Immedidie Relieils For The Constructionvindustry UiiAWA GP lmmedlaie In reliei tor the construction industry and longerslag pw for tax reiorms were reomrneoded to Finance Minis ter Benson Thursday by the Ca gadlan Construction Associa on it asked or early repeat at the threepenoeot surcharge levied on corporate and person al income taxes by former ti nance minister Sharp last win ter alter his original riveper cent surcharge on personal in comes was detected in the Com mons ltir Benson was noncommit ial in his respoue to the briei it was learned from finance department source He plans to introduce new budget next month and could not comment now on speciï¬c tax plans He told the delegation that hill or iundamental revision of tax law will be introduced early in 1969 when the associations views on taxreiorm can be con sidered PoliuiionSudhury OTTAWA CF Northern Ontario MP wants greater led eralprovineiai ciiort to elimi nate induslrinl pollution gener ally and specifically to stop the noxious gases that are literally destroying the beauty of his riding James Jerome iLSudhury making his first Commons ad dressï¬uring the throne speech debate Thursday said the smel tars oi the international Nickel Co and Falconbridge Mines Ltd continue to spread gases with highsulphur content in the Sudhury area The results have been the destruction of the natu rnl beautyand agriculture oi the Sudbury area ild Man Dies SHERBROOKE Que CP William Sutton lorrner ad vertising manager and vice president oi The Gazette died bera Wednesday lie was ill Irradiation TOKYO AP First use oi nuclear reactor by Japanese doctors to treat awoman suitor ing from cancerous brain tumor was described Thursday as complete success by the neu rosurgery department of Tokyo University This was announced by Dr Keiji Sauo Chief neurosurgeon and leader of medical team that periormed Japans irradia tion at neutron rays on 29 yearold female patient Aug ii Sauo said the woman who was not identiiied has been completely cured Report Steady BENSON Priests Request TORONTO CP Tho Giobd and Mail says 850 Roman Cath olic priests in Wutcm Canada have signed what the newspaper describes as secret statement asking Roman Catholic bishops of Canada to leave the decision oi practising birth control to the individual wellformed eon science The paper says the bishops will present their view to spe cial commission oi theologians and bishops meeting in Winni peg Saturday and Sunday to study the Popes cncyelicol Hu manae Vitae deniingwith birth control Money For iiged NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF if we go back to the well too often it may run dry with this advice from associa ion secretary Douglas Johns oi Oshawa delegates to the Ontar io Association at Homes for the Aged annual convention Thurs day voted down suggestion ior more Qntario government finan cial aid Administrators te move to increase representation from the present ï¬veperhome to the subsidized annual coniere ence At present the province covers 75 per cent ofcosts rai each home represented The delegates did agree as the thrceday convention closed to ask the province for more au thority over their own funds iiwards Damages HAMILTON OP VA Hun garian born so painter Thursday won damages of $15 Bai in his Ontario Supreme Court suit against the driver of car which struck him nearly two years ago Progress In Fight Against Cancer DENVER Colo AP Con tinuing gains against cancer were reported Thursday by the US governments ti Cancer institute But lung can ccr again was the glaring ex ceptinn The third End Results in Can cer report evaluated data on als most 400003 patients at about The report note creased survival rates for patients with cancer of the colon and rectum the most frequently occurring form in the United States and or patients with cancer of the breast which kills more women than any other form of the dis ease banger survival isheing ob tained ior persons developing cancer of the uterine cervix prostate gland and elsewhere said Dr Sidney Cutler member of the NCI staif in Bethesda Md it presented the 214pagere part at the National Cancer Conference in Denver quad rennial meeting sponsored by the NCI and the American Can cer Society Gains are credled to proved diagnosis and treatment but the number of cases at cancer as whole appears toba rising in the Unilatl States Cutler said Lung cancer in menbreast cancer in womenjnd cancer of the colon in both sexes lead the grim parade oi arms Itll Manuscript NEW YORK OP mann script by the late Senator Keir ert Kennedy about the Ouban rninila crisis has been acid or $1000000 the McCall Corp it was announced Thursd The manuscript contains 000 words making the price $40 wordutha highest price ever paid for such material uld Norman Cousins editorinchlot Trench Reaction PARLS Reuters The French government attaches an importance to statements made in connectionwitb recent Fra coCanndian incidents the oili cial government spokesman said Thursday night Observers said the incidents referred to were Prime Minister Trudeaus nt charge that Pbiliippe Rossiilon had agitated among French speaking Cana dians during visit to lilani tnba and the French govern ments promotion oi its consul general in Quebec to the rank of minister pienipotentiary Spokesman Joel la Theule state secretary or iniormnlion was commenting