Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1968, p. 4

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wwnuunrouorenhun pr Elf Methcn Managing ulnar mu II reel PAOI Try and piscmmfion Recently the United States equal em ployment opportunity commission stnrck blow for womens rightsx But it re mains to be seen whether ltwillreally be step forward for American women in the area of job opportunity The commission announced that tight er rules would apply in future newspaper advertisements conceranqu Starting Dec there be ban in male and female classified column head ings The commission heldthat listing jobs under separate male and female headings violates the 1964 US Civil Rights Act because the listing discrimin ates on the basis of sex In future US newspapers must carry Help Wanted advertisements under occu ational categories only the coin missonruled While this might seema move against discrimination on the basis obsex when johlfsting it comes to job hhin there mint on an more to American women or bring breakthrough by women in viously occupied by men If an American employer is prevented from advertiai his preference as re gards the sex the arson he seeks to fill the available that both sexes will feel free to apply for the position But of the emplo er decided that he wants person talnsex to fill the positionhe will make it will achieve about lde pre on this will mean acorn his choice acmdliliflyjlld the persons of the other sex have wasted their time by appl log gomoving he sex ualifioatlons from classified ads for He WantedI could provide irritation enoug among employ1 era to wipe out any possible gains The move is of most doubtful merit and will likely prove of questionable value About Remembrance Dciy It is likely that in the last few years good many people have come to feel that there is lot of hypocrisy in that holding of the November 11 Rememb ranceDay holiday For most of those who are given the holiday the civil service post office financial institutions and schools it is simply another off Services are sparsely attended bar ly noted by most Barney Danson newlyelecied MP for TorontoYork North hasproposed that the holiday be cancelled out and thatrin its place day at remembrance be celef Domination 10 YEARS AGO mroviri Barrie Examiner Sept 20 1958 Town of Barrie will be Ontarios newest olty Jan 1959 if ratepayers approve Sera let0t articles began outlining benefits and drawbacks Or Mayor Willard Kinzie counter chellengedcitizens committee led by Edwin Wilson and lawyers Gor don Mclurkand Charles Wilson on fut ure of old post office square On tailubegan demerit point system for drivers Mr and Mrs Andy Ah dersen took over steward duties atCom munity House Cliff andGladys Brown won Corby Trophy husband and wife at Barrie Golf Club Southpaw Jinn Kearsey pitchednohitter for Bar rie Ilillcrests over StCatharinesiinv0n tario Ladies softballieague to commemorate Andrew Hunter Barrie journalist andrconniy historianp unveiled on public library lawn Collier St Reeve Murray Mills and Al derman Horace Pratt in Town council took pot shots at Barrie Examiner for publishing trash in connection with controversy over plans for Fred Grant Sqtiareithis was later renamed Memoré ialPark officially but isgenerally called Lsquare Mr andMrs Arthur high of Win Si celebrated golden wedding anniversary JoleWhelan and flossSimpson teamed to win Julian Ferguson Trophy at golf club beating HughGibsonand George Dangerfield in final BaniesFlyers took 21 lead over Thornton Indians in county base ball finals on balling of Jim Edwards InigGroh and DonCoulson Johnn Main pointofconteniion inoldpost Sirnaoe Count Ward DArthur Evans Reeve of Bra fficiallyopened Worlds Fair at Plaque fiputtegether brated on the Sunday tgrior to November 11 He proposes also at veterans of all nations including those that Canada fought against in either of the two World Wars be encouraged to take part in the memorial services Mr Dansons proposal could make for better Remembrance Day than the pre sent thinheaired affair Perhaps the only objections would come from labor lead ers who have succeeded in writing the present holiday into some contracts But even they must feel that whatis implied by Remembrance Do is hardly the ace caslon for paidho office squareplans was CNlts demand in Barrie station at Simcoe St This would divide proposed parklandin two so mucous and councillors were in favor of selling off part for commercial development and parking Citizens com mittee demanded that all property be retained for open space Presid ent Ellis presented Mrs Cliff Elrrck Red Cross badge ofservice Inspector John Clark welcomed public to tour new OPP building on Rose St at Highway 400 Cliff Brown of