Drone flan direded by Mr and RVHI NURSES ALvMiirs looking over pictures which portray the past history of Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rleare some of the guests at tending the RVH Nurses Alumnae annual dinner on Sat urday lnththa photo ahove FROM LEFT T0 RIGHT amt Mrs Caroline Collins of All llston Mrs Phyllis Beaten oi Niagara Falls New York Mrs Doris Garvin of Barrie and Mrs olive Wilson also 01 Bar rie The loursome were all graduates of the tHZ classes The reception and dinner were held at Central United Church Examiner Photo Toronto Wedding In St Pauls RC Chuyrcih The wedding at Miss Chlltyl Ann Landreville to Clare Boyd Sheppard was held on Sept 14 in St Pauls Roman Catholic Church in Toronto The bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Leo Landraviile of Centre St in Barrie Mr and hirsï¬lare Boyd Sheppard of Sanlord St in Barrie are the parents oi the bridegroom Rev Cambray ollicistcd at the ceremony liiss Patricia Burns ol Scar boro Ont sang On This Day Ave Maria The Lords Pray er and Penis Angelicus Miss Burns was accompanied by Noel OGrady of Toronto The bride was escorted by her lath er to an altar banked with white and salmon colored glad ioii BRIDAL GOWN The bridal gown ol peau de charme lcatured fitted bodice wltti lily point sleeves The salt pleats of the skirt were inset with appliqued lace which also edged the sleeves and neckline The brides lulllength silk illus ion mantilla was edged with matching lace and hand embrold ered with seed pearls and eryse this She carrlel feathery crcsv cent of white gardenias pale pink Sweetheart roses and step haootts Mrs Mary Leone Kennedy of Bellcvllie sister at the bride was the matron ot honor The bridesmaids were Mrs liar old Johnston ol Barrie sister at the groom Mrs Steve Rey nolds ol Barri sister ol the groom and Miss Diane Lan caster at Oakville iormer classmate ol thebride ATTENDANTS DRESSES Thc matron of honor wore an original design full length sleeveless gown at shrimp crepe The dressteatnred shaped roiled collar and coat eifect front over lace ot the same color bow at the same fabric with matching lace vcil was wornas headdress she car ried aroselte crescent ol white and shrimp poms The brides maids wore sirnltar dresseawith hows ot matching material and carried rosette crescents of white poms The best man was Allan Eyers ow at Barrie William Kennedy ot Bcllevillo brotherinlaw ol the bride and Harold Johnston ol Barrio brothereinlaw ot the groom and Steve Reynolds ol Barrie hrotherlnlaw ol the groom served as ushers RECEPTION reception was held loliowing the ceremony at tho Flamingo ltoom oi the Town and Country to Toronto The mother at the bride rcceivcd wearing dress and jacket ol applegreen lortrcl with dark brownaccessories and feathered hat in shades of green It blcge cymbidium or chid completed her ensemble The bridegrooms mother was wearing dressand jacket of raspberry crimpoline and black accessories with white cymbid ium orchids The couple lelt tor honey moon in Northern Ontario The bride was dressed tor travelling in turquoise suit with mat ching hat andblack accessories She wore carsasc oi while gnrdeniasand pale pink veet heart roses Thenewlyweds will reside at so Eccles St in Barrie We or As mortatinn anadalCACl today relea ed details otrlts suhmts houslngwt fore ficlalpslicy fAssoctaiio andemhr teia hich the onsu grnu been urgingeve since ho the ages became cri In that rvaluelan one ot the most ving CA primary lnter Vaklng va unable cost The dssocinlibn pliltttnltl three areas and states he servicing or building lots with sewer and water iacllitics is currently required by male tpalliies aodbyfCentral Mort gage and Housing tor house built unite National Housing Act Th reasons for th obvioush requirement tors pu out or menu urn Hay will resume activities Tuesday evening at the Hlyloft New dancers attending the in atruction in cottple dancing will ittcod trom 16 uotll lzts pm Instnxfloaw tor minced Round dancers begins at SILVER waaomo Approximately 25 friends and relatives or Mr and Mrs Charles Hurtlbese helda surprise party at the home of Mr Indhlrs Sarjeaot to honor ot the Hu beses 28th wedding anniversary Sept ll After the couple had attired Suitable wedding clothing mock wedding was conducted by Gor don Sloan Don Magee and tr Sarjeaot presented Mr and Mrs Hurtlbese with telloo coated electric lry pan Poul Hurti bese of Oshawa presented his parents with an oil painting from KEEP IN THE TRIM Tallt AboutDietiag Is Bore Slim TrimFiguIe Tells Story DA Jenn KAIN it person keeps her mouth shut about dletlng no one knows she is dietingor cares