garage mortgage balance ames for 3117 principal interest taxes monthe Seeing is lleving Cali MTSV BrownnMM intDunlap St East liesltor Mm Milrm Mi REALTO oiainnineeonmmt DUNIJOP srnm Erie DeWSnap ztwo bedroom homes Whig ages ideal location for re moat or small family livinl Price $12000 each or Anita Lovely brick home ideal family planned bedroomsCould be Owner leaving town muck solo required call Erie ANITA swllr HARVEY Sere Elite DEWSNAP 306 BAYFIELD ST 7289451 WSPECIAHZNG 4N Larry TWP Bill Rawn Dick Draper owcu sr moles cannon it COUllS poms WALTERf COUTlS 7252311 MiS Realtor nosnac liAltVlIYWEBEA PERCY rono SAMMY BENHAM GORDON SPENCER umm uan JOHN cou nous ron rule at he Chapman i°il5i $30 sue room in or ieienhoine 715m Norma cosy Home Whvjnot choose on or our nr bedroom gygfleï¬tlu atelilnt lDGIUDn uni mile formidetailr 1mm wanna Ranch Style onnniov nn acre or prime indVeryi takes This motor is only old moods fully Landsclvfl 132 liters Telephonl nannl vlew serious noon1 home not er ae cellar iwimmln ni Teloounne Anew suurda FOR SALE on Ni SMALL llousn inAnlIl our vllh bath Near chools and stores for mu or low heron 10 no esnu nouszin it or rent Suitbio Hanoi phone Arum Dont forget to lNSUItAN ll at city ladalt mom Mortgage Loans Anyw Lois WANTEDCity or buyers waiting What haveyou avauuios cdou Leo Cavaoaiigh Cecil Mills Stan Hammond Frank Neiles Rm his new dotl bdmihlnl indirect or lIrI nzoosso orsfoavsata BARGAINS l$nfm finialn lnfl it gm match MQIILEHOMES Cali Harvey lhiiilEDlAiE rosssssxou or Tamil momma no em Ava moose lieai Estatellroker nunar enormous Evenings Cali 7M15 COUTTS AND 00 nioaroacr Mohair AVAILABLE Photo libs Realtor Edvarimes drunk camsissues EMORY MILLER 7261881 oTDuolop itvlnl to Slum Clll Grelabaeli lllll 35 mile omithi no ori Sum rennin snorted tlllnl Illlll insurmucs am or and you needequ toveragooi any kind STEVEN ONS flMr em run it mm Evlfllulg mat on human hens urnniu only type of floor Gunner moons PATIO liaooai 134 ESSA iii pox No NAIL ll FAB AND com 1M or VALUATIONS It You sized Money Oh NM In GENI Zsfumw whifoiraéiie mom Mortgage Funding It SimpsonSears Vinlarva mt lion protonn Adinanod Do You OWN IVKIII all llilhil in will even tend youqu an hm mi ZRrNTAL5 BEDROOM Inn hnuu conveniences mun llll Chll lll Ella 15 RIflunllnl Ellelbch Rlllteh Eh TAIL IIOUII 00 monthtyfshllt 11 my lib mill from Danie sbedroonu ll innide eonvenieueee Avalllbil octoblr For nirthu inlormlliori IIhphone 7206271 319100 in Sunnidlh hold diurch mi ale October 50 per month to ligandbl ton anu mrphoue are My POM bedroo mmbhed home Iii iaetiitlee it again Telephone Toronto il bedrwm Ion halls Avlll October let ties our month For unhel information telephone rid1m between and NIL well din only Jitousss women Now nudefl October Renoinhlu rent leleohone romeo my OR BROOM within mill amber anemia MIGI rarrnheun with or llao wanted around th New Lowell or creemon Telephone it write Box Alum Malina Inhaled Ilium Mm Eli hams 1W0 misnomer on mono MillvlnLJ phonon Illl Norman bout woollen giltsin to student or titularr IL Ham dirtiest 1109300 new on or to eunine snonrnnni ynln tom N16 lltlflkldflllfltwnll g1 no em no Downtown freiemnn itsNrAts APARTMENTSTO it NY THE BAYFIIELDH APARTMEN COM at Baylleld and Grth THE ULTIMATE in quiet elegant iian bedmmfmliu ulticllltlng Chill hydro service OAil conditioning OEleetrlceIr heatm Otpieee luxurioulf bathrooms cublclt refrigerator stove in dleu verlookingvbay RENT 3165 Adult btiiidinr only For appolnhhem elil 770149 scam mooning avy duty plastic rkld prool neVerncedswex unaffected by acids noun Al ROBERTS headlei WM ASPHALT DEIVEWAYS PAWS Ws summons estimates in the lollowing areas Barrie Bradford Allis ioli Colliaxwood and Newman kei Also tree eslirnhtcs on or mentworll Talephone collect TsuBONE PAVING CO 7206545 Painswidi Manieri Paving itohan Export Co oi Barrio ireeEstimate Work guaranteed CAREENTRY mh Charmer comhams Al Irationngnagilon and house enn ntruetlon icvcces 11 mains mun name Portoo New Ind used 31 am all PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMITH Handmade shoes Telepboho oi murmur sr cuvérienmmvf bi SHINUHN Fm M1 Bu trourhtnr Garthn strode 01 uric BMW SAW SHARPEN Np Also sign lnting European experts VAN N00 TWYK llillose Street can arm Also an ralnun