Barrie andlfen Reid of Camp Borden tied for lead in annual Simcoe County senior 50 and overlgolf tourney It was announced that Prime Minister John GeorgeDlefenbaker would official ly open Cookstowns CentennialPair Barrie District Collegiate Board was in formed that the new no school on Grove St would need an addition not later than 1960 County Federation of Agriculture scholarships won by Don aid Bell of Elmvale sod Alan McLean of Bond Head Chaimian Jack ltlacLaren addressed Rotary Club on in ctions of Barrie PublicSchool Board Other Editors VieWS IS TORONTO THAT IMPORTANT Port Arthur NewsChronicle William Allen chairmanof Metro To ronto has had his salary increased to $35000from $28000 which is $7000 yearmorethan the premier of On tario gets This should not surprise manyasthosepeople downln Toronto oftenlvseem to think their city is more important than the rest of the province minimumininurcommuniononrmunareisIucnhuunnmumummmnmmmmmmmmmennnmmmnun 11 Hispanic insignia theopenlng that Owen St be opened straight through restroom PollsShow illixonfl Leediilivlfiumlihltii an abier man than Nixon gnever lost an election inhis by WHHT DO YOU MERN YOU CRNT TELL Thigh GIRL5 FROM MIDDLE6 boai orjrrwrnrporr BuSSes IyPATBWK mcaorsow UfTAlWA The Flower Pao ple thronged Parliament Hill for of their first Parlialt ment on Plerresday last week it was the ilatb occasion when Ottawa has been the scene of this traditional ceremony but never before in living memory has it been witnessed by so many people from so many dis tant homes in sucha mood of gaiety and hope The mood hf cheer wasset by the novelty of an informal par liamentarlans dance hosted by GovernorGeneral Mlchener the previous evanlng in place of the usual staid state banquet The new prime minister trim Lv elegant in morning coat with large orange flower in his but tonhole was the central figure on Parliament Hill On stage Pierre Trudeau glayed his role as leader of government with quiet efficiency and dig nity adding some effective technical novelties and promis ing neat sweepup legislative program off stage he was the centre of jostling throng of congratulatorymales and kalei doscopic young women in color ful evening dresses Never have these austere stone halls seen prime ministerial cheek so abundantly bussed CORNWALLB POPULAR HOST Mr Speaker Lamoureux held the customary reception when the days parliamentary busi ness was concluded Ta shake his hand and greet his pretty wife Claire the lineup was the longestever and his guestsnot only named the huge railway eratrfyrnoucnr Bnlmyfiod ahall wpply all your and according to his rich ea infglory by ChrlatJc Philippan one Things will come great deal easier in life once we get our eyes off earthly circumstances and catch glimpse oftha Heav only supply All that have is mine my amp Examiner 15 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class nrail byrthe Post office partmont Ottawa and or ent pf postage in cash eturn postage vguaranieal AMYearly Singlecopies life by mail Barrie $2800 yearly Quiltaw mummo deserts been loll214mm sgorrzo FELLOW A74 Kl MIIIYMIAMWIWWMIflm IMPwritaka MillNW Maw Win smut fitflMMM MAWmm rooms or EMMAL JEEWIEM MUM om meow Accumumw mm Mitt 44 Manualmaroon omen MSWMWiWMMgVIWIIM wfiiMMWIWIWigmylIfllIMMW coupons 14 rooms m5 autoimmune runemount nagWW mower roamsmnmrmsu Daily Sundiysand Statutory Holidays excepted gt Subscription rates daily by oarrier 50c weekly $2 Ontaric $1200 year motor ltbrorv off National Adverlielng Offices Universi Avenue Toroa Cat cartst Mon eel the Canadian Bureau of The Canadian Press is ex chuaively entitiedJo the use or republication of all newer apatchea tnthll pp tedtoit or Assbclated jar or Reuters audmetlire THE BO Y62THE our iN 11f stunned At Ottavua Reception committee room butkoverilowed to fill the Hall of Fame convert ed into ahnackandpunch bar for the occasion Equally crowd ed wasthe reception given by the Speaker of the Senate in his elegant but smaller quarterl The late afternoon and evening found many smaller parties celebrating in the offices of miniatera and MPSJIn one large office suite brightly deco rated in most unparilamen tary art nouveau style drinks and sizzling hotsausages and cold snacks were offerede the many friends and admirers of Lahor Minister Bryce Macks sey Destined to become one of lhestarsnf ihe Trudeau Gov ernment this harddrlving young minister justly stole lit tle of thellmellght fromathe prime minister for hiscoup in effecting settlement of the long Lakehead grainhandlers strike at 500ucoclr that mornl ins Other ministers MP5 senlor civil is and friends brought their wives and grown up children to greet warmly the young minister who suffered heart attack from exhaustion