FROM EAGLE T0 scan Col Frederic Davisoo stands at attention as Gen Ottawa Drug Raid Nets 60 OTTAWA CF Twenty four persons charged with nar cotics offences are expected to appear in magistrates court today following the largest drug raid in the citys history early Saturday More than is RCMP officers assisted by Ottawa police raided the citys hippie establishments picking up about so suspects Those arrested were taken to RCMP headquarters and stripped while their clothing was searched All but 24 Iver later released Ihnse held were charged with trafficking in mar ijuana and possessing the drug An RCMP spokesman said the arrests followed two months at gntensive inuestlgation The spokesman said it was by far the largest raid overstaged in Ottawa All those charged are what most people call hippiesthe RCMP spokesman said ARRESTEDJN CENTRE few of those arrested were found in dropin centre operat ed by the mayors committee on youth formed to meet the needs of the hippie community Mickey Bosluns member of the rnayors committee tallrEd Saturday to about 45 longhaired youths gathered on the lawn outside the Parliament BuildA lugs to discuss the bust lle saidvhe will establish civil liberties action commit tee to deal with any coma plaints Some of the youths on Partial ment Hill Saturday said they smoked hashlsha more potent drug than marijuanaduring television interview held about Creighton Abrams the US Army commander in Viet Suspects coated RCMP officers Others dumped detergent into fountains on the Sparks Street shopping mall in an apparent protest againstthe arrests Battle 0i Britain Marked In London LbNDON CP Ten former Luftwaffe pilots joined their Britishexenemies Sunday in ser vi commemorating the RAFs 50th anniversary Atanother service held in Westminster Abbey the widow oijlr Winston Church ioined about iooovpcrsons in offering thanksgiving for this countrys victory in the Battle of Britain 2ayears ago Eilery year Sept 15 is cele brated here as Battle of Britain Day given over to remember ing the epic triumph of the few against hordes of Nazi plahes whichsought to pave the way for protected German in vasion As if to reflect general spirit of reconciliation the for mer German pilots mingled with British survivors of the air battles of the Second World War during number of weekend events irswoamnssi George Shoemaker was arrest ed in 162 for selling worth less productanthracite coal Wont Revise MinineTaxes instead Ask Larger Grants TORONTOV OP pro posed revamping of Ontarios mining taxes should be scrapped legislative commit tee recommended today 1nstead it called for arp in grants to mining mu continuing the exist ing mining tax system and creating new classiï¬cation oi municipality for property taxes The lsman committee Imak lug public its conclusions after twomonth study nfthe Smith committee on taxation said its recommendations are based on the concept that the Vvinee has the right tovget reason able share of income generated by its mineral resources Recommendations in the Smith report published year ago would have two unexpected and adverse results the com mittee said They would decrease substan tially mining revenue payments to mining municipalities and would increase unfairly the tax on certain producing mines The Smith report suggested thata mines rviees tax should be used to finance payments to mining municipaliti It also recommended profit tax under which the province would take bite from high hanaverage mining incomes WOUL RE INAD QUATE Rejecting th nuth proposals liortmaklng up ments to mining municipalities the committee saidtheyfwouid result in alevel ipayrnents twhich wehold to be grossly inadequate agreed however that pay cuts to such rnuniclpalittesi ties This grants to municipalitiés other types of municipalities if needed it said Two members dissented Patrick Lawlor ND ioron to Lakesborelend Ch Pillrey NDFOshawa said the cam was betraying the inter of the people by refusing toxrecommend profit tax simi lar to that levied in BritishCo lumbia or Quebec CALL FOR INCREASE We believe it should have called for an increase in profits tax rcve $1 000000Mo ndustry which is yieldingonly about $1500000 or per cent profits taxto the province year grants to mining mun palities the com ttee nlcipalities should glveup the right to assess and tax mine processingfacilities its proposedoe communitythe municipalitieswould heable tn taxprocessing facilities on the same basis as industrial eenlt howeve Wasa 10pound ickerel hooked by Johnlioot P04Wellingtom Duiierin Russell Rowe PG Northumberland an eightpnund northem pike The tour which began took themembersi as for nor as the gold and iron mining community of Red Lake and as far West as lfenora narn pins the star of briga dicr general on his uniform in Einh Chaoh today Davlson is the third Negro in Ameri can history to achieve the rank of general and the ï¬rst to lead an infantry brigade vtcrafaialtt free and onsin ahnntinu accident homeroom dicdot carbon monoxide poisoning and fault Nevmnnana rrinc at Iarditlaodand Suh inherit mm Xmandddeiand Maddox natural deaths are not included in the whey lhs Opurlo dead ramav Rank Ostrum to Trenton ailmhaua hit by at as its 115 Launches Powerful Communications Satellite CAPE KENNEDY lil AP The most powerml communl cations payload ever built in scheduled for launching Wednesday night to serve as space switchboard for telecast lng the 1963 Olympic Games and to more than double trans atlantic satellite telephone and television links threestage Delta rocket is to blast off at 309 pmEDT to hoist the Atlantic Ill satellite to ward stationary orbit 22500 could easily be extended to In recommending increased called them numng dustrial miles above the Equator lust cast oiEraxil Once on station the satellite will be able to relay up to 1200 twowa telephone conversa fmihnght Infantryt in cone batllis witc is teacher in Washington DC AP Wire photo EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT EXTERIORLATEX EXTERIORPRIMER INTERIOR ENAMEL UNDERBODY INTERIOR EIiAr if INTEaloa tinfEX tNTERi0RtATEXPRIMER SATIN FitilSH ENAMEL HIGH GLOSSENAMEL is lions or four color telec tween ground stations inltorth it swim timed rca Ir ma meat will be television trans mission oi ths Olympic Games scheduled to start Oct 12 in Mexico City Atlantic in it the first of use Bramntaa and Donald from car collision atlMoorcfieldljo rages Mfgokftstratforrï¬I Iry III m6 ybenflruckhyacarongom ad eight miles cut of On eddy Zmiuk Ont after he car near his home Barbara Seller 121 jlomnto when her caryent out or con trol three miles West of Trenton wt similar est otBeIic rles oi six uteliltas ordered under 331000000 contract the loternatlonaltclecommu atlons Satellite Consortium thiElSATt Sixtytwo nations with 95 per cent of the worlds communications traffic are IN TEISAT members Canada is represented in the consortium by Canadian Oven seas Telecommunication Corp s10 2GAL 1295 will car cot ordon Tong Ctdar Springs dmnedln water fllled gravel pit our home Is miles south ofCh tham KIRIIIE Ec RAiiNG CENTRE Former MW hfe Mitford in attwo it its aslow journey for tiny tug pulling along boom logs lite one in tha Fraset River near Vancouver But the tONfl Hint tugs equipped with powerful engines ways Ideliver theI sooth to the hungrylumber mills Sceneis in 130