the total tar this year ï¬ves was 18380 which was 151 above hst years total which was then record We on have thl restoltheyesrtogloaddto that record said mama stating he felt gratiï¬ed over the good showing eNow in ltd seventh year or tntlon as countyprolect th museum has increased lts st ieodaoce each year Pioneer Day earlier in the week boost ed the registered attendance more than 2000 bir Chaonenr said he would like to acknowledge the help oi all who supported the Pioneer Day program He mentioned hose who participate in the demonstrations in particular lPiNNlNG WHEELS Operating the pioneer aplno lng wheels were hirs hylesworib oi RR Lisle and Mrs Foucart oi nos Cree gnore breadmaking in ploneer stove by Mrs Walter Craig oi ms liiidhurst hutlarmaising by Mrs Jenny icrmey oi RR rt Hawkcstonc and candle making by Mrs Colin Slewart ob RR Minesinx Rug braiding was doneln the ï¬le of thwarted by Mrs uglss sad at lilldhurst rug hooking by Mrs Jack Johnson at RR Mine and apple peeling by Miss Jeaney Goodhard ol lilidhurst Kitchen oi Barrie and hrs Pattenden ol Haw kestone operated steam tree tor engine which attracted much interest and Harris Steel gasoline eninges Mrs Norbert Moran Mid queations also were asked about an archaeological mitt12 feet by leet showing various sites oi excavations in the county alone there are well over 550 sites oi archaeological lolcrest most oi which have not been systematically exeavnled as yet During the past summer there has been considerable diglt glng at site near Warmioster in Medante township believed to have been the site of the liur onis capital Cahlagueat the time the Freuchexplorer Sana uel da Champlain visited the area in 1015 We also wers asked many questlons about that hlrch canoe Mr Channen said pointh to canoe in the in dlan section Youagstars were interested to know whetherJt would still float EDISON VICTROLAB Ohiects like tha early Edison record players also received special attention irom olderle ltnra There were m3 and 1908 models with circular records and also 19 and later models Wlth round records pm 4H Leader Will Tour Farms 0R0 STATION Staff An nouncement has been made that David McCunlg member at vthe Glenoro Junior Farmass fEssa Brigade Jillctive 10 Years THORNTON Stall Essa ï¬re brigade at Thornton which is headed by Chlel Earl Cum mingham has marked its 10th hlrlhday old records toll of initial steps lawn tn organize the brigade by trustees oi the police vill age at Thornton early in 1956 McQuay as chairman signed motion that the true tees approach Essa council re questing bylaw giving the village authorityto organize igade and also to appoint fare chief Members at the Essa council at that time included Peacock as reevc Denny deputy and Saniord Page Geolt rge Davis and Stewart Dernnit councillors flTCHELL SQUARE Stall We get much enioyment out of this as the youngsters said liay Harris Remington operator ollho busy pony ride concession at the Oro all lair yesterday Youngsters varying trorn three to 15 crowded arouodIlhe four gShellalld ponies either to watch or ride It was among the hue lest concessions ntthe fair ai thoughfltba Kerrie wheel train rides and scrambler rides of Albion Amusements also were popular We have been doing this inc 36 years said Mr Harris stat ing this was his third visit to Oro He has taken his rides to moon fair Suodrldge Burke Falls and numerous other plac ufllocludiog Remington Thapooiea all quietlanima included three geldings Timon Champ and Joker anda mare named Rainey whi spotted horse Champ seemed to most attention from mayority of the youngsters although all our ponies were popular in charge oi Albion Amuse mantaJohn Robertson ot RR Bolton moved hisrldcs to Brace bridge tor the fair lorthat Mus irolra town today and Friday he said he may show at Cookstowo Saturday but arrangements had not been completed at the time he was spoken ho Hundreds of Dreschool chll then and visiborsflenjoyed the rides at Qro TOWROVEIAEK WILLpW BUNCH Sash 101 liveyear $300th capital expenditure program ior velopment ol Jean Loul regional park near this commu nity tn southcentral Saskatche wao has heenannouncod hy Eesourcea Minlster ltos Ear lrle The program includes land scaping andï¬oth arj improve mens Club has been selected to par ticipate in soil and land use tour which will be eentred round the balsa Simcoe area Members of the tour will visit farms of dlflereht types rang ing from cash crop arms pool try sheep beef and dairy farms The delegate is sponsored by the North Simcoe soil and Crop im provement Association and the Ontario department of agricul ture and Food member of the Gienoro club tor eightyearaDnvid is now one oi tbeciuh leaders for Oro 4H dairy club He has been county director for three years and has completed eight tli pro led in than 4H dairy call Plos Prepares To Elect Trustees EIIMVALE Slat ililos voters will elect their county school trustees only in the CORP ing election season The council headed by Reeve Frank Coughlin was elected last December or two year term other members are De puty Reeve Kasai Elliott land councillors Ross Usher onald MacDonald and Alex mdlay Flos is listed with Tay town ship and villages of Elmvale Port lticNiooll and Wehmaliar hour to arm ward nine lor election oi one trustee to the county boa An election also is expected or the new county Separate Schoolboard to be formed next year DeLLils on the latter elec lion and Willie daries are ANGUS Stain Reeve George Daviswiil place wreath at the ceootaphhera in Angus ooLbehhlf o5 Essa town Remembrance teen minim VIHDEEDBUT only mitati said vtlnast of compliments And as arnueh mitatadnrgsnl ration certain anme Ith roasonsblataodrnila hodhnfllhmofm reclining ï¬lmt the services benetltl provided lh Walaosna Vision oo er sure knows how to help gal save thaWomeoslnatitotemm ed warum tbs tsilsithair Sept anetbawitb ment lton mmwe sun or Pentecost Is the hen prdsant Adlwhure and seventh Sunday alter Easter