during the recent Lilierallead ershlp convention whenhe worked for Pierre Trudeau and looked equally prestrated after cumsoon his gruellin strikesettling talk Pmud and happy Willi their brother were his slaterl Elisa beth now Mrs MoDermoit and MI et Mackas but lunch pails under our arm whom offcourse met the cyno sure rims minister Most of the is Just kissed Pierre on iklssed ubbled Margaret charming daughter of Quebec City oozing all thenclavla of la belle province Anolher reception was that hosted by Port Arthurs new cabinel minister Hon Bob An dras and his wife than who were entertaining guests from their home town not opening day was not rosea and laughter all the way The nations business claimed prlorlv ty Mrs Andras for example was taken to the ball atGovern meat House but never did get into the ballroom Her husband thrust drink into her hand at hallway bar then disappeared to work on the grainhandlers strike with his cabinet colleague Bryce Mnclrasey And the labor minister himself also abandoned his wife and toiled in his evening clothes caller unbut toned until in the morning in the negotiation chamber at lhedepartment of labor the check but he actually IllW Ii majority at ports the attitude of inlayqu and hia Police in the confrontation with ths young Humpbreyhaa alao cityufia has deep knowledge of foreign attain By litreer rlabe would have lobested Evan elector Hum has better Iuycerrl Hephhfi state even when the Eisenhower tide wia sweeping other Demo craialmna office Nixon lott hla race for swarm of California Yet Humphreytralla in the polls it is not because he has overhear salt at Communism which would be factor since Russia attacked Czechoslovakia It was Humphrey who pushed through the bill outlawing the Communist party in it it was he who sparked Labors efforts inmtlhe 1350a to purge Commu asnnrann sranca Though liberal and sympa thetic to dissent in the course of his career Humphrey is now doing his best to be on the pew little moperted Delay while deplcring violence Butthe minority which dlupv proves of violence towards the mm the hardcore of the New Politlcl who will form the Ted Kennedys future presiden moveobviously feela betrayed in its liberalism Humphrey This minority the mlliientiy liberalwill not delta traditional energetic cem paignlng forrliumphrey if this minority were on hlalsldc he woul not be fa percentage points behind Nixon in the Gal lup poll but only fivetlf Hunk phray moves to the left to re gsin the allegiance of the ilber who losses on the lnight are to be grealer on any liberal gains Finally such to Lyndondohm If allpervasive desire to dominate the scene that he em phaslses with his story move that he is Humphreys bots This gives Humphrey sec ondstring image and people do not want second stringer in the presidency QUEBEC owners This is selection of edi torials on current topics traulnted from the Frenchhllllfl once leil Montreal La FrameA judge of the lirltiah Columbia Court of Appeals has just ra iected request by ansc cuaed named Pouiin for trial in French Should we now head oil to Victoria placards in hand and with liinyor Drapeau at our head for the purpose of noisily demonstrating our in dignation before theyleglsla ture in Victoriar Eventually the parade would pass through Ottawar Prime Minis ter Trudeau no doubt would agree with the utmost pleaw Ture to receive delegation of Quebecers demanding quite loudly equal rights in Canada This simple picture says much about the fragility of the representation made to the federal government by Englishspeaking immigrants from St honard After certain lesbian this Ottawa expedition not total ly lacking in logic It is the federal government which adv mils immigrants which tells them that Canadnlia billo gual country In light of this it is quite normal that they should turn today toward those who extended the welcome to re quest explanations and reas nuances ontbe subject of the thmts weighing against con tlnued teaching of English in WOlnenjGot Franchise me In Worldly aynoa commie There was political turnion in Canada dunngthc summer of row Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden had formed hillnion government of Conservatives and liberals in order to con script men to fight in The First War War At the Eaam time ament introduce temporary wartime 1917 eregiven right to la in federal elections for the first time Only wornennlth close relatives in alhe armed forceswere alluwed to vote then but the franchise became gerieralthe following year The campaign to give women the right to vote had been going on sincepledn especially in Brit sin where the suffrage movel mentofta iicéameviulcni The ladies in abyMrs Pankhurst sometimes attacked politicians with