But everyone notices slim trim figure This gem was included in success letter from happy die ter who wrote ilnally made itmy goal lttook rne tie months to reduce is pounds Thisgradual weight loss enabled me to change my pattern at eating lve beenput ting on weight and taking it oil tor 23 years The extra weight was just enough to make my abdomen protrude and my clothes leel tight have read your column for many years and the information helped me to keep nutritionally healthy But usually seemed to be just shade overweightbe cause didntchange my pat tern or eoting alter took the weight oil This time deter mined I0 do just that Now no longer crave rich desserts The oitty time eat them is serially which is once or twice month We do enjoy pie but instead of cutting it in sixth atttba pie into elghtltsp so this really isnt too much dessert once week My husband joined me this time in my reducing venture liesucceeded intaklng of in pounds am live feet three inches and feel that 120 pounds is right for me My hus band is live feet eight inches and now weighs 160 pounds He has large frame want to thank you for your encouraging column This is the tirst letter ive ever written to newsppaer resolved that when succeeded in reaching my goal would write and thank you that very day So heres my lot ter and thanks million she concluded what refreshing lettert It is easy to see the reason for their successBy being willing to take off the weight at Burtonzlivehue BakeSaie Hold bake sale we held nnSept in in the Burton Avenue United Church by the nice Church Women Patrons bad variety of homebaked pies cakes and tea breads to select from Fresh vegetables and selection of house plants were also avail able Tea and colfee lib cookies were served at attractt ty dec orated tables The successfulproject was un der the direction of coconveners Mrs Everett Emms and Mrs Ross Archer Mrs Elmer Hu bard was chairman of the kite eheh committee Cba an or the diningroom committee was Mrs Alt Bearerott with Mrs Bill Orser in charge of the vch stables and plants The bake table was under the supervision oi Mrs Gordon Courier andMr Georg Gr firearmssliir By litiTRELLITA FDR maronnow This day promises much in the way otaccomplishrnent it you will be diplomatic with as soclates and donot scatter your energies Fine influences govern personal srelatlooships ta vo dealingswlth the opposite sex The PM hours may bring you some good news sort ran amruoav If tomorrow is your birthda your chartindicates several ex tremely propitious cycles lor advancement toward cherished goals Within the next year Early in December you will enter an xcellent period whi will lastvuntil March 31 hi hild born hi this day will heehdowed with line mind and unusual creativity but will ForBaked Goods have tocorb tendency toward decisiveites oerper coiadoa is Adele Daniels Inter national President of Home Mrs Stan Kelsey of Wood vllle presented the charter Ben1e residents attending in th urti bese thanked their guests for the gifts they hadncelved Knrl Jeanett was iacbarge at taking movies lor the eVertittl Attending the arty were Mr and Mrs Gor on Sloan Dir and Mrs Madison Mr Mrs Doug Praitioe all of Gray eoburst and Mr and Mrs Hurtlbese ol Oshawa Bar guests were lttr and Mrs Doug Stephens Mr and lttra Miller Amos Mr and Karl Jennett Dr and ii ldeson Mr and Mrs Do tla gee lohostesses withhlrs team were Mrs Karl Jeoaet and Mrs Don Mu ec Unable to attcn were and Mrs Gordon mlghtoo Mr and Mrs Gleason Henderson oi Angus and Mrs Jack Burbhlue mnasoahnwos The htello Blends ol Barrie attended the Charter Night of moderate rate this homemaker and her husband have hccn able to change their food habits it takes time to establish way of eating that is right tor your way of tile pattern that fits your act requirements your tastes and your social lite Quickie diets can never help you to hold the weightllne Whenyou get out ot lhehablt ot taking second helpings and eating just arllttle more than you need soon you do not want the extra You can enjoy an ac casional dessert hot you no longer crave rich fattening farcWith lewfebanges you can control calories Put good nutrition towark and you canstay happily slim without dieting The Nehru collar is tr quent feature of this falls fashion creations This dress in double knit wool is trim med with astrakhan and tea tares the Nehru look Wora with high leather boots it is by Na Mode ï¬res of an onto and is tromthe Ontario Fashion Institutes fall oollec Photo Prizes Offered number ntprizes will altered at the Barrie Fair hisj week contestantssiriilcd in the arts he kitchen Theprizi es offered include