to reporters on cabinet meeting presided over by President dc Gauiie Cut Cong Strength WASHINGTON AP Some top United States military lead ers say the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong have lost the ability to mount the kind oi oi iensiVe that jolted 115 and South Vietnamese iorces last winter They say that the North Viet namese and the Viet Cong ap parently have decided to use sustained low level attacks in hopes ot wearing us out Paving Complete BROCKVHLE OP Pav ing was completed Wednesday on 145 mile section oi the swrmile tour lane Macdoaald Cartier Freeway west at here Claims Framed nononro or Shouting that he was iramed Walter Fronds Cboma 41was convict toDavid Coon former in ronlo magistrate real good Choma shouted alter the guilty verdict was an nounced by Judge William Shep pard knew wouldnt get fair trial Choma was released on $50 000 bail pending sentence Oct 11 on thecharge which carries maximum penalty of 14 years Judge Sheppard ndedthat the Crown had proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Choma oi fered Mr Coon $1000 last Oct 12 it he would discharge Joseph Wiliiams 56 of Toronto liir Service North OTTAWA CF decision by the air transport committee oi the Canadian Transport Cone mission will make it possible to fly by scheduled serv from one side at the Arcti to the southern Canada The committee established the lateral air service by ap proving an application by Pacii in Western Airlines to add Reso lute Bayou Cornwallis Island in leaves Edmonton and poppermine Bay Cambridge other without ï¬rst going to present scheduled iiigbt goes to FortSrnith Yellowknife iiged foster Care MAGARAVFAHS Ont CF An Ontario cabinet minister Thursday suggested foster care tor aome older persons as an al tentative to homes for the and Foeinr care for selected per son would add further do grce oi sophistication to the provinces care of the elderly Yaremko minister of so cia and anally services told the Ontario Association of iiiornes for the ad it would the we ting list for suspect ammo Catharina noon was found am ur on the as mile Poll an aid Been 15111 old wife Jaaaiu new gun lound ontbe oar seat mission mp Beerrvflio NB lie said they have two children Trial Recording mom Ontario Supreme Court iurnrs wearing headsets listened Thursday to taperecorded conversations which the horns claims de scribe Ipiot by yearold redhaired Mcretary to kill her lovers wile by running her over with Canada Savings Bond Sales Keep Money Market Rates Low YIIAWA CF Financ Minister Benson said Thursda the annual sale 01 large amountl of Canada Savings Bonds hla helped keep regular money market interest rates below what they might have been Mr Benson spoke to group of payroll savings plans organi zers tor the savings bond sales campaign now starting Last year netoooooo oi the bonds were sold to 672000 employaea on payroll deduction plans itdocsnt take great deal of imagination to realise what could have happened it Canada Savings Bonds had not been available to reach and mobilize the savings at millions oi Canadians interest rateain the bond market have been lowerihan they would otherwise have been andmore room has been left hi the market for the provinces municipalities and businesses to borrow ed Thursday of altering bribe Dave Coon really ironled me Mr Benron said large amount of money raised in the savingsboads sales go into har hora roads airports hospitals public housing and the like The several million Ca nadilns who own Canada Sav ings Bonds could be justified or rooï¬ng touch of pride about the stake they have in our coun try along with their sattsiaction that the stake is such proï¬ta hla one The new bonds going on sale early next monthwiii pay an average par centa year to maturity and compound in terest leaturo will enable inves tors to get 8250 after 14 years or every two invested SELL RmNOS SHILLONG lndia Reuters The Assam state government has earnedabout $37000 US since 1952 by selling rhinos the state assembly was told jCouldHovéSavéd or There were enough there tenants to save the kids said Mrs Mary FnVierruperinteud eat of the apartment building in nearby Howler wheretbe ear lymorninx fire occurred lira Fowler was testltying at thetriaiofhirnndhirniimld Finley charged with criminal negligence causing death and with abandoning children under amp loaothatthiiriivuma They pleaded not grgnaw wan Cynthia ï¬nd Been Micide Ha memoMm year Ida Fowler toldbow the had tried toget into the burning apartment but was unable to push open the doorr She also tried without moon to open the lock with knife Reads oi Guelph area inspector for the Ontario lire marshalothers the fire could only have been caused by someone playing with matches smoking or by arson ing with friends two och away The had left babysit The trial is continuing anra mans The golden eagle Media dish whitetailed jackrlbbit done zietyoorï¬ngers Waking throughthe YELLOWYPAGESI his one of 52085 resettledinv publiclyfinanced lowrenthonsing aerossCanadaw maniaNHAdwohalitfleknowms VItatandsfotNavoonaiIiouahigAcLAndwbo wotddgursd thatthewurdhousmgwvatsnot mvmmtmmmsmjmwsmdar raidonocaandrsidoocuï¬orocniorotnaeoah ThafsnmaE0vuth¢liwhtheActhas in short Mildfr oddity not out the homsyou line gout the thief your on in transitionedriotousticoomoinon CanadafsFedyraIHousngAgencyv 1t pollination Edith