thelrrurnhreila Strangeiy women were the first Canada beginning ever they lostVlha after dbl untlllefo Manila giving worrieh urepright in provincialelections 13 rainThis was to get support hibltlon actgwhich res the sale of liquor to drug stores on doctors prescriptions Saskatchewan iWom allowed be come mem re of the House of letter and mo and Miss ular opinion hgnes Macphail was the first ominous Farmer andheld the seat for 19 years OTHER EVENTS heelTreaty Eyswrck res tored Acadia to France while Britain regained Hudson Bay and Newfoundland libsGeneral Monekton land oopa at Saint tiohnthan ww was first hlp unched on Paclf locust ibisStage coach service openedlbetween York ronto enaNlngara ran4am distance telcph call was made between Mon real and Quebec iase Governor General the Marquis of Mrnavsnd Princess Denise arflved at Victoria BC ionqualms bridge was co plated other two disasth twoGeorge Drew asleader0f the conservative Party signed St Leonard Knowledge of English being the key to the No American paradise they do not wish for the sire of their children that it he re fused them Given that education is provincial mponslbihiy wontthe mslcontents some day be tempted to bring their grievances to Quebec Mr Trudeau did not forgetto ed vise them of thll possibility But the ambiguous charae ter of the expedition to Ot town which now and then had all the aspectaiof demon strationv hostile to Quebec hardly serves to smoothvthe way for warm reception in the provincial capital if chance the protesters shoal organize march on Quebec Tovthosc who are worried and who have the rightio demonstrate iheir worry the prime ministeraddrca comforting viords about the need to defendthe rights of man In sum he sounded like oil Thant secretarygeneral of the United Nations But does if Thant possess real powerch to doubt thisr Ottawh torsionTh school conflict in St Leonard threatfens tc mpke certain per sons takingontii job of step ping up the campaign for Dear tor amjwrltingto complain boutthe traffic light situation at French unilinguallsm in One ec lose their heads VEATON BUILDING ar Fermany yearrnow the old Enions building has remained in its presentburnedcut state hope the cliystralficrle partmen kes notice of this Vong with pop rectiiy this prob lem RON KITCHEN llilEsaelbdr Your dinéérhly et only does the building look wful itselfvbut glvea shabby effect to the elghbqung StOfEE The large space it takes could be put to goodnae by other mer chants or even the city could it over and make it into skating rink Many things could be done with the building other than leav ing it an eyesore to theldewo arn cortices That these persons fought to conserve the primacy of their rights is admirable ltnls unacceptable howeyer that they should extend the quarrel to another field by et temptlng to stop all English language schooling in Quebec As far as NcwCanadiens are concerned it is undeni ablethal the int recognises their right to choose tolnre grate with either the French gor Englishspeaking communl ties In Quebec it should be normal for them to choose the Frenchspeaking group Unfortunately badly in formed about the political realities of Canada in general and of Quebec inuparlcnlar frozen out and poorly receivad by French eaking Carina dime and let to their own devices by the vernnients they turn by in net toIih majority group in Canada which is also the malorlty on theNorth American continent Whose fault is that it in that of FrenchCanadians in par ticular who have never made them understand that they are different welcome Of an entirely color is the caseof Canadians whose mother tongue is Eng li Those living iii Quebec should continue toeojoy all the rights which are theirs lln Confederation igh which FrenchCanadians in other provinces have been claiming for themselves and which are at last being great At time when justice is being metedout in Ontario when it is beginning to come elsewhere there can he noth ing more uniiltlngnnd stupi than to deny justice in Que bee The Mouvement pour lintcgratlon scolalre which advocates French unillngual ism comes then at the wr dent ay mond Lernieux threatens to extend the cam palgnto all corners of the province it is necessary to be vigilant Before talking of French unlllngualism disfa vored Frenchspeaking Can ern Canada should be take care ofand given the opport PARK ATILFORD APPOINTMENT flhola tovut Inn lioness Gamma nus apportioned of Mr Graham 35 Zone Supervisor Northern Ontario for Canadian Phrlf liliord Distilleries btd has been announced by ltoe Sales Manager for both rio Mr Graham has been Parki to hTilford representative in Noc thatn Ontario since IMandhe alnd his family residepin re

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