several tor three tier anniversary dark trait cakel The first prize for this cake tint be $10 the second 55 and it will be presented to the third prize winner Competitions will be sponsored by the 7UPiCompnnygtLakeview Dairy McCormick Grabs ers and Betty Crack The Bet lyCruciter Contest rs $20 tor thetirut place winn 510 for the second $5 for the third and will also awardlo Slcnokhookï¬ Mrs Jack Garner chairman oi the Food Committee of the Bar rte Fair states thats largo showing of competitors is expe eluded Mrs Norman ï¬elsweil William Dnrmrnood Mrs lam Claydeo Mn Ray Blair Miss Joan Mollie Marian Gena other Barrio Stapler guests were Mrs Newt ton Wilson ot Allister platedby Mr Wilso Jemes Millard of Col Mra Peter Davealer of Drilli Tb program was composed ol choruses and ounrtette attend log trorn chaptersin unwritten Guelph St toes Woodvllle Orllila NURSES ALURINAE The Nurses Alumnae ottbe R0 at Victoria Hospltniheld th annual reunion dinner on Saturday even ng at Central United Church Convencrs were Midi Glenna Denney and Mrs Charles Sargenor Prior to the dinner tours were conducted ot the new wing ot the Royal Victoria Hospital and reception held in the new building Many mrtofcity guests attended including Mrs Phyl ils Beaton at New York Miss Jean Watt and hllss Elaine Mll lard ol Vancouver British Col umbia Mlss Elaine Greenlicld ol Chicago Mrs Carol Rawson ot Sault Ste Marie and many others tram Toronto North Bay thdsorAlllston and Kantian Ontario The dinner was foliovicd by short program depicting train ing days past present and future There were lat members present at the reunion SAULT MARIE GUESTS Former Barrie residents Miss es Maureen Virginia and Heidi Glassiord ofSauil Ste Marie wash the city during the weekend renewing acquaintance with friends FROM WINDSOR Mr and Mrs Wally Rothwoll of Windsorwere weekend guests ofltirundhtrsl Fell of Shanty Bay Fel Mrs Rothweil and Mrs Fell were among the guests attending the Royal Vic toria Hospital Nursca Alumnae annualdinncr on Saturday at Central United Church or should aayto Dear Ana tandem May say word it ill bite the woman wh small atrok and hands moods either time no ltlenlt tlonl It limped myfather my mother Although it wt Father whoibad the email stroke it was Koth erwho dledfrom IL For it years Mother waited on him band and footget me tbisbrlngmethat lrn ready lor my bath now ld like some hot ten other pushed him around the house in conveer kitchen chair be cause he hated the idea at being in wheel chair The ï¬rst year Mother lost 15 pounds which Father gained She tell the house onlyto bring in groceries or to do Fathers errands Her social lilo was rero She dropped out at the bridge club the church circle evcrything She couldnt even have visitors tonthe house be cause Father waa always rieed log something Mother died last yeara blessed and welcome release from her slavery Fhther it still aliveind convalescent home ii know 15 years ago what know now would havalnsisted that Mother get sitter tor Father two Ilternoons week and an eveningor two as well His stroke was slow death for he amnn Dear hitter Tha death you described was more than just exploitation by sick and selilsh persoohlt would not have occurred had your mother not been martyr type who was willing to allow it cures NAMES Ann Baby Your column lsn gas Sometimes cry myeyes out other times busthp laugiingliut those cutesyrwoot sy names like hub Eustcr Buddy Boy Cupcake and Lamb Chop detract from yourother wise sensible advice So knock it all will you Doll Some ol soundings Morningor at ternoon classes for child run so yearsrCompetent forms to old the waiting your correspondents are twice STARTSThu gsserEMBsR zero slow your age you ought to more awfulARCHIE Dear Archie Thanks watch it Honeybun SPOILED CHILD Deer Ana Leaders am gs My husband is 37 We are prolesslonal people and have alxyearold daughter We bolt ice that perhaps Ruth should have little brother or sister She is unusually precocious and somewhat spoiled Frankly am less enthusiastic about second child than my husband tVblle he has said he doesnt care one way or the other suspect he would be pleased ll be bad son We agreed to leave it up to Ruth and yesterday we asked her how she would like to have baby sister or brother She made it clear that she doesnt want new baby in the house and has threatened to run away it we surprised her with on at Vhat is your opinion Ann IN DOUBT Dean to couple who would let slxycarold decide whethcr or not to have aootiier child is in bad way lm afraid you mayalready have more than you can randle Pouted Forget him Hes trouble maven ntttflB MM ism